# Guides There are many ways that you can help the KubeSphere community. - Go through our documents, point out or fix unclear things. Translate the documents to other languages. - Install our [releases](https://kubesphere.io/en/install), try to manage your `kubernetes` cluster with `kubesphere`, and feedback to us about what you think. - Read our source codes, Ask questions for details. - Find kubesphere bugs, [submit issue](https://github.com/kubesphere/kubesphere/issues), and try to fix it. - Find kubesphere installer bugs, [submit issue](https://github.com/kubesphere/ks-installer/issues), and try to fix it. - Find [help wanted issues](https://github.com/kubesphere/kubesphere/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22help+wanted%22), which are good for you to start. - Submit issue or start discussion through [GitHub issue](https://github.com/kubesphere/kubesphere/issues/new). - See all forum discussion through [website](https://kubesphere.io/forum/). ## Contact Us All the following channels are open to the community, you could choose the way you like. * Submit an [issue](https://github.com/kubesphere/kubesphere/issues) * See all forum discussion through [website](https://kubesphere.io/forum/). * Join us at [Slack Channel](https://join.slack.com/t/kubesphere/shared_invite/enQtNTE3MDIxNzUxNzQ0LTZkNTdkYWNiYTVkMTM5ZThhODY1MjAyZmVlYWEwZmQ3ODQ1NmM1MGVkNWEzZTRhNzk0MzM5MmY4NDc3ZWVhMjE). ## For code developer 1. Learn about kubesphere's Concepts And Designs and how to build kubesphere locally For developers, first step, read [Concepts And Designs](../concepts-and-designs/README.md) and [Compiling Guide](How-to-build.md). Concepts And Designs describes the role of each component in kubesphere and the relationship between them. Compiling Guide teaches developer how to build the project in local and set up the environment. 2. Understand the workflow of kubesphere development. Read [Development Workflow](Development-workflow.md). 3. Learn KubeSphere code layout Read [KubeSphere Code Layout](Kubesphere-code-layout.md). 4. Understand the best practices for submitting PR and our code of conduct Read [best practices for submitting PR](pull-requests.md). Read [code of conduct](code-of-conduct.md). ### KubeSphere Installer developer ### UI developer TODO: UI opensource is on the way ### KubeSphere Application Management developer TODO(@pengcong) ### KubeSphere Service Mesh developer TODO(@zryfish) ### Porter developer TODO(@magicsong) ### KubeSphere Networking developer ### KubeSphere DevOps developer Users who are interested in DevOps Pipeline, you can read the documentation according to the [guidelines above](README.md#for-code-developer). The function of KubeSphere DevOps is mainly provided by KubeSphere apiserver. ### KubeSphere S2I/B2I developer 1. If users who are interested in S2I/B2I, please read [S2I/B2I](https://github.com/kubesphere/s2ioperator#source-to-image-operator) to get start it. 2. For developers who want to contribute, see [Development Guide for S2I/B2I](https://github.com/kubesphere/s2ioperator/blob/master/docs/DEVELOPMENT.md) ### KubeSphere Monitoring developer 1. Read kubesphere's [Concepts And Designs for Monitoring](../concepts-and-designs/kubesphere-monitoring.md). Understand KubeSphere's monitoring stack. 2. For Prometheus and its wider eco-system setup, go to [kube-prometheus](https://github.com/kubesphere/prometheus-operator/tree/ks-v0.27.0/contrib/kube-prometheus). 3. For KubeSphere builtin metric rules, see [metrics_rules.go](https://github.com/kubesphere/kubesphere/blob/master/pkg/models/metrics/metrics_rules.go) and [kubernetes-mixin](https://github.com/kubesphere/kubernetes-mixin/blob/ks-v0.27.0/rules/rules.libsonnet). 4. For developers who are interested in KubeSphere monitoring backend, read [Development Guide for Monitoring](kubesphere-monitoring-development-guide.md) and [API doc](https://kubesphere.com.cn/docs/v2.1/api/kubesphere#tag/Cluster-Metrics). ### KubeSphere Logging developer 1. Read kubesphere's [Concepts And Designs for Logging](../concepts-and-designs/kubesphere-logging.md). Understand KubeSphere's logging stack. 2. Find the component you are interested in and start from its own repo: [Fluent Bit](https://github.com/kubesphere/fluent-bit), [Fluent-bit Operator](https://github.com/kubesphere/fluentbit-operator) and [Logsidecar Injector](https://github.com/kubesphere/logsidecar-injector). 3. For developers who are interested in KubeSphere logging backend, read [Development Guide for Logging](kubesphere-logging-devlopment-guide.md) and [API doc](https://kubesphere.com.cn/docs/v2.1/api/kubesphere#tag/Log-Query). ### KubeSphere Altering developer TODO ### KubeSphere Notification developer TODO