import React, { useRef } from 'react' import { SwipeInstance, Swipe } from './swipe' import { useTranslate } from '../../sites/assets/locale' import Cell from '@/packages/cell' import Button from '@/packages/button' import Toast from '@/packages/toast' import Dialog from '@/packages/dialog' import InputNumber from '@/packages/inputnumber' type TSwipeDemo = { title1: string title2: string title3: string title4: string title5: string title6: string openOrClose: string title7: string click: string sure: string del: string choose: string event: string goods: string collect: string open: string close: string closeLeft: string tips: string cart: string leftDel: string disabled: string chooseTips: string deleteTips: string } const SwipeDemo = () => { const [translated] = useTranslate({ 'zh-CN': { title1: '基础用法', title2: '禁用滑动', title3: '事件监听', title4: '非同步控制', title5: '自定义內容', title6: '通过实例方法控制', openOrClose: '点击下方按钮打开或关闭', title7: '点击关闭', click: '点击', sure: '确定', del: '删除', choose: '选择', event: '事件', goods: '商品', collect: '收藏', open: '打开', close: '关闭', closeLeft: '点击右侧按钮关闭', tips: '提示', cart: '加入购物车', leftDel: '左滑删除', disabled: '禁用滑动', chooseTips: '确定选择吗?', deleteTips: '确定删除吗?', }, 'zh-TW': { title1: '基礎用法', title2: '禁用滑動', title3: '事件監聽', title4: '非同步控制', title5: '自定義內容', title6: '通過實例方法控制', openOrClose: '點擊下方按鈕打開或關閉', title7: '点击关闭', click: '點擊', sure: '確定', del: '刪除', choose: '選擇', event: '事件', goods: '商品', collect: '收藏', open: '打開', close: '關閉', closeLeft: '點擊右側按鈕關閉', tips: '提示', cart: '加入購物車', leftDel: '左滑刪除', disabled: '禁用滑動', chooseTips: '確定選擇嗎? ', deleteTips: '確定刪除嗎? ', }, 'en-US': { title1: 'Basic usage', title2: 'Disable sliding', title3: 'Event monitoring', title4: 'Asynchronous control', title5: 'Custom content', title6: 'Control via instance method', openOrClose: 'Click the button below', title7: 'Click to close', click: 'click', sure: 'ok', del: 'delete', choose: 'select', event: 'event', goods: 'goods', collect: 'collect', open: 'open', close: 'close', closeLeft: 'Click the right button to close', tips: 'tips', cart: 'add to shopping cart', leftDel: 'left slide delete', disabled: 'Disable sliding', chooseTips: 'are you sure to choose?', deleteTips: 'are you sure to delete?', }, 'id-ID': { title1: 'penggunaan dasar', title2: 'Lumpuhkan sliding', title3: 'Monitor waktu', title4: 'kontrol asinkron', title5: 'isi suai', title6: 'kontrol melalui metode instance', openOrClose: 'Klik tombol di bawah untuk membuka atau menutup', title7: 'klik untuk menutup', click: 'klik', sure: 'OK', del: 'Hapus', choose: 'pilih', event: 'peristiwa', goods: 'barang', collect: 'kumpulkan', open: 'buka', close: 'tutup', closeLeft: 'Klik tombol kanan untuk menutup', tips: 'tip', cart: 'tambah ke kereta belanja', leftDel: 'padam slide kiri', disabled: 'Lumpuhkan sliding', chooseTips: 'Apakah kamu benar-benar memilih?', deleteTips: 'Apakah Anda yakin untuk menghapus?', }, }) const refDom = useRef(null) const handleChange = () => { Toast.text( } const beforeClose = (postion: string) => { Dialog.alert({ title:, content: postion === 'left' ? translated.chooseTips : translated.deleteTips, onOk: () => { refDom.current && refDom.current.close() }, }) } const handleClose = () => { Toast.text('close') } const closeRef = useRef(null) const openRef = useRef(null) return ( <>


{translated.del} } onTouchStart={(event) => console.log('touch start', event)} onTouchMove={(event) => console.log('touch Move', event)} onTouchEnd={(event) => console.log('touch End', event)} >


{translated.del} } >


{translated.del} } onActionClick={() => { ;(closeRef.current as any)?.close() }} >


{translated.del} } disabled >


{translated.choose} } rightAction={ <> } onActionClick={handleChange} onOpen={({ name, position }) => { Toast.text( }} onClose={handleClose} >


{translated.choose} } rightAction={ <> } >


} >
) } export default SwipeDemo