import axios from 'axios'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import services from '~/ide/services'; import Api from '~/api'; import { escapeFileUrl } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; jest.mock('~/api'); const TEST_PROJECT_ID = 'alice/wonderland'; const TEST_BRANCH = 'master-patch-123'; const TEST_COMMIT_SHA = '123456789'; const TEST_FILE_PATH = ''; const TEST_FILE_OLD_PATH = ''; const TEST_FILE_PATH_SPECIAL = 'READM?ME/abc'; const TEST_FILE_CONTENTS = 'raw file content'; describe('IDE services', () => { describe('commit', () => { let payload; beforeEach(() => { payload = { branch: TEST_BRANCH, commit_message: 'Hello world', actions: [], start_sha: TEST_COMMIT_SHA, }; Api.commitMultiple.mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve()); }); it('should commit', () => { services.commit(TEST_PROJECT_ID, payload); expect(Api.commitMultiple).toHaveBeenCalledWith(TEST_PROJECT_ID, payload); }); }); describe('getBaseRawFileData', () => { let file; let mock; beforeEach(() => { file = { mrChange: null, projectId: TEST_PROJECT_ID, path: TEST_FILE_PATH, }; jest.spyOn(axios, 'get'); mock = new MockAdapter(axios); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); }); it('gives back file.baseRaw for files with that property present', () => { file.baseRaw = TEST_FILE_CONTENTS; return services.getBaseRawFileData(file, TEST_COMMIT_SHA).then(content => { expect(content).toEqual(TEST_FILE_CONTENTS); }); }); it('gives back file.baseRaw for files for temp files', () => { file.tempFile = true; file.baseRaw = TEST_FILE_CONTENTS; return services.getBaseRawFileData(file, TEST_COMMIT_SHA).then(content => { expect(content).toEqual(TEST_FILE_CONTENTS); }); }); describe.each` relativeUrlRoot | filePath | isRenamed ${''} | ${TEST_FILE_PATH} | ${false} ${''} | ${TEST_FILE_OLD_PATH} | ${true} ${''} | ${TEST_FILE_PATH_SPECIAL} | ${false} ${''} | ${TEST_FILE_PATH_SPECIAL} | ${true} ${'gitlab'} | ${TEST_FILE_OLD_PATH} | ${true} `( 'with relativeUrlRoot ($relativeUrlRoot) and filePath ($filePath) and isRenamed ($isRenamed)', ({ relativeUrlRoot, filePath, isRenamed }) => { beforeEach(() => { if (isRenamed) { file.mrChange = { renamed_file: true, old_path: filePath, }; } else { file.path = filePath; } gon.relative_url_root = relativeUrlRoot; mock .onGet( `${relativeUrlRoot}/${TEST_PROJECT_ID}/raw/${TEST_COMMIT_SHA}/${escapeFileUrl( filePath, )}`, ) .reply(200, TEST_FILE_CONTENTS); }); it('fetches file content', () => services.getBaseRawFileData(file, TEST_COMMIT_SHA).then(content => { expect(content).toEqual(TEST_FILE_CONTENTS); })); }, ); }); });