# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe 'Database config initializer' do subject do load Rails.root.join('config/initializers/database_config.rb') end before do allow(ActiveRecord::Base).to receive(:establish_connection) end context "when using Puma" do let(:puma) { double('puma') } let(:puma_options) { { max_threads: 8 } } before do stub_const("Puma", puma) allow(puma).to receive_message_chain(:cli_config, :options).and_return(puma_options) end context "and no existing pool size is set" do before do stub_database_config(pool_size: nil) end it "sets it to the max number of worker threads" do expect { subject }.to change { Gitlab::Database.config['pool'] }.from(nil).to(8) end end context "and the existing pool size is smaller than the max number of worker threads" do before do stub_database_config(pool_size: 7) end it "sets it to the max number of worker threads" do expect { subject }.to change { Gitlab::Database.config['pool'] }.from(7).to(8) end end context "and the existing pool size is larger than the max number of worker threads" do before do stub_database_config(pool_size: 9) end it "keeps the configured pool size" do expect { subject }.not_to change { Gitlab::Database.config['pool'] } end end end context "when not using Puma" do before do stub_database_config(pool_size: 7) end it "does nothing" do expect { subject }.not_to change { Gitlab::Database.config['pool'] } end end def stub_database_config(pool_size:) config = { 'adapter' => 'postgresql', 'host' => 'db.host.com', 'pool' => pool_size }.compact allow(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:config).and_return(config) end end