{ "convent": "Convent", "input_prompt": "Multiple characters are separated by space", "input_10": "DEC", "input_16": "HEX", "input_8": "OCT", "input_2": "BIN", "input_string": "String", "clear": "Clear", "code_table": "ASCII table", "yes": "Y", "no": "N", "input_null_prompt": "Please enter the corresponding code", "convent_error": "Conversion exception: {0}", "is_show": "Is Show", "description": "Description", "code_nul": "Null char", "code_soh": "Start of Heading", "code_stx": "Start of Text", "code_etx": "End of Text", "code_eot": "End of Transmission", "code_enq": "Enquiry", "code_ack": "Acknowledgment", "code_bel": "Bell", "code_bs": "Back Space", "code_tab": "Horizontal Tab", "code_lf": "Line Feed", "code_vt": "Vertical Tab", "code_ff": "Form Feed", "code_cr": "Carriage Return", "code_so": "Shift Out / X-On", "code_si": "Shift In / X-Off", "code_dle": "Data Line Escape", "code_dc1": "Device Control 1 (oft. XON)", "code_dc2": "Device Control 2", "code_dc3": "Device Control 3 (oft. XOFF)", "code_dc4": "Device Control 4", "code_nak": "Negative Acknowledgement", "code_syn": "Synchronous Idle", "code_etb": "End of Transmit Block", "code_can": "Cancel", "code_em": "End of Medium", "code_sub": "Substitute", "code_esc": "Escape", "code_fs": "File Separator", "code_gs": "Group Separator", "code_rs": "Record Separator", "code_us": "Unit Separator", "code_del": "Delete", "code_space": "Space", }