// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. use errors::DiagnosticBuilder; use rustc_data_structures::stable_hasher::{HashStable, StableHasher}; use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet}; use rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::{Idx, IndexVec}; use smallvec::SmallVec; use rustc_data_structures::sync::{Lrc, Lock}; use std::env; use std::hash::Hash; use ty::{self, TyCtxt}; use util::common::{ProfileQueriesMsg, profq_msg}; use ich::{StableHashingContext, StableHashingContextProvider, Fingerprint}; use super::debug::EdgeFilter; use super::dep_node::{DepNode, DepKind, WorkProductId}; use super::query::DepGraphQuery; use super::safe::DepGraphSafe; use super::serialized::{SerializedDepGraph, SerializedDepNodeIndex}; use super::prev::PreviousDepGraph; #[derive(Clone)] pub struct DepGraph { data: Option>, // A vector mapping depnodes from the current graph to their associated // result value fingerprints. Do not rely on the length of this vector // being the same as the number of nodes in the graph. The vector can // contain an arbitrary number of zero-entries at the end. fingerprints: Lrc>> } newtype_index!(DepNodeIndex); impl DepNodeIndex { const INVALID: DepNodeIndex = DepNodeIndex(::std::u32::MAX); } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum DepNodeColor { Red, Green(DepNodeIndex) } impl DepNodeColor { pub fn is_green(self) -> bool { match self { DepNodeColor::Red => false, DepNodeColor::Green(_) => true, } } } struct DepGraphData { /// The new encoding of the dependency graph, optimized for red/green /// tracking. The `current` field is the dependency graph of only the /// current compilation session: We don't merge the previous dep-graph into /// current one anymore. current: Lock, /// The dep-graph from the previous compilation session. It contains all /// nodes and edges as well as all fingerprints of nodes that have them. previous: PreviousDepGraph, colors: Lock, /// When we load, there may be `.o` files, cached mir, or other such /// things available to us. If we find that they are not dirty, we /// load the path to the file storing those work-products here into /// this map. We can later look for and extract that data. previous_work_products: FxHashMap, dep_node_debug: Lock>, // Used for testing, only populated when -Zquery-dep-graph is specified. loaded_from_cache: Lock>, } impl DepGraph { pub fn new(prev_graph: PreviousDepGraph, prev_work_products: FxHashMap) -> DepGraph { // Pre-allocate the fingerprints array. We over-allocate a little so // that we hopefully don't have to re-allocate during this compilation // session. let prev_graph_node_count = prev_graph.node_count(); let fingerprints = IndexVec::from_elem_n(Fingerprint::ZERO, (prev_graph_node_count * 115) / 100); DepGraph { data: Some(Lrc::new(DepGraphData { previous_work_products: prev_work_products, dep_node_debug: Lock::new(FxHashMap()), current: Lock::new(CurrentDepGraph::new()), previous: prev_graph, colors: Lock::new(DepNodeColorMap::new(prev_graph_node_count)), loaded_from_cache: Lock::new(FxHashMap()), })), fingerprints: Lrc::new(Lock::new(fingerprints)), } } pub fn new_disabled() -> DepGraph { DepGraph { data: None, fingerprints: Lrc::new(Lock::new(IndexVec::new())), } } /// True if we are actually building the full dep-graph. #[inline] pub fn is_fully_enabled(&self) -> bool { self.data.is_some() } pub fn query(&self) -> DepGraphQuery { let current_dep_graph = self.data.as_ref().unwrap().current.borrow(); let nodes: Vec<_> = current_dep_graph.nodes.iter().cloned().collect(); let mut edges = Vec::new(); for (index, edge_targets) in current_dep_graph.edges.iter_enumerated() { let from = current_dep_graph.nodes[index]; for &edge_target in edge_targets.iter() { let to = current_dep_graph.nodes[edge_target]; edges.push((from, to)); } } DepGraphQuery::new(&nodes[..], &edges[..]) } pub fn assert_ignored(&self) { if let Some(..) = self.data { ty::tls::with_context_opt(|icx| { let icx = if let Some(icx) = icx { icx } else { return }; match *icx.task { OpenTask::Ignore => { // ignored } _ => panic!("expected an ignore context") } }) } } pub fn with_ignore(&self, op: OP) -> R where OP: FnOnce() -> R { ty::tls::with_context(|icx| { let icx = ty::tls::ImplicitCtxt { task: &OpenTask::Ignore, ..icx.clone() }; ty::tls::enter_context(&icx, |_| { op() }) }) } /// Starts a new dep-graph task. Dep-graph tasks are specified /// using a free function (`task`) and **not** a closure -- this /// is intentional because we want to exercise tight control over /// what state they have access to. In particular, we want to /// prevent implicit 'leaks' of tracked state into the task (which /// could then be read without generating correct edges in the /// dep-graph -- see the [rustc guide] for more details on /// the dep-graph). To this end, the task function gets exactly two /// pieces of state: the context `cx` and an argument `arg`. Both /// of these bits of state must be of some type that implements /// `DepGraphSafe` and hence does not leak. /// /// The choice of two arguments is not fundamental. One argument /// would work just as well, since multiple values can be /// collected using tuples. However, using two arguments works out /// to be quite convenient, since it is common to need a context /// (`cx`) and some argument (e.g., a `DefId` identifying what /// item to process). /// /// For cases where you need some other number of arguments: /// /// - If you only need one argument, just use `()` for the `arg` /// parameter. /// - If you need 3+ arguments, use a tuple for the /// `arg` parameter. /// /// [rustc guide]: https://rust-lang-nursery.github.io/rustc-guide/incremental-compilation.html pub fn with_task<'gcx, C, A, R>(&self, key: DepNode, cx: C, arg: A, task: fn(C, A) -> R) -> (R, DepNodeIndex) where C: DepGraphSafe + StableHashingContextProvider<'gcx>, R: HashStable>, { self.with_task_impl(key, cx, arg, false, task, |key| OpenTask::Regular(Lock::new(RegularOpenTask { node: key, reads: SmallVec::new(), read_set: FxHashSet(), })), |data, key, task| data.borrow_mut().complete_task(key, task)) } /// Creates a new dep-graph input with value `input` pub fn input_task<'gcx, C, R>(&self, key: DepNode, cx: C, input: R) -> (R, DepNodeIndex) where C: DepGraphSafe + StableHashingContextProvider<'gcx>, R: HashStable>, { fn identity_fn(_: C, arg: A) -> A { arg } self.with_task_impl(key, cx, input, true, identity_fn, |_| OpenTask::Ignore, |data, key, _| data.borrow_mut().alloc_node(key, SmallVec::new())) } fn with_task_impl<'gcx, C, A, R>( &self, key: DepNode, cx: C, arg: A, no_tcx: bool, task: fn(C, A) -> R, create_task: fn(DepNode) -> OpenTask, finish_task_and_alloc_depnode: fn(&Lock, DepNode, OpenTask) -> DepNodeIndex ) -> (R, DepNodeIndex) where C: DepGraphSafe + StableHashingContextProvider<'gcx>, R: HashStable>, { if let Some(ref data) = self.data { let open_task = create_task(key); // In incremental mode, hash the result of the task. We don't // do anything with the hash yet, but we are computing it // anyway so that // - we make sure that the infrastructure works and // - we can get an idea of the runtime cost. let mut hcx = cx.get_stable_hashing_context(); if cfg!(debug_assertions) { profq_msg(hcx.sess(), ProfileQueriesMsg::TaskBegin(key.clone())) }; let result = if no_tcx { task(cx, arg) } else { ty::tls::with_context(|icx| { let icx = ty::tls::ImplicitCtxt { task: &open_task, ..icx.clone() }; ty::tls::enter_context(&icx, |_| { task(cx, arg) }) }) }; if cfg!(debug_assertions) { profq_msg(hcx.sess(), ProfileQueriesMsg::TaskEnd) }; let dep_node_index = finish_task_and_alloc_depnode(&data.current, key, open_task); let mut stable_hasher = StableHasher::new(); result.hash_stable(&mut hcx, &mut stable_hasher); let current_fingerprint = stable_hasher.finish(); // Store the current fingerprint { let mut fingerprints = self.fingerprints.borrow_mut(); if dep_node_index.index() >= fingerprints.len() { fingerprints.resize(dep_node_index.index() + 1, Fingerprint::ZERO); } debug_assert!(fingerprints[dep_node_index] == Fingerprint::ZERO, "DepGraph::with_task() - Duplicate fingerprint \ insertion for {:?}", key); fingerprints[dep_node_index] = current_fingerprint; } // Determine the color of the new DepNode. if let Some(prev_index) = data.previous.node_to_index_opt(&key) { let prev_fingerprint = data.previous.fingerprint_by_index(prev_index); let color = if current_fingerprint == prev_fingerprint { DepNodeColor::Green(dep_node_index) } else { DepNodeColor::Red }; let mut colors = data.colors.borrow_mut(); debug_assert!(colors.get(prev_index).is_none(), "DepGraph::with_task() - Duplicate DepNodeColor \ insertion for {:?}", key); colors.insert(prev_index, color); } (result, dep_node_index) } else { if key.kind.fingerprint_needed_for_crate_hash() { let mut hcx = cx.get_stable_hashing_context(); let result = task(cx, arg); let mut stable_hasher = StableHasher::new(); result.hash_stable(&mut hcx, &mut stable_hasher); let fingerprint = stable_hasher.finish(); let mut fingerprints = self.fingerprints.borrow_mut(); let dep_node_index = DepNodeIndex::new(fingerprints.len()); fingerprints.push(fingerprint); debug_assert!(fingerprints[dep_node_index] == fingerprint, "DepGraph::with_task() - Assigned fingerprint to \ unexpected index for {:?}", key); (result, dep_node_index) } else { (task(cx, arg), DepNodeIndex::INVALID) } } } /// Execute something within an "anonymous" task, that is, a task the /// DepNode of which is determined by the list of inputs it read from. pub fn with_anon_task(&self, dep_kind: DepKind, op: OP) -> (R, DepNodeIndex) where OP: FnOnce() -> R { if let Some(ref data) = self.data { let (result, open_task) = ty::tls::with_context(|icx| { let task = OpenTask::Anon(Lock::new(AnonOpenTask { reads: SmallVec::new(), read_set: FxHashSet(), })); let r = { let icx = ty::tls::ImplicitCtxt { task: &task, ..icx.clone() }; ty::tls::enter_context(&icx, |_| { op() }) }; (r, task) }); let dep_node_index = data.current .borrow_mut() .pop_anon_task(dep_kind, open_task); (result, dep_node_index) } else { (op(), DepNodeIndex::INVALID) } } /// Execute something within an "eval-always" task which is a task // that runs whenever anything changes. pub fn with_eval_always_task<'gcx, C, A, R>(&self, key: DepNode, cx: C, arg: A, task: fn(C, A) -> R) -> (R, DepNodeIndex) where C: DepGraphSafe + StableHashingContextProvider<'gcx>, R: HashStable>, { self.with_task_impl(key, cx, arg, false, task, |key| OpenTask::EvalAlways { node: key }, |data, key, task| data.borrow_mut().complete_eval_always_task(key, task)) } #[inline] pub fn read(&self, v: DepNode) { if let Some(ref data) = self.data { let mut current = data.current.borrow_mut(); if let Some(&dep_node_index) = current.node_to_node_index.get(&v) { current.read_index(dep_node_index); } else { bug!("DepKind {:?} should be pre-allocated but isn't.", v.kind) } } } #[inline] pub fn read_index(&self, dep_node_index: DepNodeIndex) { if let Some(ref data) = self.data { data.current.borrow_mut().read_index(dep_node_index); } } #[inline] pub fn dep_node_index_of(&self, dep_node: &DepNode) -> DepNodeIndex { self.data .as_ref() .unwrap() .current .borrow_mut() .node_to_node_index .get(dep_node) .cloned() .unwrap() } #[inline] pub fn dep_node_exists(&self, dep_node: &DepNode) -> bool { if let Some(ref data) = self.data { data.current.borrow_mut().node_to_node_index.contains_key(dep_node) } else { false } } #[inline] pub fn fingerprint_of(&self, dep_node_index: DepNodeIndex) -> Fingerprint { match self.fingerprints.borrow().get(dep_node_index) { Some(&fingerprint) => fingerprint, None => { if let Some(ref data) = self.data { let dep_node = data.current.borrow().nodes[dep_node_index]; bug!("Could not find current fingerprint for {:?}", dep_node) } else { bug!("Could not find current fingerprint for {:?}", dep_node_index) } } } } pub fn prev_fingerprint_of(&self, dep_node: &DepNode) -> Option { self.data.as_ref().unwrap().previous.fingerprint_of(dep_node) } #[inline] pub fn prev_dep_node_index_of(&self, dep_node: &DepNode) -> SerializedDepNodeIndex { self.data.as_ref().unwrap().previous.node_to_index(dep_node) } /// Check whether a previous work product exists for `v` and, if /// so, return the path that leads to it. Used to skip doing work. pub fn previous_work_product(&self, v: &WorkProductId) -> Option { self.data .as_ref() .and_then(|data| { data.previous_work_products.get(v).cloned() }) } /// Access the map of work-products created during the cached run. Only /// used during saving of the dep-graph. pub fn previous_work_products(&self) -> &FxHashMap { &self.data.as_ref().unwrap().previous_work_products } #[inline(always)] pub fn register_dep_node_debug_str(&self, dep_node: DepNode, debug_str_gen: F) where F: FnOnce() -> String { let dep_node_debug = &self.data.as_ref().unwrap().dep_node_debug; if dep_node_debug.borrow().contains_key(&dep_node) { return } let debug_str = debug_str_gen(); dep_node_debug.borrow_mut().insert(dep_node, debug_str); } pub(super) fn dep_node_debug_str(&self, dep_node: DepNode) -> Option { self.data .as_ref()? .dep_node_debug .borrow() .get(&dep_node) .cloned() } pub fn edge_deduplication_data(&self) -> (u64, u64) { let current_dep_graph = self.data.as_ref().unwrap().current.borrow(); (current_dep_graph.total_read_count, current_dep_graph.total_duplicate_read_count) } pub fn serialize(&self) -> SerializedDepGraph { let current_dep_graph = self.data.as_ref().unwrap().current.borrow(); let fingerprints = self.fingerprints.borrow().clone().convert_index_type(); let nodes = current_dep_graph.nodes.clone().convert_index_type(); let total_edge_count: usize = current_dep_graph.edges.iter() .map(|v| v.len()) .sum(); let mut edge_list_indices = IndexVec::with_capacity(nodes.len()); let mut edge_list_data = Vec::with_capacity(total_edge_count); for (current_dep_node_index, edges) in current_dep_graph.edges.iter_enumerated() { let start = edge_list_data.len() as u32; // This should really just be a memcpy :/ edge_list_data.extend(edges.iter().map(|i| SerializedDepNodeIndex::new(i.index()))); let end = edge_list_data.len() as u32; debug_assert_eq!(current_dep_node_index.index(), edge_list_indices.len()); edge_list_indices.push((start, end)); } debug_assert!(edge_list_data.len() <= ::std::u32::MAX as usize); debug_assert_eq!(edge_list_data.len(), total_edge_count); SerializedDepGraph { nodes, fingerprints, edge_list_indices, edge_list_data, } } pub fn node_color(&self, dep_node: &DepNode) -> Option { if let Some(ref data) = self.data { if let Some(prev_index) = data.previous.node_to_index_opt(dep_node) { return data.colors.borrow().get(prev_index) } else { // This is a node that did not exist in the previous compilation // session, so we consider it to be red. return Some(DepNodeColor::Red) } } None } pub fn try_mark_green<'tcx>(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'_, 'tcx, 'tcx>, dep_node: &DepNode) -> Option { debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) - BEGIN", dep_node); let data = self.data.as_ref().unwrap(); #[cfg(not(parallel_queries))] debug_assert!(!data.current.borrow().node_to_node_index.contains_key(dep_node)); if dep_node.kind.is_input() { // We should only hit try_mark_green() for inputs that do not exist // anymore in the current compilation session. Existing inputs are // eagerly marked as either red/green before any queries are // executed. debug_assert!(dep_node.extract_def_id(tcx).is_none()); debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) - END - DepNode is deleted input", dep_node); return None; } let (prev_deps, prev_dep_node_index) = match data.previous.edges_from(dep_node) { Some(prev) => { // This DepNode and the corresponding query invocation existed // in the previous compilation session too, so we can try to // mark it as green by recursively marking all of its // dependencies green. prev } None => { // This DepNode did not exist in the previous compilation session, // so we cannot mark it as green. debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) - END - DepNode does not exist in \ current compilation session anymore", dep_node); return None } }; debug_assert!(data.colors.borrow().get(prev_dep_node_index).is_none()); let mut current_deps = SmallVec::new(); for &dep_dep_node_index in prev_deps { let dep_dep_node_color = data.colors.borrow().get(dep_dep_node_index); match dep_dep_node_color { Some(DepNodeColor::Green(node_index)) => { // This dependency has been marked as green before, we are // still fine and can continue with checking the other // dependencies. debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) --- found dependency {:?} to \ be immediately green", dep_node, data.previous.index_to_node(dep_dep_node_index)); current_deps.push(node_index); } Some(DepNodeColor::Red) => { // We found a dependency the value of which has changed // compared to the previous compilation session. We cannot // mark the DepNode as green and also don't need to bother // with checking any of the other dependencies. debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) - END - dependency {:?} was \ immediately red", dep_node, data.previous.index_to_node(dep_dep_node_index)); return None } None => { let dep_dep_node = &data.previous.index_to_node(dep_dep_node_index); // We don't know the state of this dependency. If it isn't // an input node, let's try to mark it green recursively. if !dep_dep_node.kind.is_input() { debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) --- state of dependency {:?} \ is unknown, trying to mark it green", dep_node, dep_dep_node); if let Some(node_index) = self.try_mark_green(tcx, dep_dep_node) { debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) --- managed to MARK \ dependency {:?} as green", dep_node, dep_dep_node); current_deps.push(node_index); continue; } } else { match dep_dep_node.kind { DepKind::Hir | DepKind::HirBody | DepKind::CrateMetadata => { if dep_node.extract_def_id(tcx).is_none() { // If the node does not exist anymore, we // just fail to mark green. return None } else { // If the node does exist, it should have // been pre-allocated. bug!("DepNode {:?} should have been \ pre-allocated but wasn't.", dep_dep_node) } } _ => { // For other kinds of inputs it's OK to be // forced. } } } // We failed to mark it green, so we try to force the query. debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) --- trying to force \ dependency {:?}", dep_node, dep_dep_node); if ::ty::query::force_from_dep_node(tcx, dep_dep_node) { let dep_dep_node_color = data.colors.borrow().get(dep_dep_node_index); match dep_dep_node_color { Some(DepNodeColor::Green(node_index)) => { debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) --- managed to \ FORCE dependency {:?} to green", dep_node, dep_dep_node); current_deps.push(node_index); } Some(DepNodeColor::Red) => { debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) - END - \ dependency {:?} was red after forcing", dep_node, dep_dep_node); return None } None => { if !tcx.sess.has_errors() { bug!("try_mark_green() - Forcing the DepNode \ should have set its color") } else { // If the query we just forced has resulted // in some kind of compilation error, we // don't expect that the corresponding // dep-node color has been updated. } } } } else { // The DepNode could not be forced. debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) - END - dependency {:?} \ could not be forced", dep_node, dep_dep_node); return None } } } } // If we got here without hitting a `return` that means that all // dependencies of this DepNode could be marked as green. Therefore we // can also mark this DepNode as green. // There may be multiple threads trying to mark the same dep node green concurrently let (dep_node_index, did_allocation) = { let mut current = data.current.borrow_mut(); if let Some(&dep_node_index) = current.node_to_node_index.get(&dep_node) { // Someone else allocated it before us (dep_node_index, false) } else { // We allocating an entry for the node in the current dependency graph and // adding all the appropriate edges imported from the previous graph (current.alloc_node(*dep_node, current_deps), true) } }; // ... copying the fingerprint from the previous graph too, so we don't // have to recompute it ... { let fingerprint = data.previous.fingerprint_by_index(prev_dep_node_index); let mut fingerprints = self.fingerprints.borrow_mut(); if dep_node_index.index() >= fingerprints.len() { fingerprints.resize(dep_node_index.index() + 1, Fingerprint::ZERO); } // Multiple threads can all write the same fingerprint here #[cfg(not(parallel_queries))] debug_assert!(fingerprints[dep_node_index] == Fingerprint::ZERO, "DepGraph::try_mark_green() - Duplicate fingerprint \ insertion for {:?}", dep_node); fingerprints[dep_node_index] = fingerprint; } // ... emitting any stored diagnostic ... if did_allocation { // Only the thread which did the allocation emits the error messages // FIXME: Ensure that these are printed before returning for all threads. // Currently threads where did_allocation = false can continue on // and emit other diagnostics before these diagnostics are emitted. // Such diagnostics should be emitted after these. // See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/48685 let diagnostics = tcx.queries.on_disk_cache .load_diagnostics(tcx, prev_dep_node_index); if diagnostics.len() > 0 { let handle = tcx.sess.diagnostic(); // Promote the previous diagnostics to the current session. tcx.queries.on_disk_cache .store_diagnostics(dep_node_index, diagnostics.clone()); for diagnostic in diagnostics { DiagnosticBuilder::new_diagnostic(handle, diagnostic).emit(); } } } // ... and finally storing a "Green" entry in the color map. let mut colors = data.colors.borrow_mut(); // Multiple threads can all write the same color here #[cfg(not(parallel_queries))] debug_assert!(colors.get(prev_dep_node_index).is_none(), "DepGraph::try_mark_green() - Duplicate DepNodeColor \ insertion for {:?}", dep_node); colors.insert(prev_dep_node_index, DepNodeColor::Green(dep_node_index)); debug!("try_mark_green({:?}) - END - successfully marked as green", dep_node); Some(dep_node_index) } // Returns true if the given node has been marked as green during the // current compilation session. Used in various assertions pub fn is_green(&self, dep_node: &DepNode) -> bool { self.node_color(dep_node).map(|c| c.is_green()).unwrap_or(false) } // This method loads all on-disk cacheable query results into memory, so // they can be written out to the new cache file again. Most query results // will already be in memory but in the case where we marked something as // green but then did not need the value, that value will never have been // loaded from disk. // // This method will only load queries that will end up in the disk cache. // Other queries will not be executed. pub fn exec_cache_promotions<'a, 'tcx>(&self, tcx: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>) { let green_nodes: Vec = { let data = self.data.as_ref().unwrap(); let colors = data.colors.borrow(); colors.values.indices().filter_map(|prev_index| { match colors.get(prev_index) { Some(DepNodeColor::Green(_)) => { let dep_node = data.previous.index_to_node(prev_index); if dep_node.cache_on_disk(tcx) { Some(dep_node) } else { None } } None | Some(DepNodeColor::Red) => { // We can skip red nodes because a node can only be marked // as red if the query result was recomputed and thus is // already in memory. None } } }).collect() }; for dep_node in green_nodes { dep_node.load_from_on_disk_cache(tcx); } } pub fn mark_loaded_from_cache(&self, dep_node_index: DepNodeIndex, state: bool) { debug!("mark_loaded_from_cache({:?}, {})", self.data.as_ref().unwrap().current.borrow().nodes[dep_node_index], state); self.data .as_ref() .unwrap() .loaded_from_cache .borrow_mut() .insert(dep_node_index, state); } pub fn was_loaded_from_cache(&self, dep_node: &DepNode) -> Option { let data = self.data.as_ref().unwrap(); let dep_node_index = data.current.borrow().node_to_node_index[dep_node]; data.loaded_from_cache.borrow().get(&dep_node_index).cloned() } } /// A "work product" is an intermediate result that we save into the /// incremental directory for later re-use. The primary example are /// the object files that we save for each partition at code /// generation time. /// /// Each work product is associated with a dep-node, representing the /// process that produced the work-product. If that dep-node is found /// to be dirty when we load up, then we will delete the work-product /// at load time. If the work-product is found to be clean, then we /// will keep a record in the `previous_work_products` list. /// /// In addition, work products have an associated hash. This hash is /// an extra hash that can be used to decide if the work-product from /// a previous compilation can be re-used (in addition to the dirty /// edges check). /// /// As the primary example, consider the object files we generate for /// each partition. In the first run, we create partitions based on /// the symbols that need to be compiled. For each partition P, we /// hash the symbols in P and create a `WorkProduct` record associated /// with `DepNode::CodegenUnit(P)`; the hash is the set of symbols /// in P. /// /// The next time we compile, if the `DepNode::CodegenUnit(P)` is /// judged to be clean (which means none of the things we read to /// generate the partition were found to be dirty), it will be loaded /// into previous work products. We will then regenerate the set of /// symbols in the partition P and hash them (note that new symbols /// may be added -- for example, new monomorphizations -- even if /// nothing in P changed!). We will compare that hash against the /// previous hash. If it matches up, we can reuse the object file. #[derive(Clone, Debug, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)] pub struct WorkProduct { pub cgu_name: String, /// Saved files associated with this CGU pub saved_files: Vec<(WorkProductFileKind, String)>, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)] pub enum WorkProductFileKind { Object, Bytecode, BytecodeCompressed, } pub(super) struct CurrentDepGraph { nodes: IndexVec, edges: IndexVec>, node_to_node_index: FxHashMap, forbidden_edge: Option, // Anonymous DepNodes are nodes the ID of which we compute from the list of // their edges. This has the beneficial side-effect that multiple anonymous // nodes can be coalesced into one without changing the semantics of the // dependency graph. However, the merging of nodes can lead to a subtle // problem during red-green marking: The color of an anonymous node from // the current session might "shadow" the color of the node with the same // ID from the previous session. In order to side-step this problem, we make // sure that anon-node IDs allocated in different sessions don't overlap. // This is implemented by mixing a session-key into the ID fingerprint of // each anon node. The session-key is just a random number generated when // the DepGraph is created. anon_id_seed: Fingerprint, total_read_count: u64, total_duplicate_read_count: u64, } impl CurrentDepGraph { fn new() -> CurrentDepGraph { use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH}; let duration = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap(); let nanos = duration.as_secs() * 1_000_000_000 + duration.subsec_nanos() as u64; let mut stable_hasher = StableHasher::new(); nanos.hash(&mut stable_hasher); let forbidden_edge = if cfg!(debug_assertions) { match env::var("RUST_FORBID_DEP_GRAPH_EDGE") { Ok(s) => { match EdgeFilter::new(&s) { Ok(f) => Some(f), Err(err) => bug!("RUST_FORBID_DEP_GRAPH_EDGE invalid: {}", err), } } Err(_) => None, } } else { None }; CurrentDepGraph { nodes: IndexVec::new(), edges: IndexVec::new(), node_to_node_index: FxHashMap(), anon_id_seed: stable_hasher.finish(), forbidden_edge, total_read_count: 0, total_duplicate_read_count: 0, } } fn complete_task(&mut self, key: DepNode, task: OpenTask) -> DepNodeIndex { if let OpenTask::Regular(task) = task { let RegularOpenTask { node, read_set: _, reads } = task.into_inner(); assert_eq!(node, key); // If this is an input node, we expect that it either has no // dependencies, or that it just depends on DepKind::CrateMetadata // or DepKind::Krate. This happens for some "thin wrapper queries" // like `crate_disambiguator` which sometimes have zero deps (for // when called for LOCAL_CRATE) or they depend on a CrateMetadata // node. if cfg!(debug_assertions) { if node.kind.is_input() && reads.len() > 0 && // FIXME(mw): Special case for DefSpan until Spans are handled // better in general. node.kind != DepKind::DefSpan && reads.iter().any(|&i| { !(self.nodes[i].kind == DepKind::CrateMetadata || self.nodes[i].kind == DepKind::Krate) }) { bug!("Input node {:?} with unexpected reads: {:?}", node, reads.iter().map(|&i| self.nodes[i]).collect::>()) } } self.alloc_node(node, reads) } else { bug!("complete_task() - Expected regular task to be popped") } } fn pop_anon_task(&mut self, kind: DepKind, task: OpenTask) -> DepNodeIndex { if let OpenTask::Anon(task) = task { let AnonOpenTask { read_set: _, reads } = task.into_inner(); debug_assert!(!kind.is_input()); let mut fingerprint = self.anon_id_seed; let mut hasher = StableHasher::new(); for &read in reads.iter() { let read_dep_node = self.nodes[read]; ::std::mem::discriminant(&read_dep_node.kind).hash(&mut hasher); // Fingerprint::combine() is faster than sending Fingerprint // through the StableHasher (at least as long as StableHasher // is so slow). fingerprint = fingerprint.combine(read_dep_node.hash); } fingerprint = fingerprint.combine(hasher.finish()); let target_dep_node = DepNode { kind, hash: fingerprint, }; if let Some(&index) = self.node_to_node_index.get(&target_dep_node) { index } else { self.alloc_node(target_dep_node, reads) } } else { bug!("pop_anon_task() - Expected anonymous task to be popped") } } fn complete_eval_always_task(&mut self, key: DepNode, task: OpenTask) -> DepNodeIndex { if let OpenTask::EvalAlways { node, } = task { debug_assert_eq!(node, key); let krate_idx = self.node_to_node_index[&DepNode::new_no_params(DepKind::Krate)]; self.alloc_node(node, smallvec![krate_idx]) } else { bug!("complete_eval_always_task() - Expected eval always task to be popped"); } } fn read_index(&mut self, source: DepNodeIndex) { ty::tls::with_context_opt(|icx| { let icx = if let Some(icx) = icx { icx } else { return }; match *icx.task { OpenTask::Regular(ref task) => { let mut task = task.lock(); self.total_read_count += 1; if task.read_set.insert(source) { task.reads.push(source); if cfg!(debug_assertions) { if let Some(ref forbidden_edge) = self.forbidden_edge { let target = &task.node; let source = self.nodes[source]; if forbidden_edge.test(&source, &target) { bug!("forbidden edge {:?} -> {:?} created", source, target) } } } } else { self.total_duplicate_read_count += 1; } } OpenTask::Anon(ref task) => { let mut task = task.lock(); if task.read_set.insert(source) { task.reads.push(source); } } OpenTask::Ignore | OpenTask::EvalAlways { .. } => { // ignore } } }) } fn alloc_node(&mut self, dep_node: DepNode, edges: SmallVec<[DepNodeIndex; 8]>) -> DepNodeIndex { debug_assert_eq!(self.edges.len(), self.nodes.len()); debug_assert_eq!(self.node_to_node_index.len(), self.nodes.len()); debug_assert!(!self.node_to_node_index.contains_key(&dep_node)); let dep_node_index = DepNodeIndex::new(self.nodes.len()); self.nodes.push(dep_node); self.node_to_node_index.insert(dep_node, dep_node_index); self.edges.push(edges); dep_node_index } } pub struct RegularOpenTask { node: DepNode, reads: SmallVec<[DepNodeIndex; 8]>, read_set: FxHashSet, } pub struct AnonOpenTask { reads: SmallVec<[DepNodeIndex; 8]>, read_set: FxHashSet, } pub enum OpenTask { Regular(Lock), Anon(Lock), Ignore, EvalAlways { node: DepNode, }, } // A data structure that stores Option values as a contiguous // array, using one u32 per entry. struct DepNodeColorMap { values: IndexVec, } const COMPRESSED_NONE: u32 = 0; const COMPRESSED_RED: u32 = 1; const COMPRESSED_FIRST_GREEN: u32 = 2; impl DepNodeColorMap { fn new(size: usize) -> DepNodeColorMap { DepNodeColorMap { values: IndexVec::from_elem_n(COMPRESSED_NONE, size) } } fn get(&self, index: SerializedDepNodeIndex) -> Option { match self.values[index] { COMPRESSED_NONE => None, COMPRESSED_RED => Some(DepNodeColor::Red), value => Some(DepNodeColor::Green(DepNodeIndex(value - COMPRESSED_FIRST_GREEN))) } } fn insert(&mut self, index: SerializedDepNodeIndex, color: DepNodeColor) { self.values[index] = match color { DepNodeColor::Red => COMPRESSED_RED, DepNodeColor::Green(index) => index.0 + COMPRESSED_FIRST_GREEN, } } }