/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.activiti5.engine.test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.activiti.engine.ActivitiException; import org.activiti.engine.FormService; import org.activiti.engine.HistoryService; import org.activiti.engine.IdentityService; import org.activiti.engine.ManagementService; import org.activiti.engine.ProcessEngine; import org.activiti.engine.ProcessEngineConfiguration; import org.activiti.engine.RepositoryService; import org.activiti.engine.RuntimeService; import org.activiti.engine.TaskService; import org.activiti.engine.impl.cfg.ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl; import org.activiti.engine.test.Deployment; import org.activiti5.engine.impl.test.TestHelper; import org.activiti5.engine.test.mock.ActivitiMockSupport; import org.junit.internal.AssumptionViolatedException; import org.junit.rules.TestRule; import org.junit.rules.TestWatcher; import org.junit.runner.Description; import org.junit.runners.model.MultipleFailureException; import org.junit.runners.model.Statement; /** * Convenience for ProcessEngine and services initialization in the form of a * JUnit rule. * *

* Usage: *

* *
 * public class YourTest {
 *   @Rule
 *   public ActivitiRule activitiRule = new ActivitiRule();
 *   ...
 * }
* *

* The ProcessEngine and the services will be made available to the test class * through the getters of the activitiRule. The processEngine will be * initialized by default with the activiti.cfg.xml resource on the classpath. * To specify a different configuration file, pass the resource location in * {@link #ActivitiRule(String) the appropriate constructor}. Process engines * will be cached statically. Right before the first time the setUp is called * for a given configuration resource, the process engine will be constructed. *

* *

* You can declare a deployment with the {@link Deployment} annotation. This * base class will make sure that this deployment gets deployed before the setUp * and {@link RepositoryService#deleteDeployment(String, boolean) cascade * deleted} after the tearDown. *

* *

* The activitiRule also lets you {@link ActivitiRule#setCurrentTime(Date) set * the current time used by the process engine}. This can be handy to control the * exact time that is used by the engine in order to verify e.g. e.g. due dates * of timers. Or start, end and duration times in the history service. In the * tearDown, the internal clock will automatically be reset to use the current * system time rather then the time that was set during a test method. *

* * @author Tom Baeyens */ public class ActivitiRule implements TestRule { protected String configurationResource = "activiti.cfg.xml"; protected String deploymentId = null; protected ProcessEngineConfiguration processEngineConfiguration; protected ProcessEngine processEngine; protected RepositoryService repositoryService; protected RuntimeService runtimeService; protected TaskService taskService; protected HistoryService historyService; protected IdentityService identityService; protected ManagementService managementService; protected FormService formService; protected ActivitiMockSupport mockSupport; public ActivitiRule() { } public ActivitiRule(String configurationResource) { this.configurationResource = configurationResource; } public ActivitiRule(ProcessEngine processEngine) { setProcessEngine(processEngine); } /** * Implementation based on {@link TestWatcher}. */ @Override public Statement apply(final Statement base, final Description description) { return new Statement() { @Override public void evaluate() throws Throwable { List errors = new ArrayList(); startingQuietly(description, errors); try { base.evaluate(); succeededQuietly(description, errors); } catch (AssumptionViolatedException e) { errors.add(e); skippedQuietly(e, description, errors); } catch (Throwable t) { errors.add(t); failedQuietly(t, description, errors); } finally { finishedQuietly(description, errors); } MultipleFailureException.assertEmpty(errors); } }; } private void succeededQuietly(Description description, List errors) { try { succeeded(description); } catch (Throwable t) { errors.add(t); } } private void failedQuietly(Throwable t, Description description, List errors) { try { failed(t, description); } catch (Throwable t1) { errors.add(t1); } } private void skippedQuietly(AssumptionViolatedException e, Description description, List errors) { try { skipped(e, description); } catch (Throwable t) { errors.add(t); } } private void startingQuietly(Description description, List errors) { try { starting(description); } catch (Throwable t) { errors.add(t); } } private void finishedQuietly(Description description, List errors) { try { finished(description); } catch (Throwable t) { errors.add(t); } } /** * Invoked when a test succeeds */ protected void succeeded(Description description) { } /** * Invoked when a test fails */ protected void failed(Throwable e, Description description) { } /** * Invoked when a test is skipped due to a failed assumption. */ protected void skipped(AssumptionViolatedException e, Description description) { } protected void starting(Description description) { if (processEngine == null) { initializeProcessEngine(); } if (processEngineConfiguration == null) { initializeServices(); } if (mockSupport == null) { initializeMockSupport(); } // Allow for mock configuration configureProcessEngine(); // Allow for annotations try { TestHelper.annotationMockSupportSetup(Class.forName(description.getClassName()), description.getMethodName(), mockSupport); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new ActivitiException("Programmatic error: could not instantiate " + description.getClassName(), e); } try { deploymentId = TestHelper.annotationDeploymentSetUp(processEngine, Class.forName(description.getClassName()), description.getMethodName()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new ActivitiException("Programmatic error: could not instantiate " + description.getClassName(), e); } } protected void initializeProcessEngine() { processEngine = TestHelper.getProcessEngine(configurationResource); } protected void initializeServices() { processEngineConfiguration = processEngine.getProcessEngineConfiguration(); repositoryService = processEngine.getRepositoryService(); runtimeService = processEngine.getRuntimeService(); taskService = processEngine.getTaskService(); historyService = processEngine.getHistoryService(); identityService = processEngine.getIdentityService(); managementService = processEngine.getManagementService(); formService = processEngine.getFormService(); } protected void initializeMockSupport() { if (ActivitiMockSupport.isMockSupportPossible(processEngine)) { this.mockSupport = new ActivitiMockSupport(processEngine); } } protected void configureProcessEngine() { /** meant to be overridden */ } protected void finished(Description description) { // Remove the test deployment try { TestHelper.annotationDeploymentTearDown(processEngine, deploymentId, Class.forName(description.getClassName()), description.getMethodName()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new ActivitiException("Programmatic error: could not instantiate " + description.getClassName(), e); } // Reset internal clock processEngineConfiguration.getClock().reset(); // Rest mocks if (mockSupport != null) { TestHelper.annotationMockSupportTeardown(mockSupport); } } public void setCurrentTime(Date currentTime) { processEngineConfiguration.getClock().setCurrentTime(currentTime); } public String getConfigurationResource() { return configurationResource; } public void setConfigurationResource(String configurationResource) { this.configurationResource = configurationResource; } public ProcessEngine getProcessEngine() { return processEngine; } public void setProcessEngine(ProcessEngine processEngine) { this.processEngine = processEngine; initializeServices(); } public RepositoryService getRepositoryService() { return repositoryService; } public void setRepositoryService(RepositoryService repositoryService) { this.repositoryService = repositoryService; } public RuntimeService getRuntimeService() { return runtimeService; } public void setRuntimeService(RuntimeService runtimeService) { this.runtimeService = runtimeService; } public TaskService getTaskService() { return taskService; } public void setTaskService(TaskService taskService) { this.taskService = taskService; } public HistoryService getHistoryService() { return historyService; } public void setHistoricDataService(HistoryService historicDataService) { this.historyService = historicDataService; } public IdentityService getIdentityService() { return identityService; } public void setIdentityService(IdentityService identityService) { this.identityService = identityService; } public ManagementService getManagementService() { return managementService; } public FormService getFormService() { return formService; } public void setManagementService(ManagementService managementService) { this.managementService = managementService; } public void setProcessEngineConfiguration(ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl processEngineConfiguration) { this.processEngineConfiguration = processEngineConfiguration; } public ActivitiMockSupport getMockSupport() { return mockSupport; } public ActivitiMockSupport mockSupport() { return mockSupport; } }