// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`Design management dropzone component when dragging renders correct template when drag event contains files 1`] = `


Drop your designs to start your upload.
`; exports[`Design management dropzone component when dragging renders correct template when drag event contains files and text 1`] = `


Drop your designs to start your upload.
`; exports[`Design management dropzone component when dragging renders correct template when drag event contains text 1`] = `

Oh no!

You are trying to upload something other than an image. Please upload a .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .tiff or .ico.
`; exports[`Design management dropzone component when dragging renders correct template when drag event is empty 1`] = `

Oh no!

You are trying to upload something other than an image. Please upload a .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .tiff or .ico.
`; exports[`Design management dropzone component when dragging renders correct template when dragging stops 1`] = `
`; exports[`Design management dropzone component when no slot provided renders default dropzone card 1`] = `
`; exports[`Design management dropzone component when slot provided renders dropzone with slot content 1`] = `
dropzone slot