BasicInputInterface A simple button with text content 帶有文本的簡單按鈕 A button with graphical content 帶有圖標的按鈕 Accent style applied to button 使用主題色的按鈕 A hyperlink button that navigates to a URI 導航到一個超鏈接的按鈕 A 2-state CheckBox 雙態復選框 A 3-state CheckBox 三態復選框 A ComboBox with items 下拉框 A group of RadioButton controls in a button group 單選按鈕 A simple horizontal slider 水平滑動條 A simple switch button 開關按鈕 Off On Standard push button 標准按鈕 Accent style button 主題色按鈕 Two-state CheckBox 雙態復選框 Three-state CheckBox 三態復選框 GitHub home page GItHub 主頁 Star Platinum 白金之星 Crazy Diamond 瘋狂鉆石 Soft and Wet 軟又濕 DialogInterface Show dialog 顯示對話框 A frameless message box 無邊框對話框 A message box with mask 帶遮罩的對話框 A color dialog 顏色對話框 This is a frameless message dialog 這是一個無邊框對話框 If the content of the message box is veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery long, it will automatically wrap like this. 一生消えない傷でいいな,絆創膏の様にいつも包んでよ。貴方のそばでわがまま言いたいな,一分一秒刻み貴方を知り,あたしをあげる~ Choose color 選擇顏色 This is a message dialog with mask 這是一個帶遮罩的對話框 ExampleCard Source code 源代碼 IconCardView Fluent Icons Library 流暢圖標庫 IconInfoPanel Icon name 圖標名字 Enum member 枚舉成員 LayoutInterface Flow layout without animation 不帶動畫效果的流式佈局 Flow layout with animation 帶有動畫效果的流式佈局 Star Platinum 白金之星 Hierophant Green 法皇之綠 Silver Chariot 銀色戰車 Crazy diamond 瘋狂鉆石 Heaven's Door 黑蚊子多 Killer Queen 殺手皇後💀 Gold Experience 黃金體驗 Sticky Fingers 鋼鏈手指 Sex Pistols 性感手槍 Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap D4C LineEdit Search icons 搜索圖標 MainWindow Home 主頁 Basic input 基本輸入 Dialogs 對話框 Layout 佈局 Menus 菜單 Material 材料 Scrolling 滾動 Status & info 狀態和信息 This is a help message 一條友善的提示 You clicked a customized navigation widget. You can add more custom widgets by calling `NavigationInterface.addWidget()` 😉 妳點擊了一個自定義的導航項。妳可以通過 `NavigationInterface.addWidget()` 添加更多的自定義導航項。 Text 文本 Icons 圖標 MaterialInterface Acrylic label 亞克力標簽 MenuInterface Rounded corners menu 圓角菜單 Show menu 顯示菜單 Copy 復制 Cut 剪切 Video 視頻 Music 音樂 Paste 黏貼 Undo 撤回 Select all 全選 Settings 設置 Help 幫助 Feedback 反饋 Add to 添加到 ScrollInterface Smooth scroll area 平滑滾動區域 Chitanda Eru is too hot 🥵 回眸一笑百媚生,六宮粉黛無顏色 🥵 Smooth scroll area implemented by animation 使用動畫實現的平滑滾動區域 Chitanda Eru is so hot 🥵🥵 春寒賜浴華清池,溫泉水滑洗凝脂 🥵🥵 SettingInterface Settings 設置 Music on this PC 此PC上的音樂 Local music library 本地音樂庫 Choose folder 選擇文件夾 Download directory 下載目錄 Personalization 個性化 Application theme 應用主題 Change the appearance of your application 調整妳的應用的外觀 Light 淺色 Dark 深色 Use system setting 跟隨繫統設置 Theme color 主題色 Change the theme color of you application 調整妳的應用的主題色 Interface zoom 界面縮放 Change the size of widgets and fonts 調整小部件和字體的大小 Language 語言 Set your preferred language for UI 選擇界面所使用的語言 Material 材料 Acrylic blur radius 亞克力磨砂半徑 The greater the radius, the more blurred the image 磨砂半徑越大,圖像越模糊 Software update 軟件更新 Check for updates when the application starts 在應用程序啟動時檢查更新 The new version will be more stable and have more features 新版本將更加穩定併擁有更多功能(建議啟用此選項) About 關於 Open help page 打開幫助頁面 Help 幫助 Discover new features and learn useful tips about PyQt-Fluent-Widgets 發現新功能併了解有關 PyQt-Fluent-Widgets 的使用技巧 Provide feedback 提供反饋 Help us improve PyQt-Fluent-Widgets by providing feedback 通過提供反饋幫助我們改進 PyQt-Fluent-Widgets Check update 檢查更新 Copyright 版權所有 Version 當前版本 Configuration takes effect after restart 配置在重啟軟件後生效 Updated successfully 更新成功 StatusInfoInterface State tool tip 進度提示條 Label with a ToolTip 多看一眼就會爆炸 A label with a ToolTip 帶有工具提示的標簽 Show StateToolTip 顯示進度提示條 Button with a simple ToolTip 帶有工具提示的按鈕 Simple ToolTip 簡單工具提示 The model training is complete! 模型訓練完成啦! Training model 正在訓練模型 Please wait patiently 心急吃不了熱豆腐,請耐心等待哦~ Hide StateToolTip 隱藏進度提示條 Success 成功 A closable InfoBar 可關閉的消息條 Warning 警告 A closable InfoBar with long message 可關閉的長消息條 GitHub GitHub When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you. 當妳長時間凝視深淵時,深淵也在凝視妳。 An InfoBar with custom icon, background color and widget. 自定義圖標、背景和小部件的消息條 InfoBar with different pop-up locations 不同彈出位置的消息條 No Internet 無網絡連接 Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 5 My name is kira yoshikake, 33 years old. Living in the villa area northeast of duwangting, unmarried. I work in Guiyou chain store. Every day I have to work overtime until 8 p.m. to go home. I don't smoke. The wine is only for a taste. Sleep at 11 p.m. for 8 hours a day. Before I go to bed, I must drink a cup of warm milk, then do 20 minutes of soft exercise, get on the bed, and immediately fall asleep. Never leave fatigue and stress until the next day. Doctors say I'm normal. 我的名字叫吉良吉影,33歲。住在杜王町東北部的別墅區一帶,未婚。我在龜友連鎖店服務。每天都要加班到晚上8點才能回家。我不抽煙,酒僅止於淺嘗。晚上11點睡,每天要睡足8個小時。睡前,我一定喝一杯溫牛奶,然後做20分鐘的柔軟操,上了床,馬上熟睡。一覺到天亮,決不把疲勞和壓力留到第二天。醫生都說我很正常。 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Believe in the spin, just keep believing! 相信回旋吧,只管相信就是了! With respect, let's advance towards a new stage of the spin. 錶達敬意吧,錶達出敬意,然後邁嚮回旋的另一個全新階段! 迂回路を行けば最短ルート。 最短的捷徑就是繞遠路,繞遠路才是我的最短捷徑。 An error message which won't disappear automatically. 一條不會自動消失的消息。 The Anthem of man is the Anthem of courage. 人類的贊歌就是勇氣的贊歌! Action Top right 右上角 Top 頂部居中 Top left 左上角 Bottom right 右下角 Bottom 底部居中 Bottom left 左下角 Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Don't have any strange expectations of me. 別對我抱有什麽奇怪的期待 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Don't let your muscles notice. 不要讓肌肉察覺 TextInterface ko no dio da! A LineEdit with a clear button 帶清空按鈕的 LineEdit A DoubleSpinBox with a spin button 帶調節按鈕的 DoubleSpinBox A DateEdit with a spin button 帶調節按鈕的 DateEdit A TimeEdit with a spin button 帶調節按鈕的 TimeEdit A DateTimeEdit with a spin button 帶調節按鈕的 DateTimeEdit A SpinBox with a spin button 帶調節按鈕的 SpinBox A simple TextEdit 富文本框 ToolBar Documentation 在線文檔 Source 源代碼 Toggle theme 切換主題 Send feedback 提供反饋 Translator Basic input 基本輸入 Menus 菜單 Dialogs 對話框 Material 材料 Status & info 狀態和信息 Scrolling 滾動 Layout 佈局 Text 文本 Icons 圖標