import caffe import numpy as np from PIL import Image import import random class SIFTFlowSegDataLayer(caffe.Layer): """ Load (input image, label image) pairs from SIFT Flow one-at-a-time while reshaping the net to preserve dimensions. This data layer has three tops: 1. the data, pre-processed 2. the semantic labels 0-32 and void 255 3. the geometric labels 0-2 and void 255 Use this to feed data to a fully convolutional network. """ def setup(self, bottom, top): """ Setup data layer according to parameters: - siftflow_dir: path to SIFT Flow dir - split: train / val / test - randomize: load in random order (default: True) - seed: seed for randomization (default: None / current time) for semantic segmentation of object and geometric classes. example: params = dict(siftflow_dir="/path/to/siftflow", split="val") """ # config params = eval(self.param_str) self.siftflow_dir = params['siftflow_dir'] self.split = params['split'] self.mean = np.array((114.578, 115.294, 108.353), dtype=np.float32) self.random = params.get('randomize', True) self.seed = params.get('seed', None) # three tops: data, semantic, geometric if len(top) != 3: raise Exception("Need to define three tops: data, semantic label, and geometric label.") # data layers have no bottoms if len(bottom) != 0: raise Exception("Do not define a bottom.") # load indices for images and labels split_f = '{}/{}.txt'.format(self.siftflow_dir, self.split) self.indices = open(split_f, 'r').read().splitlines() self.idx = 0 # make eval deterministic if 'train' not in self.split: self.random = False # randomization: seed and pick if self.random: random.seed(self.seed) self.idx = random.randint(0, len(self.indices)-1) def reshape(self, bottom, top): # load image + label image pair = self.load_image(self.indices[self.idx]) self.label_semantic = self.load_label(self.indices[self.idx], label_type='semantic') self.label_geometric = self.load_label(self.indices[self.idx], label_type='geometric') # reshape tops to fit (leading 1 is for batch dimension) top[0].reshape(1, * top[1].reshape(1, *self.label_semantic.shape) top[2].reshape(1, *self.label_geometric.shape) def forward(self, bottom, top): # assign output top[0].data[...] = top[1].data[...] = self.label_semantic top[2].data[...] = self.label_geometric # pick next input if self.random: self.idx = random.randint(0, len(self.indices)-1) else: self.idx += 1 if self.idx == len(self.indices): self.idx = 0 def backward(self, top, propagate_down, bottom): pass def load_image(self, idx): """ Load input image and preprocess for Caffe: - cast to float - switch channels RGB -> BGR - subtract mean - transpose to channel x height x width order """ im ='{}/Images/spatial_envelope_256x256_static_8outdoorcategories/{}.jpg'.format(self.siftflow_dir, idx)) in_ = np.array(im, dtype=np.float32) in_ = in_[:,:,::-1] in_ -= self.mean in_ = in_.transpose((2,0,1)) return in_ def load_label(self, idx, label_type=None): """ Load label image as 1 x height x width integer array of label indices. The leading singleton dimension is required by the loss. """ if label_type == 'semantic': label ='{}/SemanticLabels/spatial_envelope_256x256_static_8outdoorcategories/{}.mat'.format(self.siftflow_dir, idx))['S'] elif label_type == 'geometric': label ='{}/GeoLabels/spatial_envelope_256x256_static_8outdoorcategories/{}.mat'.format(self.siftflow_dir, idx))['S'] label[label == -1] = 0 else: raise Exception("Unknown label type: {}. Pick semantic or geometric.".format(label_type)) label = label.astype(np.uint8) label -= 1 # rotate labels so classes start at 0, void is 255 label = label[np.newaxis, ...] return label.copy()