require 'spec_helper' describe MergeRequest, models: true do include RepoHelpers subject { create(:merge_request) } describe 'associations' do it { belong_to(:target_project).class_name('Project') } it { belong_to(:source_project).class_name('Project') } it { belong_to(:merge_user).class_name("User") } it { belong_to(:assignee) } it { have_many(:merge_request_diffs).dependent(:destroy) } end describe 'modules' do subject { described_class } it { include_module(InternalId) } it { include_module(Issuable) } it { include_module(Referable) } it { include_module(Sortable) } it { include_module(Taskable) } end describe "act_as_paranoid" do it { have_db_column(:deleted_at) } it { have_db_index(:deleted_at) } end describe 'validation' do it { validate_presence_of(:target_branch) } it { validate_presence_of(:source_branch) } context "Validation of merge user with Merge When Pipeline Succeeds" do it "allows user to be nil when the feature is disabled" do expect(subject).to be_valid end it "is invalid without merge user" do subject.merge_when_pipeline_succeeds = true expect(subject).not_to be_valid end it "is valid with merge user" do subject.merge_when_pipeline_succeeds = true subject.merge_user = build(:user) expect(subject).to be_valid end end end describe 'respond to' do it { respond_to(:unchecked?) } it { respond_to(:can_be_merged?) } it { respond_to(:cannot_be_merged?) } it { respond_to(:merge_params) } it { respond_to(:merge_when_pipeline_succeeds) } end describe '.in_projects' do it 'returns the merge requests for a set of projects' do expect(described_class.in_projects(Project.all)).to eq([subject]) end end describe '#target_branch_sha' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } subject { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, target_project: project) } context 'when the target branch does not exist' do before do project.repository.raw_repository.delete_branch(subject.target_branch) end it 'returns nil' do expect(subject.target_branch_sha).to be_nil end end it 'returns memoized value' do subject.target_branch_sha = '8ffb3c15a5475e59ae909384297fede4badcb4c7' expect(subject.target_branch_sha).to eq '8ffb3c15a5475e59ae909384297fede4badcb4c7' end end describe '#card_attributes' do it 'includes the author name' do allow(subject).to receive(:author).and_return(double(name: 'Robert')) allow(subject).to receive(:assignee).and_return(nil) expect(subject.card_attributes). to eq({ 'Author' => 'Robert', 'Assignee' => nil }) end it 'includes the assignee name' do allow(subject).to receive(:author).and_return(double(name: 'Robert')) allow(subject).to receive(:assignee).and_return(double(name: 'Douwe')) expect(subject.card_attributes). to eq({ 'Author' => 'Robert', 'Assignee' => 'Douwe' }) end end describe '#assignee_or_author?' do let(:user) { create(:user) } it 'returns true for a user that is assigned to a merge request' do subject.assignee = user expect(subject.assignee_or_author?(user)).to eq(true) end it 'returns true for a user that is the author of a merge request' do = user expect(subject.assignee_or_author?(user)).to eq(true) end it 'returns false for a user that is not the assignee or author' do expect(subject.assignee_or_author?(user)).to eq(false) end end describe '#cache_merge_request_closes_issues!' do before do << [, :developer] subject.target_branch = subject.project.default_branch end it 'caches closed issues' do issue = create :issue, project: subject.project commit = double('commit1', safe_message: "Fixes #{issue.to_reference}") allow(subject).to receive(:commits).and_return([commit]) expect { subject.cache_merge_request_closes_issues!( }.to change(subject.merge_requests_closing_issues, :count).by(1) end it 'does not cache issues from external trackers' do subject.project.update_attribute(:has_external_issue_tracker, true) issue ='JIRA-123', subject.project) commit = double('commit1', safe_message: "Fixes #{issue.to_reference}") allow(subject).to receive(:commits).and_return([commit]) expect { subject.cache_merge_request_closes_issues!( }.not_to change(subject.merge_requests_closing_issues, :count) end end describe '#source_branch_sha' do let(:last_branch_commit) { subject.source_project.repository.commit(subject.source_branch) } context 'with diffs' do subject { create(:merge_request, :with_diffs) } it 'returns the sha of the source branch last commit' do expect(subject.source_branch_sha).to eq(last_branch_commit.sha) end end context 'without diffs' do subject { create(:merge_request, :without_diffs) } it 'returns the sha of the source branch last commit' do expect(subject.source_branch_sha).to eq(last_branch_commit.sha) end end context 'when the merge request is being created' do subject { build(:merge_request, source_branch: nil, compare_commits: []) } it 'returns nil' do expect(subject.source_branch_sha).to be_nil end end it 'returns memoized value' do subject.source_branch_sha = '2e5d3239642f9161dcbbc4b70a211a68e5e45e2b' expect(subject.source_branch_sha).to eq '2e5d3239642f9161dcbbc4b70a211a68e5e45e2b' end end describe '#to_reference' do let(:project) { build(:empty_project, name: 'sample-project') } let(:merge_request) { build(:merge_request, target_project: project, iid: 1) } it 'returns a String reference to the object' do expect(merge_request.to_reference).to eq "!1" end it 'supports a cross-project reference' do another_project = build(:empty_project, name: 'another-project', namespace: project.namespace) expect(merge_request.to_reference(another_project)).to eq "sample-project!1" end it 'returns a String reference with the full path' do expect(merge_request.to_reference(full: true)).to eq(project.path_with_namespace + '!1') end end describe '#raw_diffs' do let(:merge_request) { build(:merge_request) } let(:options) { { paths: ['a/b', 'b/a', 'c/*'] } } context 'when there are MR diffs' do it 'delegates to the MR diffs' do merge_request.merge_request_diff = expect(merge_request.merge_request_diff).to receive(:raw_diffs).with(options) merge_request.raw_diffs(options) end end context 'when there are no MR diffs' do it 'delegates to the compare object' do = double(:compare) expect( receive(:raw_diffs).with(options) merge_request.raw_diffs(options) end end end describe '#diffs' do let(:merge_request) { build(:merge_request) } let(:options) { { paths: ['a/b', 'b/a', 'c/*'] } } context 'when there are MR diffs' do it 'delegates to the MR diffs' do expect(merge_request.merge_request_diff).to receive(:raw_diffs).with(hash_including(options)) merge_request.diffs(options) end end context 'when there are no MR diffs' do it 'delegates to the compare object, setting expanded: true' do = double(:compare) expect( receive(:diffs).with(options.merge(expanded: true)) merge_request.diffs(options) end end end describe '#diff_size' do let(:merge_request) do build(:merge_request, source_branch: 'expand-collapse-files', target_branch: 'master') end context 'when there are MR diffs' do it 'returns the correct count' do expect(merge_request.diff_size).to eq('105') end it 'returns the correct overflow count' do allow(Commit).to receive(:max_diff_options).and_return(max_files: 2) expect(merge_request.diff_size).to eq('2+') end it 'does not perform highlighting' do expect(Gitlab::Diff::Highlight).not_to receive(:new) merge_request.diff_size end end context 'when there are no MR diffs' do def set_compare(merge_request) = merge_request.source_project, merge_request.source_branch ).execute( merge_request.target_project, merge_request.target_branch ) end it 'returns the correct count' do set_compare(merge_request) expect(merge_request.diff_size).to eq('105') end it 'returns the correct overflow count' do allow(Commit).to receive(:max_diff_options).and_return(max_files: 2) set_compare(merge_request) expect(merge_request.diff_size).to eq('2+') end it 'does not perform highlighting' do set_compare(merge_request) expect(Gitlab::Diff::Highlight).not_to receive(:new) merge_request.diff_size end end end describe "#related_notes" do let!(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request) } before do allow(merge_request).to receive(:commits) { [merge_request.source_project.repository.commit] } create(:note_on_commit, commit_id:, project: merge_request.project) create(:note, noteable: merge_request, project: merge_request.project) end it "includes notes for commits" do expect(merge_request.commits).not_to be_empty expect(merge_request.related_notes.count).to eq(2) end it "includes notes for commits from target project as well" do create(:note_on_commit, commit_id:, project: merge_request.target_project) expect(merge_request.commits).not_to be_empty expect(merge_request.related_notes.count).to eq(3) end end describe '#for_fork?' do it 'returns true if the merge request is for a fork' do subject.source_project = build_stubbed(:empty_project, namespace: create(:group)) subject.target_project = build_stubbed(:empty_project, namespace: create(:group)) expect(subject.for_fork?).to be_truthy end it 'returns false if is not for a fork' do expect(subject.for_fork?).to be_falsey end end describe '#closes_issues' do let(:issue0) { create :issue, project: subject.project } let(:issue1) { create :issue, project: subject.project } let(:commit0) { double('commit0', safe_message: "Fixes #{issue0.to_reference}") } let(:commit1) { double('commit1', safe_message: "Fixes #{issue0.to_reference}") } let(:commit2) { double('commit2', safe_message: "Fixes #{issue1.to_reference}") } before do << [, :developer] allow(subject).to receive(:commits).and_return([commit0, commit1, commit2]) end it 'accesses the set of issues that will be closed on acceptance' do allow(subject.project).to receive(:default_branch). and_return(subject.target_branch) closed = subject.closes_issues expect(closed).to include(issue0, issue1) end it 'only lists issues as to be closed if it targets the default branch' do allow(subject.project).to receive(:default_branch).and_return('master') subject.target_branch = 'something-else' expect(subject.closes_issues).to be_empty end end describe '#issues_mentioned_but_not_closing' do let(:closing_issue) { create :issue, project: subject.project } let(:mentioned_issue) { create :issue, project: subject.project } let(:commit) { double('commit', safe_message: "Fixes #{closing_issue.to_reference}") } it 'detects issues mentioned in description but not closed' do << [, :developer] subject.description = "Is related to #{mentioned_issue.to_reference} and #{closing_issue.to_reference}" allow(subject).to receive(:commits).and_return([commit]) allow(subject.project).to receive(:default_branch). and_return(subject.target_branch) expect(subject.issues_mentioned_but_not_closing( match_array([mentioned_issue]) end context 'when the project has an external issue tracker' do before do << [, :developer] commit = double(:commit, safe_message: 'Fixes TEST-3') create(:jira_service, project: subject.project) allow(subject).to receive(:commits).and_return([commit]) allow(subject).to receive(:description).and_return('Is related to TEST-2 and TEST-3') allow(subject.project).to receive(:default_branch).and_return(subject.target_branch) end it 'detects issues mentioned in description but not closed' do expect(subject.issues_mentioned_but_not_closing( match_array(['TEST-2']) end end end describe "#work_in_progress?" do ['WIP ', 'WIP:', 'WIP: ', '[WIP]', '[WIP] ', ' [WIP] WIP [WIP] WIP: WIP '].each do |wip_prefix| it "detects the '#{wip_prefix}' prefix" do subject.title = "#{wip_prefix}#{subject.title}" expect(subject.work_in_progress?).to eq true end end it "doesn't detect WIP for words starting with WIP" do subject.title = "Wipwap #{subject.title}" expect(subject.work_in_progress?).to eq false end it "doesn't detect WIP for words containing with WIP" do subject.title = "WupWipwap #{subject.title}" expect(subject.work_in_progress?).to eq false end it "doesn't detect WIP by default" do expect(subject.work_in_progress?).to eq false end end describe "#wipless_title" do ['WIP ', 'WIP:', 'WIP: ', '[WIP]', '[WIP] ', ' [WIP] WIP [WIP] WIP: WIP '].each do |wip_prefix| it "removes the '#{wip_prefix}' prefix" do wipless_title = subject.title subject.title = "#{wip_prefix}#{subject.title}" expect(subject.wipless_title).to eq wipless_title end it "is satisfies the #work_in_progress? method" do subject.title = "#{wip_prefix}#{subject.title}" subject.title = subject.wipless_title expect(subject.work_in_progress?).to eq false end end end describe "#wip_title" do it "adds the WIP: prefix to the title" do wip_title = "WIP: #{subject.title}" expect(subject.wip_title).to eq wip_title end it "does not add the WIP: prefix multiple times" do wip_title = "WIP: #{subject.title}" subject.title = subject.wip_title subject.title = subject.wip_title expect(subject.wip_title).to eq wip_title end it "is satisfies the #work_in_progress? method" do subject.title = subject.wip_title expect(subject.work_in_progress?).to eq true end end describe '#can_remove_source_branch?' do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:user2) { create(:user) } before do << [user, :master] subject.source_branch = "feature" subject.target_branch = "master"! end it "can't be removed when its a protected branch" do allow(ProtectedBranch).to receive(:protected?).and_return(true) expect(subject.can_remove_source_branch?(user)).to be_falsey end it "can't remove a root ref" do subject.source_branch = "master" subject.target_branch = "feature" expect(subject.can_remove_source_branch?(user)).to be_falsey end it "is unable to remove the source branch for a project the user cannot push to" do expect(subject.can_remove_source_branch?(user2)).to be_falsey end it "can be removed if the last commit is the head of the source branch" do allow(subject).to receive(:source_branch_head).and_return(subject.diff_head_commit) expect(subject.can_remove_source_branch?(user)).to be_truthy end it "cannot be removed if the last commit is not also the head of the source branch" do subject.source_branch = "lfs" expect(subject.can_remove_source_branch?(user)).to be_falsey end end describe '#merge_commit_message' do it 'includes merge information as the title' do request = build(:merge_request, source_branch: 'source', target_branch: 'target') expect(request.merge_commit_message) .to match("Merge branch 'source' into 'target'\n\n") end it 'includes its title in the body' do request = build(:merge_request, title: 'Remove all technical debt') expect(request.merge_commit_message) .to match("Remove all technical debt\n\n") end it 'includes its closed issues in the body' do issue = create(:issue, project: subject.project) << [, :developer] subject.description = "This issue Closes #{issue.to_reference}" allow(subject.project).to receive(:default_branch). and_return(subject.target_branch) expect(subject.merge_commit_message) .to match("Closes #{issue.to_reference}") end it 'includes its reference in the body' do request = build_stubbed(:merge_request) expect(request.merge_commit_message) .to match("See merge request #{request.to_reference}") end it 'excludes multiple linebreak runs when description is blank' do request = build(:merge_request, title: 'Title', description: nil) expect(request.merge_commit_message).not_to match("Title\n\n\n\n") end it 'includes its description in the body' do request = build(:merge_request, description: 'By removing all code') expect(request.merge_commit_message(include_description: true)) .to match("By removing all code\n\n") end it 'does not includes its description in the body' do request = build(:merge_request, description: 'By removing all code') expect(request.merge_commit_message) .not_to match("By removing all code\n\n") end end describe "#reset_merge_when_pipeline_succeeds" do let(:merge_if_green) do create :merge_request, merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: true, merge_user: create(:user), merge_params: { "should_remove_source_branch" => "1", "commit_message" => "msg" } end it "sets the item to false" do merge_if_green.reset_merge_when_pipeline_succeeds merge_if_green.reload expect(merge_if_green.merge_when_pipeline_succeeds).to be_falsey expect(merge_if_green.merge_params["should_remove_source_branch"]).to be_nil expect(merge_if_green.merge_params["commit_message"]).to be_nil end end describe "#hook_attrs" do let(:attrs_hash) { subject.hook_attrs } [:source, :target].each do |key| describe "#{key} key" do include_examples 'project hook data', project_key: key do let(:data) { attrs_hash } let(:project) { subject.send("#{key}_project") } end end end it "has all the required keys" do expect(attrs_hash).to include(:source) expect(attrs_hash).to include(:target) expect(attrs_hash).to include(:last_commit) expect(attrs_hash).to include(:work_in_progress) expect(attrs_hash).to include(:total_time_spent) expect(attrs_hash).to include(:human_time_estimate) expect(attrs_hash).to include(:human_total_time_spent) expect(attrs_hash).to include('time_estimate') end end describe '#diverged_commits_count' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:fork_project) { create(:project, :repository, forked_from_project: project) } context 'when the target branch does not exist anymore' do subject { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, target_project: project) } before do project.repository.raw_repository.delete_branch(subject.target_branch) subject.reload end it 'does not crash' do expect{ subject.diverged_commits_count }.not_to raise_error end it 'returns 0' do expect(subject.diverged_commits_count).to eq(0) end end context 'diverged on same repository' do subject(:merge_request_with_divergence) { create(:merge_request, :diverged, source_project: project, target_project: project) } it 'counts commits that are on target branch but not on source branch' do expect(subject.diverged_commits_count).to eq(29) end end context 'diverged on fork' do subject(:merge_request_fork_with_divergence) { create(:merge_request, :diverged, source_project: fork_project, target_project: project) } it 'counts commits that are on target branch but not on source branch' do expect(subject.diverged_commits_count).to eq(29) end end context 'rebased on fork' do subject(:merge_request_rebased) { create(:merge_request, :rebased, source_project: fork_project, target_project: project) } it 'counts commits that are on target branch but not on source branch' do expect(subject.diverged_commits_count).to eq(0) end end describe 'caching' do before(:example) do allow(Rails).to receive(:cache).and_return( end it 'caches the output' do expect(subject).to receive(:compute_diverged_commits_count). once. and_return(2) subject.diverged_commits_count subject.diverged_commits_count end it 'invalidates the cache when the source sha changes' do expect(subject).to receive(:compute_diverged_commits_count). twice. and_return(2) subject.diverged_commits_count allow(subject).to receive(:source_branch_sha).and_return('123abc') subject.diverged_commits_count end it 'invalidates the cache when the target sha changes' do expect(subject).to receive(:compute_diverged_commits_count). twice. and_return(2) subject.diverged_commits_count allow(subject).to receive(:target_branch_sha).and_return('123abc') subject.diverged_commits_count end end end it_behaves_like 'an editable mentionable' do subject { create(:merge_request, :simple) } let(:backref_text) { "merge request #{subject.to_reference}" } let(:set_mentionable_text) { ->(txt){ subject.description = txt } } end it_behaves_like 'a Taskable' do subject { create :merge_request, :simple } end describe '#commits_sha' do before do allow(subject.merge_request_diff).to receive(:commits_sha). and_return(['sha1']) end it 'delegates to merge request diff' do expect(subject.commits_sha).to eq ['sha1'] end end describe '#head_pipeline' do describe 'when the source project exists' do it 'returns the latest pipeline' do pipeline = create(:ci_empty_pipeline, project: subject.source_project, ref: 'master', status: 'running', sha: "123abc", head_pipeline_of: subject) expect(subject.head_pipeline).to eq(pipeline) end end describe 'when the source project does not exist' do it 'returns nil' do allow(subject).to receive(:source_project).and_return(nil) expect(subject.head_pipeline).to be_nil end end end describe '#all_pipelines' do shared_examples 'returning pipelines with proper ordering' do let!(:all_pipelines) do do |sha| create(:ci_empty_pipeline, project: subject.source_project, sha: sha, ref: subject.source_branch) end end it 'returns all pipelines' do expect(subject.all_pipelines).not_to be_empty expect(subject.all_pipelines).to eq(all_pipelines.reverse) end end context 'with single merge_request_diffs' do it_behaves_like 'returning pipelines with proper ordering' end context 'with multiple irrelevant merge_request_diffs' do before do subject.update(target_branch: 'v1.0.0') end it_behaves_like 'returning pipelines with proper ordering' end context 'with unsaved merge request' do subject { build(:merge_request) } let!(:pipeline) do create(:ci_empty_pipeline, project: subject.project, sha: subject.diff_head_sha, ref: subject.source_branch) end it 'returns pipelines from diff_head_sha' do expect(subject.all_pipelines).to contain_exactly(pipeline) end end end describe '#all_commits_sha' do context 'when merge request is persisted' do let(:all_commits_sha) do subject.merge_request_diffs.flat_map(&:commits).map(&:sha).uniq end shared_examples 'returning all SHA' do it 'returns all SHA from all merge_request_diffs' do expect(subject.merge_request_diffs.size).to eq(2) expect(subject.all_commits_sha).to eq(all_commits_sha) end end context 'with a completely different branch' do before do subject.update(target_branch: 'v1.0.0') end it_behaves_like 'returning all SHA' end context 'with a branch having no difference' do before do subject.update(target_branch: 'v1.1.0') subject.reload # make sure commits were not cached end it_behaves_like 'returning all SHA' end end context 'when merge request is not persisted' do context 'when compare commits are set in the service' do let(:commit) { spy('commit') } subject do build(:merge_request, compare_commits: [commit, commit]) end it 'returns commits from compare commits temporary data' do expect(subject.all_commits_sha).to eq [commit, commit] end end context 'when compare commits are not set in the service' do subject { build(:merge_request) } it 'returns array with diff head sha element only' do expect(subject.all_commits_sha).to eq [subject.diff_head_sha] end end end end describe '#participants' do let(:project) { create(:empty_project, :public) } let(:mr) do create(:merge_request, source_project: project, target_project: project) end let!(:note1) do create(:note_on_merge_request, noteable: mr, project: project, note: 'a') end let!(:note2) do create(:note_on_merge_request, noteable: mr, project: project, note: 'b') end it 'includes the merge request author' do expect(mr.participants).to include( end it 'includes the authors of the notes' do expect(mr.participants).to include(, end end describe 'cached counts' do it 'updates when assignees change' do user1 = create(:user) user2 = create(:user) mr = create(:merge_request, assignee: user1) mr.project.add_developer(user1) mr.project.add_developer(user2) expect(user1.assigned_open_merge_requests_count).to eq(1) expect(user2.assigned_open_merge_requests_count).to eq(0) mr.assignee = user2 expect(user1.assigned_open_merge_requests_count).to eq(0) expect(user2.assigned_open_merge_requests_count).to eq(1) end end describe '#check_if_can_be_merged' do let(:project) { create(:empty_project, only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds: true) } subject { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, merge_status: :unchecked) } context 'when it is not broken and has no conflicts' do before do allow(subject).to receive(:broken?) { false } allow(project.repository).to receive(:can_be_merged?).and_return(true) end it 'is marked as mergeable' do expect { subject.check_if_can_be_merged }.to change { subject.merge_status }.to('can_be_merged') end end context 'when broken' do before do allow(subject).to receive(:broken?) { true } end it 'becomes unmergeable' do expect { subject.check_if_can_be_merged }.to change { subject.merge_status }.to('cannot_be_merged') end end context 'when it has conflicts' do before do allow(subject).to receive(:broken?) { false } allow(project.repository).to receive(:can_be_merged?).and_return(false) end it 'becomes unmergeable' do expect { subject.check_if_can_be_merged }.to change { subject.merge_status }.to('cannot_be_merged') end end end describe '#mergeable?' do let(:project) { create(:empty_project) } subject { create(:merge_request, source_project: project) } it 'returns false if #mergeable_state? is false' do expect(subject).to receive(:mergeable_state?) { false } expect(subject.mergeable?).to be_falsey end it 'return true if #mergeable_state? is true and the MR #can_be_merged? is true' do allow(subject).to receive(:mergeable_state?) { true } expect(subject).to receive(:check_if_can_be_merged) expect(subject).to receive(:can_be_merged?) { true } expect(subject.mergeable?).to be_truthy end end describe '#mergeable_state?' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } subject { create(:merge_request, source_project: project) } it 'checks if merge request can be merged' do allow(subject).to receive(:mergeable_ci_state?) { true } expect(subject).to receive(:check_if_can_be_merged) subject.mergeable? end context 'when not open' do before do subject.close end it 'returns false' do expect(subject.mergeable_state?).to be_falsey end end context 'when working in progress' do before do subject.title = 'WIP MR' end it 'returns false' do expect(subject.mergeable_state?).to be_falsey end end context 'when broken' do before do allow(subject).to receive(:broken?) { true } end it 'returns false' do expect(subject.mergeable_state?).to be_falsey end end context 'when failed' do context 'when #mergeable_ci_state? is false' do before do allow(subject).to receive(:mergeable_ci_state?) { false } end it 'returns false' do expect(subject.mergeable_state?).to be_falsey end end context 'when #mergeable_discussions_state? is false' do before do allow(subject).to receive(:mergeable_discussions_state?) { false } end it 'returns false' do expect(subject.mergeable_state?).to be_falsey end end end end describe '#mergeable_ci_state?' do let(:project) { create(:empty_project, only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds: true) } let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline) } subject { build(:merge_request, target_project: project) } context 'when it is only allowed to merge when build is green' do context 'and a failed pipeline is associated' do before do pipeline.update(status: 'failed') allow(subject).to receive(:head_pipeline) { pipeline } end it { expect(subject.mergeable_ci_state?).to be_falsey } end context 'and a successful pipeline is associated' do before do pipeline.update(status: 'success') allow(subject).to receive(:head_pipeline) { pipeline } end it { expect(subject.mergeable_ci_state?).to be_truthy } end context 'and a skipped pipeline is associated' do before do pipeline.update(status: 'skipped') allow(subject).to receive(:head_pipeline) { pipeline } end it { expect(subject.mergeable_ci_state?).to be_truthy } end context 'when no pipeline is associated' do before do allow(subject).to receive(:head_pipeline) { nil } end it { expect(subject.mergeable_ci_state?).to be_truthy } end end context 'when merges are not restricted to green builds' do subject { build(:merge_request, target_project: build(:empty_project, only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds: false)) } context 'and a failed pipeline is associated' do before do pipeline.statuses << create(:commit_status, status: 'failed', project: project) allow(subject).to receive(:head_pipeline) { pipeline } end it { expect(subject.mergeable_ci_state?).to be_truthy } end context 'when no pipeline is associated' do before do allow(subject).to receive(:head_pipeline) { nil } end it { expect(subject.mergeable_ci_state?).to be_truthy } end end end describe '#mergeable_discussions_state?' do let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request_with_diff_notes, source_project: project) } context 'when project.only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved == true' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository, only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved: true) } context 'with all discussions resolved' do before do merge_request.discussions.each { |d| d.resolve!( } end it 'returns true' do expect(merge_request.mergeable_discussions_state?).to be_truthy end end context 'with unresolved discussions' do before do merge_request.discussions.each(&:unresolve!) end it 'returns false' do expect(merge_request.mergeable_discussions_state?).to be_falsey end end context 'with no discussions' do before do merge_request.notes.destroy_all end it 'returns true' do expect(merge_request.mergeable_discussions_state?).to be_truthy end end end context 'when project.only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved == false' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository, only_allow_merge_if_all_discussions_are_resolved: false) } context 'with unresolved discussions' do before do merge_request.discussions.each(&:unresolve!) end it 'returns true' do expect(merge_request.mergeable_discussions_state?).to be_truthy end end end end describe "#environments_for" do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:user) { project.creator } let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project) } before do merge_request.source_project.add_master(user) merge_request.target_project.add_master(user) end context 'with multiple environments' do let(:environments) { create_list(:environment, 3, project: project) } before do create(:deployment, environment: environments.first, ref: 'master', sha: project.commit('master').id) create(:deployment, environment: environments.second, ref: 'feature', sha: project.commit('feature').id) end it 'selects deployed environments' do expect(merge_request.environments_for(user)).to contain_exactly(environments.first) end end context 'with environments on source project' do let(:source_project) do create(:project, :repository) do |fork_project| fork_project.create_forked_project_link(forked_to_project_id:, forked_from_project_id: end end let(:merge_request) do create(:merge_request, source_project: source_project, source_branch: 'feature', target_project: project) end let(:source_environment) { create(:environment, project: source_project) } before do create(:deployment, environment: source_environment, ref: 'feature', sha: merge_request.diff_head_sha) end it 'selects deployed environments' do expect(merge_request.environments_for(user)).to contain_exactly(source_environment) end context 'with environments on target project' do let(:target_environment) { create(:environment, project: project) } before do create(:deployment, environment: target_environment, tag: true, sha: merge_request.diff_head_sha) end it 'selects deployed environments' do expect(merge_request.environments_for(user)).to contain_exactly(source_environment, target_environment) end end end context 'without a diff_head_commit' do before do expect(merge_request).to receive(:diff_head_commit).and_return(nil) end it 'returns an empty array' do expect(merge_request.environments_for(user)).to be_empty end end end describe "#reload_diff" do let(:discussion) { create(:diff_note_on_merge_request, project: subject.project, noteable: subject).to_discussion } let(:commit) { subject.project.commit( } it "does not change existing merge request diff" do expect(subject.merge_request_diff).not_to receive(:save_git_content) subject.reload_diff end it "creates new merge request diff" do expect { subject.reload_diff }.to change { subject.merge_request_diffs.count }.by(1) end it "executs diff cache service" do expect_any_instance_of(MergeRequests::MergeRequestDiffCacheService).to receive(:execute).with(subject) subject.reload_diff end it "updates diff discussion positions" do old_diff_refs = subject.diff_refs # Update merge_request_diff so that #diff_refs will return commit.diff_refs allow(subject).to receive(:create_merge_request_diff) do subject.merge_request_diffs.create( base_commit_sha: commit.parent_id, start_commit_sha: commit.parent_id, head_commit_sha: commit.sha ) subject.merge_request_diff(true) end expect(Discussions::UpdateDiffPositionService).to receive(:new).with( subject.project,, old_diff_refs: old_diff_refs, new_diff_refs: commit.diff_refs, paths: discussion.position.paths ).and_call_original expect_any_instance_of(Discussions::UpdateDiffPositionService).to receive(:execute).with(discussion).and_call_original expect_any_instance_of(DiffNote).to receive(:save).once subject.reload_diff( end end describe '#branch_merge_base_commit' do context 'source and target branch exist' do it { expect(subject.branch_merge_base_commit.sha).to eq('ae73cb07c9eeaf35924a10f713b364d32b2dd34f') } it { expect(subject.branch_merge_base_commit).to be_a(Commit) } end context 'when the target branch does not exist' do before do subject.project.repository.raw_repository.delete_branch(subject.target_branch) end it 'returns nil' do expect(subject.branch_merge_base_commit).to be_nil end end end describe "#diff_refs" do context "with diffs" do subject { create(:merge_request, :with_diffs) } it "does not touch the repository" do subject # Instantiate the object expect_any_instance_of(Repository).not_to receive(:commit) subject.diff_refs end it "returns expected diff_refs" do expected_diff_refs = base_sha: subject.merge_request_diff.base_commit_sha, start_sha: subject.merge_request_diff.start_commit_sha, head_sha: subject.merge_request_diff.head_commit_sha ) expect(subject.diff_refs).to eq(expected_diff_refs) end end end describe "#source_project_missing?" do let(:project) { create(:empty_project) } let(:fork_project) { create(:empty_project, forked_from_project: project) } let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:unlink_project) {, user) } context "when the fork exists" do let(:merge_request) do create(:merge_request, source_project: fork_project, target_project: project) end it { expect(merge_request.source_project_missing?).to be_falsey } end context "when the source project is the same as the target project" do let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project) } it { expect(merge_request.source_project_missing?).to be_falsey } end context "when the fork does not exist" do let(:merge_request) do create(:merge_request, source_project: fork_project, target_project: project) end it "returns true" do unlink_project.execute merge_request.reload expect(merge_request.source_project_missing?).to be_truthy end end end describe "#closed_without_fork?" do let(:project) { create(:empty_project) } let(:fork_project) { create(:empty_project, forked_from_project: project) } let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:unlink_project) {, user) } context "when the merge request is closed" do let(:closed_merge_request) do create(:closed_merge_request, source_project: fork_project, target_project: project) end it "returns false if the fork exist" do expect(closed_merge_request.closed_without_fork?).to be_falsey end it "returns true if the fork does not exist" do unlink_project.execute closed_merge_request.reload expect(closed_merge_request.closed_without_fork?).to be_truthy end end context "when the merge request is open" do let(:open_merge_request) do create(:merge_request, source_project: fork_project, target_project: project) end it "returns false" do expect(open_merge_request.closed_without_fork?).to be_falsey end end end describe '#reopenable?' do context 'when the merge request is closed' do it 'returns true' do subject.close expect(subject.reopenable?).to be_truthy end context 'forked project' do let(:project) { create(:empty_project) } let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:fork_project) { create(:empty_project, forked_from_project: project, namespace: user.namespace) } let!(:merge_request) do create(:closed_merge_request, source_project: fork_project, target_project: project) end it 'returns false if unforked' do, user).execute expect(merge_request.reload.reopenable?).to be_falsey end it 'returns false if the source project is deleted' do, user).execute expect(merge_request.reload.reopenable?).to be_falsey end it 'returns false if the merge request is merged' do merge_request.update_attributes(state: 'merged') expect(merge_request.reload.reopenable?).to be_falsey end end end context 'when the merge request is opened' do it 'returns false' do expect(subject.reopenable?).to be_falsey end end end describe '#mergeable_with_quick_action?' do def create_pipeline(status) pipeline = create(:ci_pipeline_with_one_job, project: project, ref: merge_request.source_branch, sha: merge_request.diff_head_sha, status: status, head_pipeline_of: merge_request) pipeline end let(:project) { create(:project, :public, :repository, only_allow_merge_if_pipeline_succeeds: true) } let(:developer) { create(:user) } let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project) } let(:mr_sha) { merge_request.diff_head_sha } before do << [developer, :developer] end context 'when autocomplete_precheck is set to true' do it 'is mergeable by developer' do expect(merge_request.mergeable_with_quick_action?(developer, autocomplete_precheck: true)).to be_truthy end it 'is not mergeable by normal user' do expect(merge_request.mergeable_with_quick_action?(user, autocomplete_precheck: true)).to be_falsey end end context 'when autocomplete_precheck is set to false' do it 'is mergeable by developer' do expect(merge_request.mergeable_with_quick_action?(developer, last_diff_sha: mr_sha)).to be_truthy end it 'is not mergeable by normal user' do expect(merge_request.mergeable_with_quick_action?(user, last_diff_sha: mr_sha)).to be_falsey end context 'closed MR' do before do merge_request.update_attribute(:state, :closed) end it 'is not mergeable' do expect(merge_request.mergeable_with_quick_action?(developer, last_diff_sha: mr_sha)).to be_falsey end end context 'MR with WIP' do before do merge_request.update_attribute(:title, 'WIP: some MR') end it 'is not mergeable' do expect(merge_request.mergeable_with_quick_action?(developer, last_diff_sha: mr_sha)).to be_falsey end end context 'sha differs from the MR diff_head_sha' do it 'is not mergeable' do expect(merge_request.mergeable_with_quick_action?(developer, last_diff_sha: 'some other sha')).to be_falsey end end context 'sha is not provided' do it 'is not mergeable' do expect(merge_request.mergeable_with_quick_action?(developer)).to be_falsey end end context 'with pipeline ok' do before do create_pipeline(:success) end it 'is mergeable' do expect(merge_request.mergeable_with_quick_action?(developer, last_diff_sha: mr_sha)).to be_truthy end end context 'with failing pipeline' do before do create_pipeline(:failed) end it 'is not mergeable' do expect(merge_request.mergeable_with_quick_action?(developer, last_diff_sha: mr_sha)).to be_falsey end end context 'with running pipeline' do before do create_pipeline(:running) end it 'is mergeable' do expect(merge_request.mergeable_with_quick_action?(developer, last_diff_sha: mr_sha)).to be_truthy end end end end describe '#has_commits?' do before do allow(subject.merge_request_diff).to receive(:commits_count). and_return(2) end it 'returns true when merge request diff has commits' do expect(subject.has_commits?).to be_truthy end end describe '#has_no_commits?' do before do allow(subject.merge_request_diff).to receive(:commits_count). and_return(0) end it 'returns true when merge request diff has 0 commits' do expect(subject.has_no_commits?).to be_truthy end end describe '#merge_request_diff_for' do subject { create(:merge_request, importing: true) } let!(:merge_request_diff1) { subject.merge_request_diffs.create(head_commit_sha: '6f6d7e7ed97bb5f0054f2b1df789b39ca89b6ff9') } let!(:merge_request_diff2) { subject.merge_request_diffs.create(head_commit_sha: nil) } let!(:merge_request_diff3) { subject.merge_request_diffs.create(head_commit_sha: '5937ac0a7beb003549fc5fd26fc247adbce4a52e') } context 'with diff refs' do it 'returns the diffs' do expect(subject.merge_request_diff_for(merge_request_diff1.diff_refs)).to eq(merge_request_diff1) end end context 'with a commit SHA' do it 'returns the diffs' do expect(subject.merge_request_diff_for(merge_request_diff3.head_commit_sha)).to eq(merge_request_diff3) end end end describe '#version_params_for' do subject { create(:merge_request, importing: true) } let(:project) { subject.project } let!(:merge_request_diff1) { subject.merge_request_diffs.create(head_commit_sha: '6f6d7e7ed97bb5f0054f2b1df789b39ca89b6ff9') } let!(:merge_request_diff2) { subject.merge_request_diffs.create(head_commit_sha: nil) } let!(:merge_request_diff3) { subject.merge_request_diffs.create(head_commit_sha: '5937ac0a7beb003549fc5fd26fc247adbce4a52e') } context 'when the diff refs are for an older merge request version' do let(:diff_refs) { merge_request_diff1.diff_refs } it 'returns the diff ID for the version to show' do expect(subject.version_params_for(diff_refs)).to eq(diff_id: end end context 'when the diff refs are for a comparison between merge request versions' do let(:diff_refs) { merge_request_diff3.compare_with(merge_request_diff1.head_commit_sha).diff_refs } it 'returns the diff ID and start sha of the versions to compare' do expect(subject.version_params_for(diff_refs)).to eq(diff_id:, start_sha: merge_request_diff1.head_commit_sha) end end context 'when the diff refs are not for a merge request version' do let(:diff_refs) { project.commit( } it 'returns nil' do expect(subject.version_params_for(diff_refs)).to be_nil end end end end