package org.activiti.cycle.impl.db.entity; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.activiti.cycle.BrokenLinkException; import org.activiti.cycle.RepositoryArtifact; import org.activiti.cycle.RepositoryArtifactLink; import org.activiti.cycle.RepositoryNode; import org.activiti.cycle.RepositoryNodeNotFoundException; import org.activiti.cycle.service.CycleRepositoryService; import org.activiti.engine.impl.db.PersistentObject; /** * Link between to {@link RepositoryNode}s (maybe that get extended to * {@link RepositoryNode}s in the future, but which is not needed at the moment. * * The CycleLink is a persistent entity saved in the Cycle DB. * * @author ruecker, polenz */ public class RepositoryArtifactLinkEntity implements PersistentObject, RepositoryArtifactLink { /** * TODO: Add own mini repository for types incling names for forward and * reverse direction (like "is implemented by" in this case) */ public static final String TYPE_IMPLEMENTS = "implements"; public static final String TYPE_REFINES = "refines"; public static final String TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = "unspecified link"; public static final String TYPE_COPY = "copy"; public static final String TYPE_REQUIREMENT = "defines requirement"; /** * artificial id used as primary key to identify this link auto generated * primary key */ private String id; private String sourceConnectorId; private String sourceArtifactId; private transient RepositoryArtifact sourceRepositoryArtifact; /** * machine readable id of element (what that exactly is depends on the * connector, could be the Signavio UUID for example) */ private String sourceElementId; /** * human readable name of element (what that exactly is depends on the * connector, could be the Signavio Task name for example) */ private String sourceElementName; private Long sourceRevision; private String targetConnectorId; private String targetArtifactId; private transient RepositoryArtifact targetRepositoryArtifact; private String targetElementId; private String targetElementName; private Long targetRevision; /** * type of the link as String. Basically you could supply what you want, but * often it make sense to just use the supplied constants if possible */ private String linkType; /** * additional description maybe supplied by the user for this link */ private String comment; /** * indicate if the link is found in both directions, default is true. If false * the link is only found when searching links for artifactId1 */ private boolean linkedBothWays = true; public void resolveArtifacts(CycleRepositoryService service) { try { this.sourceRepositoryArtifact = service.getRepositoryArtifact(sourceConnectorId, sourceArtifactId); this.targetRepositoryArtifact = service.getRepositoryArtifact(targetConnectorId, targetArtifactId); } catch (RepositoryNodeNotFoundException e) { throw new BrokenLinkException("Broken link", sourceArtifactId, targetArtifactId, e); } } public void setSourceArtifact(RepositoryArtifact sourceArtifact) { sourceRepositoryArtifact = sourceArtifact; sourceConnectorId = sourceArtifact.getConnectorId(); sourceArtifactId = sourceArtifact.getNodeId(); } public void setTargetArtifact(RepositoryArtifact targetArtifact) { targetRepositoryArtifact = targetArtifact; targetConnectorId = targetArtifact.getConnectorId(); targetArtifactId = targetArtifact.getNodeId(); } public Object getPersistentState() { Map persistentState = new HashMap(); persistentState.put("id", id); persistentState.put("sourceConnectorId", sourceConnectorId); persistentState.put("sourceArtifactId", sourceArtifactId); persistentState.put("sourceElementId", sourceElementId); persistentState.put("sourceElementName", sourceElementName); persistentState.put("sourceRevision", sourceRevision); persistentState.put("targetConnectorId", targetConnectorId); persistentState.put("targetArtifactId", targetArtifactId); persistentState.put("targetElementId", targetElementId); persistentState.put("targetElementName", targetElementName); persistentState.put("targetRevision", targetRevision); persistentState.put("linkType", linkType); persistentState.put("comment", comment); persistentState.put("linkedBothWays", linkedBothWays); return persistentState; } public String getSourceArtifactId() { return sourceArtifactId; } public void setSourceArtifactId(String sourceArtifactId) { this.sourceArtifactId = sourceArtifactId; } public Long getSourceRevision() { return sourceRevision; } public void setSourceRevision(Long sourceRevision) { this.sourceRevision = sourceRevision; } public String getTargetArtifactId() { return targetArtifactId; } public void setTargetArtifactId(String targetArtifactId) { this.targetArtifactId = targetArtifactId; } public Long getTargetRevision() { return targetRevision; } public void setTargetRevision(Long targetRevision) { this.targetRevision = targetRevision; } public String getLinkType() { return linkType; } public void setLinkType(String linkType) { this.linkType = linkType; } public String getSourceElementId() { return sourceElementId; } public void setSourceElementId(String sourceElementId) { this.sourceElementId = sourceElementId; } public String getTargetElementId() { return targetElementId; } public void setTargetElementId(String targetElementId) { this.targetElementId = targetElementId; } /** * gets additional description maybe supplied by the user for this link */ public String getComment() { return comment; } public void setComment(String comment) { this.comment = comment; } public String getSourceElementName() { return sourceElementName; } public void setSourceElementName(String sourceElementName) { this.sourceElementName = sourceElementName; } public String getTargetElementName() { return targetElementName; } public void setTargetElementName(String targetElementName) { this.targetElementName = targetElementName; } public String getId() { return id; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public boolean isLinkedBothWays() { return linkedBothWays; } public void setLinkedBothWays(boolean linkedBothWays) { this.linkedBothWays = linkedBothWays; } public String getSourceConnectorId() { return sourceConnectorId; } public void setSourceConnectorId(String sourceConnectorId) { this.sourceConnectorId = sourceConnectorId; } public String getTargetConnectorId() { return targetConnectorId; } public void setTargetConnectorId(String targetConnectorId) { this.targetConnectorId = targetConnectorId; } public RepositoryArtifact getSourceArtifact() { return sourceRepositoryArtifact; } public RepositoryArtifact getTargetArtifact() { return targetRepositoryArtifact; } public String getGroupId() { return null; } public String getUserId() { return null; } public RepositoryArtifact getSourceRepositoryArtifact() { return null; } }