/* * Created by Wu Jian Ping on - 2022/07/22. */ const Searcher = require('..') const { ArgumentParser } = require('argparse') const readline = require('linebyline') // 处理输入参数 const parser = new ArgumentParser({ add_help: true, description: 'ip2region benchmark app', prog: 'node test.app.js', usage: 'Usage %(prog)s [command options]' }) parser.add_argument('--db', { help: 'ip2region binary xdb file path, default: ../../data/ip2region.xdb' }) parser.add_argument('--src', { help: 'source ip text file path, default: ../../data/ip.merge.txt' }) parser.add_argument('--cache-policy', { help: 'cache policy: file/vectorIndex/content, default: content' }) const args = parser.parse_args() const dbPath = args.db || '../../data/ip2region.xdb' const src = args.src || '../../data/ip.merge.txt' const cachePolicy = args.cache_policy || 'content' // 创建searcher对象 const createSearcher = () => { let searcher = null let vectorIndex = null let buffer = null switch (cachePolicy) { case 'file': searcher = Searcher.newWithFileOnly(dbPath) break case 'vectorIndex': vectorIndex = Searcher.loadVectorIndexFromFile(dbPath) searcher = Searcher.newWithVectorIndex(dbPath, vectorIndex) break default: buffer = Searcher.loadContentFromFile(dbPath) searcher = Searcher.newWithBuffer(buffer) } console.log('options: ') console.log(` dbPath: ${dbPath}`) console.log(` src: ${dbPath}`) console.log(` cache-policy: ${cachePolicy}`) console.log('') return searcher } const ipToInt = ip => { // 切割IP const ps = ip.split('.') // 将各段转成int const i0 = parseInt(ps[0]) const i1 = parseInt(ps[1]) const i2 = parseInt(ps[2]) const i3 = parseInt(ps[3]) // 假如使用移位操作的话,这边可能产生负数 return i0 * 256 * 256 * 256 + i1 * 256 * 256 + i2 * 256 + i3 } const intToIp = ip => { const i0 = Math.floor(ip / (256 * 256 * 256)) const i1 = Math.floor((ip % (256 * 256 * 256)) / (256 * 256)) const i2 = Math.floor((ip % (256 * 256)) / 256) const i3 = ip % 256 return `${i0}.${i1}.${i2}.${i3}` } const searcher = createSearcher() // 开始时间 const startTime = process.hrtime() let total = 0 // 程序主入口 const main = async () => { const rl = readline(src) rl .on('line', async (line, lineCount, byteCount) => { try { const list = line.split('|') const sip = list[0] const eip = list[1] const sipInt = ipToInt(sip) const eipInt = ipToInt(eip) const mipInt = Math.floor((sipInt + eipInt) / 2) const mip = intToIp(mipInt) const mipLeftInt = Math.floor((sipInt + mipInt) / 2) const mipLeft = intToIp(mipLeftInt) const mipRightInt = Math.floor((mipInt + eipInt) / 2) const mipRight = intToIp(mipRightInt) const arr = [sip, mipLeft, mip, mipRight, eip] for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { const target = arr[i] const info = await searcher.search(target) const region = list.slice(2, list.length).join('|') // check the region info if (region !== info.region) { console.log(`failed search(${mip}) with (${region} != ${info.region})`) process.exit(1) } total++ } } catch (err) { console.log(err) process.exit(1) } }) .on('error', err => { console.log(err) process.exit(1) }) } process.on('exit', code => { if (code === 0) { // 这边只算个总时间就够了 const diff = process.hrtime(startTime) const took = (diff[0] * 1e9 + diff[1]) / 1e9 console.log(`Bench finished, {cachePolicy: ${cachePolicy}, total: ${total}, took: ${took}s, cost: ${total === 0 ? 0 : ((diff[0] * 1e9 + diff[1]) / 1e6) / total}μs/op}`) } }) main()