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......@@ -63,7 +63,11 @@ Once you confirm %{deleteAccount}, it cannot be undone or recovered.`),
primaryProps() {
return {
text: s__('Delete account'),
attributes: [{ variant: 'danger' }, { category: 'primary' }, { disabled: !this.canSubmit }],
attributes: [
{ variant: 'danger', 'data-qa-selector': 'confirm_deletion_button' },
{ category: 'primary' },
{ disabled: !this.canSubmit },
cancelProps() {
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ successfully or fail. Each status transition for job within a pipeline triggers
looks for the next jobs to be transitioned towards completion. While doing that, `ProcessPipelineService`
updates the status of jobs, stages and the overall pipeline.
On the right side of the diagram we have a list of [Runners](../../ci/runners/README.md#configuring-gitlab-runners)
On the right side of the diagram we have a list of [Runners](../../ci/runners/README.md)
connected to the GitLab instance. These can be Shared Runners, Group Runners or Project-specific Runners.
The communication between Runners and the Rails server occurs through a set of API endpoints, grouped as
the `Runner API Gateway`.
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Snowplow is an enterprise-grade marketing and product analytics platform which h
We have many definitions of Snowplow's schema. We have an active issue to [standardize this schema](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/207930) including the following definitions:
- Frontend and backend taxonomy as listed below
- [Feature instrumentation taxonomy](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/product-processes/#taxonomy)
- [Feature instrumentation taxonomy](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/business-ops/data-team/programs/data-for-product-managers/#sts=Taxonomy)
- [Self describing events](https://github.com/snowplow/snowplow/wiki/Custom-events#self-describing-events)
- [Iglu schema](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/iglu/)
- [Snowplow authored events](https://github.com/snowplow/snowplow/wiki/Snowplow-authored-events)
......@@ -98,13 +98,13 @@ sequenceDiagram
## Implementing Snowplow JS (Frontend) tracking
GitLab provides `Tracking`, an interface that wraps the [Snowplow JavaScript Tracker](https://github.com/snowplow/snowplow/wiki/javascript-tracker) for tracking custom events. There are a few ways to utilize tracking, but each generally requires at minimum, a `category` and an `action`. Additional data can be provided that adheres to our [Feature instrumentation taxonomy](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/product-processes/#taxonomy).
GitLab provides `Tracking`, an interface that wraps the [Snowplow JavaScript Tracker](https://github.com/snowplow/snowplow/wiki/javascript-tracker) for tracking custom events. There are a few ways to utilize tracking, but each generally requires at minimum, a `category` and an `action`. Additional data can be provided that adheres to our [Feature instrumentation taxonomy](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/business-ops/data-team/programs/data-for-product-managers/#sts=Taxonomy).
| field | type | default value | description |
| `category` | string | document.body.dataset.page | Page or subsection of a page that events are being captured within. |
| `action` | string | 'generic' | Action the user is taking. Clicks should be `click` and activations should be `activate`, so for example, focusing a form field would be `activate_form_input`, and clicking a button would be `click_button`. |
| `data` | object | {} | Additional data such as `label`, `property`, `value`, and `context` as described [in our Feature Instrumentation taxonomy](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/product-processes/#taxonomy). |
| `data` | object | {} | Additional data such as `label`, `property`, `value`, and `context` as described [in our Feature Instrumentation taxonomy](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/business-ops/data-team/programs/data-for-product-managers/#sts=Taxonomy). |
### Tracking in HAML (or Vue Templates)
......@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ Below is a list of supported `data-track-*` attributes:
| attribute | required | description |
| `data-track-event` | true | Action the user is taking. Clicks must be prepended with `click` and activations must be prepended with `activate`. For example, focusing a form field would be `activate_form_input` and clicking a button would be `click_button`. |
| `data-track-label` | false | The `label` as described [in our Feature Instrumentation taxonomy](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/product-processes/#taxonomy). |
| `data-track-property` | false | The `property` as described [in our Feature Instrumentation taxonomy](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/product-processes/#taxonomy). |
| `data-track-value` | false | The `value` as described [in our Feature Instrumentation taxonomy](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/product-processes/#taxonomy). If omitted, this is the element's `value` property or an empty string. For checkboxes, the default value is the element's checked attribute or `false` when unchecked. |
| `data-track-context` | false | The `context` as described [in our Feature Instrumentation taxonomy](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/product-processes/#taxonomy). |
| `data-track-label` | false | The `label` as described [in our Feature Instrumentation taxonomy](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/business-ops/data-team/programs/data-for-product-managers/#sts=Taxonomy). |
| `data-track-property` | false | The `property` as described [in our Feature Instrumentation taxonomy](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/business-ops/data-team/programs/data-for-product-managers/#sts=Taxonomy). |
| `data-track-value` | false | The `value` as described [in our Feature Instrumentation taxonomy](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/business-ops/data-team/programs/data-for-product-managers/#sts=Taxonomy). If omitted, this is the element's `value` property or an empty string. For checkboxes, the default value is the element's checked attribute or `false` when unchecked. |
| `data-track-context` | false | The `context` as described [in our Feature Instrumentation taxonomy](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/business-ops/data-team/programs/data-for-product-managers/#sts=Taxonomy). |
### Tracking within Vue components
......@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ Custom event tracking and instrumentation can be added by directly calling the `
| `category` | string | 'application' | Area or aspect of the application. This could be `HealthCheckController` or `Lfs::FileTransformer` for instance. |
| `action` | string | 'generic' | The action being taken, which can be anything from a controller action like `create` to something like an Active Record callback. |
| `data` | object | {} | Additional data such as `label`, `property`, `value`, and `context` as described in [Instrumentation at GitLab](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/product-processes/#taxonomy). These are set as empty strings if you don't provide them. |
| `data` | object | {} | Additional data such as `label`, `property`, `value`, and `context` as described in [Instrumentation at GitLab](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/business-ops/data-team/programs/data-for-product-managers/#sts=Taxonomy). These are set as empty strings if you don't provide them. |
Tracking can be viewed as either tracking user behavior, or can be utilized for instrumentation to monitor and visualize performance over time in an area or aspect of code.
......@@ -434,8 +434,6 @@ When adding, changing, or updating metrics, please update the [Event Dictionary'
Check if new metrics need to be added to the Versions Application. See `usage_data` [schema](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-services/version-gitlab-com/-/blob/master/db/schema.rb#L147) and usage data [parameters accepted](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-services/version-gitlab-com/-/blob/master/app/services/usage_ping.rb). Any metrics added under the `counts` key are saved in the `counts` column.
For further details, see the [Process to add additional instrumentation to the Usage Ping](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/product/product-processes/#process-to-add-additional-instrumentation-to-the-usage-ping).
### 6. Add the feature label
Add the `feature` label to the Merge Request for new Usage Ping metrics. These are user-facing changes and are part of expanding the Usage Ping feature.
......@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ Now you can copy the SSH key you created to your GitLab account. To do so, follo
If you're using an RSA key, substitute accordingly.
1. Navigate to `http://gitlab.com` and sign in.
1. Navigate to `https://gitlab.com` and sign in.
1. Select your avatar in the upper right corner, and click **Settings**
1. Click **SSH Keys**.
1. Paste the public key that you copied into the **Key** text box.
......@@ -11,17 +11,14 @@ module QA
view 'app/assets/javascripts/profile/account/components/delete_account_modal.vue' do
element :password_confirmation_field
view 'app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/deprecated_modal.vue' do
element :save_changes_button
element :confirm_deletion_button
def delete_account(password)
find_element(:password_confirmation_field).set password
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