# How to Setup Object Storage This is a guide about how to setup object storage when format a volume. Different object storage may has different option value. Check the specific object storage for your need. ## Supported Object Storage This table lists all JuiceFS supported object storage, when you format a volume you need specify storage type through `--storage` option, e.g. for Amazon S3 the value of `--storage` is `s3`. | Name | Value | | ---- | ----- | | Amazon S3 | `s3` | | Google Cloud Storage | `gs` | | Azure Blob Storage | `wasb` | | Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage | `b2` | | IBM Cloud Object Storage | `ibmcos` | | Scaleway Object Storage | `scw` | | DigitalOcean Spaces Object Storage | `space` | | Wasabi Cloud Object Storage | `wasabi` | | Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service | `oss` | | Tencent Cloud Object Storage | `cos` | | Huawei Cloud Object Storage Service | `obs` | | Baidu Object Storage | `bos` | | Kingsoft Cloud Standard Storage Service | `ks3` | | Meituan Storage Service | `mss` | | NetEase Object Storage | `nos` | | QingStor Object Storage | `qingstor` | | Qiniu Cloud Object Storage | `qiniu` | | Sina Cloud Storage | `scs` | | CTYun Object-Oriented Storage | `oos` | | ECloud (China Mobile Cloud) Object Storage | `eos` | | SpeedyCloud Object Storage | `speedy` | | UCloud US3 | `ufile` | | Ceph RADOS | `ceph` | | Ceph Object Gateway (RGW) | `s3` | | Swift | `swift` | | MinIO | `minio` | | HDFS | `hdfs` | | Redis | `redis` | | Local disk | `file` | ## Access key and secret key For authorization, the access key and secret key are needed. You could specify them through `--access-key` and `--secret-key` options. Or you can set `ACCESS_KEY` and `SECRET_KEY` environment variables. Public cloud provider usually allow user create IAM (Identity and Access Management) role (e.g. [AWS IAM role](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles.html)) or similar thing (e.g. [Alibaba Cloud RAM role](https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/93689.html)), then assign the role to VM instance. If your VM instance already have permission to access object storage, then you could omit `--access-key` and `--secret-key` options. ## S3 S3 supports [two style endpoint URI](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/VirtualHosting.html): virtual hosted-style and path-style. The difference between them is: - Virtual hosted-style: `https://.s3..amazonaws.com` - Path-style: `https://s3..amazonaws.com/` The `` should be replaced with specific region code, e.g. the region code of US East (N. Virginia) is `us-east-1`. You could find all available regions at [here](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-regions-availability-zones.html#concepts-available-regions). ***Note: For AWS China user, you need add `.cn` to the host, i.e. `amazonaws.com.cn`. And check [this document](https://docs.amazonaws.cn/en_us/aws/latest/userguide/endpoints-arns.html) to know your region code.*** Currently, **JuiceFS only supports virtual hosted-style** and maybe support path-style in the future ([#134](https://github.com/juicedata/juicefs/issues/134)). So when you format a volume, the `--bucket` option should be virtual hosted-style URI. For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage s3 \ --bucket https://.s3..amazonaws.com \ ... \ localhost test ``` You can also use S3 storage type to connect with S3-compatible storage. But beware that you still need use virtual hosted-style URI. For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage s3 \ --bucket https://. \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## Google Cloud Storage Because Google Cloud doesn't have access key and secret key, the `--access-key` and `--secret-key` options can be omitted. Please follow Google Cloud document to know how [authentication](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication) and [authorization](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/overview) work. Typically, when you running within Google Cloud, you already have permission to access the storage. And because bucket name is [globally unique](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/naming-buckets#considerations), when you specify the `--bucket` option could just provide its name. For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage gs \ --bucket gs:// \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## Azure Blob Storage Besides provide authorization information through `--access-key` and `--secret-key` options, you could also create a [connection string](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-configure-connection-string) and set `AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING` environment variable. For example: ```bash # Use connection string $ export AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=XXX;AccountKey=XXX;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net" $ ./juicefs format \ --storage wasb \ --bucket https:// \ ... \ localhost test ``` ***Note: For Azure China user, the value of `EndpointSuffix` is `core.chinacloudapi.cn`.*** ## Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage You need first creating [application key](https://www.backblaze.com/b2/docs/application_keys.html). The "Application Key ID" and "Application Key" are the equivalent of access key and secret key respectively. The `--bucket` option could only have bucket name. For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage b2 \ --bucket https:// \ --access-key \ --secret-key \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## IBM Cloud Object Storage You need first creating [API key](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/account?topic=account-manapikey) and retrieving [instance ID](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/key-protect?topic=key-protect-retrieve-instance-ID). The "API key" and "instance ID" are the equivalent of access key and secret key respectively. IBM Cloud Object Storage provides [multiple endpoints](https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/cloud-object-storage?topic=cloud-object-storage-endpoints) for each region, depends on your network (e.g. public or private network), you should use appropriate endpoint. For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage ibmcos \ --bucket https://. \ --access-key \ --secret-key \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## Scaleway Object Storage Please follow [this document](https://www.scaleway.com/en/docs/generate-api-keys) to learn how to get access key and secret key. The `--bucket` option format is `https://.s3..scw.cloud`, replace `` with specific region code, e.g. the region code of "Amsterdam, The Netherlands" is `nl-ams`. You could find all available regions at [here](https://www.scaleway.com/en/docs/object-storage-feature/#-Core-Concepts). For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage scw \ --bucket https://.s3..scw.cloud \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## DigitalOcean Spaces Object Storage Please follow [this document](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-create-a-digitalocean-space-and-api-key) to learn how to get access key and secret key. The `--bucket` option format is `https://..digitaloceanspaces.com`, replace `` with specific region code, e.g. `nyc3`. You could find all available regions at [here](https://www.digitalocean.com/docs/spaces/#regional-availability). For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage space \ --bucket https://..digitaloceanspaces.com \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## Wasabi Cloud Object Storage Please follow [this document](https://wasabi-support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019677192-Creating-a-Root-Access-Key-and-Secret-Key) to learn how to get access key and secret key. The `--bucket` option format is `https://.s3..wasabisys.com`, replace `` with specific region code, e.g. the region code of US East 1 (N. Virginia) is `us-east-1`. You could find all available regions at [here](https://wasabi-support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015106031-What-are-the-service-URLs-for-Wasabi-s-different-regions-). For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage wasabi \ --bucket https://.s3..wasabisys.com \ ... \ localhost test ``` ***Note: For Tokyo (ap-northeast-1) region user, see [this document](https://wasabi-support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039372392-How-do-I-access-the-Wasabi-Tokyo-ap-northeast-1-storage-region-) to learn how to get appropriate endpoint URI.*** ## Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service Please follow [this document](https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/38738.html) to learn how to get access key and secret key. And if you already created [RAM role](https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/93689.html) and assign it to VM instance, you could omit `--access-key` and `--secret-key` options. Alibaba Cloud also supports use [Security Token Service (STS)](https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/100624.html) to authorize temporary access to OSS. If you wanna use STS, you should omit `--access-key` and `--secret-key` options and set `ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID`, `ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET`, `SECURITY_TOKEN` environment variables instead, for example: ```bash # Use Security Token Service (STS) $ export ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID=XXX $ export ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET=XXX $ export SECURITY_TOKEN=XXX $ ./juicefs format \ --storage oss \ --bucket https://. \ ... \ localhost test ``` OSS provides [multiple endpoints](https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/31834.html) for each region, depends on your network (e.g. public or internal network), you should use appropriate endpoint. When you running within Alibaba Cloud, you could omit `` in `--bucket` option. JuiceFS will choose appropriate endpoint automatically. For example: ```bash # Running within Alibaba Cloud $ ./juicefs format \ --storage oss \ --bucket https:// \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## Tencent Cloud Object Storage The naming rule of bucket in Tencent Cloud is `-`, so you must append `APPID` to the bucket name. Please follow [this document](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/436/13312) to learn how to get `APPID`. The full format of `--bucket` option is `https://-.cos..myqcloud.com`, replace `` with specific region code, e.g. the region code of Shanghai is `ap-shanghai`. You could find all available regions at [here](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/436/6224). For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage cos \ --bucket https://-.cos..myqcloud.com \ ... \ localhost test ``` When you running within Tencent Cloud, you could omit `.cos..myqcloud.com` part in `--bucket` option. JuiceFS will choose appropriate endpoint automatically. For example: ```bash # Running within Tencent Cloud $ ./juicefs format \ --storage cos \ --bucket https://- \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## Huawei Cloud Object Storage Service Please follow [this document](https://support.huaweicloud.com/usermanual-ca/zh-cn_topic_0046606340.html) to learn how to get access key and secret key. The `--bucket` option format is `https://.obs..myhuaweicloud.com`, replace `` with specific region code, e.g. the region code of Beijing 1 is `cn-north-1`. You could find all available regions at [here](https://developer.huaweicloud.com/endpoint?OBS). For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage obs \ --bucket https://.obs..myhuaweicloud.com \ ... \ localhost test ``` When you running within Huawei Cloud, you could omit `.obs..myhuaweicloud.com` part in `--bucket` option. JuiceFS will choose appropriate endpoint automatically. For example: ```bash # Running within Huawei Cloud $ ./juicefs format \ --storage obs \ --bucket https:// \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## Baidu Object Storage Please follow [this document](https://cloud.baidu.com/doc/Reference/s/9jwvz2egb) to learn how to get access key and secret key. The `--bucket` option format is `https://..bcebos.com`, replace `` with specific region code, e.g. the region code of Beijing is `bj`. You could find all available regions at [here](https://cloud.baidu.com/doc/BOS/s/Ck1rk80hn#%E8%AE%BF%E9%97%AE%E5%9F%9F%E5%90%8D%EF%BC%88endpoint%EF%BC%89). For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage bos \ --bucket https://..bcebos.com \ ... \ localhost test ``` When you running within Baidu Cloud, you could omit `..bcebos.com` part in `--bucket` option. JuiceFS will choose appropriate endpoint automatically. For example: ```bash # Running within Baidu Cloud $ ./juicefs format \ --storage bos \ --bucket https:// \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## Kingsoft Cloud Standard Storage Service Please follow [this document](https://docs.ksyun.com/documents/1386) to learn how to get access key and secret key. KS3 provides [multiple endpoints](https://docs.ksyun.com/documents/6761) for each region, depends on your network (e.g. public or internal network), you should use appropriate endpoint. For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage ks3 \ --bucket https://. \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## Meituan Storage Service Please follow [this document](https://www.mtyun.com/doc/api/mss/mss/fang-wen-kong-zhi) to learn how to get access key and secret key. The `--bucket` option format is `https://.`, replace `` with specific value, e.g. `mtmss.com`. You could find all available endpoints at [here](https://www.mtyun.com/doc/products/storage/mss/index#%E5%8F%AF%E7%94%A8%E5%8C%BA%E5%9F%9F). For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage mss \ --bucket https://. \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## NetEase Object Storage Please follow [this document](https://www.163yun.com/help/documents/55485278220111872) to learn how to get access key and secret key. NOS provides [multiple endpoints](https://www.163yun.com/help/documents/67078583131230208) for each region, depends on your network (e.g. public or internal network), you should use appropriate endpoint. For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage nos \ --bucket https://. \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## QingStor Object Storage Please follow [this document](https://docs.qingcloud.com/qingstor/api/common/signature.html#%E8%8E%B7%E5%8F%96-access-key) to learn how to get access key and secret key. The `--bucket` option format is `https://..qingstor.com`, replace `` with specific region code, e.g. the region code of Beijing 3-A is `pek3a`. You could find all available regions at [here](https://docs.qingcloud.com/qingstor/#%E5%8C%BA%E5%9F%9F%E5%8F%8A%E8%AE%BF%E9%97%AE%E5%9F%9F%E5%90%8D). For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage qingstor \ --bucket https://..qingstor.com \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## Qiniu Cloud Object Storage Please follow [this document](https://developer.qiniu.com/af/kb/1479/how-to-access-or-locate-the-access-key-and-secret-key) to learn how to get access key and secret key. The `--bucket` option format is `https://.s3-.qiniucs.com`, replace `` with specific region code, e.g. the region code of China East is `cn-east-1`. You could find all available regions at [here](https://developer.qiniu.com/kodo/4088/s3-access-domainname). For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage qiniu \ --bucket https://.s3-.qiniucs.com \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## Sina Cloud Storage Please follow [this document](https://scs.sinacloud.com/doc/scs/guide/quick_start#accesskey) to learn how to get access key and secret key. The `--bucket` option format is `https://.stor.sinaapp.com`. For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage scs \ --bucket https://.stor.sinaapp.com \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## CTYun Object-Oriented Storage Please follow [this document](https://www.ctyun.cn/help2/10000101/10473683) to learn how to get access key and secret key. The `--bucket` option format is `https://.oss-.ctyunapi.cn`, replace `` with specific region code, e.g. the region code of Chengdu is `sccd`. You could find all available regions at [here](https://www.ctyun.cn/help2/10000101/10474062). For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage oos \ --bucket https://.oss-.ctyunapi.cn \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## ECloud (China Mobile Cloud) Object Storage Please follow [this document](https://ecloud.10086.cn/op-help-center/doc/article/24501) to learn how to get access key and secret key. ECloud Object Storage provides [multiple endpoints](https://ecloud.10086.cn/op-help-center/doc/article/40956) for each region, depends on your network (e.g. public or internal network), you should use appropriate endpoint. For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage eos \ --bucket https://. \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## UCloud US3 Please follow [this document](https://docs.ucloud.cn/uai-censor/access/key) to learn how to get access key and secret key. US3 (formerly UFile) provides [multiple endpoints](https://docs.ucloud.cn/ufile/introduction/region) for each region, depends on your network (e.g. public or internal network), you should use appropriate endpoint. For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage ufile \ --bucket https://. \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## Ceph RADOS The [Ceph Storage Cluster](https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/rados) has a messaging layer protocol that enables clients to interact with a Ceph Monitor and a Ceph OSD Daemon. The `librados` API enables you to interact with the two types of daemons: - The [Ceph Monitor](https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/rados/configuration/common/#monitors), which maintains a master copy of the cluster map. - The [Ceph OSD Daemon (OSD)](https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/rados/configuration/common/#osds), which stores data as objects on a storage node. JuiceFS supports the use of native Ceph APIs based on `librados`. You need install `librados` library and build `juicefs` binary separately. First installing `librados`: ```bash # Debian based system $ sudo apt-get install librados-dev # RPM based system $ sudo yum install librados-devel ``` Then compile JuiceFS for Ceph: ```bash $ make juicefs.ceph ``` The `--bucket` option format is `ceph://`. A [pool](https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/rados/operations/pools) is logical partition for storing objects. You may need first creating a pool. The value of `--access-key` option is Ceph cluster name, the default cluster name is `ceph`. The value of `--secret-key` option is [Ceph client user name](https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/rados/operations/user-management), the default user name is `client.admin`. For connect to Ceph Monitor, `librados` will read Ceph configuration file by search default locations and the first found is used. The locations are: - `CEPH_CONF` environment variable - `/etc/ceph/ceph.conf` - `~/.ceph/config` - `ceph.conf` in the current working directory The example command is: ```bash $ ./juicefs.ceph format \ --storage ceph \ --bucket ceph:// \ --access-key \ --secret-key \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## Ceph Object Gateway (RGW) [Ceph Object Gateway](https://ceph.io/ceph-storage/object-storage) is an object storage interface built on top of `librados` to provide applications with a RESTful gateway to Ceph Storage Clusters. Ceph Object Gateway supports S3-compatible interface, so we could set `--storage` to `s3` directly. The `--bucket` option format is `http://.` (virtual hosted-style). For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage s3 \ --bucket http://. \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## Swift [OpenStack Swift](https://github.com/openstack/swift) is a distributed object storage system designed to scale from a single machine to thousands of servers. Swift is optimized for multi-tenancy and high concurrency. Swift is ideal for backups, web and mobile content, and any other unstructured data that can grow without bound. The `--bucket` option format is `http://.`. A container defines a namespace for objects. **Currently, JuiceFS only supports [Swift V1 authentication](https://www.swiftstack.com/docs/cookbooks/swift_usage/auth.html).** The value of `--access-key` option is username. The value of `--secret-key` option is password. For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage swift \ --bucket http://. \ --access-key \ --secret-key \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## MinIO [MinIO](https://min.io) is an open source high performance object storage. It is API compatible with Amazon S3. You need set `--storage` option to `minio`. Currently, JuiceFS only supports path-style URI when use MinIO storage. For example (`` may looks like ``): ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage minio \ --bucket http:/// \ ... \ localhost test ``` ## HDFS [HDFS](https://hadoop.apache.org) is the file system for Hadoop, which can be used as the object store for JuiceFS. When HDFS is used, `--access-key` can be used to specify the `username`, and `hdfs` is usually the default superuser. For example: ```bash $ ./juicefs format \ --storage hdfs \ --bucket namenode1:8020 \ --access-key hdfs \ localhost test ``` When the `--access-key` is not specified during formatting, JuiceFS will use the current user of `juicefs mount` or Hadoop SDK to access HDFS. It will hang and fail with IO error eventually, if the current user don't have enough permission to read/write the blocks in HDFS. JuiceFS will try to load configurations for HDFS client based on `$HADOOP_CONF_DIR` or `$HADOOP_HOME`. If an empty value is provided to `--bucket`, the default HDFS found in Hadoop configurations will be used. For HA cluster, the addresses of NameNodes can be specified together like this: `--bucket=namenode1:port,namenode2:port`.