using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Numerics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Uno.Extensions; using Uno.Foundation; using Uno.Foundation.Interop; using Windows.Foundation; using Windows.UI; using Windows.UI.Xaml; #if NET7_0_OR_GREATER using System.Runtime.InteropServices.JavaScript; #endif namespace Uno.UI.Xaml { /// /// An interop layer to invoke methods found in the WindowManager.ts file. /// internal partial class WindowManagerInterop { //When users set double.MaxValue to scroll to the end of the page Javascript doesn't scroll. private const double MAX_SCROLLING_OFFSET = 1_000_000_000_000_000_000; #region Init internal static void Init(bool isLoadEventsEnabled) { var parms = new WindowManagerInitParams { IsLoadEventsEnabled = isLoadEventsEnabled }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("UnoStatic:initNative", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerInitParams { public bool IsLoadEventsEnabled; } #endregion internal static string FindLaunchArguments() => #if NET7_0_OR_GREATER NativeMethods.FindLaunchArguments(); #else WebAssemblyRuntime.InvokeJS("Uno.UI.WindowManager.findLaunchArguments()"); #endif #region CreateContent internal static void CreateContent(IntPtr htmlId, string htmlTag, IntPtr handle, int uiElementRegistrationId, bool htmlTagIsSvg, bool isFocusable) { #if NET7_0_OR_GREATER NativeMethods.CreateContent(htmlId, htmlTag, uiElementRegistrationId, isFocusable, htmlTagIsSvg); #else var parms = new WindowManagerCreateContentParams { HtmlId = htmlId, TagName = htmlTag, Handle = handle, UIElementRegistrationId = uiElementRegistrationId, IsSvg = htmlTagIsSvg, IsFocusable = isFocusable }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:createContentNative", parms); #endif } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerCreateContentParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; [MarshalAs(TSInteropMarshaller.LPUTF8Str)] public string TagName; public IntPtr Handle; public int UIElementRegistrationId; public bool IsSvg; public bool IsFocusable; } #endregion #region CreateContent internal static int RegisterUIElement(string typeName, string[] classNames, bool isFrameworkElement) { var parms = new WindowManagerRegisterUIElementParams { TypeName = typeName, IsFrameworkElement = isFrameworkElement, Classes_Length = classNames.Length, Classes = classNames, }; var ret = (WindowManagerRegisterUIElementReturn)TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:registerUIElementNative", parms, typeof(WindowManagerRegisterUIElementReturn)); return ret.RegistrationId; } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerRegisterUIElementParams { [MarshalAs(TSInteropMarshaller.LPUTF8Str)] public string TypeName; public bool IsFrameworkElement; public int Classes_Length; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = TSInteropMarshaller.LPUTF8Str)] public string[] Classes; } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerRegisterUIElementReturn { public int RegistrationId; } #endregion #region SetElementTransform internal static void SetElementTransform(IntPtr htmlId, Matrix3x2 matrix) { #if NET7_0_OR_GREATER NativeMethods.SetElementTransform(htmlId, matrix.M11, matrix.M12, matrix.M21, matrix.M22, matrix.M31, matrix.M32); #else var parms = new WindowManagerSetElementTransformParams { HtmlId = htmlId, M11 = matrix.M11, M12 = matrix.M12, M21 = matrix.M21, M22 = matrix.M22, M31 = matrix.M31, M32 = matrix.M32, }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:setElementTransformNative", parms); #endif } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 8)] private struct WindowManagerSetElementTransformParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; public double M11; public double M12; public double M21; public double M22; public double M31; public double M32; } #endregion #region SetPointerEvents internal static void SetPointerEvents(IntPtr htmlId, bool enabled) { #if NET7_0_OR_GREATER NativeMethods.SetPointerEvents(htmlId, enabled); #else var parms = new WindowManagerSetPointerEventsParams { HtmlId = htmlId, Enabled = enabled }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:setPointerEventsNative", parms); #endif } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerSetPointerEventsParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; public bool Enabled; } #endregion internal static void SetPointerCapture(IntPtr htmlId, uint pointerId) { #if NET7_0_OR_GREATER NativeMethods.SetPointerCapture(htmlId, pointerId); #else var command = "Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.setPointerCapture(" + htmlId + ", " + pointerId + ");"; WebAssemblyRuntime.InvokeJS(command); #endif } internal static void ReleasePointerCapture(IntPtr htmlId, uint pointerId) { #if NET7_0_OR_GREATER NativeMethods.ReleasePointerCapture(htmlId, pointerId); #else var command = "Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.releasePointerCapture(" + htmlId + ", " + pointerId + ");"; WebAssemblyRuntime.InvokeJS(command); #endif } #region MeasureView internal static Size MeasureView(IntPtr htmlId, Size availableSize, bool measureContent) { #if NET7_0_OR_GREATER using var pReturn = TSInteropMarshaller.AllocateBlittableStructure(typeof(WindowManagerMeasureViewReturn)); NativeMethods.MeasureView(htmlId, availableSize.Width, availableSize.Height, measureContent, pReturn); var result = TSInteropMarshaller.UnmarshalStructure(pReturn); return new Size(result.DesiredWidth, result.DesiredHeight); #else var parms = new WindowManagerMeasureViewParams { HtmlId = htmlId, AvailableWidth = availableSize.Width, AvailableHeight = availableSize.Height, MeasureContent = measureContent }; var ret = (WindowManagerMeasureViewReturn)TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:measureViewNative", parms, typeof(WindowManagerMeasureViewReturn)); return new Size(ret.DesiredWidth, ret.DesiredHeight); #endif } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 8)] private struct WindowManagerMeasureViewParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; public double AvailableWidth; public double AvailableHeight; public bool MeasureContent; } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 8)] private struct WindowManagerMeasureViewReturn { public double DesiredWidth; public double DesiredHeight; } #endregion #region SetStyleDouble internal static void SetStyleDouble(IntPtr htmlId, string name, double value) { var parms = new WindowManagerSetStyleDoubleParams { HtmlId = htmlId, Name = name, Value = value }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:setStyleDoubleNative", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerSetStyleDoubleParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; public string Name; public double Value; } #endregion #region SetStyleString internal static void SetStyleString(IntPtr htmlId, string name, string value) { #if NET7_0_OR_GREATER NativeMethods.SetStyleString(htmlId, name, value); #else var parms = new WindowManagerSetStyleStringParams { HtmlId = htmlId, Name = name, Value = value }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:setStyleStringNative", parms); #endif } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerSetStyleStringParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; public string Name; public string Value; } #endregion #region SetRectanglePosition internal static void SetSvgElementRect(IntPtr htmlId, Rect rect) { var parms = new WindowManagerSetSvgElementRectParams { HtmlId = htmlId, X = rect.X, Y = rect.Y, Width = rect.Width, Height = rect.Height, }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:setSvgElementRect", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 8)] private struct WindowManagerSetSvgElementRectParams { public double X; public double Y; public double Width; public double Height; public IntPtr HtmlId; } #endregion #region SetStyles internal static void SetStyles(IntPtr htmlId, (string name, string value)[] styles) { var pairs = new string[styles.Length * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < styles.Length; i++) { pairs[i * 2 + 0] = styles[i].name; pairs[i * 2 + 1] = styles[i].value; } #if NET7_0_OR_GREATER NativeMethods.SetStyles(htmlId, pairs); #else var parms = new WindowManagerSetStylesParams { HtmlId = htmlId, Pairs_Length = pairs.Length, Pairs = pairs, }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:setStyleNative", parms); #endif } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerSetStylesParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; public int Pairs_Length; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string[] Pairs; } #endregion #region IsCssFeatureSupported internal static bool IsCssFeatureSupported(string supportCondition) { #if NET7_0_OR_GREATER return NativeMethods.CssSupports(supportCondition); #else var command = $"Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.isCssConditionSupported(\"{WebAssemblyRuntime.EscapeJs(supportCondition)}\")"; var result = WebAssemblyRuntime.InvokeJS(command); return bool.Parse(result); #endif } #endregion #region SetUnsetCssClasses internal static void SetUnsetCssClasses(IntPtr htmlId, string[] cssClassesToSet, string[] cssClassesToUnset) { var parms = new WindowManagerSetUnsetClassesParams { HtmlId = htmlId, CssClassesToSet = cssClassesToSet, CssClassesToSet_Length = cssClassesToSet?.Length ?? 0, CssClassesToUnset = cssClassesToUnset, CssClassesToUnset_Length = cssClassesToUnset?.Length ?? 0 }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:setUnsetClassesNative", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerSetUnsetClassesParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; public int CssClassesToSet_Length; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string[] CssClassesToSet; public int CssClassesToUnset_Length; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string[] CssClassesToUnset; } #endregion #region SetClasses internal static void SetClasses(IntPtr htmlId, string[] cssClasses, int index) { var parms = new WindowManagerSetClassesParams { HtmlId = htmlId, CssClasses = cssClasses, CssClasses_Length = cssClasses.Length, Index = index }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:setClassesNative", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerSetClassesParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; public int CssClasses_Length; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string[] CssClasses; public int Index; } #endregion #region AddView internal static void AddView(IntPtr htmlId, IntPtr child, int? index = null) { var parms = new WindowManagerAddViewParams { HtmlId = htmlId, ChildView = child, Index = index ?? -1, }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:addViewNative", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerAddViewParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; public IntPtr ChildView; public int Index; } #endregion #region SetAttributes internal static void SetAttributes(IntPtr htmlId, (string name, string value)[] attributes) { var pairs = new string[attributes.Length * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++) { pairs[i * 2 + 0] = attributes[i].name; pairs[i * 2 + 1] = attributes[i].value; } #if NET7_0_OR_GREATER NativeMethods.SetAttributes(htmlId, pairs); #else var parms = new WindowManagerSetAttributesParams() { HtmlId = htmlId, Pairs_Length = pairs.Length, Pairs = pairs, }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:setAttributesNative", parms); #endif } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerSetAttributesParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; public int Pairs_Length; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = TSInteropMarshaller.LPUTF8Str)] public string[] Pairs; } #endregion #region SetAttribute internal static void SetAttribute(IntPtr htmlId, string name, string value) { var parms = new WindowManagerSetAttributeParams() { HtmlId = htmlId, Name = name, Value = value, }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:setAttributeNative", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerSetAttributeParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; [MarshalAs(TSInteropMarshaller.LPUTF8Str)] public string Name; [MarshalAs(TSInteropMarshaller.LPUTF8Str)] public string Value; } #endregion #region GetAttribute internal static string GetAttribute(IntPtr htmlId, string name) { #if NET7_0_OR_GREATER return NativeMethods.GetAttribute(htmlId, name); #else var command = "Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.getAttribute(\"" + htmlId + "\", \"" + name + "\");"; return WebAssemblyRuntime.InvokeJS(command); #endif } #endregion #region ClearAttribute internal static void RemoveAttribute(IntPtr htmlId, string name) { var parms = new WindowManagerRemoveAttributeParams() { HtmlId = htmlId, Name = name, }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:removeAttributeNative", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerRemoveAttributeParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; [MarshalAs(TSInteropMarshaller.LPUTF8Str)] public string Name; } #endregion #region SetName internal static void SetName(IntPtr htmlId, string name) { var parms = new WindowManagerSetNameParams() { HtmlId = htmlId, Name = name, }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:setNameNative", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerSetNameParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; [MarshalAs(TSInteropMarshaller.LPUTF8Str)] public string Name; } #endregion #region SetXUid internal static void SetXUid(IntPtr htmlId, string name) { var parms = new WindowManagerSetXUidParams() { HtmlId = htmlId, Uid = name, }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:setXUidNative", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerSetXUidParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; [MarshalAs(TSInteropMarshaller.LPUTF8Str)] public string Uid; } #endregion #region SetVisibility internal static void SetVisibility(IntPtr htmlId, bool visible) { #if NET7_0_OR_GREATER NativeMethods.SetVisibility(htmlId, visible); #else var parms = new WindowManagerSetVisibilityParams() { HtmlId = htmlId, Visible = visible, }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:setVisibilityNative", parms); #endif } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerSetVisibilityParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; public bool Visible; } #endregion #region SetProperty internal static void SetProperty(IntPtr htmlId, (string name, string value)[] properties) { var pairs = new string[properties.Length * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++) { pairs[i * 2 + 0] = properties[i].name; pairs[i * 2 + 1] = properties[i].value; } #if NET7_0_OR_GREATER NativeMethods.SetProperties(htmlId, pairs); #else var parms = new WindowManagerSetPropertyParams() { HtmlId = htmlId, Pairs_Length = pairs.Length, Pairs = pairs, }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:setPropertyNative", parms); #endif } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerSetPropertyParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; public int Pairs_Length; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = TSInteropMarshaller.LPUTF8Str)] public string[] Pairs; } #endregion #region SetElementColor internal static void SetElementColor(IntPtr htmlId, Color color) { var colorAsInteger = color.ToCssInteger(); var parms = new WindowManagerSetElementColorParams() { HtmlId = htmlId, Color = colorAsInteger, }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:setElementColorNative", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerSetElementColorParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; public uint Color; } #endregion #region SetSelectionHighlight internal static void SetSelectionHighlight(IntPtr htmlId, Color backgroundColor, Color foregroundColor) { var backgroundAsInteger = backgroundColor.ToCssInteger(); var foregroundAsInteger = foregroundColor.ToCssInteger(); var parms = new WindowManagerSetSelectionHighlightParams() { HtmlId = htmlId, BackgroundColor = backgroundAsInteger, ForegroundColor = foregroundAsInteger }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:setSelectionHighlightNative", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerSetSelectionHighlightParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; public uint BackgroundColor; public uint ForegroundColor; } #endregion #region SetElementFill internal static void SetElementFill(IntPtr htmlId, Color color) { var colorAsInteger = color.ToCssInteger(); var parms = new WindowManagerSetElementFillParams() { HtmlId = htmlId, Color = colorAsInteger, }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:setElementFillNative", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerSetElementFillParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; public uint Color; } #endregion #region RemoveView internal static void RemoveView(IntPtr htmlId, IntPtr childId) { var parms = new WindowManagerRemoveViewParams { HtmlId = htmlId, ChildView = childId }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:removeViewNative", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerRemoveViewParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; public IntPtr ChildView; } #endregion #region DestroyView internal static void DestroyView(IntPtr htmlId) { #if NET7_0_OR_GREATER NativeMethods.DestroyView(htmlId); #else var parms = new WindowManagerDestroyViewParams { HtmlId = htmlId }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:destroyViewNative", parms); #endif } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerDestroyViewParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; } #endregion #region ResetStyle internal static void ResetStyle(IntPtr htmlId, string[] names) { if (names == null || names.Length == 0) { // nothing to do return; } var parms = new WindowManagerResetStyleParams() { HtmlId = htmlId, Styles = names, Styles_Length = names.Length, }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:resetStyleNative", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerResetStyleParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; public int Styles_Length; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = TSInteropMarshaller.LPUTF8Str)] public string[] Styles; } #endregion #region RegisterEventOnView internal static void RegisterEventOnView(IntPtr htmlId, string eventName, bool onCapturePhase, int eventExtractorId) { var parms = new WindowManagerRegisterEventOnViewParams() { HtmlId = htmlId, EventName = eventName, OnCapturePhase = onCapturePhase, EventExtractorId = eventExtractorId, }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:registerEventOnViewNative", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerRegisterEventOnViewParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; [MarshalAs(TSInteropMarshaller.LPUTF8Str)] public string EventName; public bool OnCapturePhase; public int EventExtractorId; } #endregion #region registerPointerEventsOnView internal static void RegisterPointerEventsOnView(IntPtr htmlId) { var parms = new WindowManagerRegisterPointerEventsOnViewParams() { HtmlId = htmlId, }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:registerPointerEventsOnView", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerRegisterPointerEventsOnViewParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; } #endregion #region GetBBox internal static Rect GetBBox(IntPtr htmlId) { var parms = new WindowManagerGetBBoxParams { HtmlId = htmlId }; var ret = (WindowManagerGetBBoxReturn)TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:getBBoxNative", parms, typeof(WindowManagerGetBBoxReturn)); return new Rect(ret.X, ret.Y, ret.Width, ret.Height); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerGetBBoxParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 8)] private struct WindowManagerGetBBoxReturn { public double X; public double Y; public double Width; public double Height; } #endregion #region SetContentHtml internal static void SetContentHtml(IntPtr htmlId, string html) { var parms = new WindowManagerSetContentHtmlParams() { HtmlId = htmlId, Html = html, }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:setHtmlContentNative", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerSetContentHtmlParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; [MarshalAs(TSInteropMarshaller.LPUTF8Str)] public string Html; } #endregion #region ArrangeElement internal static void ArrangeElement(IntPtr htmlId, Rect rect, Rect? clipRect) { #if NET7_0_OR_GREATER var clipRectValue = clipRect ?? default; NativeMethods.ArrangeElement( htmlId, rect.Top, rect.Left, rect.Width, rect.Height, clipRect.HasValue, clipRectValue.Top, clipRectValue.Left, clipRectValue.Bottom, clipRectValue.Right); #else var parms = new WindowManagerArrangeElementParams() { HtmlId = htmlId, Top = rect.Top, Left = rect.Left, Width = rect.Width, Height = rect.Height, }; if (clipRect != null) { parms.Clip = true; parms.ClipTop = clipRect.Value.Top; parms.ClipLeft = clipRect.Value.Left; parms.ClipBottom = clipRect.Value.Bottom; parms.ClipRight = clipRect.Value.Right; } TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:arrangeElementNative", parms); #endif } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerArrangeElementParams { public double Top; public double Left; public double Width; public double Height; public double ClipTop; public double ClipLeft; public double ClipBottom; public double ClipRight; public IntPtr HtmlId; public bool Clip; } #endregion #region GetClientViewSize internal static (Size clientSize, Size offsetSize) GetClientViewSize(IntPtr htmlId) { var parms = new WindowManagerGetClientViewSizeParams { HtmlId = htmlId }; var ret = (WindowManagerGetClientViewSizeReturn)TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:getClientViewSizeNative", parms, typeof(WindowManagerGetClientViewSizeReturn)); return ( clientSize: new Size(ret.ClientWidth, ret.ClientHeight), offsetSize: new Size(ret.OffsetWidth, ret.OffsetHeight) ); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerGetClientViewSizeParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 8)] private struct WindowManagerGetClientViewSizeReturn { public double OffsetWidth; public double OffsetHeight; public double ClientWidth; public double ClientHeight; } #endregion #region ScrollTo internal static void ScrollTo(IntPtr htmlId, double? left, double? top, bool disableAnimation) { var sanitizedTop = top.HasValue && top == double.MaxValue ? MAX_SCROLLING_OFFSET : top; var sanitizedLeft = left.HasValue && left == double.MaxValue ? MAX_SCROLLING_OFFSET : left; var parms = new WindowManagerScrollToOptionsParams { HtmlId = htmlId, HasLeft = sanitizedLeft.HasValue, Left = sanitizedLeft ?? 0, HasTop = sanitizedTop.HasValue, Top = sanitizedTop ?? 0, DisableAnimation = disableAnimation }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:scrollTo", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerScrollToOptionsParams { public double Left; public double Top; public bool HasLeft; public bool HasTop; public bool DisableAnimation; public IntPtr HtmlId; } #endregion #region SetElementBackgroundColor internal static void SetElementBackgroundColor(IntPtr htmlId, Color color) { var parms = new WindowManagerSetElementBackgroundColorParams { HtmlId = htmlId, Color = color.ToCssInteger() }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:setElementBackgroundColor", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerSetElementBackgroundColorParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; public uint Color; } #endregion #region SetElementBackgroundColor internal static void SetElementBackgroundGradient(IntPtr htmlId, string cssGradient) { var parms = new WindowManagerSetElementBackgroundGradientParams { HtmlId = htmlId, CssGradient = cssGradient }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:setElementBackgroundGradient", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerSetElementBackgroundGradientParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; [MarshalAs(TSInteropMarshaller.LPUTF8Str)] public string CssGradient; } #endregion #region SetElementBackgroundColor internal static void ResetElementBackground(IntPtr htmlId) { var parms = new WindowManagerResetElementBackgroundParams { HtmlId = htmlId, }; TSInteropMarshaller.InvokeJS("Uno:resetElementBackground", parms); } [TSInteropMessage] [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)] private struct WindowManagerResetElementBackgroundParams { public IntPtr HtmlId; } #endregion internal static string RawPixelsToBase64EncodeImage(IntPtr data, int width, int height) => #if NET7_0_OR_GREATER NativeMethods.RawPixelsToBase64EncodeImage(data, width, height); #else WebAssemblyRuntime.InvokeJS("Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.rawPixelsToBase64EncodeImage(" + data + ", " + width + ", " + height + ");"); #endif internal static void SetRootElement(IntPtr htmlId) { #if NET7_0_OR_GREATER NativeMethods.SetRootElement(htmlId); #else WebAssemblyRuntime.InvokeJS($"Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.setRootElement({htmlId});"); #endif } internal static void WindowActivate() { #if NET7_0_OR_GREATER NativeMethods.WindowActivate(); #else WebAssemblyRuntime.InvokeJS("Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.activate();"); #endif } #region Pointers [Flags] internal enum HtmlPointerButtonsState { // None = 0, Left = 1, Middle = 4, Right = 2, X1 = 8, X2 = 16, Eraser = 32, } internal enum HtmlPointerButtonUpdate { None = -1, Left = 0, Middle = 1, Right = 2, X1 = 3, X2 = 4, Eraser = 5 } #endregion #if NET7_0_OR_GREATER internal static partial class NativeMethods { [JSImport("globalThis.Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.arrangeElementNativeFast")] internal static partial void ArrangeElement( IntPtr htmlId, double top, double left, double width, double height, bool clip, double clipTop, double clipLeft, double clipBottom, double clipRight); [JSImport("globalThis.Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.createContentNativeFast")] internal static partial void CreateContent(IntPtr htmlId, string tagName, int uiElementRegistrationId, bool isFocusable, bool isSvg); [JSImport("globalThis.CSS.supports")] internal static partial bool CssSupports(string condition); [JSImport("globalThis.Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.destroyViewNativeFast")] internal static partial void DestroyView(IntPtr htmlId); [JSImport("globalThis.Uno.UI.WindowManager.findLaunchArguments")] internal static partial string FindLaunchArguments(); [JSImport("globalThis.Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.getAttribute")] internal static partial string GetAttribute(IntPtr htmlId, string name); [JSImport("globalThis.Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.measureViewNativeFast")] internal static partial void MeasureView(IntPtr htmlId, double availableWidth, double availableHeight, bool measureContent, IntPtr pReturn); [JSImport("globalThis.Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.rawPixelsToBase64EncodeImage")] internal static partial string RawPixelsToBase64EncodeImage(IntPtr data, int width, int height); [JSImport("globalThis.Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.releasePointerCapture")] internal static partial void ReleasePointerCapture(IntPtr htmlId, double pointerId); [JSImport("globalThis.Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.setAttributesNativeFast")] internal static partial void SetAttributes(IntPtr htmlId, string[] pairs); [JSImport("globalThis.Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.setElementTransformNativeFast")] internal static partial void SetElementTransform(IntPtr htmlId, float m11, float m12, float m21, float m22, float m31, float m32); [JSImport("globalThis.Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.setPointerCapture")] internal static partial void SetPointerCapture(IntPtr htmlId, double pointerId); [JSImport("globalThis.Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.setPointerEventsNativeFast")] internal static partial void SetPointerEvents(IntPtr htmlId, bool enabled); [JSImport("globalThis.Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.setPropertyNativeFast")] internal static partial void SetProperties(IntPtr htmlId, string[] pairs); [JSImport("globalThis.Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.setRootElement")] internal static partial void SetRootElement(IntPtr htmlId); [JSImport("globalThis.Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.setStyleStringNativeFast")] internal static partial void SetStyleString(IntPtr htmlId, string name, string value); [JSImport("globalThis.Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.setStyleNativeFast")] internal static partial void SetStyles(IntPtr htmlId, string[] pairs); [JSImport("globalThis.Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.setVisibilityNativeFast")] internal static partial void SetVisibility(IntPtr htmlId, bool visible); [JSImport("globalThis.Uno.UI.WindowManager.current.activate")] internal static partial void WindowActivate(); } #endif } }