提交 4444db1b 编写于 作者: J Justin Collins

Add tests for XSS changes

上级 0aed16dd
<%= link_to 'stuff', cool_thing_url(params[:x]) %> Don't warn
<%= link_to 'stuff', Thing.find(params[:id]).home_url %> Warn
<%= link_to 'stuff', Thing.find(params[:id]).home_path %> Don't warn
<%= link_to 'other stuff', home_path(Thing.find(params[:id])) %> Don't warn
<%= raw(x(params[:x])) %> Warn with warning code 2 not 5
<% form_for Thing.first do |t| %>
<%== t.select(things, Thing.new(params[:t]).stuff) %>
<% end %>
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class Rails4Tests < Test::Unit::TestCase
@expected ||= {
:controller => 0,
:model => 2,
:template => 4,
:template => 6,
:generic => 60
......@@ -584,6 +584,53 @@ class Rails4Tests < Test::Unit::TestCase
:user_input => nil
def test_cross_site_scripting_warning_code_for_weak_xss
assert_warning :type => :template,
:warning_code => 2,
:warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting",
:line => 5,
:message => /^Unescaped\ parameter\ value/,
:confidence => 2,
:relative_path => "app/views/another/various_xss.html.erb",
:user_input => s(:call, s(:call, nil, :params), :[], s(:lit, :x))
def test_cross_site_scripting_no_warning_on_helper_methods_with_targets
assert_no_warning :type => :template,
:warning_code => 2,
:warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting",
:line => 7,
:message => /^Unescaped\ parameter\ value/,
:confidence => 2,
:relative_path => "app/views/another/various_xss.html.erb",
:user_input => s(:call, s(:call, nil, :params), :[], s(:lit, :t))
def test_cross_site_scripting_warn_on_url_methods_in_href
assert_warning :type => :template,
:warning_code => 4,
:fingerprint => "92d5f7afb5676d2aca85d6dc796d3606ec225c178a3727ba6a790138276a7c1c",
:warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting",
:line => 2,
:message => /^Unsafe\ parameter\ value\ in\ link_to\ href/,
:confidence => 1,
:relative_path => "app/views/another/various_xss.html.erb",
:user_input => s(:call, nil, :params)
def test_cross_site_scripting_no_warning_on_path_methods_in_href
assert_no_warning :type => :template,
:warning_code => 4,
:fingerprint => "75956429768c8c53ee3f9932320db67a9d2e0d6fe87431eb290156d0d31d8dba",
:warning_type => "Cross Site Scripting",
:line => 3,
:message => /^Unsafe\ parameter\ value\ in\ link_to\ href/,
:confidence => 1,
:relative_path => "app/views/another/various_xss.html.erb",
:user_input => s(:call, nil, :params)
def test_sql_injection_in_chained_string_building
assert_warning :type => :warning,
:warning_code => 0,
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