提交 e13cf869 编写于 作者: V Vlad Ilyushchenko

PG: added some edge-tests for postgres wire (protocol abuse tests)

上级 2eaa1238
......@@ -316,6 +316,7 @@ public class PGConnectionContext implements IOContext, Mutable {
try {
bindVariableService.setByte(index, (byte) Numbers.parseInt(dbcs.of(address, address + valueLen)));
} catch (NumericException e) {
LOG.error().$("bad byte variable value [index=").$(index).$(", value=`").$(dbcs).$("`").$();
throw BadProtocolException.INSTANCE;
......@@ -342,6 +343,7 @@ public class PGConnectionContext implements IOContext, Mutable {
try {
bindVariableService.setDouble(index, Numbers.parseDouble(dbcs.of(address, address + valueLen)));
} catch (NumericException e) {
LOG.error().$("bad double variable value [index=").$(index).$(", value=`").$(dbcs).$("`]").$();
throw BadProtocolException.INSTANCE;
......@@ -368,6 +370,7 @@ public class PGConnectionContext implements IOContext, Mutable {
try {
bindVariableService.setInt(index, Numbers.parseInt(dbcs.of(address, address + valueLen)));
} catch (NumericException e) {
LOG.error().$("bad int variable value [index=").$(index).$(", value=`").$(dbcs).$("`]").$();
throw BadProtocolException.INSTANCE;
......@@ -381,6 +384,7 @@ public class PGConnectionContext implements IOContext, Mutable {
try {
bindVariableService.setLong(index, Numbers.parseLong(dbcs.of(address, address + valueLen)));
} catch (NumericException e) {
LOG.error().$("bad long variable value [index=").$(index).$(", value=`").$(dbcs).$("`]").$();
throw BadProtocolException.INSTANCE;
......@@ -401,6 +405,7 @@ public class PGConnectionContext implements IOContext, Mutable {
private static void ensureValueLength(int required, int valueLen) throws BadProtocolException {
if (required != valueLen) {
LOG.error().$("bad parameter value length [required=").$(required).$(", actual=").$(valueLen).$(']').$();
throw BadProtocolException.INSTANCE;
......@@ -761,7 +766,6 @@ public class PGConnectionContext implements IOContext, Mutable {
switch (type) {
case 'P':
// 'Parse'
// this appears to be the execution side - we must at least return 'RowDescription'
// possibly more, check QueryExecutionImpl.processResults() in PG driver for more info
......@@ -781,14 +785,8 @@ public class PGConnectionContext implements IOContext, Mutable {
throw BadProtocolException.INSTANCE;
CharacterStoreEntry e = queryCharacterStore.newEntry();
if (Chars.utf8Decode(lo, hi, e)) {
queryText = queryCharacterStore.toImmutable();
LOG.info().$("parse [q=").utf8(queryText).$(']').$();
} else {
LOG.error().$("invalid UTF8 bytes in parse query").$();
throw BadProtocolException.INSTANCE;
parseQueryText(lo, hi);
lo = hi + 1;
if (lo + Short.BYTES > msgLimit) {
......@@ -894,15 +892,7 @@ public class PGConnectionContext implements IOContext, Mutable {
case 'Q':
// vanilla query
e = queryCharacterStore.newEntry();
if (Chars.utf8Decode(lo, limit - 1, e)) {
queryText = queryCharacterStore.toImmutable();
LOG.info().$("simple query [q=").utf8(queryText).$(']').$();
} else {
LOG.error().$("invalid UTF8 bytes in simple query").$();
throw BadProtocolException.INSTANCE;
parseQueryText(lo, limit - 1);
currentFactory = factoryCache.peek(queryText);
if (currentFactory == null) {
......@@ -955,6 +945,17 @@ public class PGConnectionContext implements IOContext, Mutable {
private void parseQueryText(long lo, long hi) throws BadProtocolException {
CharacterStoreEntry e = queryCharacterStore.newEntry();
if (Chars.utf8Decode(lo, hi, e)) {
queryText = queryCharacterStore.toImmutable();
LOG.info().$("parse [q=").utf8(queryText).$(']').$();
} else {
LOG.error().$("invalid UTF8 bytes in parse query").$();
throw BadProtocolException.INSTANCE;
void prepareCommandComplete() {
long addr = responseAsciiSink.skip();
......@@ -1069,7 +1070,12 @@ public class PGConnectionContext implements IOContext, Mutable {
log.$("property [");
try {
long hi = getStringLength(lo, msgLimit);
assert hi > -1;
if (hi == -1) {
// we did not find 0 within message limit
log.$("malformed property name");
throw BadProtocolException.INSTANCE;
log.$("name=").$(dbcs.of(lo, hi));
final boolean username = Chars.equals("user", dbcs);
......@@ -1077,7 +1083,12 @@ public class PGConnectionContext implements IOContext, Mutable {
// name is ready
lo = hi + 1;
hi = getStringLength(lo, msgLimit);
assert hi > -1;
if (hi == -1) {
// we did not find 0 within message limit
log.$(", malformed property value");
throw BadProtocolException.INSTANCE;
log.$(", value=").$(dbcs.of(lo, hi));
lo = hi + 1;
if (username) {
......@@ -1128,6 +1139,7 @@ public class PGConnectionContext implements IOContext, Mutable {
if (n < 0) {
LOG.info().$("disconnect [code=").$(n).$(']').$();
throw PeerDisconnectedException.INSTANCE;
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