--- title: "Customization" date: 2018-12-29T11:02:05+06:00 lastmod: 2020-01-05T10:42:26+06:00 weight: 4 draft: false # search related keywords keywords: [""] --- **Dot** has been built to be as configurable as possible. ### Change the logo In `config.toml` you will find a logo variable. you can change your logo there. {{% notice tip %}} The size of the logo will adapt automatically {{% /notice %}} ### Change the favicon If your favicon is a png, just drop off your image in your local `static/images/` folder and name it `favicon.png` If you need to change this default behavior, create a new file in `layouts/partials/` named `head.html`. Then write something like this: ```html ``` ### Change default colors **Dot** support change color. You can change the colors from `config.toml`. You can change the colors of the template as you want. ```toml [params] # Change default color scheme with a color name or color code. primary_color = "#02007e" body_color = "#f9f9f9" text_color = "#636363" text_color_dark = "#242738" white_color = "#ffffff" light_color = "#f8f9fa" ``` ### Change default Fonts ```toml [params] # font family font_family = "lato" # Choose font family from : https://fonts.google.com/ ```