require 'gitlab/markdown' module Gitlab module Markdown # HTML filter that replaces user or group references with links. # # A special `@all` reference is also supported. class UserReferenceFilter < ReferenceFilter # Public: Find `@user` user references in text # # UserReferenceFilter.references_in(text) do |match, username| # "@#{user}" # end # # text - String text to search. # # Yields the String match, and the String user name. # # Returns a String replaced with the return of the block. def self.references_in(text) text.gsub(User.reference_pattern) do |match| yield match, $~[:user] end end def self.referenced_by(node) if node.has_attribute?('data-group') group = Group.find(node.attr('data-group')) rescue nil return unless group { user: group.users } elsif node.has_attribute?('data-user') { user:, node.attr('data-user')) } elsif node.has_attribute?('data-project') project = Project.find(node.attr('data-project')) rescue nil return unless project { user: } end end def self.user_can_reference?(user, node, context) if node.has_attribute?('data-group') group = Group.find(node.attr('data-group')) rescue nil Ability.abilities.allowed?(user, :read_group, group) else super end end def call replace_text_nodes_matching(User.reference_pattern) do |content| user_link_filter(content) end end # Replace `@user` user references in text with links to the referenced # user's profile page. # # text - String text to replace references in. # # Returns a String with `@user` references replaced with links. All links # have `gfm` and `gfm-project_member` class names attached for styling. def user_link_filter(text) self.class.references_in(text) do |match, username| if username == 'all' link_to_all elsif namespace = Namespace.find_by(path: username) link_to_namespace(namespace) || match else match end end end private def urls Gitlab::Application.routes.url_helpers end def link_class reference_class(:project_member) end def link_to_all project = context[:project] url = urls.namespace_project_url(project.namespace, project, only_path: context[:only_path]) data = data_attribute(project: text = User.reference_prefix + 'all' link_tag(url, data, text) end def link_to_namespace(namespace) if namespace.is_a?(Group) link_to_group(namespace.path, namespace) else link_to_user(namespace.path, namespace) end end def link_to_group(group, namespace) url = urls.group_url(group, only_path: context[:only_path]) data = data_attribute(group: text = Group.reference_prefix + group link_tag(url, data, text) end def link_to_user(user, namespace) url = urls.user_url(user, only_path: context[:only_path]) data = data_attribute(user: namespace.owner_id) text = User.reference_prefix + user link_tag(url, data, text) end def link_tag(url, data, text) %(#{text}) end end end end