package bftsmart.tom; import bftsmart.communication.client.ReplyListener; import bftsmart.reconfiguration.views.View; import bftsmart.tom.core.messages.TOMMessage; import bftsmart.tom.core.messages.TOMMessageType; import bftsmart.tom.util.Extractor; import bftsmart.tom.util.KeyLoader; import bftsmart.tom.util.TOMUtil; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * This class is an extension of 'ServiceProxy' that can waits for replies * asynchronously. * */ public class AsynchServiceProxy extends ServiceProxy { private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); private HashMap requestsContext; private HashMap requestsReplies; private HashMap requestsAlias; private HashSet requestsAcked; private ReentrantLock ackLock; private Condition gotAcked; private LinkedBlockingQueue cleanQueue; private Thread cleanerThread; private LinkedBlockingQueue invokeQueue; private Thread invokeThread; private boolean doWork = true; /** * Constructor * * @see bellow */ public AsynchServiceProxy(int processId) { this(processId, null); } /** * Constructor * * @see bellow */ public AsynchServiceProxy(int processId, String configHome) { super(processId, configHome); init(); } /** * Constructor * * @see bellow */ public AsynchServiceProxy(int processId, String configHome, KeyLoader loader) { super(processId, configHome, loader); init(); } /** * Constructor * * @param processId Process id for this client (should be different from replicas) * @param configHome Configuration directory for BFT-SMART * @param replyComparator Used for comparing replies from different servers * to extract one returned by f+1 * @param replyExtractor Used for extracting the response from the matching * quorum of replies * @param loader Used to load signature keys from disk */ public AsynchServiceProxy(int processId, String configHome, Comparator replyComparator, Extractor replyExtractor, KeyLoader loader) { super(processId, configHome, replyComparator, replyExtractor, loader); init(); } private void init() { requestsContext = new HashMap<>(); requestsReplies = new HashMap<>(); requestsAlias = new HashMap<>(); requestsAcked = new HashSet<>(); ackLock = new ReentrantLock(); gotAcked =ackLock.newCondition(); cleanQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); cleanerThread = new Thread() { public void run() { while (doWork) { try { if (cleanQueue.poll(200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) == null) continue; int requestId = cleanQueue.take(); Integer id = requestId; do { ackLock.lock(); while (!requestsAcked.contains(id)) { try { gotAcked.await(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("Interruption error.",ex); } } ackLock.unlock(); requestsAcked.remove(id); requestsContext.remove(id); requestsReplies.remove(id); id = requestsAlias.remove(id); } while (id != null); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("Interrupted error.",ex); } } } }; cleanerThread.start(); invokeQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); invokeThread = new Thread() { public void run() { while(doWork) { try { RequestContext requestContext = null; requestContext = invokeQueue.poll(200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (requestContext == null) continue; logger.debug("Dequeued invoke at client {} for request #{}", getViewManager().getStaticConf().getProcessId(), requestContext.getOperationId()); invokeAsynch(requestContext); logger.debug("Finished invoke at client {} for request #{}", getViewManager().getStaticConf().getProcessId(), requestContext.getOperationId()); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("Interrupted error.",ex); } } } }; invokeThread.start(); } private View newView(byte[] bytes) { Object o = TOMUtil.getObject(bytes); return (o != null && o instanceof View ? (View) o : null); } /** * @see bellow */ public int invokeAsynchRequest(byte[] request, ReplyListener replyListener, TOMMessageType reqType) throws InterruptedException { return invokeAsynchRequest(request, super.getViewManager().getCurrentViewProcesses(), replyListener, reqType, false); } /** * @see bellow */ public int invokeAsynchRequest(byte[] request, ReplyListener replyListener, TOMMessageType reqType, boolean dos) throws InterruptedException { return invokeAsynchRequest(request, super.getViewManager().getCurrentViewProcesses(), replyListener, reqType, dos); } /** * This method asynchronously sends a request to the replicas. * It returns immediately after adding the request to an internal queue, hence preventing the current thread from blocking while waiting for a quorum of ACKS. * After instantiation, developers must either always use one of the 'invokeAsynchRequest' or always the 'invokeAsynch' method. * * @param request Request to be sent * @param targets The IDs for the replicas to which to send the request * @param replyListener Callback object that handles reception of replies * @param reqType Request type * @param dos Ignore control flow mechanism * * @return A unique identification for the request */ public int invokeAsynchRequest(byte[] request, int[] targets, ReplyListener replyListener, TOMMessageType reqType, boolean dos) throws InterruptedException { RequestContext requestContext = generateNextContext(request, targets, replyListener, reqType, dos); logger.debug("Enqueuing invoke at client {} for request #{}", getViewManager().getStaticConf().getProcessId(), requestContext.getOperationId()); invokeQueue.put(requestContext); return requestContext.getOperationId(); } /** * @see bellow */ public RequestContext generateNextContext(byte[] request, ReplyListener replyListener, TOMMessageType reqType) throws InterruptedException { return generateNextContext(request, super.getViewManager().getCurrentViewProcesses(), replyListener, reqType, false, System.nanoTime()); } /** * @see bellow */ public RequestContext generateNextContext(byte[] request, ReplyListener replyListener, TOMMessageType reqType, boolean dos) throws InterruptedException { return generateNextContext(request, super.getViewManager().getCurrentViewProcesses(), replyListener, reqType, dos, System.nanoTime()); } /** * @see bellow */ public RequestContext generateNextContext(byte[] request, int[] targets, ReplyListener replyListener, TOMMessageType reqType, boolean dos) { return generateNextContext(request, super.getViewManager().getCurrentViewProcesses(), replyListener, reqType, false, System.nanoTime()); } /** * Generate the next request context. This method should only be used if request are to be submitted using 'invokeAsych'. * * @param request Request to be sent * @param targets The IDs for the replicas to which to send the request * @param replyListener Callback object that handles reception of replies * @param reqType Request type * @param dos Ignore control flow mechanism * @param sentTime Timestamp of the time of creating * * @return A unique identification for the request */ public RequestContext generateNextContext(byte[] request, int[] targets, ReplyListener replyListener, TOMMessageType reqType, boolean dos, long sentTime) { return new RequestContext(generateRequestId(reqType), generateOperationId(), reqType, targets, sentTime, replyListener, request, dos); } /** * Purges all information associated to the request. * This should always be invoked once enough replies are received and processed by the ReplyListener callback. * * @param requestId A unique identification for a previously sent request */ public void cleanAsynchRequest(int requestId) throws InterruptedException { cleanQueue.put(requestId); } @Override public void close() { doWork = false; super.close(); } /** * This is the method invoked by the client side communication system. * * @param reply The reply delivered by the client side communication system */ @Override public void replyReceived(TOMMessage reply) { logger.debug("Asynchronously received reply from " + reply.getSender() + " with sequence number " + reply.getSequence() + " and operation ID " + reply.getOperationId()); try { canReceiveLock.lock(); RequestContext requestContext = requestsContext.get(reply.getOperationId()); if (requestContext == null) { // it is not a asynchronous request super.replyReceived(reply); return; } //control flow mechanism if (reply.getReqType() == TOMMessageType.ACK) { logger.debug("Received ACK from {} to {}",reply.getSender(), getProcessId()); if (reply.getSession() == getSession() && ackId == requestContext.getOperationId() && reply.getOperationId() == requestContext.getOperationId() && reply.getSequence() == requestContext.getReqId()) { logger.debug("ACK is for the current request ({})", requestContext.getOperationId()); int pos = getViewManager().getCurrentViewPos(reply.getSender()); int sameContent = 1; int leader = -1; int ackSeq = -1; acks[pos] = reply; for (int i = 0; i < acks.length; i++) { if ((i != pos || getViewManager().getCurrentViewN() == 1) && acks[i] != null && ([i].getContent(), reply.getContent()) == 0)) { sameContent++; if (sameContent >= getReplyQuorum()) { ByteBuffer buff = ByteBuffer.wrap(extractor.extractResponse(acks, sameContent, pos).getContent()); ackSeq = buff.getInt(); leader = buff.getInt(); logger.debug("Client {} received quorum of ACKs for req id #{} "+ "with ACK sequence {} indicating replica {} as the leader", getProcessId(), requestContext.getOperationId(), ackSeq,leader); int p = getViewManager().getCurrentViewPos(leader); if (this.ackSeq == ackSeq && p != -1 && acks[p] != null) { logger.debug("Client {} also received ACK from leader, client "+ "can stop re-transmiting request #{}", getProcessId(), requestContext.getOperationId()); this.leader = leader; Arrays.fill(acks, null); requestsAcked.add(ackId); ackId = -1; this.controlFlow.release(); ackLock.lock(); gotAcked.signalAll(); ackLock.unlock(); } } } } } //canReceiveLock.unlock(); return; } if (contains(requestContext.getTargets(), reply.getSender()) && (reply.getSequence() == requestContext.getReqId()) //&& (reply.getOperationId() == requestContext.getOperationId()) && (reply.getReqType().compareTo(requestContext.getRequestType())) == 0) { logger.debug("Deliverying message from " + reply.getSender() + " with sequence number " + reply.getSequence() + " and operation ID " + reply.getOperationId() + " to the listener"); ReplyListener replyListener = requestContext.getReplyListener(); View v = null; if (replyListener != null) { //if (reply.getViewID() > getViewManager().getCurrentViewId()) { // Deal with a system reconfiguration if ((v = newView(reply.getContent())) != null && !requestsAlias.containsKey(reply.getOperationId())) { // Deal with a system reconfiguration TOMMessage[] replies = requestsReplies.get(reply.getOperationId()); int sameContent = 1; int replyQuorum = getReplyQuorum(); int pos = getViewManager().getCurrentViewPos(reply.getSender()); replies[pos] = reply; for (int i = 0; i < replies.length; i++) { if ((replies[i] != null) && (i != pos || getViewManager().getCurrentViewN() == 1) && (reply.getReqType() != TOMMessageType.ORDERED_REQUEST || Arrays.equals(replies[i].getContent(), reply.getContent()))) { sameContent++; } } if (sameContent >= replyQuorum) { if (v.getId() > getViewManager().getCurrentViewId()) { reconfigureTo(v); } requestContext.getReplyListener().reset(); /*Thread t = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { //int id = invokeAsynch(requestContext.getRequest(), requestContext.getTargets(), requestContext.getReplyListener(), TOMMessageType.ORDERED_REQUEST, false); //requestsAlias.put(reply.getOperationId(), id); RequestContext newContext = new RequestContext(generateRequestId(requestContext.getRequestType()), generateOperationId(), requestContext.getRequestType(), requestContext.getTargets(), System.currentTimeMillis(), replyListener, requestContext.getRequest(), requestContext.getDoS()); requestsAlias.put(reply.getOperationId(), newContext.getOperationId()); } }; t.start();*/ RequestContext newContext = new RequestContext(generateRequestId(requestContext.getRequestType()), generateOperationId(), requestContext.getRequestType(), requestContext.getTargets(), System.currentTimeMillis(), replyListener, requestContext.getRequest(), requestContext.getDoS()); invokeQueue.put(newContext); } } else if (!requestsAlias.containsKey(reply.getOperationId())) { requestContext.getReplyListener().replyReceived(requestContext, reply); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error processing received request",ex); } finally { canReceiveLock.unlock(); } } /** * This method asynchronously sends a request to the replicas using a RequestContext object. * It blocks while waiting for a quorum of ACKs from the replicas. * After instantiation, developers must either always use one of the 'invokeAsynchRequest' or always the 'invokeAsynch' method. * * @param reqCtx The context for the request to be submitted. */ public void invokeAsynch(RequestContext reqCtx) { logger.debug("Asynchronously sending request to " + Arrays.toString(reqCtx.getTargets())); canSendLock.lock(); try { logger.debug("Storing request context for " + reqCtx.getOperationId()); requestsContext.put(reqCtx.getOperationId(), reqCtx); requestsReplies.put(reqCtx.getOperationId(), new TOMMessage[super.getViewManager().getCurrentViewN()]); ackId = reqCtx.getOperationId(); ackSeq = 0; Arrays.fill(acks, null); logger.debug("Sending invoke at client {} for request #{}", getViewManager().getStaticConf().getProcessId(), reqCtx.getOperationId()); TOMMessage sm = new TOMMessage(getProcessId(), getSession(), reqCtx.getReqId(), reqCtx.getOperationId(), reqCtx.getRequest(), getViewManager().getCurrentViewId(), reqCtx.getRequestType()); //sendMessageToTargets(reqCtx.getRequest(), reqCtx.getReqId(), // reqCtx.getOperationId(), reqCtx.getTargets(), reqCtx.getRequestType()); sm.setAckSeq(ackSeq); //int[] targets = (leader != -1 ? new int[]{leader} : getViewManager().getCurrentViewProcesses()); TOMulticast(sm); //Control flow if (!reqCtx.getDoS() && getViewManager().getStaticConf().getControlFlow()) { while (true) { if (this.controlFlow.tryAcquire(getViewManager().getStaticConf().getControlFlowTimeout(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { break; } else { sm = new TOMMessage(getProcessId(), getSession(), reqCtx.getReqId(), reqCtx.getOperationId(), reqCtx.getRequest(), getViewManager().getCurrentViewId(), reqCtx.getRequestType()); ackSeq++; sm.setAckSeq(ackSeq); logger.warn("Retrying invoke at client {} for request #{} with ACK sequence #{}", getViewManager().getStaticConf().getProcessId(), reqCtx.getOperationId(), sm.getAckSeq()); Arrays.fill(acks, null); TOMulticast(sm); } } } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { logger.error("Problem aquiring semaphore",ex); } finally { canSendLock.unlock(); } //return requestContext.getOperationId(); } /** * * @param targets * @param senderId * @return */ private boolean contains(int[] targets, int senderId) { for (int i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) { if (targets[i] == senderId) { return true; } } return false; } }