# Developing the Tekton website - [Setting up your dev environment](#setup) - [Running locally](#running-locally) - [tekton.dev](#tekton.dev) ## Running Locally The [tekton.dev](#tekton.dev) is deployed on Netlify. Netlify will invoke [the Makefile](.Makefile) to build the website. This is configured in: * [netlify.toml](netlify.toml) * [runtime.txt](runtime.txt) (the python runtime) * [requirements.txt](requirements.txt) (the python requirements) To run it locally you will need to install: * [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/) [version 0.53](netlify.toml) * `npm` to install Hugo's requirements: * `npm install` (in directory with [package.json](package.json)) Then you can run [hugo commands](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/usage/) such as: ```bash hugo server ``` To run the [Makefile](Makefile) you will need more dependencies and flags: * `python` aliased to python3.7 - [sync.py](sync/sync.py) is running `python` but assumes this is python3 (configured in [runtime.txt](runtime.txt)) * `pip`, to install python requirements: * Install with `pip install -r requirements.txt` To run the makefile locally, you'll have to set the env var: * `SKIP_BACKGROUND` (see [#38](https://github.com/tektoncd/website/issues/38)) to avoid having to supply GCP credentials * [`DEPLOY_PRIME_URL`](https://docs.netlify.com/configure-builds/environment-variables/) to the path to your website files For example: ```bash SKIP_BACKGROUND=1 DEPLOY_PRIME_URL=localhost make preview-build ``` ## tekton.dev - tekton.dev currently points at http://tekton-old.netlify.com/ which is deployed from [the website-old branch](https://github.com/tektoncd/website/tree/website-old) - The WIP new website is at https://tekton-dev.netlify.com/ and tekton.dev will be updated to point at it once https://github.com/tektoncd/website/labels/kind%2Fbeta-blocking are completed