from __future__ import division import os import math import time import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from torch.autograd import Variable from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont from torchvision.ops import nms class DecodeBox(nn.Module): def __init__(self, anchors, num_classes, img_size): super(DecodeBox, self).__init__() self.anchors = anchors self.num_anchors = len(anchors) self.num_classes = num_classes self.bbox_attrs = 5 + num_classes self.img_size = img_size def forward(self, input): # input为bs,3*(1+4+num_classes),13,13 # 一共多少张图片 batch_size = input.size(0) # 13,13 input_height = input.size(2) input_width = input.size(3) # 计算步长 # 每一个特征点对应原来的图片上多少个像素点 # 如果特征层为13x13的话,一个特征点就对应原来的图片上的32个像素点 # 416/13 = 32 stride_h = self.img_size[1] / input_height stride_w = self.img_size[0] / input_width # 把先验框的尺寸调整成特征层大小的形式 # 计算出先验框在特征层上对应的宽高 scaled_anchors = [(anchor_width / stride_w, anchor_height / stride_h) for anchor_width, anchor_height in self.anchors] # bs,3*(5+num_classes),13,13 -> bs,3,13,13,(5+num_classes) prediction = input.view(batch_size, self.num_anchors, self.bbox_attrs, input_height, input_width).permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 2).contiguous() # 先验框的中心位置的调整参数 x = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 0]) y = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 1]) # 先验框的宽高调整参数 w = prediction[..., 2] # Width h = prediction[..., 3] # Height # 获得置信度,是否有物体 conf = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 4]) # 种类置信度 pred_cls = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 5:]) # Cls pred. FloatTensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if x.is_cuda else torch.FloatTensor LongTensor = torch.cuda.LongTensor if x.is_cuda else torch.LongTensor # 生成网格,先验框中心,网格左上角 batch_size,3,13,13 grid_x = torch.linspace(0, input_width - 1, input_width).repeat(input_width, 1).repeat( batch_size * self.num_anchors, 1, 1).view(x.shape).type(FloatTensor) grid_y = torch.linspace(0, input_height - 1, input_height).repeat(input_height, 1).t().repeat( batch_size * self.num_anchors, 1, 1).view(y.shape).type(FloatTensor) # 生成先验框的宽高 anchor_w = FloatTensor(scaled_anchors).index_select(1, LongTensor([0])) anchor_h = FloatTensor(scaled_anchors).index_select(1, LongTensor([1])) anchor_w = anchor_w.repeat(batch_size, 1).repeat(1, 1, input_height * input_width).view(w.shape) anchor_h = anchor_h.repeat(batch_size, 1).repeat(1, 1, input_height * input_width).view(h.shape) # 计算调整后的先验框中心与宽高 pred_boxes = FloatTensor(prediction[..., :4].shape) pred_boxes[..., 0] = + grid_x pred_boxes[..., 1] = + grid_y pred_boxes[..., 2] = torch.exp( * anchor_w pred_boxes[..., 3] = torch.exp( * anchor_h # fig = plt.figure() # ax = fig.add_subplot(121) # if input_height==13: # plt.ylim(0,13) # plt.xlim(0,13) # elif input_height==26: # plt.ylim(0,26) # plt.xlim(0,26) # elif input_height==52: # plt.ylim(0,52) # plt.xlim(0,52) # plt.scatter(grid_x.cpu(),grid_y.cpu()) # anchor_left = grid_x - anchor_w/2 # anchor_top = grid_y - anchor_h/2 # rect1 = plt.Rectangle([anchor_left[0,0,5,5],anchor_top[0,0,5,5]],anchor_w[0,0,5,5],anchor_h[0,0,5,5],color="r",fill=False) # rect2 = plt.Rectangle([anchor_left[0,1,5,5],anchor_top[0,1,5,5]],anchor_w[0,1,5,5],anchor_h[0,1,5,5],color="r",fill=False) # rect3 = plt.Rectangle([anchor_left[0,2,5,5],anchor_top[0,2,5,5]],anchor_w[0,2,5,5],anchor_h[0,2,5,5],color="r",fill=False) # ax.add_patch(rect1) # ax.add_patch(rect2) # ax.add_patch(rect3) # ax = fig.add_subplot(122) # if input_height==13: # plt.ylim(0,13) # plt.xlim(0,13) # elif input_height==26: # plt.ylim(0,26) # plt.xlim(0,26) # elif input_height==52: # plt.ylim(0,52) # plt.xlim(0,52) # plt.scatter(grid_x.cpu(),grid_y.cpu()) # plt.scatter(pred_boxes[0,:,5,5,0].cpu(),pred_boxes[0,:,5,5,1].cpu(),c='r') # pre_left = pred_boxes[...,0] - pred_boxes[...,2]/2 # pre_top = pred_boxes[...,1] - pred_boxes[...,3]/2 # rect1 = plt.Rectangle([pre_left[0,0,5,5],pre_top[0,0,5,5]],pred_boxes[0,0,5,5,2],pred_boxes[0,0,5,5,3],color="r",fill=False) # rect2 = plt.Rectangle([pre_left[0,1,5,5],pre_top[0,1,5,5]],pred_boxes[0,1,5,5,2],pred_boxes[0,1,5,5,3],color="r",fill=False) # rect3 = plt.Rectangle([pre_left[0,2,5,5],pre_top[0,2,5,5]],pred_boxes[0,2,5,5,2],pred_boxes[0,2,5,5,3],color="r",fill=False) # ax.add_patch(rect1) # ax.add_patch(rect2) # ax.add_patch(rect3) # # 用于将输出调整为相对于416x416的大小 _scale = torch.Tensor([stride_w, stride_h] * 2).type(FloatTensor) output =, -1, 4) * _scale, conf.view(batch_size, -1, 1), pred_cls.view(batch_size, -1, self.num_classes)), -1) return def letterbox_image(image, size): iw, ih = image.size w, h = size scale = min(w/iw, h/ih) nw = int(iw*scale) nh = int(ih*scale) image = image.resize((nw,nh), Image.BICUBIC) new_image ='RGB', size, (128,128,128)) new_image.paste(image, ((w-nw)//2, (h-nh)//2)) return new_image def yolo_correct_boxes(top, left, bottom, right, input_shape, image_shape): new_shape = image_shape*np.min(input_shape/image_shape) offset = (input_shape-new_shape)/2./input_shape scale = input_shape/new_shape box_yx = np.concatenate(((top+bottom)/2,(left+right)/2),axis=-1)/input_shape box_hw = np.concatenate((bottom-top,right-left),axis=-1)/input_shape box_yx = (box_yx - offset) * scale box_hw *= scale box_mins = box_yx - (box_hw / 2.) box_maxes = box_yx + (box_hw / 2.) boxes = np.concatenate([ box_mins[:, 0:1], box_mins[:, 1:2], box_maxes[:, 0:1], box_maxes[:, 1:2] ],axis=-1) boxes *= np.concatenate([image_shape, image_shape],axis=-1) return boxes def bbox_iou(box1, box2, x1y1x2y2=True): """ 计算IOU """ if not x1y1x2y2: b1_x1, b1_x2 = box1[:, 0] - box1[:, 2] / 2, box1[:, 0] + box1[:, 2] / 2 b1_y1, b1_y2 = box1[:, 1] - box1[:, 3] / 2, box1[:, 1] + box1[:, 3] / 2 b2_x1, b2_x2 = box2[:, 0] - box2[:, 2] / 2, box2[:, 0] + box2[:, 2] / 2 b2_y1, b2_y2 = box2[:, 1] - box2[:, 3] / 2, box2[:, 1] + box2[:, 3] / 2 else: b1_x1, b1_y1, b1_x2, b1_y2 = box1[:, 0], box1[:, 1], box1[:, 2], box1[:, 3] b2_x1, b2_y1, b2_x2, b2_y2 = box2[:, 0], box2[:, 1], box2[:, 2], box2[:, 3] inter_rect_x1 = torch.max(b1_x1, b2_x1) inter_rect_y1 = torch.max(b1_y1, b2_y1) inter_rect_x2 = torch.min(b1_x2, b2_x2) inter_rect_y2 = torch.min(b1_y2, b2_y2) inter_area = torch.clamp(inter_rect_x2 - inter_rect_x1 + 1, min=0) * \ torch.clamp(inter_rect_y2 - inter_rect_y1 + 1, min=0) b1_area = (b1_x2 - b1_x1 + 1) * (b1_y2 - b1_y1 + 1) b2_area = (b2_x2 - b2_x1 + 1) * (b2_y2 - b2_y1 + 1) iou = inter_area / (b1_area + b2_area - inter_area + 1e-16) return iou def non_max_suppression(prediction, num_classes, conf_thres=0.5, nms_thres=0.4): # 求左上角和右下角 box_corner = box_corner[:, :, 0] = prediction[:, :, 0] - prediction[:, :, 2] / 2 box_corner[:, :, 1] = prediction[:, :, 1] - prediction[:, :, 3] / 2 box_corner[:, :, 2] = prediction[:, :, 0] + prediction[:, :, 2] / 2 box_corner[:, :, 3] = prediction[:, :, 1] + prediction[:, :, 3] / 2 prediction[:, :, :4] = box_corner[:, :, :4] output = [None for _ in range(len(prediction))] for image_i, image_pred in enumerate(prediction): # 利用置信度进行第一轮筛选 conf_mask = (image_pred[:, 4] >= conf_thres).squeeze() image_pred = image_pred[conf_mask] if not image_pred.size(0): continue # 获得种类及其置信度 class_conf, class_pred = torch.max(image_pred[:, 5:5 + num_classes], 1, keepdim=True) # 获得的内容为(x1, y1, x2, y2, obj_conf, class_conf, class_pred) detections =[:, :5], class_conf.float(), class_pred.float()), 1) # 获得种类 unique_labels = detections[:, -1].cpu().unique() if prediction.is_cuda: unique_labels = unique_labels.cuda() detections = detections.cuda() for c in unique_labels: # 获得某一类初步筛选后全部的预测结果 detections_class = detections[detections[:, -1] == c] #------------------------------------------# # 使用官方自带的非极大抑制会速度更快一些! #------------------------------------------# keep = nms( detections_class[:, :4], detections_class[:, 4], nms_thres ) max_detections = detections_class[keep] # # 按照存在物体的置信度排序 # _, conf_sort_index = torch.sort(detections_class[:, 4], descending=True) # detections_class = detections_class[conf_sort_index] # # 进行非极大抑制 # max_detections = [] # while detections_class.size(0): # # 取出这一类置信度最高的,一步一步往下判断,判断重合程度是否大于nms_thres,如果是则去除掉 # max_detections.append(detections_class[0].unsqueeze(0)) # if len(detections_class) == 1: # break # ious = bbox_iou(max_detections[-1], detections_class[1:]) # detections_class = detections_class[1:][ious < nms_thres] # # 堆叠 # max_detections = # Add max detections to outputs output[image_i] = max_detections if output[image_i] is None else (output[image_i], max_detections)) return output def merge_bboxes(bboxes, cutx, cuty): merge_bbox = [] for i in range(len(bboxes)): for box in bboxes[i]: tmp_box = [] x1,y1,x2,y2 = box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3] if i == 0: if y1 > cuty or x1 > cutx: continue if y2 >= cuty and y1 <= cuty: y2 = cuty if y2-y1 < 5: continue if x2 >= cutx and x1 <= cutx: x2 = cutx if x2-x1 < 5: continue if i == 1: if y2 < cuty or x1 > cutx: continue if y2 >= cuty and y1 <= cuty: y1 = cuty if y2-y1 < 5: continue if x2 >= cutx and x1 <= cutx: x2 = cutx if x2-x1 < 5: continue if i == 2: if y2 < cuty or x2 < cutx: continue if y2 >= cuty and y1 <= cuty: y1 = cuty if y2-y1 < 5: continue if x2 >= cutx and x1 <= cutx: x1 = cutx if x2-x1 < 5: continue if i == 3: if y1 > cuty or x2 < cutx: continue if y2 >= cuty and y1 <= cuty: y2 = cuty if y2-y1 < 5: continue if x2 >= cutx and x1 <= cutx: x1 = cutx if x2-x1 < 5: continue tmp_box.append(x1) tmp_box.append(y1) tmp_box.append(x2) tmp_box.append(y2) tmp_box.append(box[-1]) merge_bbox.append(tmp_box) return merge_bbox