提交 f98dbe8a 编写于 作者: ZK645945's avatar ZK645945 😶

feat: mock数据修复

上级 4d15d8fb
......@@ -7,21 +7,17 @@ import { collectDB } from './utils/db';
export default {
async communityCheck() {
return {
code: 200,
msg: 'success',
data: {
qaUrl: 'https://bbs.csdn.net/forums/placard?category=0&typeId=23466',
community: {
id: 1,
userName: 'User',
communityId: 1000,
uriName: 'test',
homePageUrl: 'https://bbs.csdn.net/ccloud/test',
status: 1,
createTime: '2022-04-20T08:11:23.000+0000',
url: 'https://blog.csdn.net/SoftwareTeacher/article/details/123940505',
qaUrl: 'https://bbs.csdn.net/forums/placard?category=0&typeId=23466',
community: {
id: 1,
userName: 'User',
communityId: 1000,
uriName: 'test',
homePageUrl: 'https://bbs.csdn.net/ccloud/test',
status: 1,
createTime: '2022-04-20T08:11:23.000+0000',
url: 'https://blog.csdn.net/SoftwareTeacher/article/details/123940505',
async communityCreate() {
......@@ -107,27 +103,23 @@ export default {
async tagList() {
return {
code: 200,
msg: 'success',
data: [
{ tabContribute: 0, cdId: 4451, tabName: '全部', createTime: null, sortType: 1, cardType: 0, tabType: 4, indexOrder: 0, id: 23632, tabUrl: '', tabSwitch: 1, status: 0 },
tabContribute: 1,
cdId: 4451,
tabName: '博客笔记',
createTime: null,
sortType: 1,
cardType: 0,
tabType: 1,
indexOrder: 0,
id: 23646,
tabUrl: '',
tabSwitch: 1,
status: 0,
return [
{ tabContribute: 0, cdId: 4451, tabName: '全部', createTime: null, sortType: 1, cardType: 0, tabType: 4, indexOrder: 0, id: 23632, tabUrl: '', tabSwitch: 1, status: 0 },
tabContribute: 1,
cdId: 4451,
tabName: '博客笔记',
createTime: null,
sortType: 1,
cardType: 0,
tabType: 1,
indexOrder: 0,
id: 23646,
tabUrl: '',
tabSwitch: 1,
status: 0,
// return tagService.list();
async tagCreate(tagName) {
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