# frozen_string_literal: true # # This file pulls in the changes in https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/38063 # to fix controller specs updated with the latest Rack versions. # # This file should be removed after that change ships. It is not # present in Rails module ActionController class TestRequest < ActionDispatch::TestRequest #:nodoc: def self.new_session TestSessionPatched.new end end # Methods #destroy and #load! are overridden to avoid calling methods on the # @store object, which does not exist for the TestSession class. class TestSessionPatched < Rack::Session::Abstract::PersistedSecure::SecureSessionHash #:nodoc: DEFAULT_OPTIONS = Rack::Session::Abstract::Persisted::DEFAULT_OPTIONS def initialize(session = {}) super(nil, nil) @id = Rack::Session::SessionId.new(SecureRandom.hex(16)) @data = stringify_keys(session) @loaded = true end def exists? true end def keys @data.keys end def values @data.values end def destroy clear end def fetch(key, *args, &block) @data.fetch(key.to_s, *args, &block) end private def load! @id end end end