package me.zhyd.oauth.request; import com.xkcoding.http.util.UrlUtil; import me.zhyd.oauth.cache.AuthDefaultStateCache; import me.zhyd.oauth.cache.AuthStateCache; import me.zhyd.oauth.config.AuthConfig; import me.zhyd.oauth.config.AuthSource; import me.zhyd.oauth.enums.AuthResponseStatus; import me.zhyd.oauth.enums.scope.AuthScope; import me.zhyd.oauth.exception.AuthException; import me.zhyd.oauth.log.Log; import me.zhyd.oauth.model.AuthCallback; import me.zhyd.oauth.model.AuthResponse; import me.zhyd.oauth.model.AuthToken; import me.zhyd.oauth.model.AuthUser; import me.zhyd.oauth.utils.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * 默认的request处理类 * * @author yadong.zhang (yadong.zhang0415(a) * @author yangkai.shen ( * @since 1.0.0 */ public abstract class AuthDefaultRequest implements AuthRequest { protected AuthConfig config; protected AuthSource source; protected AuthStateCache authStateCache; public AuthDefaultRequest(AuthConfig config, AuthSource source) { this(config, source, AuthDefaultStateCache.INSTANCE); } public AuthDefaultRequest(AuthConfig config, AuthSource source, AuthStateCache authStateCache) { this.config = config; this.source = source; this.authStateCache = authStateCache; if (!AuthChecker.isSupportedAuth(config, source)) { throw new AuthException(AuthResponseStatus.PARAMETER_INCOMPLETE, source); } // 校验配置合法性 AuthChecker.checkConfig(config, source); } /** * 获取access token * * @param authCallback 授权成功后的回调参数 * @return token * @see AuthDefaultRequest#authorize() * @see AuthDefaultRequest#authorize(String) */ protected abstract AuthToken getAccessToken(AuthCallback authCallback); /** * 使用token换取用户信息 * * @param authToken token信息 * @return 用户信息 * @see AuthDefaultRequest#getAccessToken(AuthCallback) */ protected abstract AuthUser getUserInfo(AuthToken authToken); /** * 统一的登录入口。当通过{@link AuthDefaultRequest#authorize(String)}授权成功后,会跳转到调用方的相关回调方法中 * 方法的入参可以使用{@code AuthCallback},{@code AuthCallback}类中封装好了OAuth2授权回调所需要的参数 * * @param authCallback 用于接收回调参数的实体 * @return AuthResponse */ @Override public AuthResponse login(AuthCallback authCallback) { try { AuthChecker.checkCode(source, authCallback); if (!config.isIgnoreCheckState()) { AuthChecker.checkState(authCallback.getState(), source, authStateCache); } AuthToken authToken = this.getAccessToken(authCallback); AuthUser user = this.getUserInfo(authToken); return AuthResponse.builder().code(AuthResponseStatus.SUCCESS.getCode()).data(user).build(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Failed to login with oauth authorization.", e); return this.responseError(e); } } /** * 处理{@link AuthDefaultRequest#login(AuthCallback)} 发生异常的情况,统一响应参数 * * @param e 具体的异常 * @return AuthResponse */ private AuthResponse responseError(Exception e) { int errorCode = AuthResponseStatus.FAILURE.getCode(); String errorMsg = e.getMessage(); if (e instanceof AuthException) { AuthException authException = ((AuthException) e); errorCode = authException.getErrorCode(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(authException.getErrorMsg())) { errorMsg = authException.getErrorMsg(); } } return AuthResponse.builder().code(errorCode).msg(errorMsg).build(); } /** * 返回授权url,可自行跳转页面 *

* 不建议使用该方式获取授权地址,不带{@code state}的授权地址,容易受到csrf攻击。 * 建议使用{@link AuthDefaultRequest#authorize(String)}方法生成授权地址,在回调方法中对{@code state}进行校验 * * @return 返回授权地址 * @see AuthDefaultRequest#authorize(String) */ @Deprecated @Override public String authorize() { return this.authorize(null); } /** * 返回带{@code state}参数的授权url,授权回调时会带上这个{@code state} * * @param state state 验证授权流程的参数,可以防止csrf * @return 返回授权地址 * @since 1.9.3 */ @Override public String authorize(String state) { return UrlBuilder.fromBaseUrl(source.authorize()) .queryParam("response_type", "code") .queryParam("client_id", config.getClientId()) .queryParam("redirect_uri", config.getRedirectUri()) .queryParam("state", getRealState(state)) .build(); } /** * 返回获取accessToken的url * * @param code 授权码 * @return 返回获取accessToken的url */ protected String accessTokenUrl(String code) { return UrlBuilder.fromBaseUrl(source.accessToken()) .queryParam("code", code) .queryParam("client_id", config.getClientId()) .queryParam("client_secret", config.getClientSecret()) .queryParam("grant_type", "authorization_code") .queryParam("redirect_uri", config.getRedirectUri()) .build(); } /** * 返回获取accessToken的url * * @param refreshToken refreshToken * @return 返回获取accessToken的url */ protected String refreshTokenUrl(String refreshToken) { return UrlBuilder.fromBaseUrl(source.refresh()) .queryParam("client_id", config.getClientId()) .queryParam("client_secret", config.getClientSecret()) .queryParam("refresh_token", refreshToken) .queryParam("grant_type", "refresh_token") .queryParam("redirect_uri", config.getRedirectUri()) .build(); } /** * 返回获取userInfo的url * * @param authToken token * @return 返回获取userInfo的url */ protected String userInfoUrl(AuthToken authToken) { return UrlBuilder.fromBaseUrl(source.userInfo()).queryParam("access_token", authToken.getAccessToken()).build(); } /** * 返回获取revoke authorization的url * * @param authToken token * @return 返回获取revoke authorization的url */ protected String revokeUrl(AuthToken authToken) { return UrlBuilder.fromBaseUrl(source.revoke()).queryParam("access_token", authToken.getAccessToken()).build(); } /** * 获取state,如果为空, 则默认取当前日期的时间戳 * * @param state 原始的state * @return 返回不为null的state */ protected String getRealState(String state) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(state)) { state = UuidUtils.getUUID(); } // 缓存state authStateCache.cache(state, state); return state; } /** * 通用的 authorizationCode 协议 * * @param code code码 * @return Response */ protected String doPostAuthorizationCode(String code) { return new HttpUtils(config.getHttpConfig()).post(accessTokenUrl(code)); } /** * 通用的 authorizationCode 协议 * * @param code code码 * @return Response */ protected String doGetAuthorizationCode(String code) { return new HttpUtils(config.getHttpConfig()).get(accessTokenUrl(code)); } /** * 通用的 用户信息 * * @param authToken token封装 * @return Response */ @Deprecated protected String doPostUserInfo(AuthToken authToken) { return new HttpUtils(config.getHttpConfig()).post(userInfoUrl(authToken)); } /** * 通用的 用户信息 * * @param authToken token封装 * @return Response */ protected String doGetUserInfo(AuthToken authToken) { return new HttpUtils(config.getHttpConfig()).get(userInfoUrl(authToken)); } /** * 通用的post形式的取消授权方法 * * @param authToken token封装 * @return Response */ @Deprecated protected String doPostRevoke(AuthToken authToken) { return new HttpUtils(config.getHttpConfig()).post(revokeUrl(authToken)); } /** * 通用的post形式的取消授权方法 * * @param authToken token封装 * @return Response */ protected String doGetRevoke(AuthToken authToken) { return new HttpUtils(config.getHttpConfig()).get(revokeUrl(authToken)); } /** * 获取以 {@code separator}分割过后的 scope 信息 * * @param separator 多个 {@code scope} 间的分隔符 * @param encode 是否 encode 编码 * @param defaultScopes 默认的 scope, 当客户端没有配置 {@code scopes} 时启用 * @return String * @since 1.16.7 */ protected String getScopes(String separator, boolean encode, List defaultScopes) { List scopes = config.getScopes(); if (null == scopes || scopes.isEmpty()) { if (null == defaultScopes || defaultScopes.isEmpty()) { return ""; } scopes = new ArrayList<>(); for (AuthScope defaultScope : defaultScopes) { scopes.add(defaultScope.getScope()); } } if (null == separator) { // 默认为空格 separator = " "; } String scopeStr = String.join(separator, scopes); return encode ? UrlUtil.urlEncode(scopeStr) : scopeStr; } }