class ProjectNetworkGraph < Spinach::FeatureSteps include SharedAuthentication include SharedProject Then 'page should have network graph' do page.should have_content "Project Network Graph" page.should have_selector ".graph" end When 'I visit project "Shop" network page' do # Stub Graph max_size to speed up test (10 commits vs. 650) Network::Graph.stub(max_count: 10) project = Project.find_by_name("Shop") visit project_graph_path(project, "master") end And 'page should select "master" in select box' do page.should have_selector '#ref_chzn span', text: "master" end And 'page should have "master" on graph' do within '.graph' do page.should have_content 'master' end end When 'I switch ref to "stable"' do 'stable', from: 'ref' sleep 2 end When 'I switch ref to "v2.1.0"' do 'v2.1.0', from: 'ref' sleep 2 end And 'page should select "stable" in select box' do page.should have_selector '#ref_chzn span', text: "stable" end And 'page should select "v2.1.0" in select box' do page.should have_selector '#ref_chzn span', text: "v2.1.0" end And 'page should have "stable" on graph' do within '.graph' do page.should have_content 'stable' end end When 'I looking for a commit by SHA of "v2.1.0"' do within ".content .search" do fill_in 'q', with: '98d6492' find('button').click end sleep 2 end And 'page should have "v2.1.0" on graph' do within '.graph' do page.should have_content 'v2.1.0' end end end