创意工坊物品无法进行上传,请移动到mod文件夹后重试#Creative Workshop items can not be uploaded, please move to `mod` folder and try again.:| 由于修改游戏数据导致数据溢出,存档可能会出错\n开发者提醒您请不要使用过于超模的MOD#Due to the modification of the game data caused by data overflow, the archive may be wrong\nThe developer reminds you not to use too much supermodel MOD.:| 玩耍#Play:| 研究#Research:| 玩游戏#Play game:| 保存游戏#Save game:| 手动保存桌宠存档,就算不手动保存,桌宠也会在退出的时候自动保存#Manually save the desktop pet archive, even if you do not manually save, the desktop pet will automatically save when you exit.:| 保存成功#Save successfully:| 模组 {0} 插件损坏\n虚拟桌宠模拟器未能成功加载该插件\n请联系作者修复该问题#Module {0} plug-in damage\nVirtual desktop pet simulator failed to load the plug-in\nPlease contact the author to fix the problem.:| 缓存被其他软件删除,游戏无法继续运行\n请重启游戏重新生成缓存#Cache is deleted by other software, the game can not continue to run\nPlease restart the game to regenerate the cache.:| 游戏内存不足,请修改设置中渲染分辨率以便降低内存使用#Game memory is insufficient, please modify the rendering resolution in the settings to reduce memory usage.:|