import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser'; import * as types from './mutation_types'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import createFlash from '~/flash'; import { convertToFixedRange } from '~/lib/utils/datetime_range'; import { gqClient, parseEnvironmentsResponse, removeLeadingSlash } from './utils'; import trackDashboardLoad from '../monitoring_tracking_helper'; import getEnvironments from '../queries/getEnvironments.query.graphql'; import statusCodes from '../../lib/utils/http_status'; import { backOff, convertObjectPropsToCamelCase } from '../../lib/utils/common_utils'; import { s__, sprintf } from '../../locale'; import { PROMETHEUS_TIMEOUT } from '../constants'; function backOffRequest(makeRequestCallback) { return backOff((next, stop) => { makeRequestCallback() .then(resp => { if (resp.status === statusCodes.NO_CONTENT) { next(); } else { stop(resp); } }) .catch(stop); }, PROMETHEUS_TIMEOUT); } export const setGettingStartedEmptyState = ({ commit }) => { commit(types.SET_GETTING_STARTED_EMPTY_STATE); }; export const setEndpoints = ({ commit }, endpoints) => { commit(types.SET_ENDPOINTS, endpoints); }; export const setTimeRange = ({ commit }, timeRange) => { commit(types.SET_TIME_RANGE, timeRange); }; export const filterEnvironments = ({ commit, dispatch }, searchTerm) => { commit(types.SET_ENVIRONMENTS_FILTER, searchTerm); dispatch('fetchEnvironmentsData'); }; export const setShowErrorBanner = ({ commit }, enabled) => { commit(types.SET_SHOW_ERROR_BANNER, enabled); }; export const requestMetricsDashboard = ({ commit }) => { commit(types.REQUEST_METRICS_DATA); }; export const receiveMetricsDashboardSuccess = ({ commit, dispatch }, { response, params }) => { commit(types.SET_ALL_DASHBOARDS, response.all_dashboards); commit(types.RECEIVE_METRICS_DATA_SUCCESS, response.dashboard); commit(types.SET_ENDPOINTS, convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(response.metrics_data)); return dispatch('fetchPrometheusMetrics', params); }; export const receiveMetricsDashboardFailure = ({ commit }, error) => { commit(types.RECEIVE_METRICS_DATA_FAILURE, error); }; export const receiveDeploymentsDataSuccess = ({ commit }, data) => commit(types.RECEIVE_DEPLOYMENTS_DATA_SUCCESS, data); export const receiveDeploymentsDataFailure = ({ commit }) => commit(types.RECEIVE_DEPLOYMENTS_DATA_FAILURE); export const requestEnvironmentsData = ({ commit }) => commit(types.REQUEST_ENVIRONMENTS_DATA); export const receiveEnvironmentsDataSuccess = ({ commit }, data) => commit(types.RECEIVE_ENVIRONMENTS_DATA_SUCCESS, data); export const receiveEnvironmentsDataFailure = ({ commit }) => commit(types.RECEIVE_ENVIRONMENTS_DATA_FAILURE); export const fetchData = ({ dispatch }) => { dispatch('fetchDashboard'); dispatch('fetchDeploymentsData'); dispatch('fetchEnvironmentsData'); }; export const fetchDashboard = ({ state, dispatch }) => { dispatch('requestMetricsDashboard'); const params = {}; if (state.timeRange) { const { start, end } = convertToFixedRange(state.timeRange); params.start = start; params.end = end; } if (state.currentDashboard) { params.dashboard = state.currentDashboard; } return backOffRequest(() => axios.get(state.dashboardEndpoint, { params })) .then(resp => .then(response => dispatch('receiveMetricsDashboardSuccess', { response, params })) .catch(error => { Sentry.captureException(error); dispatch('receiveMetricsDashboardFailure', error); if (state.showErrorBanner) { if ( && { const { message } =; createFlash( sprintf( s__('Metrics|There was an error while retrieving metrics. %{message}'), { message }, false, ), ); } else { createFlash(s__('Metrics|There was an error while retrieving metrics')); } } }); }; function fetchPrometheusResult(prometheusEndpoint, params) { return backOffRequest(() => axios.get(prometheusEndpoint, { params })) .then(res => .then(response => { if (response.status === 'error') { throw new Error(response.error); } return; }); } /** * Returns list of metrics in data.result * {"status":"success", "data":{"resultType":"matrix","result":[]}} * * @param {metric} metric */ export const fetchPrometheusMetric = ({ commit }, { metric, params }) => { const { start, end } = params; const timeDiff = (new Date(end) - new Date(start)) / 1000; const minStep = 60; const queryDataPoints = 600; const step = Math.max(minStep, Math.ceil(timeDiff / queryDataPoints)); const queryParams = { start, end, step, }; commit(types.REQUEST_METRIC_RESULT, { metricId: metric.metric_id }); return fetchPrometheusResult(metric.prometheus_endpoint_path, queryParams) .then(result => { commit(types.RECEIVE_METRIC_RESULT_SUCCESS, { metricId: metric.metric_id, result }); }) .catch(error => { Sentry.captureException(error); commit(types.RECEIVE_METRIC_RESULT_FAILURE, { metricId: metric.metric_id, error }); // Continue to throw error so the dashboard can notify using createFlash throw error; }); }; export const fetchPrometheusMetrics = ({ state, commit, dispatch, getters }, params) => { commit(types.REQUEST_METRICS_DATA); const promises = []; state.dashboard.panel_groups.forEach(group => { group.panels.forEach(panel => { panel.metrics.forEach(metric => { promises.push(dispatch('fetchPrometheusMetric', { metric, params })); }); }); }); return Promise.all(promises) .then(() => { const dashboardType = state.currentDashboard === '' ? 'default' : 'custom'; trackDashboardLoad({ label: `${dashboardType}_metrics_dashboard`, value: getters.metricsWithData().length, }); }) .catch(() => { createFlash(s__(`Metrics|There was an error while retrieving metrics`), 'warning'); }); }; export const fetchDeploymentsData = ({ state, dispatch }) => { if (!state.deploymentsEndpoint) { return Promise.resolve([]); } return axios .get(state.deploymentsEndpoint) .then(resp => .then(response => { if (!response || !response.deployments) { createFlash(s__('Metrics|Unexpected deployment data response from prometheus endpoint')); } dispatch('receiveDeploymentsDataSuccess', response.deployments); }) .catch(error => { Sentry.captureException(error); dispatch('receiveDeploymentsDataFailure'); createFlash(s__('Metrics|There was an error getting deployment information.')); }); }; export const fetchEnvironmentsData = ({ state, dispatch }) => { dispatch('requestEnvironmentsData'); return gqClient .mutate({ mutation: getEnvironments, variables: { projectPath: removeLeadingSlash(state.projectPath), search: state.environmentsSearchTerm, }, }) .then(resp => parseEnvironmentsResponse(, state.projectPath), ) .then(environments => { if (!environments) { createFlash( s__('Metrics|There was an error fetching the environments data, please try again'), ); } dispatch('receiveEnvironmentsDataSuccess', environments); }) .catch(err => { Sentry.captureException(err); dispatch('receiveEnvironmentsDataFailure'); createFlash(s__('Metrics|There was an error getting environments information.')); }); }; /** * Set a new array of metrics to a panel group * @param {*} data An object containing * - `key` with a unique panel key * - `metrics` with the metrics array */ export const setPanelGroupMetrics = ({ commit }, data) => { commit(types.SET_PANEL_GROUP_METRICS, data); }; export const duplicateSystemDashboard = ({ state }, payload) => { const params = { dashboard: payload.dashboard, file_name: payload.fileName, branch: payload.branch, commit_message: payload.commitMessage, }; return axios .post(state.dashboardsEndpoint, params) .then(response => .then(data => data.dashboard) .catch(error => { Sentry.captureException(error); const { response } = error; if (response && && { throw sprintf(s__('Metrics|There was an error creating the dashboard. %{error}'), { error:, }); } else { throw s__('Metrics|There was an error creating the dashboard.'); } }); }; // prevent babel-plugin-rewire from generating an invalid default during karma tests export default () => {};