abort "Please run using test/test.rb" unless defined? BrakemanTester Rails3 = BrakemanTester.run_scan "rails3", "Rails 3", :rails3 => true, :config_file => File.join(TEST_PATH, "apps", "rails3", "config", "brakeman.yml") class Rails3Tests < Test::Unit::TestCase include BrakemanTester::FindWarning include BrakemanTester::CheckExpected def report Rails3 end def expected @expected ||= { :controller => 1, :model => 8, :template => 38, :generic => 68 } if RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' @expected[:generic] += 1 end @expected end def test_no_errors assert_equal 0, report[:errors].length end def test_config_sanity assert_equal 'utf-8', report[:config][:rails][:encoding].value end def test_eval_params assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 13, :fingerprint => "4efdd73fb759135f5980b5da1d9804aa4eb5c7475eabfd0f0cf41299d1d7ec42", :warning_type => "Dangerous Eval", :line => 40, :message => /^User input in eval near line 40: eval\(pa/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_class_eval_false_positive assert_no_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Dangerous Eval", :line => 13, :message => /^User input in eval/, :confidence => 0, :file => /account\.rb/ end def test_command_injection_params_interpolation assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 14, :fingerprint => "eb5287a6638bce4be342627db12d03f1e5b51175ed13549920921e3659c21df4", :warning_type => "Command Injection", :line => 34, :message => /^Possible command injection near line 34:/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_command_injection_system_params assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Command Injection", :line => 36, :message => /^Possible command injection near line 36:/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_command_injection_non_user_input_backticks assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Command Injection", :line => 48, :message => /^Possible\ command\ injection/, :confidence => 1, :file => /other_controller\.rb/ end def test_command_injection_non_user_input_system assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Command Injection", :line => 49, :message => /^Possible\ command\ injection/, :confidence => 1, :file => /other_controller\.rb/ end def test_command_injection_capture2 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 14, :fingerprint => "744cb371d69e757edd75bf6d58c610e3e813ff2b75b353c4c89c67274e4a35bb", :warning_type => "Command Injection", :line => 146, :message => /^Possible\ command\ injection/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_command_injection_capture2e assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 14, :fingerprint => "521c0a714d14ae878305ce737a2bdd5897dcea154c0622b14806ed6e6c60f526", :warning_type => "Command Injection", :line => 147, :message => /^Possible\ command\ injection/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_command_injection_capture3 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 14, :fingerprint => "b75a4b21f55912860d675ac300de862f6b2050688b32f745ea8944832e5e699f", :warning_type => "Command Injection", :line => 148, :message => /^Possible\ command\ injection/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_command_injection_pipeline assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 14, :fingerprint => "a72b42173ccbc912f022e73a37afc57b8099a529a9f28ebd9e3e771ad384b81c", :warning_type => "Command Injection", :line => 149, :message => /^Possible\ command\ injection/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_command_injection_pipeline_r assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 14, :fingerprint => "987aad17f377a6101d5bd3e1611ae3716b276f319c3f91b69efd93717d993ea7", :warning_type => "Command Injection", :line => 150, :message => /^Possible\ command\ injection/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_command_injection_pipeline_rw assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 14, :fingerprint => "02485597e19623e805dfa48a797f6f453d854f87ea03e51330494bf671bf5f68", :warning_type => "Command Injection", :line => 151, :message => /^Possible\ command\ injection/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_command_injection_pipeline_start assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 14, :fingerprint => "c38ddfa0340fcaaa2a626de722a7784a0448fce01b58601c9c159113d1ce6e5f", :warning_type => "Command Injection", :line => 152, :message => /^Possible\ command\ injection/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_command_injection_spawn assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 14, :fingerprint => "6b25cb3fa42bb234319ddf690a164eda038b6f000e501fbfa872fb5fa627609b", :warning_type => "Command Injection", :line => 153, :message => /^Possible\ command\ injection/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_command_injection_posix_spawn assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 14, :fingerprint => "678ea7e0c73c91df335247b2470678dd23dfe66f049add9c783e3de4fb6e5046", :warning_type => "Command Injection", :line => 154, :message => /^Possible\ command\ injection/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_file_access_concatenation assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "File Access", :line => 24, :message => /^Parameter value used in file name near l/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_file_access_load assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "File Access", :line => 67, :message => /^Parameter value used in file name near l/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_file_access_yaml_load assert_no_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "File Access", :line => 106, :message => /^Parameter\ value\ used\ in\ file\ name/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_file_access_yaml_parse_file assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "File Access", :line => 109, :message => /^Parameter\ value\ used\ in\ file\ name/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_mass_assignment assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Mass Assignment", :line => 54, :message => /^Unprotected mass assignment near line 54/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_protected_mass_assignment assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Mass Assignment", :line => 43, :message => /^Unprotected mass assignment near line 43: Product.new/, :confidence => 1, :file => /products_controller\.rb/ end def test_protected_mass_assignment_update assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Mass Assignment", :line => 62, :message => /^Unprotected mass assignment near line 62: Product.find/, :confidence => 1, :file => /products_controller\.rb/ end def test_update_attribute_no_mass_assignment assert_no_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Mass Assignment", :line => 26, :message => /^Unprotected mass assignment near line 26/, :confidence => 0, :file => /other_controller\.rb/ end def test_redirect assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Redirect", :line => 45, :message => /^Possible unprotected redirect near line /, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_redirect_to_model_instance assert_no_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Redirect", :line => 63, :message => /^Possible unprotected redirect near line 63: redirect_to/, :confidence => 2, :file => /products_controller\.rb/ end def test_redirect_only_path_in_wrong_argument assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Redirect", :line => 77, :message => /^Possible unprotected redirect near line 77: redirect_to\(params\[/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_redirect_url_for_not_only_path assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Redirect", :line => 83, :message => /^Possible unprotected redirect near line 83: redirect_to\(url_for/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_render_path assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Dynamic Render Path", :line => 63, :message => /^Render path contains parameter value near line 63: render/, :confidence => 1, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_file_access_send_file assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "File Access", :line => 21, :message => /^Parameter value used in file name near l/, :confidence => 0, :file => /other_controller\.rb/ end def test_rails_cve_2012_2660 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :message => /CVE-2012-2660/, :confidence => 0, :file => /Gemfile/ end def test_rails_cve_2012_2661 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :message => /CVE-2012-2661/, :confidence => 0, :file => /Gemfile/ end def test_rails_cve_2012_2695 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :message => /CVE-2012-2695/, :confidence => 0, :file => /Gemfile/ end def test_sql_injection_CVE_2012_5664 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :message => /CVE-2012-5664/, :confidence => 0, :file => /Gemfile/ end def test_sql_injection_find_by_sql assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 28, :message => /^Possible SQL injection near line 28: Use/, :confidence => 1, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_sql_injection_unknown_variable assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 29, :message => /^Possible SQL injection near line 29: Use/, :confidence => 1, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_sql_injection_params assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 30, :message => /^Possible SQL injection near line 30: Use/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_sql_injection_non_active_record_model assert_no_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 30, :message => /^Possible\ SQL\ injection/, :confidence => 0, :file => /other_controller\.rb/ end def test_csrf_protection assert_warning :type => :controller, :warning_type => "Cross-Site Request Forgery", :message => /^'protect_from_forgery' should be called /, :confidence => 0, :file => /application_controller\.rb/ end def test_attribute_restriction assert_warning :type => :model, :warning_type => "Attribute Restriction", :message => /^Mass assignment is not restricted using /, :confidence => 0, :file => /account, user\.rb/ end def test_attr_protected assert_warning :type => :model, :warning_type => "Attribute Restriction", :message => /^attr_protected is bypassable in/, :confidence => 0, :file => /product\.rb/ end def test_format_validation assert_warning :type => :model, :warning_type => "Format Validation", :line => 2, :message => /^Insufficient validation for 'name' using/, :confidence => 0, :file => /account\.rb/ end def test_format_validation_with_z assert_warning :type => :model, :warning_type => "Format Validation", :line => 3, :message => /^Insufficient validation for 'blah' using/, :confidence => 0, :file => /account\.rb/ end def test_format_validation_with_a assert_warning :type => :model, :warning_type => "Format Validation", :line => 4, :message => /^Insufficient validation for 'something' using/, :confidence => 0, :file => /account\.rb/ end def test_allowable_validation results = find :type => :model, :warning_type => "Format Validation", :line => 5, :message => /^Insufficient validation/, :confidence => 0, :file => /account\.rb/ assert_equal 0, results.length, "Validation was allowable, should not raise warning" end def test_allowable_validation_with_Z results = find :type => :model, :warning_type => "Format Validation", :line => 6, :message => /^Insufficient validation/, :confidence => 0, :file => /account\.rb/ assert_equal 0, results.length, "Validation was allowable, should not raise warning" end def test_xss_parameter_direct assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 3, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value near line 3: p/, :confidence => 0, :file => /index\.html\.erb/ end def test_xss_parameter_variable assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 5, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value near line 5: p/, :confidence => 0, :file => /index\.html\.erb/ end def test_xss_parameter_locals assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 4, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value near line 4: p/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_locals\.html\.erb/ end def test_xss_model_collection assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 1, :message => /^Unescaped model attribute near line 1: User.new.first_name/, :confidence => 0, :file => /_user\.html\.erb/ end def test_xss_model assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 3, :message => /^Unescaped model attribute/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_model\.html\.erb/ end def test_xss_model_known_bad assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 6, :message => /^Unescaped model attribute near line 6: a/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_model\.html\.erb/ end def test_model_in_link_to assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 8, :message => /^Unescaped model attribute in link_to/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_model\.html\.erb/ end def test_encoded_href_parameter_in_link_to assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 12, :message => /^Unsafe parameter value in link_to href/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_params\.html\.erb/ end def test_href_parameter_in_link_to assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 14, :message => /^Unsafe parameter value in link_to href/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_params\.html\.erb/ assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 16, :message => /^Unsafe parameter value in link_to href/, :confidence => 1, :file => /test_params\.html\.erb/ assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 18, :message => /^Unsafe parameter value in link_to href/, :confidence => 1, :file => /test_params\.html\.erb/ end def test_polymorphic_url_in_href assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 10, :message => /^Unsafe parameter value in link_to href/, :confidence => 1, :file => /test_model\.html\.erb/ assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 12, :message => /^Unsafe parameter value in link_to href/, :confidence => 1, :file => /test_model\.html\.erb/ end def test_file_access_in_template assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "File Access", :line => 3, :message => /^Parameter value used in file name near l/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_file_access\.html\.erb/ end def test_xss_cookie_direct assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 3, :message => /^Unescaped cookie value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_cookie\.html\.erb/ end def test_xss_filter assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 3, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_filter\.html\.erb/ end def test_xss_iteration assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 3, :message => /^Unescaped model attribute/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_iteration\.html\.erb/ end def test_xss_iteration2 assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 4, :message => /^Unescaped model attribute/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_iteration\.html\.erb/ end def test_unescaped_model assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 3, #This should be line 4 :( :message => /^Unescaped model attribute/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_sql\.html\.erb/ end def test_xss_params assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 4, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_params\.html\.erb/ end def test_indirect_xss assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 6, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value/, :confidence => 2, :file => /test_params\.html\.erb/ end def test_sql_injection_in_template #SQL injection in controllers should not warn again in views assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 3, #This should be line 4 :( :message => /^Possible SQL injection/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_sql\.html\.erb/ end def test_sql_injection_via_if assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 32, :message => /^Possible SQL injection near line 32: User.where/, :confidence => 0, :file => /user\.rb/ end def test_sqli_in_unusual_model_name assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 0, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 3, :message => /^Possible\ SQL\ injection/, :confidence => 1, :file => /underline_model\.rb/ end def test_sql_injection_delete_all assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 0, :fingerprint => "6ae0b599e368b7658cfe3772ab0823d68247796b3718eaa6c1228897d633e0a2", :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 57, :message => /^Possible\ SQL\ injection/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "app/controllers/other_controller.rb", :user_input => s(:call, s(:params), :[], s(:lit, :name)) end def test_sql_injection_destroy_all assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 0, :fingerprint => "0631b0564dfe4bb760c250e1de7f0678dd28e5be5c54841fa8581ac3bf2ffaaf", :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 58, :message => /^Possible\ SQL\ injection/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "app/controllers/other_controller.rb", :user_input => s(:call, s(:call, s(:const, :User), :current), :humanity) end def test_escape_once results = find :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 7, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value/, :confidence => 2, :file => /index\.html\.erb/ assert_equal 0, results.length, "escape_once is a safe method" end def test_indirect_cookie assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 4, :message => /^Unescaped cookie value/, :confidence => 2, :file => /test_cookie\.html\.erb/ end #Check for params that look like params[:x][:y] def test_params_multidimensional assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 10, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_params\.html\.erb/ end #Check for cookies that look like cookies[:blah][:blah] def test_cookies_multidimensional assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 6, :message => /^Unescaped cookie value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_cookie\.html\.erb/ end def test_default_routes assert_warning :warning_type => "Default Routes", :line => 101, :message => /All public methods in controllers are available as actions/, :file => /routes\.rb/ end def test_user_input_in_mass_assignment assert_warning :warning_type => "Mass Assignment", :line => 58, :message => /^Unprotected mass assignment/, :confidence => 2, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_mass_assignment_in_chained_call assert_warning :warning_type => "Mass Assignment", :line => 9, :message => /^Unprotected mass assignment near line 9: Account.new/, :confidence => 0, :file => /account\.rb/ end def test_mass_assign_with_strong_params assert_no_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Mass Assignment", :line => 53, :message => /^Unprotected\ mass\ assignment/, :confidence => 0, :file => /other_controller\.rb/ end def test_mass_assignment_first_or_create assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Mass Assignment", :line => 114, :message => /^Unprotected\ mass\ assignment/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_mass_assignment_first_or_create! assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Mass Assignment", :line => 115, :message => /^Unprotected\ mass\ assignment/, :confidence => 2, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_mass_assignment_first_or_initialize! assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Mass Assignment", :line => 116, :message => /^Unprotected\ mass\ assignment/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_mass_assignment_update assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Mass Assignment", :line => 118, :message => /^Unprotected\ mass\ assignment/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_mass_assignment_assign_attributes assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Mass Assignment", :line => 119, :message => /^Unprotected\ mass\ assignment/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_mass_assignment_with_slice assert_no_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Mass Assignment", :line => 141, :message => /^Unprotected\ mass\ assignment/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_mass_assignment_with_only assert_no_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Mass Assignment", :line => 142, :message => /^Unprotected\ mass\ assignment/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_translate_bug assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :message => /^Versions before 3.0.11 have a vulnerability/, :confidence => 1, :file => /Gemfile/ end def test_model_build assert_warning :warning_type => "Mass Assignment", :line => 73, :message => /^Unprotected mass assignment near line 73: User.new.something.something/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_string_buffer_manipulation_bug assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :message => /^Rails 3\.\d\.\d has a vulnerabilty in SafeBuffer. Upgrade to 3.0.12/, :confidence => 1, :file => /Gemfile/ end def test_rails3_render_partial assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 15, :message => /^Unescaped model attribute near line 15: Product/, :confidence => 0, :file => /_form\.html\.erb/ end def test_xss_content_tag_raw_content assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 8, :message => /^Unescaped\ parameter\ value\ in\ content_tag/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_content_tag\.html\.erb/ end def test_xss_content_tag_attribute_name assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 14, :message => /^Unescaped\ cookie\ value\ in\ content_tag/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_content_tag\.html\.erb/ end def test_xss_content_tag_attribute_name_even_with_escape assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 20, :message => /^Unescaped\ model\ attribute\ in\ content_tag/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_content_tag\.html\.erb/ end def test_xss_content_tag_unescaped_attribute assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 26, :message => /^Unescaped\ model\ attribute\ in\ content_tag/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_content_tag\.html\.erb/ end def test_xss_content_tag_in_tag_name assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 32, :message => /^Unescaped\ parameter\ value\ in\ content_tag/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_content_tag\.html\.erb/ end def test_cross_site_scripting_prepend_filter assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 1, :message => /^Unescaped\ parameter\ value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /use_filter12345\.html\.erb/ end def test_cross_site_scripting_append_filter assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 3, :message => /^Unescaped\ model\ attribute/, :confidence => 0, :file => /use_filter12345\.html\.erb/ end def test_cross_site_scripting_prepend_filter_overwrite assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 5, :message => /^Unescaped\ model\ attribute/, :confidence => 0, :file => /use_filter12345\.html\.erb/ end def test_cross_site_scripting_prepend_filter_overwrite_2 assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 8, :message => /^Unescaped\ model\ attribute/, :confidence => 0, :file => /use_filter12345\.html\.erb/ end def test_cross_site_scripting_model_in_tag_name assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 35, :message => /^Unescaped\ model\ attribute\ in\ content_tag/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_content_tag\.html\.erb/ end def test_cross_site_scripting_request_parameters assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 20, :message => /^Unescaped\ parameter\ value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_params\.html\.erb/ end def test_cross_site_scripting_in_nested_controller assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_code => 2, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 1, :message => /^Unescaped\ parameter\ value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /so_nested\.html\.erb/ end def test_cross_site_scripting_from_parent assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_code => 2, :fingerprint => "1e860da2c9a0cac3d898f3c4327877b3bdfa391048a19bfd6f55d6e283cc5b33", :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 1, :message => /^Unescaped\ parameter\ value/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "app/views/child/action_in_child.html.erb" end def test_cross_site_scripting_select_tag_CVE_2012_3463 assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 3, :message => /^Upgrade\ to\ Rails\ 3\.0\.17,\ 3\.0\.3\ select_ta/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_select_tag\.html\.erb/ end def test_cross_site_scripting_single_quotes_CVE_2012_3464 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :message => /^Rails\ 3\.0\.3\ does\ not\ escape\ single\ quote/, :confidence => 1, :file => /Gemfile/ end def test_CVE_2012_3424 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Denial of Service", :message => /^Vulnerability\ in\ digest\ authentication\ \(/, :confidence => 0, :file => /Gemfile/ end def test_strip_tags_CVE_2012_3465 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :message => /^Versions\ before\ 3\.0\.10\ have\ a\ vulnerabil/, :confidence => 0, :file => /Gemfile/ end def test_mail_link_CVE_2011_0446 assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_code => 32, :fingerprint => "ca5cb14e201255ecf4904957bba2e12eab64ea2d31c26d7150a431dcdae2f206", :warning_type => "Mail Link", :line => 1, :message => /^Vulnerability\ in\ mail_to\ using\ javascrip/, :confidence => 0, :file => /Gemfile/ end def test_sql_injection_CVE_2013_0155 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :message => /CVE-2013-0155/, :confidence => 0, :file => /Gemfile/ end def test_remote_code_execution_CVE_2013_0156_fix assert_no_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Remote Code Execution", :message => /^Rails\ 3\.0\.3\ has\ a\ remote\ code\ execution\ /, :confidence => 0, :file => /Gemfile/ end def test_remote_code_execution_CVE_2013_0277_protected assert_warning :type => :model, :warning_type => "Remote Code Execution", :message => /^Serialized\ attributes\ are\ vulnerable\ in\ /, :confidence => 1, :file => /product\.rb/ end def test_remote_code_execution_CVE_2013_0277_accessible assert_warning :type => :model, :warning_type => "Remote Code Execution", :message => /^Serialized\ attributes\ are\ vulnerable\ in\ /, :confidence => 1, :file => /purchase\.rb/ end def test_remote_code_execution_CVE_2013_0277_unprotected assert_warning :type => :model, :fingerprint => "b85602475eb048cfe7941b5952c3d5a09a7d9d0607f81fbf2b7578d1055fec90", :warning_type => "Remote Code Execution", :message => /^Serialized\ attributes\ are\ vulnerable\ in\ /, :confidence => 0, :file => /user\.rb/ end def test_remote_code_execution_CVE_2013_0333 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Remote Code Execution", :message => /^Rails\ 3\.0\.3\ has\ a\ serious\ JSON\ parsing\ v/, :confidence => 0, :file => /Gemfile/ end def test_denial_of_service_CVE_2013_0269 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Denial of Service", :message => /^json_pure\ gem\ version\ 1\.6\.4\ has\ a\ symbol/, :confidence => 0, :file => /Gemfile/ end def test_xss_CVE_2013_1857 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 40, :message => /^Rails\ 3\.0\.3\ has\ a\ vulnerability\ in\ sanit/, :confidence => 0, :file => /user\.rb/ end def test_xml_jruby_parsing_CVE_2013_1856 if RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "File Access", :message => /^Rails\ 3\.0\.3\ with\ JRuby\ has\ a\ vulnerabili/, :confidence => 0, :file => /Gemfile/ end end def test_denial_of_service_CVE_2013_1854 assert_no_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 55, :fingerprint => "2746b8872d4f46676a8c490a7ac906d23f6b11c9d83b6371ff5895139ec7b43b", :warning_type => "Denial of Service", :message => /^Rails\ 3\.0\.3\ has\ a\ denial\ of\ service\ vul/, :confidence => 1, :file => /Gemfile/ end def test_denial_of_service_CVE_2013_6414 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 64, :fingerprint => "a7b00f08e4a18c09388ad017876e3f57d18040ead2816a2091f3301b6f0e5a00", :warning_type => "Denial of Service", :message => /^Rails\ 3\.0\.3\ has\ a\ denial\ of\ service\ vuln/, :confidence => 1, :relative_path => "Gemfile" end def test_number_to_currency_CVE_2013_6415 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 65, :fingerprint => "813b00b5c58567fb3f32051578b839cb25fc2d827834a30d4b213a4c126202a2", :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => nil, :message => /^Rails\ 3\.0\.3\ has\ a\ vulnerability\ in\ numbe/, :confidence => 1, :relative_path => "Gemfile", :user_input => nil end def test_sql_injection_CVE_2013_6417 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 69, :fingerprint => "e1b66f4311771d714a13be519693c540d7e917511a758827d9b2a0a7f958e40f", :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => nil, :message => /^Rails\ 3\.0\.3\ contains\ a\ SQL\ injection\ vul/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "Gemfile", :user_input => nil end def test_http_only_session_setting assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Session Setting", :line => 3, :message => /^Session\ cookies\ should\ be\ set\ to\ HTTP\ on/, :confidence => 0, :file => /session_store\.rb/ end def test_secure_only_session_setting assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Session Setting", :line => 3, :message => /^Session\ cookie\ should\ be\ set\ to\ secure\ o/, :confidence => 0, :file => /session_store\.rb/ end def test_session_secret_token assert_no_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Session Setting", :line => 7, :message => /^Session\ secret\ should\ not\ be\ included\ in/, :confidence => 0, :file => /secret_token\.rb/ end def test_remote_code_execution_yaml_load_params_interpolated assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Remote Code Execution", :line => 106, :message => /^YAML\.load\ called\ with\ parameter\ value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_remote_code_execution_yaml_load_params assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Remote Code Execution", :line => 123, :message => /^YAML\.load\ called\ with\ parameter\ value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_remote_code_execution_yaml_load_indirect_cookies assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Remote Code Execution", :line => 125, :message => /^YAML\.load\ called\ with\ cookie\ value/, :confidence => 1, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_remote_code_execution_yaml_load_model_attribute assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Remote Code Execution", :line => 126, :message => /^YAML\.load\ called\ with\ model\ attribute/, :confidence => 1, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_remote_code_execution_yaml_load_documents assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Remote Code Execution", :line => 130, :message => /^YAML\.load_documents\ called\ with\ paramete/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_remote_code_execution_yaml_load_stream assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Remote Code Execution", :line => 131, :message => /^YAML\.load_stream\ called\ with\ cookie\ value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_remote_code_execution_yaml_parse_documents assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Remote Code Execution", :line => 132, :message => /^YAML\.parse_documents\ called\ with\ paramet/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end def test_remote_code_execution_yaml_parse_stream assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Remote Code Execution", :line => 133, :message => /^YAML\.parse_stream\ called\ with\ model\ attr/, :confidence => 1, :file => /home_controller\.rb/ end end