import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { GlButton, GlLink, GlFormGroup, GlFormInput } from '@gitlab/ui'; import ExternalDashboard from '~/operation_settings/components/external_dashboard.vue'; import { TEST_HOST } from 'helpers/test_constants'; describe('operation settings external dashboard component', () => { let wrapper; const externalDashboardPath = ``; const externalDashboardHelpPagePath = `${TEST_HOST}/help/page/path`; beforeEach(() => { wrapper = shallowMount(ExternalDashboard, { propsData: { externalDashboardPath, externalDashboardHelpPagePath, }, }); }); it('renders header text', () => { expect(wrapper.find('.js-section-header').text()).toBe('External Dashboard'); }); describe('expand/collapse button', () => { it('renders as an expand button by default', () => { const button = wrapper.find(GlButton); expect(button.text()).toBe('Expand'); }); }); describe('sub-header', () => { let subHeader; beforeEach(() => { subHeader = wrapper.find('.js-section-sub-header'); }); it('renders descriptive text', () => { expect(subHeader.text()).toContain( 'Add a button to the metrics dashboard linking directly to your existing external dashboards.', ); }); it('renders help page link', () => { const link = subHeader.find(GlLink); expect(link.text()).toBe('Learn more'); expect(link.attributes().href).toBe(externalDashboardHelpPagePath); }); }); describe('form', () => { let form; beforeEach(() => { form = wrapper.find('form'); }); describe('external dashboard url', () => { describe('input label', () => { let formGroup; beforeEach(() => { formGroup = form.find(GlFormGroup); }); it('uses label text', () => { expect(formGroup.attributes().label).toBe('Full dashboard URL'); }); it('uses description text', () => { expect(formGroup.attributes().description).toBe( 'Enter the URL of the dashboard you want to link to', ); }); }); describe('input field', () => { let input; beforeEach(() => { input = form.find(GlFormInput); }); it('defaults to externalDashboardPath prop', () => { expect(input.attributes().value).toBe(externalDashboardPath); }); it('uses a placeholder', () => { expect(input.attributes().placeholder).toBe(''); }); }); describe('submit button', () => { let submit; beforeEach(() => { submit = form.find(GlButton); }); it('renders button label', () => { expect(submit.text()).toBe('Save Changes'); }); }); }); }); });