Semantic and geometric segmentation classes for scenes. Semantic: 0 is void and 1–33 are classes. 01 awning 02 balcony 03 bird 04 boat 05 bridge 06 building 07 bus 08 car 09 cow 10 crosswalk 11 desert 12 door 13 fence 14 field 15 grass 16 moon 17 mountain 18 person 19 plant 20 pole 21 river 22 road 23 rock 24 sand 25 sea 26 sidewalk 27 sign 28 sky 29 staircase 30 streetlight 31 sun 32 tree 33 window Geometric: -1 is void and 1–3 are classes. 01 sky 02 horizontal 03 vertical N.B. Three classes (cow, desert, and moon) are absent from the test set, so they are excluded from evaluation. The highway_bost181 and street_urb506 images are missing annotations so these are likewise excluded from evaluation.