abort "Please run using test/test.rb" unless defined? BrakemanTester Rails2 = BrakemanTester.run_scan "rails2", "Rails 2" class Rails2Tests < Test::Unit::TestCase include BrakemanTester::FindWarning include BrakemanTester::CheckExpected def expected if Brakeman::Scanner::RUBY_1_9 @expected ||= { :controller => 1, :model => 3, :template => 45, :generic => 49 } else @expected ||= { :controller => 1, :model => 3, :template => 45, :generic => 50 } end end def report Rails2 end def test_no_errors assert_equal 0, report[:errors].length end def test_config_sanity assert_equal 'UTC', report[:config][:rails][:time_zone].value end def test_eval assert_warning :warning_type => "Dangerous Eval", :line => 40, :message => /^User input in eval/, :format_code => /eval\(params\[:dangerous_input\]\)/, :file => /home_controller.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_default_routes assert_warning :warning_type => "Default Routes", :line => 54, :message => /All public methods in controllers are available as actions/, :file => /routes\.rb/, :relative_path => "config/routes.rb" end def test_command_injection_interpolate assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Command Injection", :line => 34, :message => /^Possible command injection/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_command_injection_direct assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Command Injection", :line => 36, :message => /^Possible command injection/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb", :format_code => /params\[:user_input\]/ end def test_file_access_concatenation assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "File Access", :line => 24, :message => /^Parameter value used in file name/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_mass_assignment assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Mass Assignment", :line => 54, :message => /^Unprotected mass assignment/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_update_attribute_no_mass_assignment assert_no_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Mass Assignment", :line => 26, :message => /^Unprotected mass assignment/, :confidence => 0, :file => /other_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_mass_assignment_with_or_equals_in_filter assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Mass Assignment", :line => 127, :message => /^Unprotected\ mass\ assignment/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_redirect assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Redirect", :line => 45, :message => /^Possible unprotected redirect/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Redirect", :line => 182, :message => /^Possible unprotected redirect/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_dynamic_render_path assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Dynamic Render Path", :line => 59, :message => /^Render path contains parameter value near line 59: render/, :confidence => 1, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_dynamic_render_path_high_confidence assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Dynamic Render Path", :line => 77, :message => /^Render path contains parameter value near line 77: render/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_file_access assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "File Access", :line => 21, :message => /^Parameter value used in file name/, :confidence => 0, :file => /other_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/other_controller.rb" end def test_file_access_with_load assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "File Access", :line => 63, :message => /^Parameter value used in file name/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_file_access_load_false warnings = find :type => :warning, :warning_type => "File Access", :line => 64, :message => /^Parameter value used in file name/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" assert_equal 0, warnings.length, "False positive found." end def test_session_secret assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Session Setting", :line => 9, :message => /^Session\ secret\ should\ not\ be\ included\ in/, :confidence => 0, :file => /session_store\.rb/, :relative_path => "config/initializers/session_store.rb" end def test_session_cookies assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Session Setting", :line => 10, :message => /^Session cookies should be set to HTTP on/, :confidence => 0, :file => /session_store\.rb/, :relative_path => "config/initializers/session_store.rb" end def test_rails_cve_2012_2660 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :message => /CVE-2012-2660/, :confidence => 0 end def test_rails_cve_2012_2695 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :message => /CVE-2012-2695/, :confidence => 0 end def test_sql_injection_find_by_sql assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 28, :message => /^Possible SQL injection/, :confidence => 1, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_sql_injection_conditions_local assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 29, :message => /^Possible SQL injection/, :confidence => 1, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_sql_injection_params assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 30, :message => /^Possible SQL injection/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_sql_injection_named_scope assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 4, :message => /^Possible SQL injection near line 4: named_scope\(:phooey/, :confidence => 0, :file => /user\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/models/user.rb" end def test_sql_injection_named_scope_lambda assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 2, :message => /^Possible SQL injection near line 2: named_scope\(:dah, lambda/, :confidence => 1, :file => /user\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/models/user.rb" end def test_sql_injection_named_scope_conditional assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 6, :message => /^Possible SQL injection near line 6: named_scope\(:with_state, lambda/, :confidence => 1, :file => /user\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/models/user.rb" end def test_sql_injection_in_self_call assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 15, :message => /^Possible SQL injection near line 15: self\.find/, :confidence => 1, :file => /user\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/models/user.rb" end def test_sql_user_input_in_find_by assert_no_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 116, :message => /^Possible SQL injection near line 116: User.find_or_create_by_name/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end # ensure that the warning is generated for the line which contains the input, not # the line of the beginning of the string def test_sql_user_input_multiline assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 121, :message => /^Possible SQL injection near line 121: User.find_by_sql/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_sql_injection_false_positive_quote_value assert_no_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 0, :fingerprint => "6ea8fe3abe8eac86e5ecb790b53fb064b1152b2574b14d9354a40d07269a952e", :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 30, :message => /^Possible\ SQL\ injection/, :confidence => 1, :relative_path => "app/models/user.rb", :user_input => s(:call, s(:call, s(:str, "DELETE FROM cool_table WHERE cool_id="), :+, s(:call, nil, :quote_value, s(:call, s(:self), :cool_id))), :+, s(:str, " AND my_id=")) end def test_sql_injection_sanitize_sql assert_no_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 0, :fingerprint => "7481ff666ae949b8442400cf516615ce8b04b87f7e11e33e29d4ad1303d24dd0", :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 26, :message => /^Possible\ SQL\ injection/, :confidence => 1, :relative_path => "app/models/user.rb", :user_input => s(:call, s(:str, "select * from cool_table where stuff = "), :+, s(:call, s(:self), :sanitize_sql, s(:lvar, :input))) end def test_csrf_protection assert_warning :type => :controller, :warning_type => "Cross-Site Request Forgery", :message => /^'protect_from_forgery' should be called /, :confidence => 0, :file => /application_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/application_controller.rb" end def test_attribute_restriction assert_warning :type => :model, :warning_type => "Attribute Restriction", :warning_code => Brakeman::WarningCodes::Codes[:no_attr_accessible], :message => /^Mass assignment is not restricted using /, :confidence => 0, :file => /account, user\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/models/account, user.rb" #TODO: kinda broken end def test_format_validation assert_warning :type => :model, :warning_type => "Format Validation", :line => 2, :message => /^Insufficient validation for 'name' using/, :confidence => 0, :file => /account\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/models/account.rb" end def test_unescaped_parameter assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 3, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /index\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/index.html.erb" end def test_unescaped_request_env assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 1, :message => /^Unescaped request value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_env\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/other/test_env.html.erb" end def test_params_from_controller assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 4, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_params\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_params.html.erb" end def test_unrendered_sanitized_params_from_controller assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 1, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_sanitized_param\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_sanitized_param.html.erb" end def test_sanitized_params_from_controller assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 5, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_sanitized_param\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_sanitized_param.html.erb" end def test_indirect_xss assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 6, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value/, :confidence => 2, :file => /test_params\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_params.html.erb" end def test_model_attribute_from_controller assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 3, :message => /^Unescaped model attribute/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_model\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_model.html.erb" end def test_model_from_controller_indirect_bad assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 5, :message => /^Unescaped model attribute/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_model\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_model.html.erb" end def test_model_in_link_to assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 7, :message => /^Unescaped model attribute in link_to/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_model\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_model.html.erb" end def test_indirect_model_in_link_to assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_code => 3, :fingerprint => "8941c902e7c71d0df4ebb1888c8ed9ac99affaf385be657838452ac3eefe563c", :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 9, :message => /^Unescaped\ model\ attribute\ in\ l/, :confidence => 1, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_link_to.html.erb" end def test_escaped_parameter_in_link_to assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 10, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value in link_to/, :confidence => 1, :file => /test_params\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_params.html.erb" end def test_encoded_href_parameter_in_link_to assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 12, :message => /^Unsafe parameter value in link_to href/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_params\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_params.html.erb" end def test_href_parameter_in_link_to assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 14, :message => /^Unsafe parameter value in link_to href/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_params\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_params.html.erb" assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 16, :message => /^Unsafe parameter value in link_to href/, :confidence => 1, :file => /test_params\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_params.html.erb" assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 18, :message => /^Unsafe parameter value in link_to href/, :confidence => 1, :file => /test_params\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_params.html.erb" end def test_polymorphic_url_in_href assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 9, :message => /^Unsafe parameter value in link_to href/, :confidence => 1, :file => /test_model\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_model.html.erb" assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 11, :message => /^Unsafe parameter value in link_to href/, :confidence => 1, :file => /test_model\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_model.html.erb" end def test_unescaped_body_in_link_to assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 7, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value in link_to/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_link_to\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_link_to.html.erb" end def test_filter assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 3, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_filter\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_filter.html.erb" end def test_unescaped_model assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 4, :message => /^Unescaped model attribute/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_sql\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_sql.html.erb" end def test_param_from_filter assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 5, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /index\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/index.html.erb" end def test_params_from_locals_hash assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 4, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /app\/views\/other\/test_locals\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/other/test_locals.html.erb" end def test_model_attribute_from_collection assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 1, :message => /^Unescaped model attribute/, :confidence => 0, :file => /_user\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/other/_user.html.erb" end def test_model_attribute_from_iteration assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 3, :message => /^Unescaped model attribute/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_iteration\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/other/test_iteration.html.erb" end def test_other_model_attribute_from_iteration assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 4, :message => /^Unescaped model attribute/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_iteration\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/other/test_iteration.html.erb" end def test_sql_injection_in_template assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 4, :message => /^Possible SQL injection/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_sql\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_sql.html.erb" end def test_sql_injection_call_chain assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 73, :message => /^Possible SQL injection near line 73: User.humans.alive.find/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_sql_injection_merge_conditions assert_no_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 22, :message => /^Possible SQL injection near line 22: find/, :confidence => 0, :file => /user\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/models/user.rb" end def test_sql_injection_active_record_base_connection assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 0, :fingerprint => "37885d589fc5c41553dcc38b36b506c2e508d1f37ce040eb6dca92a958f858fb", :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 26, :message => /^Possible\ SQL\ injection/, :confidence => 1, :relative_path => "app/models/user.rb", :user_input => s(:lvar, :value) end def test_escape_once results = find :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 7, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value/, :confidence => 2, :file => /index\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/index.html.erb" assert_equal 0, results.length, "escape_once is a safe method" end def test_indirect_cookie assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 5, :message => /^Unescaped cookie value/, :confidence => 2, :file => /test_cookie\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_cookie.html.erb" end def test_cookie_from_controller assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 3, :message => /^Unescaped cookie value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_cookie\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_cookie.html.erb" end #Check for params that look like params[:x][:y] def test_params_multidimensional assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 8, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_params\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_params.html.erb" end #Check for cookies that look like cookies[:blah][:blah] def test_cookies_multidimensional assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 7, :message => /^Unescaped cookie value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_cookie\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_cookie.html.erb" end def test_xss_in_unused_template assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 1, :message => "Unescaped parameter value near line 1: params[:blah]", :confidence => 0, :file => /not_used\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/other/not_used.html.erb" end def test_select_vulnerability assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 3, :message => /^Upgrade\ to\ Rails\ 3\ or\ use\ options_for_se/, :confidence => 1, :file => /not_used\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/other/not_used.html.erb" end def test_explicit_render_template assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 1, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value near line 1: params\[:ba/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home\/test_render_template\.html\.haml/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_render_template.html.haml" end def test_xss_with_or_in_view assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 1, :message => /^Unescaped\ parameter\ value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_xss_with_or\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_xss_with_or.html.erb" end def test_xss_with_or_from_action assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 3, :message => /^Unescaped\ parameter\ value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_xss_with_or\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_xss_with_or.html.erb" end def test_xss_with_or_from_if_branches assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 5, :message => /^Unescaped\ parameter\ value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_xss_with_or\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_xss_with_or.html.erb" end def test_xss_with_nested_or assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 7, :message => /^Unescaped\ parameter\ value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_xss_with_or\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_xss_with_or.html.erb" end def test_xss_with_model_in_or assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 9, :message => /^Unescaped\ model\ attribute/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_xss_with_or\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_xss_with_or.html.erb" end def test_cross_site_scripting_strip_tags assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 3, :message => /^Unescaped\ parameter\ value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_strip_tags\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_strip_tags.html.erb" end def test_xss_content_tag_body assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 5, :message => /^Unescaped\ model\ attribute\ in\ content_tag/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_content_tag\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_content_tag.html.erb" end def test_xss_content_tag_escaped assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 8, :message => /^Unescaped\ cookie\ value\ in\ content_tag/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_content_tag\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_content_tag.html.erb" end def test_xss_content_tag_attribute_name assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 11, :message => /^Unescaped\ cookie\ value\ in\ content_tag/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_content_tag\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_content_tag.html.erb" end def test_xss_content_tag_attribute_name_even_with_escape_set assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 17, :message => /^Unescaped\ model\ attribute\ in\ content_tag/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_content_tag\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_content_tag.html.erb" end def test_cross_site_scripting_escaped_by_default assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 20, :message => /^Unescaped\ parameter\ value\ in\ content_tag/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_content_tag\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_content_tag.html.erb" end #Uh...maybe this shouldn't be a warning def test_cross_site_scripting_in_sanitize_method assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 5, :message => /^Unescaped\ parameter\ value/, :confidence => 2, :file => /not_used\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/other/not_used.html.erb" end def test_xss_content_tag_unescaped_on_purpose assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 23, :message => /^Unescaped\ model\ attribute\ in\ content_tag/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_content_tag\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_content_tag.html.erb" end def test_xss_content_tag_indirect_body assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 26, :message => /^Unescaped\ parameter\ value\ in\ content_tag/, :confidence => 1, :file => /test_content_tag\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_content_tag.html.erb" end def test_cross_site_scripting_single_quotes_CVE_2012_3464 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :message => /^All\ Rails\ 2\.x\ versions\ do\ not\ escape\ sin/, :confidence => 1, :file => /environment\.rb/, :relative_path => "config/environment.rb" end def test_check_send assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Dangerous Send", :line => 83, :message => /\AUser controlled method execution/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" assert_no_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 23, :warning_type => "Dangerous Send", :line => 84, :message => /^User\ controlled\ method\ execution/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" assert_no_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Dangerous Send", :line => 90, :message => /\AUser defined target of method invocation/, :confidence => 1, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_strip_tags_CVE_2011_2931 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :message => /^Versions\ before\ 2\.3\.13\ have\ a\ vulnerabil/, :confidence => 0, :file => /environment\.rb/, :relative_path => "config/environment.rb" end def test_strip_tags_CVE_2012_3465_high assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 3, :message => /^Unescaped\ parameter\ value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_strip_tags\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_strip_tags.html.erb" end def test_sql_injection_CVE_2012_5664 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :message => /CVE-2012-5664/, :confidence => 0, :file => /environment\.rb/, :relative_path => "config/environment.rb" end def test_sql_injection_CVE_2013_0155 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :message => /CVE-2013-0155/, :confidence => 0, :file => /environment\.rb/, :relative_path => "config/environment.rb" end def test_remote_code_execution_CVE_2013_0156 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Remote Code Execution", :message => /^Rails\ 2\.3\.11\ has\ a\ remote\ code\ execution/, :confidence => 0, :file => /environment\.rb/, :relative_path => "config/environment.rb" end def test_remote_code_execution_CVE_2013_0277 assert_warning :type => :model, :warning_type => "Remote Code Execution", :message => /^Serialized\ attributes\ are\ vulnerable\ in\ /, :confidence => 0, :file => /unprotected\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/models/unprotected.rb" end def test_remote_code_execution_CVE_2013_0333 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Remote Code Execution", :message => /^Rails\ 2\.3\.11\ has\ a\ serious\ JSON\ parsing\ /, :confidence => 0, :file => /environment\.rb/, :relative_path => "config/environment.rb" end def test_xss_sanitize_CVE_2013_1857 assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 5, :message => /^Rails\ 2\.3\.11\ has\ a\ vulnerability\ in\ sani/, :confidence => 0, :file => /not_used\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/other/not_used.html.erb" end def test_denial_of_service_CVE_2013_1854 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Denial of Service", :message => /^Rails\ 2\.3\.11\ has\ a\ denial\ of\ service\ vul/, :confidence => 1, :file => /environment\.rb/, :relative_path => "config/environment.rb" end def test_number_to_currency_CVE_2014_0081 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 73, :fingerprint => "dd82650c29c3ec7b77437c32d394641744208b42b2aeb673d54e5f42c51e6c33", :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => nil, :message => /^Rails\ 2\.3\.11\ has\ a\ vulnerability\ in\ numb/, :confidence => 1, :relative_path => "config/environment.rb", :user_input => nil end def test_sql_injection_CVE_2013_6417 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 69, :fingerprint => "378978cda99add8404dd38db466f6ffa0b824ea8c57270d98869241a240d12a6", :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => nil, :message => /^Rails\ 2\.3\.11\ contains\ a\ SQL\ injection\ vu/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "config/environment.rb", :user_input => nil end def test_to_json assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 3, :message => /^Unescaped model attribute in JSON hash/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_to_json\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_to_json.html.erb" assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 7, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value in JSON hash/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_to_json\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_to_json.html.erb" assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 11, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value in JSON hash/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_to_json\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_to_json.html.erb" assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 14, :message => /^Unescaped parameter value in JSON hash/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_to_json\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_to_json.html.erb" end def test_xss_with_params_to_i assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 1, :message => /^Unescaped\ parameter\ value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_to_i\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_to_i.html.erb" end def test_xss_with_request_env_to_i assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 5, :message => /^Unescaped\ cookie\ value/, :confidence => 2, :file => /test_to_i\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_to_i.html.erb" end def test_xss_with_cookie_to_i assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 3, :message => /^Unescaped\ request\ value/, :confidence => 0, :file => /test_to_i\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_to_i.html.erb" end def test_xss_with_model_attribute_to_i assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 7, :message => /^Unescaped\ model\ attribute/, :confidence => 1, :file => /test_to_i\.html\.erb/, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_to_i.html.erb" end def test_cross_site_scripting_unresolved_model_id assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_code => 2, :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 1, :message => /^Unescaped\ model\ attribute/, :confidence => 0, :file => /_models\.html\.erb/ end def test_cross_site_scripting_in_layout_for_dupe assert_warning :type => :template, :warning_code => 2, :fingerprint => "5d9a5790dbcd6ae68a11e8cdb791a8be9585bf0f75b18ef1f763c6965f55e431", :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 1, :message => /^Unescaped\ parameter\ value/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "app/views/layouts/thing.html.erb" end def test_cross_site_scripting_in_layout_weak_dupe assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_code => 5, :fingerprint => "56fa0dc161d310062ae4717dd70515269b776fe532352e59f72ed2cdc4932153", :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 1, :message => /^Unescaped\ parameter\ value/, :confidence => 2, :relative_path => "app/views/layouts/thing.html.erb" end def test_dangerous_send_try assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Dangerous Send", :line => 155, :message => /^User\ controlled\ method\ execution/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_dangerous_send_underscore assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Dangerous Send", :line => 156, :message => /^User\ controlled\ method\ execution/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_dangerous_public_send assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Dangerous Send", :line => 157, :message => /^User\ controlled\ method\ execution/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_dangerous_try_on_user_input assert_no_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Dangerous Send", :line => 160, :message => /^User\ defined\ target\ of\ method\ invocation/, :confidence => 1, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_unsafe_reflection_constantize assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Remote Code Execution", :line => 89, :message => /^Unsafe\ reflection\ method\ constantize\ cal/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" # This is same call, copied to template assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_code => 24, :warning_type => "Remote Code Execution", :line => 1, :message => /^Unsafe\ reflection\ method\ constantize\ cal/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "app/views/home/test_send_target.html.erb" end def test_unsafe_reflection_constantize_2 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Remote Code Execution", :line => 160, :message => /^Unsafe\ reflection\ method\ constantize\ cal/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_unsafe_symbol_creation [40,41].each do |line| assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Denial of Service", :line => line, :message => /^Symbol\ conversion\ from\ unsafe\ string/, :confidence => 0, :file => /application_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/application_controller.rb" end end def test_unsafe_symbol_creation_2 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Denial of Service", :line => 83, :message => /^Symbol\ conversion\ from\ unsafe\ string/, :confidence => 0, :file => /home_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/home_controller.rb" end def test_unsafe_symbol_creation_3 assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_type => "Denial of Service", :line => 29, :message => /^Symbol\ conversion\ from\ unsafe\ string/, :confidence => 1, :file => /application_controller\.rb/, :relative_path => "app/controllers/application_controller.rb" end def test_unsafe_symbol_creation_from_param assert_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 59, :fingerprint => "b9c29fc37080f827527feb53f29d618b91d9a5aaac9047383baf46361f08c4cc", :warning_type => "Denial of Service", :line => 49, :message => /^Symbol\ conversion\ from\ unsafe\ string\ \(pa/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "app/controllers/other_controller.rb" end def test_to_sym_duplicate_as_argument assert_no_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 59, :fingerprint => "b9c29fc37080f827527feb53f29d618b91d9a5aaac9047383baf46361f08c4cc", :warning_type => "Denial of Service", :line => 53, :message => /^Symbol\ conversion\ from\ unsafe\ string\ \(pa/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "app/controllers/other_controller.rb" end def test_to_sym_duplicate_as_target assert_no_warning :type => :warning, :warning_code => 59, :fingerprint => "b9c29fc37080f827527feb53f29d618b91d9a5aaac9047383baf46361f08c4cc", :warning_type => "Denial of Service", :line => 54, :message => /^Symbol\ conversion\ from\ unsafe\ string\ \(pa/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "app/controllers/other_controller.rb" end def test_ignored_sql_warning assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_code => 0, :fingerprint => "f2fa1da45eea252150f6920454822bda3ed5c83a2c376c1296a98037969dd45f", :warning_type => "SQL Injection", :line => 2, :message => /^Possible\ SQL\ injection/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "app/views/other/ignore_me.html.erb" end def test_ignored_xss_warning assert_no_warning :type => :template, :warning_code => 2, :fingerprint => "6300805e44167e6c3446efbd06b97206928855a2bfc6e1f3e61c097795956b13", :warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting", :line => 2, :message => /^Unescaped\ model\ attribute/, :confidence => 0, :relative_path => "app/views/other/ignore_me.html.erb" end end Rails2WithOptions = BrakemanTester.run_scan "rails2", "Rails 2", :collapse_mass_assignment => false class Rails2WithOptionsTests < Test::Unit::TestCase include BrakemanTester::FindWarning include BrakemanTester::CheckExpected def expected if Brakeman::Scanner::RUBY_1_9 @expected ||= { :controller => 1, :model => 4, :template => 45, :generic => 49 } else @expected ||= { :controller => 1, :model => 4, :template => 45, :generic => 50 } end end def report Rails2WithOptions end def test_no_errors assert_equal 0, report[:errors].length end def test_attribute_restriction assert_warning :type => :model, :warning_type => "Attribute Restriction", :warning_code => Brakeman::WarningCodes::Codes[:no_attr_accessible], :message => /^Mass assignment is not restricted using /, :confidence => 0, :file => /account\.rb/ assert_warning :type => :model, :warning_type => "Attribute Restriction", :warning_code => Brakeman::WarningCodes::Codes[:no_attr_accessible], :message => /^Mass assignment is not restricted using /, :confidence => 0, :file => /user\.rb/ end end