#### Try it out Please wait while your Tekton playground is starting, this may take a few minutes. Once it is ready you can check the installed versions: `tkn version`{{execute}} Try out some of the [examples](https://github.com/tektoncd/pipeline/tree/master/examples) from the Tekton Pipeline repo. For example: `kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tektoncd/pipeline/master/examples/v1beta1/pipelineruns/output-pipelinerun.yaml`{{execute}} You can track the progress of the `PipelineRuns` using: `kubectl get pipelineruns`{{execute}} `tkn pipelinerun list`{{execute}} or check out the Tekton Dashboard at http://[[HOST_SUBDOMAIN]]-9097-[[KATACODA_HOST]].environments.katacoda.com/