Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports Inventor.SelectionFilterEnum Imports Inventor.SelectTypeEnum Imports Inventor.DocumentTypeEnum Imports Inventor Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop Imports stdole Public Class frmInventoryCoding Private Sub btnLoadFile_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLoadFile.Click btnLoadFile.Enabled = False lvwFileList.Items.Clear() SetStatusBarText() If IsInventorOpenDoc() = False Then Exit Sub End If If ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentType <> kAssemblyDocumentObject Then Exit Sub End If Dim oAssemblyDocument As AssemblyDocument oAssemblyDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument If oAssemblyDocument.DocumentType <> kAssemblyDocumentObject Then MsgBox("该功能仅适用于部件") Exit Sub End If '============================================================================================== '基于bom结构化数据,可跳过参考的文件 ' Set a reference to the BOM Dim oBOM As BOM oBOM = oAssemblyDocument.ComponentDefinition.BOM oBOM.StructuredViewEnabled = True 'Set a reference to the "Structured" BOMView Dim oBOMView As BOMView lvwFileList.BeginUpdate() '获取结构化的bom页面 For Each oBOMView In oBOM.BOMViews If oBOMView.ViewType = BOMViewTypeEnum.kStructuredBOMViewType Then '遍历这个bom页面 QueryBOMRowToLoadiPro(oBOMView.BOMRows, lvwFileList) End If Next lvwFileList.EndUpdate() '============================================================================================== '' 获取所有引用文档 'Dim oAllReferencedDocuments As DocumentsEnumerator 'oAllReferencedDocuments = oAssemblyDocument.AllReferencedDocuments 'With prgProcess ' .Minimum = 0 ' .Maximum = oAllReferencedDocuments.Count ' .Value = 0 'End With ' 遍历这些文档 'For Each ReferencedDocument As Document In oAllReferencedDocuments ' Debug.Print(ReferencedDocument.DisplayName) ' Dim oStockNumPartName As StockNumPartName ' oStockNumPartName = GetPropitems(ReferencedDocument) ' Dim LVI As ListViewItem ' LVI = lvwFileList.Items.Add(oStockNumPartName.StockNum) ' LVI.SubItems.Add(oStockNumPartName.PartName) ' LVI.SubItems.Add(oStockNumPartName.PartNum) ' LVI.SubItems.Add(ReferencedDocument.FullDocumentName) ' prgProcess.Value = prgProcess.Value + 1 'Next btnLoadFile.Enabled = True End Sub Public Sub QueryBOMRowToLoadiPro(ByVal oBOMRows As BOMRowsEnumerator, olistiview As ListView) Dim i As Integer Dim iStepCount As Short iStepCount = oBOMRows.Count 'Create a new ProgressBar object. 'Dim oProgressBar As Inventor.ProgressBar 'oProgressBar = ThisApplication.CreateProgressBar(False, iStepCount, "当前文件: ") For i = 1 To oBOMRows.Count ' Get the current row. Dim oBOMRow As BOMRow oBOMRow = oBOMRows.Item(i) Dim oFullFileName As String oFullFileName = oBOMRow.ReferencedFileDescriptor.FullFileName '测试文件 Debug.Print(oFullFileName) ' Set the message for the progress bar 'oProgressBar.Message = oFullFileName If IsFileExsts(oFullFileName) = False Then '跳过不存在的文件 GoTo 999 End If If InStr(oFullFileName, ContentCenterFiles) > 0 Then '跳过零件库文件 GoTo 999 End If Dim oInventorDocument As Inventor.Document oInventorDocument = ThisApplication.Documents.Open(oFullFileName, False) '打开文件,不显示 Dim oStockNumPartName As StockNumPartName oStockNumPartName = GetPropitems(oInventorDocument) Dim LVI As ListViewItem LVI = lvwFileList.Items.Add(oStockNumPartName.StockNum) LVI.SubItems.Add(oStockNumPartName.PartName) LVI.SubItems.Add(oStockNumPartName.PartNum) LVI.SubItems.Add(oFullFileName) oInventorDocument.Close(True) '遍历下一级 If (Not oBOMRow.ChildRows Is Nothing) Then Call QueryBOMRowToLoadiPro(oBOMRow.ChildRows, olistiview) End If 999: 'oProgressBar.UpdateProgress() Next 'oProgressBar.Close() End Sub Private Sub btnClose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClose.Click Me.Close() End Sub Private Sub btnSearchCoding_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearchCoding.Click On Error Resume Next 'PartNum = FindSrtingInSheet(Excel_File_Name, StochNum, Sheet_Name, Table_Array, Col_Index_Num, 0) btnSearchCoding.Enabled = False Dim excelApp As Excel.Application excelApp = New Excel.Application 'excelApp.Visible = True 'Excel_File_Name = "E:\软件\Invenotr\Inventor编程\InventorAddIn\code\bin\最新物料编码.xls" Dim wb As Excel.Workbook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(Excel_File_Name, 0, True) Dim sht As Excel.Worksheet = Nothing Dim userange As Excel.Range = Nothing For Each sht In wb.Sheets 'sht = wb.Sheets(Sheet_Name) 'sht = wb.Sheets("物料") Dim Table_Array(10) As String Table_Array = Split(Table_Arrays, ",") Dim MatchRow As Double '寻找到的行 With prgProcess .Minimum = 0 .Maximum = lvwFileList.Items.Count .Value = 0 End With For Each LVI As ListViewItem In lvwFileList.Items For Each a In Table_Array userange = sht.Range(a & ":" & a) MatchRow = 0 MatchRow = excelApp.WorksheetFunction.Match(LVI.Text, userange, 0) If MatchRow <> 0.0 Then '当前值 Dim NowRangeValue As String = LVI.SubItems(2).Text Dim FindRange As String '寻找的单元 Dim FindRangeValue As String '寻找的值 'FindRange = "B" & MatchRow FindRange = Col_Index_Num & MatchRow FindRangeValue = sht.Range(FindRange).Value If NowRangeValue <> FindRangeValue Then LVI.SubItems(2).Text = FindRangeValue LVI.UseItemStyleForSubItems = False LVI.SubItems(2).ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Red Exit For End If End If Next prgProcess.Value = prgProcess.Value + 1 Next Next '关闭文件 wb.Close() ' 8.退出Excel程序 excelApp.Quit() '9.释放资源 System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(userange) System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sht) System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(wb) System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(excelApp) btnSearchCoding.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub btnWriteCoding_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnWriteCoding.Click Dim oInventorDocument As Inventor.Document Dim FullDocumentName As String Dim oCoding As String btnWriteCoding.Enabled = False With prgProcess .Minimum = 0 .Maximum = lvwFileList.Items.Count .Value = 0 End With For Each LVI As ListViewItem In lvwFileList.Items If LVI.SubItems(2).ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Red Then LVI.SubItems(2).ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Black '写入后变为黑色 oCoding = LVI.SubItems(2).Text FullDocumentName = LVI.SubItems(3).Text oInventorDocument = ThisApplication.Documents.Open(FullDocumentName, False) SetPropitem(oInventorDocument, "成本中心", oCoding) End If prgProcess.Value = prgProcess.Value + 1 Next btnWriteCoding.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub lvwFileList_MouseDoubleClick(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles lvwFileList.MouseDoubleClick ThisApplication.Documents.Open(lvwFileList.SelectedItems(0).SubItems(3).Text) End Sub End Class