#Replace block variable in # # Rails::Initializer.run |config| # #with this value so we can keep track of it. Brakeman::RAILS_CONFIG = Sexp.new(:const, :"!BRAKEMAN_RAILS_CONFIG") unless defined? Brakeman::RAILS_CONFIG #Processes configuration. Results are put in tracker.config. # #Configuration of Rails via Rails::Initializer are stored in tracker.config[:rails]. #For example: # # Rails::Initializer.run |config| # config.action_controller.session_store = :cookie_store # end # #will be stored in # # tracker.config[:rails][:action_controller][:session_store] # #Values for tracker.config[:rails] will still be Sexps. class Brakeman::Rails2ConfigProcessor < Brakeman::BaseProcessor def initialize *args super @tracker.config[:rails] ||= {} end #Use this method to process configuration file def process_config src res = Brakeman::ConfigAliasProcessor.new.process_safely(src) process res end #Check if config is set to use Erubis def process_call exp target = exp[1] target = process target if sexp? target if exp[2] == :gem and exp[3][1][1] == "erubis" Brakeman.notify "[Notice] Using Erubis for ERB templates" @tracker.config[:erubis] = true end exp end #Look for configuration settings def process_attrasgn exp if exp[1] == Brakeman::RAILS_CONFIG #Get rid of '=' at end attribute = exp[2].to_s[0..-2].to_sym if exp[3].length > 2 #Multiple arguments?...not sure if this will ever happen @tracker.config[:rails][attribute] = exp[3][1..-1] else @tracker.config[:rails][attribute] = exp[3][1] end elsif include_rails_config? exp options = get_rails_config exp level = @tracker.config[:rails] options[0..-2].each do |o| level[o] ||= {} level = level[o] end level[options.last] = exp[3][1] end exp end #Check for Rails version def process_cdecl exp #Set Rails version required if exp[1] == :RAILS_GEM_VERSION @tracker.config[:rails_version] = exp[2][1] end exp end #Check if an expression includes a call to set Rails config def include_rails_config? exp target = exp[1] if call? target if target[1] == Brakeman::RAILS_CONFIG true else include_rails_config? target end elsif target == Brakeman::RAILS_CONFIG true else false end end #Returns an array of symbols for each 'level' in the config # # config.action_controller.session_store = :cookie # #becomes # # [:action_controller, :session_store] def get_rails_config exp if node_type? exp, :attrasgn attribute = exp[2].to_s[0..-2].to_sym get_rails_config(exp[1]) << attribute elsif call? exp if exp[1] == Brakeman::RAILS_CONFIG [exp[2]] else get_rails_config(exp[1]) << exp[2] end else raise "WHAT" end end end #This is necessary to replace block variable so we can track config settings class Brakeman::ConfigAliasProcessor < Brakeman::AliasProcessor RAILS_INIT = Sexp.new(:colon2, Sexp.new(:const, :Rails), :Initializer) #Look for a call to # # Rails::Initializer.run do |config| # ... # end # #and replace config with Brakeman::RAILS_CONFIG def process_iter exp target = exp[1][1] method = exp[1][2] if sexp? target and target == RAILS_INIT and method == :run exp[2][2] = Brakeman::RAILS_CONFIG end process_default exp end end