Imports FSLib.App.SimpleUpdater Module NewUpdater Const InNewVisonTXT As String = "\\Likai-pc\发行版\2011\NewVersion.txt" Const GitWeb As String = "" Public Sub UpDate1() Try ' Updater.CheckUpdateSimple("\\likai-pc\发行版\更新包\{0}", "update.xml") Dim UpdaterInstance = FSLib.App.SimpleUpdater.Updater.CreateUpdaterInstance() With UpdaterInstance.Context .UpdateDownloadUrl = "\\likai-pc\发行版\更新包\{0}" '获得或设置用于更新的模板地址 .UpdateInfoFileName = "update.xml" '获得或设置更新时使用的 XML 文件名 .MultipleDownloadCount = 5 '获得或设置同时下载的文件数,默认为 3 End With '开始更新 UpdaterInstance.BeginCheckUpdateInProcess() UpdaterInstance.Dispose() Catch ex As Exception 'MsgBox(ex.Message) End Try End Sub Public Sub UpDate2(ByVal IsPutOutMsg As Boolean) Try Dim fileReader As System.IO.StreamReader fileReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader(InNewVisonTXT) Dim NewVersion As String NewVersion = fileReader.ReadLine() fileReader.Close() 'MsgBox(NewVersion) Dim MyVersion As String = _ My.Application.Info.Version.Major & "." & _ My.Application.Info.Version.Minor & "." & _ Format(My.Application.Info.Version.Build, "00") & "." & _ Format(My.Application.Info.Version.Revision, "00") 'MsgBox(MyVersion) If NewVersion <> "" Then Dim shortMyversion As Long Dim shortNewVersion As Long shortMyversion = ShortVersion(MyVersion) shortNewVersion = ShortVersion(NewVersion) If shortNewVersion > shortMyversion Then MsgBox("InventorAddIn插件" & vbCrLf & "当前版本:" & MyVersion & vbCrLf & "检查到 新版本:" & NewVersion, MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, " 检查更新") Dim simupdate As String simupdate = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\simupdater.exe" If IsFileExsts(simupdate) = True Then Process.Start(simupdate) Else MsgBox("缺失升级程序 simupdater.exe,请到本软件仓库下载。", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "检查更新") Process.Start(GitWeb) End If Else If IsPutOutMsg = True Then MsgBox("当前是最新版本。", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "检查更新") End If End If End If Catch ex As Exception 'MsgBox(ex.Message) 'MsgBox("未链接到服务器。", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "检查更新") End Try End Sub Public Function ShortVersion(ByVal LongVesion As String) As Long ShortVersion = Val(Strings.Replace(LongVesion, ".", "")) Return ShortVersion End Function Public Function CreateUpdate() As Boolean Try Dim path As String = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\simupdater.exe" '文件释放路径 Dim resources As System.Resources.ResourceManager = My.Resources.ResourceManager Dim b() As Byte = resources.GetObject("simupdater") Dim s As IO.Stream s = IO.File.Create(path) s.Write(b, 0, b.Length) s.Close() path = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\SimpleUpdater.dll" '文件释放路径 b = resources.GetObject("SimpleUpdater") s = IO.File.Create(path) s.Write(b, 0, b.Length) s.Close() 'MessageBox.Show("资源释放成功") Return True Catch ex As Exception 'MessageBox.Show("资源释放失败!Result=" + ex.Message) End Try End Function Public Sub Update3() Try Dim path As String = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\simupdater.exe '文件释放路径" Dim DisplayVersion As String DisplayVersion = ThisApplication.SoftwareVersion.DisplayVersion Dim MyVersion As String = _ My.Application.Info.Version.Major & "." & _ My.Application.Info.Version.Minor & "." & _ Format(My.Application.Info.Version.Build, "00") & "." & _ Format(My.Application.Info.Version.Revision, "00") Dim arguments As String arguments = DisplayVersion & " " & MyVersion Process.Start(path, arguments) Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub End Module