# How to push GitLab CE master branch to all remotes. Distribution to other repo's is done by the lead developer if there is no rush. This happens a few times per workday on average. If a GitLab B.V. person wants to do it here are the instructions. ## Add this to `.bashrc` or [your dotfiles](https://github.com/dosire/dotfiles/commit/52803ce3ac60d57632164b7713ff0041e86fa26c) ```bash gpa () { git push origin ${1:-master} && git push gh ${1:-master} && git push gl ${1:-master} } ``` ## Then add remotes to your local repo ```bash cd my-gitlab-ce-repo git remote add origin git@dev.gitlab.org:gitlab/gitlabhq.git git remote add gh git@github.com:gitlabhq/gitlabhq.git git remote add gl git@gitlab.com:gitlab-org/gitlab-ce.git ``` ## Push to all remotes ```bash gpa ```