baseURL = "" #baseURL = "/" Languages = "zh-cn" title = "开源软件推进联盟" theme = ["dot","hugo-theme-pdf-js"] [markup.goldmark.renderer] unsafe = true ############################# Default Parameters ########################## [params] # logo is for all page logo = "" # logo white is for homepage logo, you can use colorful logo too... logo_white = "" # when logo is empty, it will shown your site title copyright = "[开源软件推进联盟]( © 2020 a Hugo theme by [Gethugothemes](" # customize color primary_color = "#d21e1d" body_color = "#f9f9f9" text_color = "#636363" text_color_dark = "#242738" white_color = "#ffffff" light_color = "#f8f9fa" # font family # font_family = "lato" # Choose font family from : # contact form action contact_form_action = "#" # contact form works with : ############################## social links ############################## [[]] icon = "ti-github" # themify icon pack : link = "" ################################ 中文 ###################### # [Languages] # languageName = "中文" # languageCode = "zh-cn" # weight = 0 # banner [params.banner] title = "开源软件推进联盟" # subtitle = "开源软件推进联盟" # bg_image = "images/banner.jpg" placeholder = "输入关键词查找文集" # call to action [params.cta] # enable = true # title = "Didn't find an answer to your question?" #content = "Musce libero nunc, dignissim quis turpis quis, semper vehicula dolor. Suspendisse tincidunt consequat quam." # call to action button [params.cta.button] # enable = true # label = "contact us" # link = "contact" ################## navigation ################# [[menu.main]] # name = "主会场" # url = "/keynote" # weight = 1 [[menu.main]] # name = "北京" # url = "/beijing" # weight = 2 [[menu.main]] # name = "深圳" # url = "/shenzhen" # weight = 4 # Dropdown menu [[menu.main]] # weight = 3 # name = "上海" # hasChildren = true [[menu.main]] # parent = "上海" # name = "11月28日" # url = "/shanghai/11-28" # weight = 1 [[menu.main]] # parent = "上海" # name = "11月29日" # url = "/shanghai/11-29" # weight = 2 [[menu.main]] # name = "CODE CHINA" # url = "" # weight = 6