/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ /* global ListLabel */ /* global ListMilestone */ /* global ListAssignee */ import Vue from 'vue'; import './label'; import { isEE, convertObjectPropsToCamelCase } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; import IssueProject from './project'; import boardsStore from '../stores/boards_store'; class ListIssue { constructor(obj, defaultAvatar) { this.id = obj.id; this.iid = obj.iid; this.title = obj.title; this.confidential = obj.confidential; this.dueDate = obj.due_date; this.subscribed = obj.subscribed; this.labels = []; this.assignees = []; this.selected = false; this.position = obj.relative_position || Infinity; this.isFetching = { subscriptions: true, }; this.isLoading = {}; this.sidebarInfoEndpoint = obj.issue_sidebar_endpoint; this.referencePath = obj.reference_path; this.path = obj.real_path; this.toggleSubscriptionEndpoint = obj.toggle_subscription_endpoint; this.project_id = obj.project_id; this.timeEstimate = obj.time_estimate; this.assignableLabelsEndpoint = obj.assignable_labels_endpoint; if (obj.project) { this.project = new IssueProject(obj.project); } if (obj.milestone) { this.milestone = new ListMilestone(obj.milestone); this.milestone_id = obj.milestone.id; } obj.labels.forEach(label => { this.labels.push(new ListLabel(label)); }); this.assignees = obj.assignees.map(a => new ListAssignee(a, defaultAvatar)); } addLabel(label) { if (!this.findLabel(label)) { this.labels.push(new ListLabel(label)); } } findLabel(findLabel) { return this.labels.find(label => label.id === findLabel.id); } removeLabel(removeLabel) { if (removeLabel) { this.labels = this.labels.filter(label => removeLabel.id !== label.id); } } removeLabels(labels) { labels.forEach(this.removeLabel.bind(this)); } addAssignee(assignee) { if (!this.findAssignee(assignee)) { this.assignees.push(new ListAssignee(assignee)); } } findAssignee(findAssignee) { return this.assignees.find(assignee => assignee.id === findAssignee.id); } removeAssignee(removeAssignee) { if (removeAssignee) { this.assignees = this.assignees.filter(assignee => assignee.id !== removeAssignee.id); } } removeAllAssignees() { this.assignees = []; } addMilestone(milestone) { const miletoneId = this.milestone ? this.milestone.id : null; if (isEE && milestone.id !== miletoneId) { this.milestone = new ListMilestone(milestone); } } removeMilestone(removeMilestone) { if (isEE && removeMilestone && removeMilestone.id === this.milestone.id) { this.milestone = {}; } } getLists() { return boardsStore.state.lists.filter(list => list.findIssue(this.id)); } updateData(newData) { Object.assign(this, newData); } setFetchingState(key, value) { this.isFetching[key] = value; } setLoadingState(key, value) { this.isLoading[key] = value; } update() { const data = { issue: { milestone_id: this.milestone ? this.milestone.id : null, due_date: this.dueDate, assignee_ids: this.assignees.length > 0 ? this.assignees.map(u => u.id) : [0], label_ids: this.labels.map(label => label.id), }, }; if (!data.issue.label_ids.length) { data.issue.label_ids = ['']; } const projectPath = this.project ? this.project.path : ''; return Vue.http.patch(`${this.path}.json`, data).then(({ body = {} } = {}) => { /** * Since post implementation of Scoped labels, server can reject * same key-ed labels. To keep the UI and server Model consistent, * we're just assigning labels that server echo's back to us when we * PATCH the said object. */ if (body) { this.labels = convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(body.labels, { deep: true }); } }); } } window.ListIssue = ListIssue; export default ListIssue;