class Discussion cattr_accessor :memoized_values, instance_accessor: false do [] end include ResolvableDiscussion attr_reader :notes, :noteable delegate :created_at, :project, :author, :noteable, :for_commit?, :for_merge_request?, to: :first_note def, noteable = nil) notes.first.discussion_class(noteable).new(notes, noteable) end def self.build_collection(notes, noteable = nil) notes.group_by { |n| n.discussion_id(noteable) } { |notes| build(notes, noteable) } end def self.discussion_id(note) Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(build_discussion_id(note).join("-")) end # Optionally override the discussion ID at runtime depending on circumstances def self.override_discussion_id(note) nil end def self.build_discussion_id_base(note) noteable_id = note.noteable_id || note.commit_id [:discussion, note.noteable_type.try(:underscore), noteable_id] end # Returns an array of discussion ID components def self.build_discussion_id(note) [*build_discussion_id_base(note), SecureRandom.hex] end def initialize(notes, noteable = nil) @notes = notes @noteable = noteable end def ==(other) other.class == self.class && other.noteable == self.noteable && == && other.notes == self.notes end def last_updated_at last_note.created_at end def last_updated_by end def id first_note.discussion_id(noteable) end alias_method :to_param, :id def diff_discussion? false end def individual_note? false end def new_discussion? notes.length == 1 end def last_note @last_note ||= notes.last end def collapsed? resolved? end def expanded? !collapsed? end def reply_attributes first_note.slice(:type, :noteable_type, :noteable_id, :commit_id, :discussion_id) end private def update # Do not select `Note.resolvable`, so that system notes remain in the collection notes_relation = Note.where(id: yield(notes_relation) # Set the notes array to the updated notes @notes = notes_relation.fresh.to_a self.class.memoized_values.each do |var| instance_variable_set(:"@#{var}", nil) end end end