jcli.po 6.5 KB
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# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-11-21 13:00+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-11-21 22:17+0800\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.4\n"
"Last-Translator: rick <rick@jenkins-zh.cn>\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"Language: zh_CN\n"

#: app/cmd/restart.go:29 app/cmd/restart.go:30
msgid   "Restart your Jenkins"
msgstr  ""

#: app/cmd/root.go:79
msgid "Select a Jenkins server for this time"
msgstr "选择本次执行的 Jenkins"

#: app/cmd/config_add.go:30
msgid   "Proxy of the Jenkins"
msgstr  ""

#: app/cmd/plugin_upgrade.go:32 app/cmd/plugin_upgrade.go:33
msgid "Upgrade the specific plugin"
msgstr "升级指定插件"

#: app/cmd/config.go:31 app/cmd/config.go:32
msgid "Manage the config of jcli"
msgstr "管理 jcli 的配置"

#: app/cmd/config_generate.go:28
msgid   "Copy the output into clipboard"
msgstr  "拷贝输出到剪贴板"

#: app/cmd/root.go:77
msgid "An alternative config file"
msgstr "指定另外一个配置文件"

#: app/cmd/config_list.go:19 app/cmd/config_list.go:20
msgid "List all Jenkins config items"
msgstr "列出所有的 Jenkins 配置项"

#: app/cmd/doc.go:30 app/cmd/doc.go:31
msgid   "Generate document for all jcl commands"
msgstr  "为所有的 jcli 命令生成文档"

#: app/cmd/root.go:37
msgid "jcli is a tool which could help you with your multiple Jenkins"
msgstr "jcli 是帮助你管理多个 Jenkins 的工具"

#: app/cmd/root.go:55
msgid "Jenkins CLI (jcli) manage your Jenkins"
msgstr "Jenkins CLI (jcli) 管理你的 Jenkins"

#: app/cmd/plugin_upload.go:50
msgid "Whether skip the previous command hook"
msgstr "是否跳过前置命令钩子"

#: app/cmd/plugin.go:21 app/cmd/plugin.go:22
msgid "Manage the plugins of Jenkins"
msgstr "管理 Jenkins 的插件"

#: app/cmd/root.go:81
msgid "Print the version of Jenkins CLI"
msgstr "打印 Jenkins CLI 的版本"

#: app/cmd/completion.go:14 app/cmd/completion.go:15
msgid   "Genereate bash completion scripts"
msgstr  "生成 bash 自动补全的脚本"

#: app/cmd/plugin_download.go:31 app/cmd/plugin_install.go:29
msgid "If you want to show the progress of download a plugin"
msgstr "你是否希望显示插件下载的进度"

#: app/cmd/plugin_download.go:37
msgid "Download the plugins which contain the target plugin and its dependencies"
msgstr ""

#: app/cmd/plugin_uninstall.go:26 app/cmd/plugin_uninstall.go:27
msgid "Uninstall the plugins"
msgstr "卸载插件"

#: app/cmd/plugin_upload.go:41
msgid "Remote plugin URL"
msgstr "远程插件 URL"

#: app/cmd/plugin_upload.go:52
msgid "Whether skip the post command hook"
msgstr "是否跳过后置命令钩子"

#: app/cmd/center_download.go:32
msgid   "Version of the Jenkins which you want to download"
msgstr  ""

#: app/cmd/config_add.go:22
msgid   "Name of the Jenkins"
msgstr  ""

#: app/cmd/config_list.go:28 app/cmd/config_list.go:29
msgid   "List all Jenkins config items"
msgstr  ""

#: app/cmd/config_generate.go:34 app/cmd/config_generate.go:35
msgid   "Generate a sample config file for you"
msgstr  ""

#: app/cmd/config_add.go:28
msgid   "Token of the Jenkins"
msgstr  ""

#: app/cmd/config_add.go:32
msgid   "ProxyAuth of the Jenkins"
msgstr  ""

#: app/cmd/root.go:36
msgid   "jcli is a tool which could help you with your multiple Jenkins"
msgstr  ""

#: app/cmd/center_watch.go:27
msgid   "The watch will be continue util Jenkins needs restart"
msgstr  ""

#: app/cmd/config_add.go:26
msgid   "UserName of the Jenkins"
msgstr  ""

#: app/cmd/config_edit.go:21 app/cmd/config_edit.go:22
msgid   "Edit a Jenkins config"
msgstr  ""

#: app/cmd/plugin_download.go:25
msgid "If you want to skip download dependency of plugin"
msgstr "你是否想要跳过下载依赖插件"

#: app/cmd/plugin_upload.go:45
msgid "Password of remote plugin URL"
msgstr ""

#: app/cmd/plugin_upload.go:58
msgid "Upload a plugin  to your Jenkins"
msgstr "上传插件到你的 Jenkins"

#: app/cmd/center.go:30
msgid "Manage your update center"
msgstr "管理你的 Jenkins 更新中心"

#: app/cmd/job_artifact.go:33 app/cmd/job_artifact.go:34
msgid "Print the artifact list of target job"
msgstr ""

#: app/cmd/plugin_download.go:27
msgid "If you want to skip download optional dependency of plugin"
msgstr ""

#: app/cmd/plugin_download.go:36
msgid "Download the plugins"
msgstr "下载插件"

#: app/cmd/plugin_install.go:35
msgid "Install the plugins"
msgstr "安装插件"

#: app/cmd/plugin_search.go:33 app/cmd/plugin_search.go:34
msgid "Print the plugins of your Jenkins"
msgstr ""

#: app/cmd/plugin_upload.go:39
msgid "Whether show the upload progress"
msgstr "是否显示上传进度"

#: app/cmd/plugin_upload.go:47
msgid "Remote Jenkins which will find from config list"
msgstr ""

#: app/cmd/plugin_download.go:29 app/cmd/plugin_install.go:27
msgid "If you want to download plugin from a mirror site"
msgstr "你是否想要从镜像站点下载插件"

#: app/cmd/plugin_list.go:35 app/cmd/plugin_list.go:36
msgid "Print all the plugins which are installed"
msgstr ""

#: app/cmd/center_watch.go:29
msgid   "The watch will be continue util all Jenkins plugins installation is completed"
msgstr  ""

#: app/cmd/common.go:101 app/cmd/config_generate.go:26
msgid   "Interactive mode"
msgstr  ""

#: app/cmd/plugin_download.go:29 app/cmd/plugin_install.go:27
msgid   "If you want to download plugin from a mirror site"
msgstr  ""

#: app/cmd/plugin_upload.go:43
msgid "User of remote plugin URL"
msgstr ""

#: app/cmd/plugin_upload.go:47
msgid   "Remote Jenkins which will find from config list"
msgstr  ""

#: app/cmd/plugin_upload.go:58
msgid   "Upload a plugin  to your Jenkins"
msgstr  ""

#: app/cmd/root.go:76
msgid   "An alternative config file"
msgstr  ""

#: app/cmd/center.go:31 app/cmd/center.go:32
msgid   "Manage your update center"
msgstr  ""

#: app/cmd/center_download.go:36
msgid   "If you want to show the download progress"
msgstr  ""

#: app/cmd/completion.go:14 app/cmd/completion.go:15
msgid   "Genereate bash completion scripts"
msgstr  ""

#: app/cmd/config.go:32 app/cmd/config.go:33
msgid   "Manage the config of jcli"
msgstr  "管理 jcli 的配置信息"

#: app/cmd/plugin_upload.go:59
msgid "Upload a plugin from local filesystem or remote URL to your Jenkins"
msgstr "上传来自本地文件系统或者远程 URL 的插件到你的 Jenkins"