提交 55ec76a2 编写于 作者: 7 710leo

refactor: fix conflicts

......@@ -86,6 +86,8 @@ func configRoutes(r *gin.Engine) {
pages.DELETE("/user-group/:id", login(), userGroupDel)
pages.GET("/classpaths", login(), classpathListGets)
pages.GET("/classpaths/tree", login(), classpathListNodeGets)
pages.GET("/classpaths/tree-node/:id", login(), classpathListNodeGetsById)
pages.POST("/classpaths", login(), classpathAdd)
pages.PUT("/classpath/:id", login(), classpathPut)
pages.DELETE("/classpath/:id", login(), classpathDel)
......@@ -197,13 +199,13 @@ func configRoutes(r *gin.Engine) {
v1.POST("/tag-values", GetTagValues)
v1.POST("/tag-pairs", GetTagPairs)
v1.POST("/tag-metrics", GetMetrics)
v1.POST("/push", PushData)
v1.GET("/collect-rules-belong-to-ident", collectRuleGetsByIdent)
v1.GET("/collect-rules-summary", collectRuleSummaryGetByIdent)
v1.GET("/can-do-op-by-name", login(), canDoOpByName)
v1.GET("/can-do-op-by-token", login(), canDoOpByToken)
v1.POST("/push", PushData)
v1.GET("/collect-rules-belong-to-ident", collectRuleGetsByIdent)
v1.GET("/collect-rules-summary", collectRuleSummaryGetByIdent)
push := r.Group("/v1/n9e/series").Use(gzip.Gzip(gzip.DefaultCompression))
......@@ -24,6 +24,21 @@ func classpathListGets(c *gin.Context) {
}, nil)
func classpathListNodeGets(c *gin.Context) {
query := queryStr(c, "query", "")
list, err := models.ClasspathNodeGets(query)
renderData(c, list, nil)
func classpathListNodeGetsById(c *gin.Context) {
cp := Classpath(urlParamInt64(c, "id"))
children, err := cp.DirectChildren()
renderData(c, children, err)
func classpathFavoriteGet(c *gin.Context) {
lst, err := loginUser(c).FavoriteClasspaths()
renderData(c, lst, err)
......@@ -449,14 +449,14 @@ func sendEventIfNeed(status []bool, event *models.AlertEvent, stra *models.Alert
now := time.Now().Unix()
lastEvent, exists := LastEvents.Get(event.HashId)
lastEvent, exists := LastEvents.Get(event.RuleId, event.HashId)
switch event.IsPromePull {
case 0:
// push型的 && 与条件型的
if exists && lastEvent.IsPromePull == 1 {
// 之前内存中的事件是pull型的,先清空内存中的事件
LastEvents.Del(event.RuleId, event.HashId)
if isTriggered {
......@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ func sendEventIfNeed(status []bool, event *models.AlertEvent, stra *models.Alert
// pull型的,产生的事件一定是触发了阈值的,即这个case里不存在recovery的场景,recovery的场景用resolve_timeout的cron来处理
if exists && lastEvent.IsPromePull == 0 {
// 之前内存中的事件是push型的,先清空内存中的事件
LastEvents.Del(event.RuleId, event.HashId)
// 1. 第一次来,并且AlertDuration=0,直接发送
......@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ func sendEventIfNeed(status []bool, event *models.AlertEvent, stra *models.Alert
} else {
// 只有一条事件,显然无法满足for AlertDuration的时间,放到内存里等待
LastEvents.Set(event.HashId, event)
......@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ func sendEventIfNeed(status []bool, event *models.AlertEvent, stra *models.Alert
func SendEvent(event *models.AlertEvent) {
// update last event
LastEvents.Set(event.HashId, event)
ok := EventQueue.PushFront(event)
if !ok {
logger.Errorf("push event:%v err", event)
......@@ -4,58 +4,85 @@ import (
// rule_id -> hash_id -> *models.AlertEvent
type SafeEventMap struct {
M map[string]*models.AlertEvent
M map[int64]map[string]*models.AlertEvent
var (
LastEvents = &SafeEventMap{M: make(map[string]*models.AlertEvent)}
LastEvents = &SafeEventMap{M: make(map[int64]map[string]*models.AlertEvent)}
func (s *SafeEventMap) Get(key string) (*models.AlertEvent, bool) {
func (s *SafeEventMap) Get(ruleId int64, hashId string) (*models.AlertEvent, bool) {
defer s.RUnlock()
event, exists := s.M[key]
return event, exists
m, has := s.M[ruleId]
if !has {
return nil, false
event, has := m[hashId]
return event, has
func (s *SafeEventMap) Set(key string, event *models.AlertEvent) {
func (s *SafeEventMap) Set(event *models.AlertEvent) {
defer s.Unlock()
s.M[key] = event
m, has := s.M[event.RuleId]
if !has {
m = make(map[string]*models.AlertEvent)
m[event.HashId] = event
s.M[event.RuleId] = m
} else {
s.M[event.RuleId][event.HashId] = event
func (s *SafeEventMap) Del(key string) {
func (s *SafeEventMap) Del(ruleId int64, hashId string) {
defer s.Unlock()
delete(s.M, key)
_, has := s.M[ruleId]
if !has {
delete(s.M[ruleId], hashId)
func (s *SafeEventMap) DeleteOrSendRecovery(promql string, toKeepKeys map[string]struct{}) {
func (s *SafeEventMap) DeleteOrSendRecovery(ruleId int64, toKeepKeys map[string]struct{}) {
defer s.Unlock()
for k, ev := range s.M {
m, has := s.M[ruleId]
if !has {
for k, ev := range m {
if _, loaded := toKeepKeys[k]; loaded {
if ev.ReadableExpression == promql {
logger.Debugf("[to_del][ev.IsRecovery:%+v][ev.LastSend:%+v][promql:%v]", ev.IsRecovery, ev.LastSend, promql)
now := time.Now().Unix()
// 如果因为promql修改,导致本来是告警状态变成了恢复,也接受
logger.Debugf("[to_del][ev.IsRecovery:%+v][ev.LastSend:%+v]", ev.IsRecovery, ev.LastSend)
// promql 没查询到结果,需要将告警标记为已恢复并发送
// 同时需要满足 已经发送过触发信息,并且时间差满足 大于AlertDuration
// 为了避免 发送告警后 一个点 断点了就立即发送恢复信息的case
now := time.Now().Unix()
if ev.IsAlert() && ev.LastSend && now-ev.TriggerTime > ev.AlertDuration {
logger.Debugf("[prom.alert.MarkRecov][promql:%v][ev.RuleName:%v]", promql, ev.RuleName)
logger.Debugf("[prom.alert.MarkRecov][ev.RuleName:%v]", ev.RuleName)
delete(s.M, k)
delete(s.M[ruleId], k)
......@@ -41,19 +41,22 @@ type RuleEval struct {
ctx context.Context
func (re *RuleEval) start() {
func (re RuleEval) start() {
go func(re RuleEval) {
logger.Debugf("[prome_pull_alert_start][RuleEval: %+v]", re)
go func(re *RuleEval) {
if re.R.PullExpr.EvaluationInterval <= 0 {
re.R.PullExpr.EvaluationInterval = DEFAULT_PULL_ALERT_INTERVAL
sleepDuration := time.Duration(re.R.PullExpr.EvaluationInterval) * time.Second
for {
select {
case <-re.ctx.Done():
case <-re.quiteChan:
case <-time.After(time.Duration(re.R.PullExpr.EvaluationInterval) * time.Second):
// 获取backend的prometheus DataSource
......@@ -67,12 +70,13 @@ func (re *RuleEval) start() {
promVector := pb.QueryVector(re.R.PullExpr.PromQl)
handlePromqlVector(promVector, re.R)
func (r *RuleEval) stop() {
func (r RuleEval) stop() {
logger.Debugf("[prome_pull_alert_stop][RuleEval: %+v]", r)
......@@ -103,17 +107,17 @@ func (rm *RuleManager) SyncRules(ctx context.Context, rules []models.AlertRule)
// 停止旧的
for hash, t := range rm.activeRules {
for hash := range rm.activeRules {
if _, loaded := thisAllRules[hash]; !loaded {
delete(rm.activeRules, hash)
// 开启新的
for _, t := range thisNewRules {
for hash := range thisNewRules {
......@@ -121,7 +125,7 @@ func handlePromqlVector(pv promql.Vector, r models.AlertRule) {
toKeepKeys := map[string]struct{}{}
if len(pv) == 0 {
// 说明没触发,或者没查询到,删掉rule-id开头的所有event
LastEvents.DeleteOrSendRecovery(r.PullExpr.PromQl, toKeepKeys)
LastEvents.DeleteOrSendRecovery(r.Id, toKeepKeys)
......@@ -191,6 +195,6 @@ func handlePromqlVector(pv promql.Vector, r models.AlertRule) {
logger.Debugf("[handlePromqlVector_has_value][event:%+v]\n", event)
sendEventIfNeed([]bool{true}, event, &r)
LastEvents.DeleteOrSendRecovery(r.PullExpr.PromQl, toKeepKeys)
LastEvents.DeleteOrSendRecovery(r.Id, toKeepKeys)
......@@ -19,6 +19,14 @@ type Classpath struct {
UpdateBy string `json:"update_by"`
type ClasspathNode struct {
Id int64 `json:"id"`
Path string `json:"path"`
Note string `json:"note"`
Preset int `json:"preset"`
Children []*ClasspathNode `json:"children"`
func (c *Classpath) TableName() string {
return "classpath"
......@@ -104,7 +112,6 @@ func ClasspathGets(query string, limit, offset int) ([]Classpath, error) {
q := "%" + query + "%"
session = session.Where("path like ?", q)
var objs []Classpath
err := session.Find(&objs)
if err != nil {
......@@ -151,7 +158,7 @@ func ClasspathGet(where string, args ...interface{}) (*Classpath, error) {
func ClasspathGetsByPrefix(prefix string) ([]Classpath, error) {
var objs []Classpath
err := DB.Where("path like ?", prefix+"%").Find(&objs)
err := DB.Where("path like ?", prefix+"%").OrderBy("path").Find(&objs)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("mysql.error: query classpath fail: %v", err)
return objs, internalServerError
......@@ -218,3 +225,94 @@ func (c *Classpath) AddResources(idents []string) error {
func (c *Classpath) DelResources(idents []string) error {
return ClasspathResourceDel(c.Id, idents)
func ClasspathNodeGets(query string) ([]*ClasspathNode, error) {
session := DB.OrderBy("path")
if query != "" {
q := "%" + query + "%"
session = session.Where("path like ?", q)
var objs []Classpath
err := session.Find(&objs)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("mysql.error: query classpath fail: %v", err)
return []*ClasspathNode{}, internalServerError
if len(objs) == 0 {
return []*ClasspathNode{}, nil
pcs := ClasspathNodeAllChildren(objs)
return pcs, nil
func (cp *Classpath) DirectChildren() ([]Classpath, error) {
var pcs []Classpath
objs, err := ClasspathGetsByPrefix(cp.Path)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("mysql.error: query prefix classpath fail: %v", err)
return []Classpath{}, internalServerError
if len(objs) < 2 {
return []Classpath{}, nil
pre := objs[1]
path := pre.Path[len(objs[0].Path):]
pre.Path = path
pcs = append(pcs, pre)
for _, cp := range objs[2:] {
has := strings.HasPrefix(cp.Path, pre.Path)
if !has {
path := cp.Path[len(objs[0].Path):]
pre.Path = path
pcs = append(pcs, pre)
pre = cp
return pcs, nil
func ClasspathNodeAllChildren(cps []Classpath) []*ClasspathNode {
var node ClasspathNode
for _, cp := range cps {
ListInsert(cp, &node)
return node.Children
func ListInsert(obj Classpath, node *ClasspathNode) {
path := obj.Path
has := true
for {
if len(node.Children) == 0 {
children := node.Children[len(node.Children)-1]
prefix := children.Path
has = strings.HasPrefix(path, prefix)
if !has {
path = path[len(prefix):]
node = children
newNode := ToClasspathNode(obj, path)
node.Children = append(node.Children, &newNode)
func ToClasspathNode(cp Classpath, path string) ClasspathNode {
var obj ClasspathNode
obj.Id = cp.Id
obj.Path = path
obj.Note = cp.Note
obj.Preset = cp.Preset
obj.Children = []*ClasspathNode{}
return obj
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