提交 33229e86 编写于 作者: G GitLab Bot

Add latest changes from gitlab-org/gitlab@13-1-stable-ee

上级 d62ee60b
Please view this file on the master branch, on stable branches it's out of date.
## 13.1.0 (2020-06-22)
### Security (1 change)
- Ensure passwords and access tokens don't appear in SCIM errors.
### Removed (2 changes)
- Revert Add scanner name. !33442
- Stop recording connection pool metrics for load balancing hosts. !33749
### Fixed (35 changes, 2 of them are from the community)
- Stop recording JSON parser errors due to third party license scanning integrations. !26944
- Improve Requirements Management empty state. !30716 (Marcin Sedlak-Jakubowski)
- Display warning for issues moved from service desk on frontend. !31803
- Add truncation for the environment dropdown. !32267
- Add negated params filter to epics search. !32296
- Clean up serialized objects in audit_events. !32434
- Prevent last Group Managed Account owner with access from accidental unlinking. !32473
- Fix issues with editing epic on Boards sidebar. !32503 (Eulyeon Ko)
- Dependency List shows only vulnerabilities from Gemnasium analyzer instead of all Dependency Scanning reports. !32560
- Ensure users can unlink Group SAML when the group has SAML disabled. !32655
- Fix Elasticsearch query error for ES 7.7. !32813
- Display epic issues with null relative position. !33105
- Fix description diff delete button not hidden after clicked. !33127
- Fix Elasticsearch illegal_argument_exception when searching for large files. !33176
- Support nuget dependencies in the API. !33389
- Fix GraphQL query to fetch vulnerable projects of subgroups. !33410
- Preserve order when applying scoped labels by title. !33420
- Revert breaking changes to allow conan_sources.tgz and conan_export.tgz files in the Conan repository. !33435
- Improve regex for geo auth keys checker. !33447
- Fix confidentiality note on epic's comment field to display the correct warning text. !33486
- Geo - Does not sync files on Object Storage when syncing object storage is enabled, but the Object Storage is disabled for the data type. !33561
- Fix creating merge requests with approval rules. !33582
- Specify group url in notification email. !33613
- Fix column overlap on long texts. !33614
- Geo - Does not try to unlink file when it not possible to get the file path while cleaning orphaned registries. !33658
- Geo: Fix synchronization disabled on primary UI. !33760
- Change the linkType argument for issueLinks query to enum. !33828
- Allow admins to see project despite of ip restriction set on a group level. !34086
- Return empty scans when head_pipeline is missing. !34193
- Render security dashboard for projects without pipeline available. !34219
- Include Epics in Roadmap whose parents are not part of Roadmap. !34243
- Geo - Fix Gitlab::Geo::Replication::BaseTransfer for orphaned registries. !34292
- Fix errors when pushing with an expired license. !34458
- Enable active class on group packages sidebar navigation items. !34518
- Fix creating/updating issues with epic_iid parameter on API. !34641
### Changed (18 changes)
- Update header for security config page and change to GlTable. !31471
- Display expiring subscription banner on more pages. !31497
- Remove license management from CI/CD settings. !31553
- Elasticsearch integration started using aliases instead of using indices directly. !32107
- Geo Form Validations. !32263
- Move Group-level IP address restriction feature to GitLab Premium. !32396
- Add link to Node URL. !32471
- Display Project and Subgroup milestones on Roadmap. !32496
- Enable CI Minutes-related Feature Flags by default. !32581
- Remove partial word matching from code search. !32771
- Add authentication information to usage ping. !32790
- Add tooltip with description to unknown severity badge icon. !33131
- Improve the clarity of the MR approvals tooltip UI. !33329
- Change approved to merged in Contribution Analytics. !33535
- Update merge train settings checkbox text. !34073
- Analytics Insights page: Load charts individually, instead of waiting for all data to load before displaying the page. !34290
- Add polling to metrics widget. !34314
- Added CI_HAS_OPEN_REQUIREMENTS environment variable. !34419
### Performance (11 changes)
- Fix N+1 queries for Elastic Web Search projects scope. !30346
- Fix N+1 queries for Elastic Search merge_requests scope. !30546
- Improve performance of Advanced Search API (Issues scope) by preloading more associations. !30778
- Update index_ci_builds_on_name_and_security_type_eq_ci_build index to support secret-detection. !31785
- Fix N+1 queries for Elastic Search projects scope. !32688
- Fix N+1 queries for Elastic Search milestones scope. !33327
- Geo - Make registry table SSOT for LFS objects. !33432
- Harden operations_dashboard_default_dashboard usage query. !33952
- Harden users_created usage data queries. !33956
- Harden security ci build job queries. !33966
- Save composer.json to package metadata. !34494
### Added (54 changes, 3 of them are from the community)
- Add list limit metric to API. !27324
- Implement Go module proxy MVC (package manager for Go). !27746 (Ethan Reesor)
- Improve Vulnerability Management with Standalone Vulnerabilities. !28212
- Add viewer and linker for go.mod and go.sum. !28262 (Ethan Reesor @firelizzard)
- Add usage statistics for modsecurity total packets/anomalous packets. !28535
- REST API membership responses for group owner enqueries include group managed account emails. !30584
- Add table to Issues Analytics. !30603
- Add ability to pause and resume Elasticsearch indexing. !30621
- Show the status of stand-alone secrets analyzer on the configuration page. !31167
- Support transferring and displaying image uploads on Status Page. !31269
- Add Pipeline.securityReportSummary to GraphQL. !31550
- Create test reports table. !31643
- Show usage graph for each storage type. !31649
- Add requirements filtering on author username and search by title. !31857
- Add ability to download patch from vulnerability page. !32000
- Add callout for user count threshold. !32404
- Make group/namespace name in email a link to group overview page. !32461
- Add ability to select Epic while creating a New Issue. !32572
- Expose test reports on GraphQL. !32599
- Allow approval rules to be reset to project defaults. !32657
- Save setting for auto-fix feature. !32690
- Geo - Make Geo::RegistryConsistencyWorker clean up unused registries. !32695
- Add policy for auto_fix. !32783
- Send email notifications on Issue Iteration change. !32817
- Add support for bulk editing health status and epic on issues. !32875
- Add quick actions for iterations in issues. !32904
- Add Elasticsearch to Sidekiq ServerMetrics. !32937
- Added CI parser for requirements reports. !33031
- Add state events to burnup chart data. !33048
- Introduce `userNotesCount` field for VulnerabilityType on GraphQL API. !33058
- Add project audit events API. !33155 (Julien Millau)
- Introduce `issueLinks` field for VulnerabilityType on GraphQL API. !33173
- Add Elasticsearch metrics in Rack middleware. !33233
- Adds NuGet project and license URL to the package details page. !33268
- Adds a new Dependencies tab for NuGet packages on the package details page. !33303
- Allow to specify multiple domains when restricting group membership by email domain. !33498
- Add MR approval stats to group contribution analytics. !33601
- Create sticky section in security dashboard layout. !33651
- Add Network Policy Management to the Threat Monitoring page. !33667
- Show secret_detection in report types. !33682
- Adds NuGet package icon to package details page. !33701
- Ability to make PAT expiration optional in self managed instances. !33783
- Add secret detection for GraphQL API. !33797
- Show test report status badge on Requirements list. !33848
- Persist user preferences for boards. !33892
- Fixes inconsistent package title icon colors. !33933
- Retry failed vulnerability export background jobs. !33986
- Add MR note to standalone vulnerability page. !34146
- Show issue link on security dashboard when vulnerability has an issue. !34157
- Geo Package Files - Sync Counts. !34205
- Upgrade to `license_scanning` report v2.1. !34224
- Display Saved User Lists by Feature Flags. !34294
- Add csv export button to group security dashboard. !34374
- Alert Users That Lists Are Modified By API Only. !34559
### Other (9 changes, 2 of them are from the community)
- Update deprecated Vue 3 slot syntax in ee/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/security_reports/components/modal.vue. !31966 (Gilang Gumilar)
- Added DB index on confidential epics column. !32443
- Allow ci minutes reset service to continue in case of failure. !32867
- Remove unused index for vulnerabiliy confidence levels. !33149
- Update vulnerabilities badge design in Dependency List. !33417
- Add geo_primary_replication_events to usage data. !33424
- Add new status page attributes to usage ping. !33790
- Remove optimized_elasticsearch_indexes_project feature flag. !33965
- Relocate Go models. !34338 (Ethan Reesor (@firelizzard))
## 13.0.6 (2020-06-10)
### Security (1 change)
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