require 'brakeman/checks/base_check' #This check tests for find calls which do not use Rails' auto SQL escaping # #For example: # Project.find(:all, :conditions => "name = '" + params[:name] + "'") # # Project.find(:all, :conditions => "name = '#{params[:name]}'") # # User.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM projects WHERE name = '#{params[:name]}'") class Brakeman::CheckSQL < Brakeman::BaseCheck Brakeman::Checks.add self @description = "Check for SQL injection" def run_check @rails_version = tracker.config[:rails_version] @sql_targets = [:all, :average, :calculate, :count, :count_by_sql, :exists?, :delete_all, :destroy_all, :find, :find_by_sql, :first, :last, :maximum, :minimum, :pluck, :sum, :update_all] @sql_targets.concat [:from, :group, :having, :joins, :lock, :order, :reorder, :select, :where] if tracker.options[:rails3] @connection_calls = [:delete, :execute, :insert, :select_all, :select_one, :select_rows, :select_value, :select_values] if tracker.options[:rails3] @connection_calls.concat [:exec_delete, :exec_insert, :exec_query, :exec_update] else @connection_calls.concat [:add_limit!, :add_offset_limit!, :add_lock!] end Brakeman.debug "Finding possible SQL calls on models" calls = tracker.find_call :targets => active_record_models.keys, :methods => @sql_targets, :chained => true Brakeman.debug "Finding possible SQL calls with no target" calls.concat tracker.find_call(:target => nil, :methods => @sql_targets) Brakeman.debug "Finding possible SQL calls using constantized()" calls.concat tracker.find_call(:methods => @sql_targets).select { |result| constantize_call? result } connect_targets = active_record_models.keys + [nil, :"ActiveRecord::Base"] calls.concat tracker.find_call(:targets => connect_targets, :methods => @connection_calls, :chained => true).select { |result| connect_call? result } Brakeman.debug "Finding calls to named_scope or scope" calls.concat find_scope_calls Brakeman.debug "Checking version of Rails for CVE issues" check_rails_versions_against_cve_issues Brakeman.debug "Processing possible SQL calls" calls.each { |call| process_result call } check_CVE_2014_0080 end #Find calls to named_scope() or scope() in models #RP 3 TODO def find_scope_calls scope_calls = [] if version_between?("2.1.0", "3.0.9") ar_scope_calls(:named_scope) do |name, args| call = make_call(nil, :named_scope, args).line(args.line) scope_calls << scope_call_hash(call, name, :named_scope) end elsif version_between?("3.1.0", "3.9.9") ar_scope_calls(:scope) do |name, args| second_arg = args[2] next unless sexp? second_arg if second_arg.node_type == :iter and node_type? second_arg.block, :block, :call process_scope_with_block(name, args) elsif second_arg.node_type == :call call = second_arg scope_calls << scope_call_hash(call, name, call.method) else call = make_call(nil, :scope, args).line(args.line) scope_calls << scope_call_hash(call, name, :scope) end end end scope_calls end def ar_scope_calls(symbol_name = :named_scope, &block) return_array = [] active_record_models.each do |name, model| model_args = model[:options][symbol_name] if model_args model_args.each do |args| yield name, args return_array << [name, args] end end end return_array end def scope_call_hash(call, name, method) { :call => call, :location => { :type => :class, :class => name }, :method => :named_scope } end def process_scope_with_block model_name, args scope_name = args[1][1] block = args[-1][-1] # Search lambda for calls to query methods if block.node_type == :block find_calls = find_calls.process_source(block, :class => model_name, :method => scope_name) find_calls.calls.each { |call| process_result(call) if @sql_targets.include?(call[:method]) } elsif block.node_type == :call process_result :target =>, :method => block.method, :call => block, :location => { :type => :class, :class => model_name, :method => scope_name } end end #Process possible SQL injection sites: # # Model#find # # Model#(named_)scope # # Model#(find|count)_by_sql # # Model#all # ### Rails 3 # # Model#(where|having) # Model#(order|group) # ### Find Options Hash # # Dangerous keys that accept SQL: # # * conditions # * order # * having # * joins # * select # * from # * lock # def process_result result return if duplicate?(result) or result[:call].original_line return if result[:target].nil? && !active_record_models.include?(result[:location][:class]) call = result[:call] method = call.method dangerous_value = case method when :find check_find_arguments call.second_arg when :exists?, :delete_all, :destroy_all check_find_arguments call.first_arg when :named_scope, :scope check_scope_arguments call when :find_by_sql, :count_by_sql check_by_sql_arguments call.first_arg when :calculate check_find_arguments call.third_arg when :last, :first, :all check_find_arguments call.first_arg when :average, :count, :maximum, :minimum, :sum if call.length > 5 unsafe_sql?(call.first_arg) or check_find_arguments(call.last_arg) else check_find_arguments call.last_arg end when :where, :having check_query_arguments call.arglist when :order, :group, :reorder check_order_arguments call.arglist when :joins check_joins_arguments call.first_arg when :from, :select unsafe_sql? call.first_arg when :lock check_lock_arguments call.first_arg when :pluck unsafe_sql? call.first_arg when :update_all check_update_all_arguments call.args when *@connection_calls check_by_sql_arguments call.first_arg else Brakeman.debug "Unhandled SQL method: #{method}" end if dangerous_value add_result result input = include_user_input? dangerous_value if input confidence = CONFIDENCE[:high] user_input = input.match else confidence = CONFIDENCE[:med] user_input = dangerous_value end warn :result => result, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :warning_code => :sql_injection, :message => "Possible SQL injection", :user_input => user_input, :confidence => confidence end if check_for_limit_or_offset_vulnerability call.last_arg if include_user_input? call.last_arg confidence = CONFIDENCE[:high] else confidence = CONFIDENCE[:low] end warn :result => result, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :warning_code => :sql_injection_limit_offset, :message => "Upgrade to Rails >= 2.1.2 to escape :limit and :offset. Possible SQL injection", :confidence => confidence end end #The 'find' methods accept a number of different types of parameters: # # * The first argument might be :all, :first, or :last # * The first argument might be an integer ID or an array of IDs # * The second argument might be a hash of options, some of which are # dangerous and some of which are not # * The second argument might contain SQL fragments as values # * The second argument might contain properly parameterized SQL fragments in arrays # * The second argument might contain improperly parameterized SQL fragments in arrays # #This method should only be passed the second argument. def check_find_arguments arg return nil if not sexp? arg or node_type? arg, :lit, :string, :str, :true, :false, :nil unsafe_sql? arg end def check_scope_arguments call scope_arg = call.second_arg #first arg is name of scope node_type?(scope_arg, :iter) ? unsafe_sql?(scope_arg.block) : unsafe_sql?(scope_arg) end def check_query_arguments arg return unless sexp? arg first_arg = arg[1] if node_type? arg, :arglist if arg.length > 2 and node_type? first_arg, :string_interp, :dstr # Model.where("blah = ?", blah) return check_string_interp first_arg else arg = first_arg end end if request_value? arg # Model.where(params[:where]) arg elsif hash? arg #This is generally going to be a hash of column names and values, which #would escape the values. But the keys _could_ be user input. check_hash_keys arg elsif node_type? arg, :lit, :str nil else #Hashes are safe...but we check above for hash, so...? unsafe_sql? arg, :ignore_hash end end #Checks each argument to order/reorder/group for possible SQL. #Anything used with these methods is passed in verbatim. def check_order_arguments args return unless sexp? args if node_type? args, :arglist check_update_all_arguments(args) else unsafe_sql? args end end #find_by_sql and count_by_sql can take either a straight SQL string #or an array with values to bind. def check_by_sql_arguments arg return unless sexp? arg #This is kind of unnecessary, because unsafe_sql? will handle an array #correctly, but might be better to be explicit. array?(arg) ? unsafe_sql?(arg[1]) : unsafe_sql?(arg) end #joins can take a string, hash of associations, or an array of both(?) #We only care about the possible string values. def check_joins_arguments arg return unless sexp? arg and not node_type? arg, :hash, :string, :str if array? arg arg.each do |a| unsafe_arg = check_joins_arguments a return unsafe_arg if unsafe_arg end nil else unsafe_sql? arg end end def check_update_all_arguments args args.each do |arg| unsafe_arg = unsafe_sql? arg return unsafe_arg if unsafe_arg end nil end #Model#lock essentially only cares about strings. But those strings can be #any SQL fragment. This does not apply to all databases. (For those who do not #support it, the lock method does nothing). def check_lock_arguments arg return unless sexp? arg and not node_type? arg, :hash, :array, :string, :str unsafe_sql?(arg, :ignore_hash) end #Check hash keys for user input. #(Seems unlikely, but if a user can control the column names queried, that #could be bad) def check_hash_keys exp hash_iterate(exp) do |key, value| unless symbol?(key) unsafe_key = unsafe_sql? value return unsafe_key if unsafe_key end end false end #Check an interpolated string for dangerous values. # #This method assumes values interpolated into strings are unsafe by default, #unless safe_value? explicitly returns true. def check_string_interp arg arg.each do |exp| if dangerous = unsafe_string_interp?(exp) return dangerous end end nil end #Returns value if interpolated value is not something safe def unsafe_string_interp? exp if node_type? exp, :string_eval, :evstr value = exp.value else value = exp end if not sexp? value nil elsif call? value and value.method == :to_s unsafe_string_interp? else case value.node_type when :or unsafe_string_interp?(value.lhs) || unsafe_string_interp?(value.rhs) when :string_interp, :dstr if dangerous = check_string_interp(value) return dangerous end else if safe_value? value nil elsif string_building? value check_for_string_building value else value end end end end #Checks the given expression for unsafe SQL values. If an unsafe value is #found, returns that value (may be the given _exp_ or a subexpression). # #Otherwise, returns false/nil. def unsafe_sql? exp, ignore_hash = false return unless sexp?(exp) dangerous_value = find_dangerous_value exp, ignore_hash safe_value?(dangerous_value) ? false : dangerous_value end #Check _exp_ for dangerous values. Used by unsafe_sql? def find_dangerous_value exp, ignore_hash case exp.node_type when :lit, :str, :const, :colon2, :true, :false, :nil nil when :array #Assume this is an array like # # ["blah = ? AND thing = ?", ...] # #and check first value unsafe_sql? exp[1] when :string_interp, :dstr check_string_interp exp when :hash check_hash_values exp unless ignore_hash when :if unsafe_sql? exp.then_clause or unsafe_sql? exp.else_clause when :call unless IGNORE_METHODS_IN_SQL.include? exp.method if has_immediate_user_input? exp or has_immediate_model? exp exp else check_call exp end end when :or if unsafe = (unsafe_sql?(exp.lhs) || unsafe_sql?(exp.rhs)) unsafe else nil end when :block, :rlist unsafe_sql? exp.last else if has_immediate_user_input? exp or has_immediate_model? exp exp else nil end end end #Checks hash values associated with these keys: # # * conditions # * order # * having # * joins # * select # * from # * lock def check_hash_values exp hash_iterate(exp) do |key, value| if symbol? key unsafe = case key.value when :conditions, :having, :select check_query_arguments value when :order, :group check_order_arguments value when :joins check_joins_arguments value when :lock check_lock_arguments value when :from unsafe_sql? value else nil end return unsafe if unsafe end end false end STRING_METHODS = Set[:<<, :+, :concat, :prepend] def check_for_string_building exp return unless call? exp target = method = exp.method arg = exp.first_arg if STRING_METHODS.include? method if string? target check_string_arg arg elsif string? arg check_string_arg target elsif call? target check_for_string_building target elsif node_type? target, :string_interp, :dstr or node_type? arg, :string_interp, :dstr check_string_arg target and check_string_arg arg end else nil end end def check_string_arg exp if safe_value? exp nil elsif string_building? exp check_for_string_building exp elsif node_type? exp, :string_interp, :dstr check_string_interp exp elsif call? exp and exp.method == :to_s check_string_arg else exp end end def string_building? exp return false unless call? exp and STRING_METHODS.include? exp.method node_type?, :str, :dstr, :string_interp or node_type? exp.first_arg, :str, :dstr, :string_interp or string_building? or string_building? exp.first_arg end IGNORE_METHODS_IN_SQL = Set[:id, :merge_conditions, :table_name, :to_i, :to_f, :sanitize_sql, :sanitize_sql_array, :sanitize_sql_for_assignment, :sanitize_sql_for_conditions, :sanitize_sql_hash, :sanitize_sql_hash_for_assignment, :sanitize_sql_hash_for_conditions, :to_sql] def safe_value? exp return true unless sexp? exp case exp.node_type when :str, :lit, :const, :colon2, :nil, :true, :false true when :call if exp.method == :to_s safe_value? else IGNORE_METHODS_IN_SQL.include? exp.method or quote_call? exp or exp.method.to_s.end_with? "_id" end when :if safe_value? exp.then_clause and safe_value? exp.else_clause when :block, :rlist safe_value? exp.last when :or safe_value? exp.lhs and safe_value? exp.rhs else false end end QUOTE_METHODS = [:quote, :quote_column_name, :quoted_date, :quote_string, :quote_table_name] def quote_call? exp if call? == :connection and QUOTE_METHODS.include? exp.method elsif exp.method == :quote_value end end #Check call for string building def check_call exp return unless call? exp unsafe = check_for_string_building exp if unsafe unsafe elsif call? check_call else nil end end #Prior to Rails 2.1.1, the :offset and :limit parameters were not #escaping input properly. # # def check_for_limit_or_offset_vulnerability options return false if @rails_version.nil? or @rails_version >= "2.1.1" or not hash?(options) return true if hash_access(options, :limit) or hash_access(options, :offset) false end #Look for something like this: # # params[:x].constantize.find('something') # # s(:call, # s(:call, # s(:call, # s(:call, nil, :params, s(:arglist)), # :[], # s(:arglist, s(:lit, :x))), # :constantize, # s(:arglist)), # :find, # s(:arglist, s(:str, "something"))) def constantize_call? result call = result[:call] call? and == :constantize end SELF_CLASS = s(:call, s(:self), :class) def connect_call? result call = result[:call] target = if call? target and target.method == :connection target = klass = class_name(target) target.nil? or target == SELF_CLASS or node_type? target, :self or klass == :"ActiveRecord::Base" or active_record_models.include? klass end end # TODO: Move all SQL CVE checks to separate class def check_CVE_2014_0080 return unless version_between? "4.0.0", "4.0.2" and @tracker.config[:gems].include? :pg warn :warning_type => 'SQL Injection', :warning_code => :CVE_2014_0080, :message => "Rails #{tracker.config[:rails_version]} contains a SQL injection vulnerability (CVE-2014-0080) with PostgreSQL. Upgrade to 4.0.3", :confidence => CONFIDENCE[:high], :file => gemfile_or_environment, :link_path => "" end def upgrade_version? versions versions.each do |low, high, upgrade| return upgrade if version_between? low, high end false end def check_rails_versions_against_cve_issues issues = [ { :cve => "CVE-2012-2660", :versions => [%w[2.0.0 2.3.14 2.3.17], %w[3.0.0 3.0.12 3.0.13], %w[3.1.0 3.1.4 3.1.5], %w[3.2.0 3.2.3 3.2.4]], :url => "" }, { :cve => "CVE-2012-2661", :versions => [%w[3.0.0 3.0.12 3.0.13], %w[3.1.0 3.1.4 3.1.5], %w[3.2.0 3.2.3 3.2.5]], :url => "" }, { :cve => "CVE-2012-2695", :versions => [%w[2.0.0 2.3.14 2.3.15], %w[3.0.0 3.0.13 3.0.14], %w[3.1.0 3.1.5 3.1.6], %w[3.2.0 3.2.5 3.2.6]], :url => "" }, { :cve => "CVE-2012-5664", :versions => [%w[2.0.0 2.3.14 2.3.15], %w[3.0.0 3.0.17 3.0.18], %w[3.1.0 3.1.8 3.1.9], %w[3.2.0 3.2.9 3.2.18]], :url => "" }, { :cve => "CVE-2013-0155", :versions => [%w[2.0.0 2.3.15 2.3.16], %w[3.0.0 3.0.18 3.0.19], %w[3.1.0 3.1.9 3.1.10], %w[3.2.0 3.2.10 3.2.11]], :url => "" }, ] unless lts_version? '' issues << { :cve => "CVE-2013-6417", :versions => [%w[2.0.0 3.2.15 3.2.16], %w[4.0.0 4.0.1 4.0.2]], :url => "" } end issues.each do |cve_issue| cve_warning_for cve_issue[:versions], cve_issue[:cve], cve_issue[:url] end end def cve_warning_for versions, cve, link upgrade_version = upgrade_version? versions return unless upgrade_version code ='-', '_').to_sym warn :warning_type => 'SQL Injection', :warning_code => code, :message => "Rails #{tracker.config[:rails_version]} contains a SQL injection vulnerability (#{cve}). Upgrade to #{upgrade_version}", :confidence => CONFIDENCE[:high], :file => gemfile_or_environment, :link_path => link end end