/* Copyright 2021 The Dapr Authors Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ //nolint:goconst package http import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "net" gohttp "net/http" "strings" "testing" "time" routing "github.com/fasthttp/router" "github.com/google/uuid" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "github.com/stretchr/testify/mock" "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" "github.com/valyala/fasthttp" "github.com/valyala/fasthttp/fasthttpadaptor" "github.com/valyala/fasthttp/fasthttputil" epb "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc/errdetails" "google.golang.org/grpc/codes" "google.golang.org/grpc/status" "google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/anypb" apiextensionsV1 "k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apis/apiextensions/v1" metaV1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" "github.com/dapr/components-contrib/bindings" "github.com/dapr/components-contrib/configuration" "github.com/dapr/components-contrib/lock" "github.com/dapr/components-contrib/middleware" "github.com/dapr/components-contrib/pubsub" "github.com/dapr/components-contrib/secretstores" "github.com/dapr/components-contrib/state" workflowContrib "github.com/dapr/components-contrib/workflows" "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/actors" "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/actors/reminders" commonapi "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/apis/common" componentsV1alpha1 "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/apis/components/v1alpha1" httpEndpointsV1alpha1 "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/apis/httpEndpoint/v1alpha1" "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/apis/resiliency/v1alpha1" "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/channel/http" httpMiddlewareLoader "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/components/middleware/http" "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/config" diag "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/diagnostics" "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/encryption" "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/expr" "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/grpc/universalapi" "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/messages" invokev1 "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/messaging/v1" httpMiddleware "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/middleware/http" "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/resiliency" "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/runtime/compstore" runtimePubsub "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/runtime/pubsub" daprt "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/testing" testtrace "github.com/dapr/dapr/pkg/testing/trace" "github.com/dapr/dapr/utils" "github.com/dapr/dapr/utils/nethttpadaptor" "github.com/dapr/kit/logger" "github.com/dapr/kit/ptr" ) var invalidJSON = []byte{0x7b, 0x7b} var testResiliency = &v1alpha1.Resiliency{ Spec: v1alpha1.ResiliencySpec{ Policies: v1alpha1.Policies{ Retries: map[string]v1alpha1.Retry{ "singleRetry": { MaxRetries: ptr.Of(1), MaxInterval: "100ms", Policy: "constant", Duration: "10ms", }, "tenRetries": { MaxRetries: ptr.Of(10), MaxInterval: "100ms", Policy: "constant", Duration: "10ms", }, }, Timeouts: map[string]string{ "fast": "100ms", }, CircuitBreakers: map[string]v1alpha1.CircuitBreaker{ "simpleCB": { MaxRequests: 1, Timeout: "1s", Trip: "consecutiveFailures > 4", }, }, }, Targets: v1alpha1.Targets{ Apps: map[string]v1alpha1.EndpointPolicyNames{ "failingApp": { Retry: "singleRetry", Timeout: "fast", }, "circuitBreakerApp": { Retry: "tenRetries", CircuitBreaker: "simpleCB", }, }, Components: map[string]v1alpha1.ComponentPolicyNames{ "failSecret": { Outbound: v1alpha1.PolicyNames{ Retry: "singleRetry", Timeout: "fast", }, }, "failStore": { Outbound: v1alpha1.PolicyNames{ Retry: "singleRetry", Timeout: "fast", }, }, }, Actors: map[string]v1alpha1.ActorPolicyNames{ "failingActorType": { Retry: "singleRetry", Timeout: "fast", CircuitBreakerScope: "type", }, }, }, }, } func TestPubSubEndpoints(t *testing.T) { fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() testAPI := &api{ universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ AppID: "fakeAPI", }, pubsubAdapter: &daprt.MockPubSubAdapter{ PublishFn: func(req *pubsub.PublishRequest) error { if req.PubsubName == "errorpubsub" { return fmt.Errorf("Error from pubsub %s", req.PubsubName) } if req.PubsubName == "errnotfound" { return runtimePubsub.NotFoundError{PubsubName: "errnotfound"} } if req.PubsubName == "errnotallowed" { return runtimePubsub.NotAllowedError{Topic: req.Topic, ID: "test"} } return nil }, GetPubSubFn: func(pubsubName string) pubsub.PubSub { mock := daprt.MockPubSub{} mock.On("Features").Return([]pubsub.Feature{}) return &mock }, }, } fakeServer.StartServer(testAPI.constructPubSubEndpoints()) t.Run("Publish successfully - 204 No Content", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/pubsubname/topic", apiVersionV1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, []byte("{\"key\": \"value\"}"), nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode, "failed to publish with %s", method) assert.Equal(t, []byte{}, resp.RawBody, "Always give empty body with 204") } }) t.Run("Publish multi path successfully - 204 No Content", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/pubsubname/A/B/C", apiVersionV1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, []byte("{\"key\": \"value\"}"), nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode, "failed to publish with %s", method) assert.Equal(t, []byte{}, resp.RawBody, "Always give empty body with 204") } }) t.Run("Publish unsuccessfully - 500 InternalError", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/errorpubsub/topic", apiVersionV1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, []byte("{\"key\": \"value\"}"), nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode, "expected internal server error as response") assert.Equal(t, "ERR_PUBSUB_PUBLISH_MESSAGE", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) } }) t.Run("Publish without topic name - 404", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/pubsubname", apiVersionV1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, []byte("{\"key\": \"value\"}"), nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 404, resp.StatusCode, "unexpected success publishing with %s", method) } }) t.Run("Publish without topic name ending in / - 404", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/pubsubname/", apiVersionV1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, []byte("{\"key\": \"value\"}"), nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 404, resp.StatusCode, "unexpected success publishing with %s", method) } }) t.Run("Publish with topic name '/' - 204", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/pubsubname//", apiVersionV1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, []byte("{\"key\": \"value\"}"), nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode, "success publishing with %s", method) } }) t.Run("Publish without topic or pubsub name - 404", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish", apiVersionV1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, []byte("{\"key\": \"value\"}"), nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 404, resp.StatusCode, "unexpected success publishing with %s", method) } }) t.Run("Publish without topic or pubsub name ending in / - 404", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/", apiVersionV1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, []byte("{\"key\": \"value\"}"), nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 404, resp.StatusCode, "unexpected success publishing with %s", method) } }) t.Run("Pubsub not configured - 400", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/pubsubname/topic", apiVersionV1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} savePubSubAdapter := testAPI.pubsubAdapter testAPI.pubsubAdapter = nil for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, []byte("{\"key\": \"value\"}"), nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode, "unexpected success publishing with %s", method) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_PUBSUB_NOT_CONFIGURED", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) } testAPI.pubsubAdapter = savePubSubAdapter }) t.Run("Pubsub not configured - 400", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/errnotfound/topic", apiVersionV1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, []byte("{\"key\": \"value\"}"), nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode, "unexpected success publishing with %s", method) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_PUBSUB_NOT_FOUND", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, "pubsub 'errnotfound' not found", resp.ErrorBody["message"]) } }) t.Run("Pubsub not configured - 403", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/errnotallowed/topic", apiVersionV1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, []byte("{\"key\": \"value\"}"), nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 403, resp.StatusCode, "unexpected success publishing with %s", method) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_PUBSUB_FORBIDDEN", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, "topic topic is not allowed for app id test", resp.ErrorBody["message"]) //nolint:dupword } }) fakeServer.Shutdown() } func TestBulkPubSubEndpoints(t *testing.T) { fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() testAPI := &api{ universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ AppID: "fakeAPI", }, pubsubAdapter: &daprt.MockPubSubAdapter{ BulkPublishFn: func(req *pubsub.BulkPublishRequest) (pubsub.BulkPublishResponse, error) { switch req.PubsubName { case "errorpubsub": err := fmt.Errorf("Error from pubsub %s", req.PubsubName) res := pubsub.BulkPublishResponse{} for _, entry := range req.Entries { _, shouldErr := entry.Metadata["shouldErr"] if shouldErr { res.FailedEntries = append(res.FailedEntries, pubsub.BulkPublishResponseFailedEntry{ EntryId: entry.EntryId, Error: err, }) } } return res, err case "errnotfound": return pubsub.BulkPublishResponse{}, runtimePubsub.NotFoundError{PubsubName: "errnotfound"} case "errnotallowed": return pubsub.BulkPublishResponse{}, runtimePubsub.NotAllowedError{Topic: req.Topic, ID: "test"} default: return pubsub.BulkPublishResponse{}, nil } }, GetPubSubFn: func(pubsubName string) pubsub.PubSub { mock := daprt.MockPubSub{} mock.On("Features").Return([]pubsub.Feature{}) return &mock }, }, } fakeServer.StartServer(testAPI.constructPubSubEndpoints()) bulkRequest := []bulkPublishMessageEntry{ { EntryID: "1", Event: map[string]string{ "key": "first", "value": "first value", }, ContentType: "application/json", }, { EntryID: "2", Event: map[string]string{ "key": "second", "value": "second value", }, ContentType: "application/json", Metadata: map[string]string{ "md1": "mdVal1", "md2": "mdVal2", }, }, { EntryID: "3", Event: map[string]string{ "key": "third", "value": "third value", }, ContentType: "application/json", Metadata: map[string]string{ "cloudevent.source": "unit-test", "cloudevent.topic": "overridetopic", // noop -- if this modified the envelope the test would fail "cloudevent.pubsub": "overridepubsub", // noop -- if this modified the envelope the test would fail }, }, } // setup reqBytes, _ := json.Marshal(bulkRequest) resBytes := []byte{} t.Run("Bulk Publish successfully - 204", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/bulk/pubsubname/topic", apiVersionV1alpha1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, reqBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode, "failed to publish with %s", method) assert.Equal(t, resBytes, resp.RawBody, "failed to match response on bulk publish") } }) t.Run("Bulk Publish multi path successfully - 204", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/bulk/pubsubname/A/B/C", apiVersionV1alpha1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, reqBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode, "failed to publish with %s", method) assert.Equal(t, resBytes, resp.RawBody, "failed to match response on bulk publish") } }) t.Run("Bulk Publish complete failure - 500 InternalError", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/bulk/errorpubsub/topic", apiVersionV1alpha1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} errBulkRequest := []bulkPublishMessageEntry{} for _, entry := range bulkRequest { if entry.Metadata == nil { entry.Metadata = map[string]string{} } entry.Metadata["shouldErr"] = "true" errBulkRequest = append(errBulkRequest, entry) } errBulkResponse := pubsub.BulkPublishResponse{ FailedEntries: []pubsub.BulkPublishResponseFailedEntry{ { EntryId: "1", Error: errors.New("Error from pubsub errorpubsub"), }, { EntryId: "2", Error: errors.New("Error from pubsub errorpubsub"), }, { EntryId: "3", Error: errors.New("Error from pubsub errorpubsub"), }, }, } errReqBytes, _ := json.Marshal(errBulkRequest) for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, errReqBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode, "expected internal server error as response") assert.Equal(t, "ERR_PUBSUB_PUBLISH_MESSAGE", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) bulkResp := BulkPublishResponse{} assert.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(resp.RawBody, &bulkResp)) assert.Equal(t, len(errBulkResponse.FailedEntries), len(bulkResp.FailedEntries)) for i, entry := range bulkResp.FailedEntries { assert.Equal(t, errBulkResponse.FailedEntries[i].EntryId, entry.EntryId) assert.Equal(t, errBulkResponse.FailedEntries[i].Error.Error(), entry.Error) } } }) t.Run("Bulk Publish partial failure - 500 InternalError", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/bulk/errorpubsub/topic", apiVersionV1alpha1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} errBulkRequest := []bulkPublishMessageEntry{} for _, entry := range bulkRequest { // Fail entries 2 and 3 if entry.EntryID == "2" || entry.EntryID == "3" { if entry.Metadata == nil { entry.Metadata = map[string]string{} } entry.Metadata["shouldErr"] = "true" } errBulkRequest = append(errBulkRequest, entry) } errBulkResponse := pubsub.BulkPublishResponse{ FailedEntries: []pubsub.BulkPublishResponseFailedEntry{ { EntryId: "2", Error: errors.New("Error from pubsub errorpubsub"), }, { EntryId: "3", Error: errors.New("Error from pubsub errorpubsub"), }, }, } errReqBytes, _ := json.Marshal(errBulkRequest) for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, errReqBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode, "expected internal server error as response") assert.Equal(t, "ERR_PUBSUB_PUBLISH_MESSAGE", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) bulkResp := BulkPublishResponse{} assert.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(resp.RawBody, &bulkResp)) assert.Equal(t, len(errBulkResponse.FailedEntries), len(bulkResp.FailedEntries)) for i, entry := range bulkResp.FailedEntries { assert.Equal(t, errBulkResponse.FailedEntries[i].EntryId, entry.EntryId) assert.Equal(t, errBulkResponse.FailedEntries[i].Error.Error(), entry.Error) } } }) t.Run("Bulk Publish without topic name - 404", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/bulk/pubsubname", apiVersionV1alpha1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, reqBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 404, resp.StatusCode, "unexpected success publishing with %s", method) } }) t.Run("Bulk Publish without entryId - 400", func(t *testing.T) { reqWithoutEntryId := []bulkPublishMessageEntry{ //nolint:stylecheck { Event: map[string]string{ "key": "first", "value": "first value", }, ContentType: "application/json", }, { Event: map[string]string{ "key": "second", "value": "second value", }, ContentType: "application/json", Metadata: map[string]string{ "md1": "mdVal1", "md2": "mdVal2", }, }, } reqBytesWithoutEntryId, _ := json.Marshal(reqWithoutEntryId) //nolint:stylecheck apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/bulk/pubsubname/topic", apiVersionV1alpha1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, reqBytesWithoutEntryId, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode, "unexpected success publishing with %s", method) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_PUBSUB_EVENTS_SER", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Contains(t, resp.ErrorBody["message"], "error: entryId is duplicated or not present for entry") } }) t.Run("Bulk Publish with duplicate entryId - 400", func(t *testing.T) { reqWithoutEntryId := []bulkPublishMessageEntry{ //nolint:stylecheck { EntryID: "1", Event: map[string]string{ "key": "first", "value": "first value", }, ContentType: "application/json", }, { EntryID: "1", Event: map[string]string{ "key": "second", "value": "second value", }, ContentType: "application/json", Metadata: map[string]string{ "md1": "mdVal1", "md2": "mdVal2", }, }, } reqBytesWithoutEntryId, _ := json.Marshal(reqWithoutEntryId) //nolint:stylecheck apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/bulk/pubsubname/topic", apiVersionV1alpha1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, reqBytesWithoutEntryId, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode, "unexpected success publishing with %s", method) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_PUBSUB_EVENTS_SER", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Contains(t, resp.ErrorBody["message"], "error: entryId is duplicated or not present for entry") } }) t.Run("Bulk Publish metadata error - 400", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/bulk/pubsubname/topic?metadata.rawPayload=100", apiVersionV1alpha1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, reqBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode, "failed to publish with %s", method) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_PUBSUB_REQUEST_METADATA", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Contains(t, resp.ErrorBody["message"], "failed deserializing metadata") } }) t.Run("Bulk Publish invalid cloudevent - 400", func(t *testing.T) { reqInvalidCE := []bulkPublishMessageEntry{ { EntryID: "1", Event: map[string]string{ "key": "first", "value": "first value", }, ContentType: "application/json", }, { EntryID: "2", Event: "this is not a cloudevent!", ContentType: "application/cloudevents+json", Metadata: map[string]string{ "md1": "mdVal1", "md2": "mdVal2", }, }, } rBytes, _ := json.Marshal(reqInvalidCE) apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/bulk/pubsubname/topic", apiVersionV1alpha1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, rBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode, "unexpected success publishing with %s", method) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_PUBSUB_CLOUD_EVENTS_SER", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Contains(t, resp.ErrorBody["message"], "cannot create cloudevent") } }) t.Run("Bulk Publish dataContentType mismatch - 400", func(t *testing.T) { dCTMismatch := []bulkPublishMessageEntry{ { EntryID: "1", Event: map[string]string{ "key": "first", "value": "first value", }, ContentType: "application/json", }, { EntryID: "2", Event: map[string]string{ "key": "second", "value": "second value", }, ContentType: "text/xml", Metadata: map[string]string{ "md1": "mdVal1", "md2": "mdVal2", }, }, } rBytes, _ := json.Marshal(dCTMismatch) apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/bulk/pubsubname/topic", apiVersionV1alpha1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, rBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode, "unexpected success publishing with %s", method) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_PUBSUB_EVENTS_SER", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Contains(t, resp.ErrorBody["message"], "error: mismatch between contentType and event") } }) t.Run("Bulk Publish bad request - 400", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/bulk/pubsubname/topic", apiVersionV1alpha1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, []byte("{\"key\":\"value\"}"), nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode, "unexpected success publishing with %s", method) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_PUBSUB_EVENTS_SER", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Contains(t, resp.ErrorBody["message"], "error when unmarshaling the request for topic topic") //nolint:dupword } }) t.Run("Bulk Publish without topic name ending in / - 404", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/bulk/pubsubname/", apiVersionV1alpha1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, reqBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 404, resp.StatusCode, "unexpected success publishing with %s", method) } }) t.Run("Bulk Publish with topic name '/' - 204", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/bulk/pubsubname//", apiVersionV1alpha1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, reqBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode, "success publishing with %s", method) assert.Equal(t, resBytes, resp.RawBody, "failed to match response on bulk publish") } }) t.Run("Bulk Publish without topic or pubsub name - 404", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/bulk", apiVersionV1alpha1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, reqBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 404, resp.StatusCode, "unexpected success bulk publishing with %s", method) } }) t.Run("Bulk Publish without topic or pubsub name ending in / - 404", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/bulk/", apiVersionV1alpha1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, reqBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 404, resp.StatusCode, "unexpected success bulk publishing with %s", method) } }) t.Run("Bulk Publish Pubsub not configured - 400", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/bulk/pubsubname/topic", apiVersionV1alpha1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} // setup savePubSubAdapter := testAPI.pubsubAdapter testAPI.pubsubAdapter = nil for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, reqBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode, "unexpected success bulk publishing with %s", method) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_PUBSUB_NOT_CONFIGURED", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) } testAPI.pubsubAdapter = savePubSubAdapter }) t.Run("Bulk publish Pubsub not found - 400", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/bulk/errnotfound/topic", apiVersionV1alpha1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, reqBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode, "unexpected success bulk publishing with %s", method) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_PUBSUB_NOT_FOUND", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) } }) t.Run("Bulk publish Pubsub not allowed - 403", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/publish/bulk/errnotallowed/topic", apiVersionV1alpha1) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, reqBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 403, resp.StatusCode, "unexpected success bulk publishing with %s", method) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_PUBSUB_FORBIDDEN", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) } }) fakeServer.Shutdown() } func TestShutdownEndpoints(t *testing.T) { fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() shutdownCh := make(chan struct{}) testAPI := &api{ universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ ShutdownFn: func() { close(shutdownCh) }, }, } fakeServer.StartServer(testAPI.constructShutdownEndpoints()) defer fakeServer.Shutdown() t.Run("Shutdown successfully - 204", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/shutdown", apiVersionV1) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode) select { case <-time.After(time.Second): t.Fatal("Did not shut down within 1 second") case <-shutdownCh: // All good } }) } func TestGetStatusCodeFromMetadata(t *testing.T) { t.Run("status code present", func(t *testing.T) { res := GetStatusCodeFromMetadata(map[string]string{ http.HTTPStatusCode: "404", }) assert.Equal(t, 404, res, "expected status code to match") }) t.Run("status code not present", func(t *testing.T) { res := GetStatusCodeFromMetadata(map[string]string{}) assert.Equal(t, 200, res, "expected status code to match") }) t.Run("status code present but invalid", func(t *testing.T) { res := GetStatusCodeFromMetadata(map[string]string{ http.HTTPStatusCode: "a12a", }) assert.Equal(t, 200, res, "expected status code to match") }) } func TestGetMetadataFromRequest(t *testing.T) { t.Run("request with query args", func(t *testing.T) { // set ctx := &fasthttp.RequestCtx{} ctx.Request.SetRequestURI("http://test.example.com/resource?metadata.test=test&&other=other") // act m := getMetadataFromRequest(ctx) // assert assert.NotEmpty(t, m, "expected map to be populated") assert.Equal(t, 1, len(m), "expected length to match") assert.Equal(t, "test", m["test"], "test", "expected value to be equal") }) } func TestV1OutputBindingsEndpoints(t *testing.T) { fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() testAPI := &api{ sendToOutputBindingFn: func(name string, req *bindings.InvokeRequest) (*bindings.InvokeResponse, error) { if name == "testbinding" { return nil, nil } return &bindings.InvokeResponse{Data: []byte("testresponse")}, nil }, } fakeServer.StartServer(testAPI.constructBindingsEndpoints()) t.Run("Invoke output bindings - 204 No Content empty response", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/bindings/testbinding", apiVersionV1) req := OutputBindingRequest{ Data: "fake output", } b, _ := json.Marshal(&req) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, b, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode, "failed to invoke output binding with %s", method) assert.Equal(t, []byte{}, resp.RawBody, "expected response to match") } }) t.Run("Invoke output bindings - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/bindings/testresponse", apiVersionV1) req := OutputBindingRequest{ Data: "fake output", } b, _ := json.Marshal(&req) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, b, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "failed to invoke output binding with %s", method) assert.Equal(t, []byte("testresponse"), resp.RawBody, "expected response to match") } }) t.Run("Invoke output bindings - 400 InternalError invalid req", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/bindings/testresponse", apiVersionV1) req := `{"dat" : "invalid request"}` b, _ := json.Marshal(&req) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, b, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_MALFORMED_REQUEST", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) } }) t.Run("Invoke output bindings - 500 InternalError", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/bindings/notfound", apiVersionV1) req := OutputBindingRequest{ Data: "fake output", } b, _ := json.Marshal(&req) testAPI.sendToOutputBindingFn = func(name string, req *bindings.InvokeRequest) (*bindings.InvokeResponse, error) { return nil, errors.New("missing binding name") } testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, b, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_INVOKE_OUTPUT_BINDING", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) } }) fakeServer.Shutdown() } func TestV1OutputBindingsEndpointsWithTracer(t *testing.T) { fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() buffer := "" spec := config.TracingSpec{SamplingRate: "1"} createExporters(&buffer) testAPI := &api{ sendToOutputBindingFn: func(name string, req *bindings.InvokeRequest) (*bindings.InvokeResponse, error) { return nil, nil }, tracingSpec: spec, } fakeServer.StartServerWithTracing(spec, testAPI.constructBindingsEndpoints()) t.Run("Invoke output bindings - 204 OK", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/bindings/testbinding", apiVersionV1) req := OutputBindingRequest{ Data: "fake output", } b, _ := json.Marshal(&req) testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { buffer = "" // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, b, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode, "failed to invoke output binding with %s", method) } }) t.Run("Invoke output bindings - 500 InternalError", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/bindings/notfound", apiVersionV1) req := OutputBindingRequest{ Data: "fake output", } b, _ := json.Marshal(&req) testAPI.sendToOutputBindingFn = func(name string, req *bindings.InvokeRequest) (*bindings.InvokeResponse, error) { return nil, errors.New("missing binding name") } testMethods := []string{"POST", "PUT"} for _, method := range testMethods { buffer = "" // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, b, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_INVOKE_OUTPUT_BINDING", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) } }) fakeServer.Shutdown() } func getFakeDirectMessageResponse() *invokev1.InvokeMethodResponse { return getFakeDirectMessageResponseWithStatusCode(fasthttp.StatusOK) } func getFakeDirectMessageResponseWithStatusCode(code int) *invokev1.InvokeMethodResponse { return invokev1.NewInvokeMethodResponse(int32(code), fasthttp.StatusMessage(code), nil). WithRawDataString("fakeDirectMessageResponse"). WithContentType("application/json") } func TestV1DirectMessagingEndpoints(t *testing.T) { mockDirectMessaging := new(daprt.MockDirectMessaging) compStore := compstore.New() fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() testAPI := &api{ directMessaging: mockDirectMessaging, resiliency: resiliency.New(nil), universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ CompStore: compStore, }, } fakeServer.StartServer(testAPI.constructDirectMessagingEndpoints()) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging without querystring - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { fakeDirectMessageResponse := getFakeDirectMessageResponse() defer fakeDirectMessageResponse.Close() apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/fakeAppID/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging. On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "fakeAppID" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ). Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil). Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, []byte("fakeDirectMessageResponse"), resp.RawBody) }) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging without querystring for external invocation - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { fakeDirectMessageResponse := getFakeDirectMessageResponse() defer fakeDirectMessageResponse.Close() apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/http://api.github.com/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging. On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "http://api.github.com" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ). Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil). Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, []byte("fakeDirectMessageResponse"), resp.RawBody) }) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging without querystring for external invocation again - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { fakeDirectMessageResponse := getFakeDirectMessageResponse() defer fakeDirectMessageResponse.Close() apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging. On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ). Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil). Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, []byte("fakeDirectMessageResponse"), resp.RawBody) }) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging without querystring - 201 Created", func(t *testing.T) { fakeDirectMessageResponse := getFakeDirectMessageResponseWithStatusCode(fasthttp.StatusCreated) defer fakeDirectMessageResponse.Close() apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/fakeAppID/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging. On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "fakeAppID" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ). Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil). Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 201, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, []byte("fakeDirectMessageResponse"), resp.RawBody) }) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging without querystring for external invocation - 201 Created", func(t *testing.T) { fakeDirectMessageResponse := getFakeDirectMessageResponseWithStatusCode(fasthttp.StatusCreated) defer fakeDirectMessageResponse.Close() apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/http://api.github.com/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging. On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "http://api.github.com" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ). Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil). Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 201, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, []byte("fakeDirectMessageResponse"), resp.RawBody) }) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging with dapr-app-id in header - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { fakeDirectMessageResponse := getFakeDirectMessageResponse() defer fakeDirectMessageResponse.Close() apiPath := "fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging. On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "fakeAppID" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ). Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil). Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil, "dapr-app-id", "fakeAppID") // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, []byte("fakeDirectMessageResponse"), resp.RawBody) }) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging with headers for external invocation - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { fakeDirectMessageResponse := getFakeDirectMessageResponse() defer fakeDirectMessageResponse.Close() apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/http://api.github.com/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging. On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "http://api.github.com" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ). Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil). Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil, "Authorization", "token sometoken", "Accept-Language", "en-US") // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, []byte("fakeDirectMessageResponse"), resp.RawBody) }) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging with dapr-app-id in basic auth - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { fakeDirectMessageResponse := getFakeDirectMessageResponse() defer fakeDirectMessageResponse.Close() apiPath := "fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging. On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "fakeAppID" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ). Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil). Once() // act resp := fakeServer.doRequest("dapr-app-id:fakeAppID", "POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, []byte("fakeDirectMessageResponse"), resp.RawBody) }) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging with InvalidArgument Response - 400 Bad request", func(t *testing.T) { d := &epb.ErrorInfo{ Reason: "fakeReason", } details, _ := anypb.New(d) fakeInternalErrorResponse := invokev1.NewInvokeMethodResponse( int32(codes.InvalidArgument), "InvalidArgument", []*anypb.Any{details}, ) apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/fakeAppID/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") defer fakeInternalErrorResponse.Close() mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging. On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), "fakeAppID", mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ). Return(fakeInternalErrorResponse, nil). Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // protojson produces different indentation space based on OS // For linux comp1 := string(resp.RawBody) == `{"code":3,"message":"InvalidArgument","details":[{"@type":"type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ErrorInfo","reason":"fakeReason"}]}` // For mac and windows comp2 := string(resp.RawBody) == `{"code":3, "message":"InvalidArgument", "details":[{"@type":"type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ErrorInfo", "reason":"fakeReason"}]}` assert.True(t, comp1 || comp2) }) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging with InvalidArgument Response for external invocation - 400 Bad request", func(t *testing.T) { d := &epb.ErrorInfo{ Reason: "fakeReason", } details, _ := anypb.New(d) fakeInternalErrorResponse := invokev1.NewInvokeMethodResponse( int32(codes.InvalidArgument), "InvalidArgument", []*anypb.Any{details}, ) apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/http://api.github.com/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") defer fakeInternalErrorResponse.Close() mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging. On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), "http://api.github.com", mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ). Return(fakeInternalErrorResponse, nil). Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // protojson produces different indentation space based on OS // For linux comp1 := string(resp.RawBody) == `{"code":3,"message":"InvalidArgument","details":[{"@type":"type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ErrorInfo","reason":"fakeReason"}]}` // For mac and windows comp2 := string(resp.RawBody) == `{"code":3, "message":"InvalidArgument", "details":[{"@type":"type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.ErrorInfo", "reason":"fakeReason"}]}` assert.True(t, comp1 || comp2) }) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging with malformed status response", func(t *testing.T) { malformedDetails := &anypb.Any{TypeUrl: "malformed"} fakeInternalErrorResponse := invokev1.NewInvokeMethodResponse(int32(codes.Internal), "InternalError", []*anypb.Any{malformedDetails}) apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/fakeAppID/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") defer fakeInternalErrorResponse.Close() mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging. On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), "fakeAppID", mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ). Return(fakeInternalErrorResponse, nil). Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(string(resp.RawBody), "{\"errorCode\":\"ERR_MALFORMED_RESPONSE\",\"message\":\"")) }) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging with malformed status response for external invocation", func(t *testing.T) { malformedDetails := &anypb.Any{TypeUrl: "malformed"} fakeInternalErrorResponse := invokev1.NewInvokeMethodResponse(int32(codes.Internal), "InternalError", []*anypb.Any{malformedDetails}) apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/http://api.github.com/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") defer fakeInternalErrorResponse.Close() mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging. On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), "http://api.github.com", mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ). Return(fakeInternalErrorResponse, nil). Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.True(t, strings.HasPrefix(string(resp.RawBody), "{\"errorCode\":\"ERR_MALFORMED_RESPONSE\",\"message\":\"")) }) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging with querystring - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { fakeDirectMessageResponse := getFakeDirectMessageResponse() defer fakeDirectMessageResponse.Close() apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/fakeAppID/method/fakeMethod?param1=val1¶m2=val2" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging. On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "fakeAppID" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ). Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil). Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, []byte("fakeDirectMessageResponse"), resp.RawBody) }) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging with querystring for external invocation - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { fakeDirectMessageResponse := getFakeDirectMessageResponse() defer fakeDirectMessageResponse.Close() apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/http://api.github.com/method/fakeMethod?param1=val1¶m2=val2" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging. On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "http://api.github.com" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ). Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil). Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, []byte("fakeDirectMessageResponse"), resp.RawBody) }) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging - HEAD - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { fakeDirectMessageResponse := getFakeDirectMessageResponse() defer fakeDirectMessageResponse.Close() apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/fakeAppID/method/fakeMethod?param1=val1¶m2=val2" mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging. On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "fakeAppID" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ). Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil). Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("HEAD", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, []byte{}, resp.RawBody) // Empty body for HEAD }) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging route '/' - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { fakeDirectMessageResponse := getFakeDirectMessageResponse() defer fakeDirectMessageResponse.Close() apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/fakeAppID/method/" mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging. On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "fakeAppID" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ). Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil). Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, []byte("fakeDirectMessageResponse"), resp.RawBody) }) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging route '/' - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { fakeDirectMessageResponse := getFakeDirectMessageResponse() defer fakeDirectMessageResponse.Close() apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/http://api.github.com/method/" mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging. On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "http://api.github.com" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ). Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil). Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, []byte("fakeDirectMessageResponse"), resp.RawBody) }) t.Run("Invoke returns error - 500 ERR_DIRECT_INVOKE", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/fakeAppID/method/fakeMethod?param1=val1¶m2=val2" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging. On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "fakeAppID" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ). Return(nil, errors.New("UPSTREAM_ERROR")). Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_DIRECT_INVOKE", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) }) t.Run("Invoke returns error - 500 ERR_DIRECT_INVOKE for external invocation", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/http://api.github.com/method/fakeMethod?param1=val1¶m2=val2" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging. On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "http://api.github.com" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ). Return(nil, errors.New("UPSTREAM_ERROR")). Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_DIRECT_INVOKE", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) }) t.Run("Invoke returns error - 403 ERR_DIRECT_INVOKE", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/fakeAppID/method/fakeMethod?param1=val1¶m2=val2" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging. On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "fakeAppID" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ). Return(nil, status.Errorf(codes.PermissionDenied, "Permission Denied")). Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 403, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_DIRECT_INVOKE", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) }) t.Run("Invoke returns error - 403 ERR_DIRECT_INVOKE for external invocation", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/http://api.github.com/method/fakeMethod?param1=val1¶m2=val2" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging. On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "http://api.github.com" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ). Return(nil, status.Errorf(codes.PermissionDenied, "Permission Denied")). Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 403, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_DIRECT_INVOKE", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) }) fakeServer.Shutdown() } func TestV1DirectMessagingEndpointsWithTracer(t *testing.T) { mockDirectMessaging := new(daprt.MockDirectMessaging) fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() var buffer string spec := config.TracingSpec{SamplingRate: "1"} createExporters(&buffer) compStore := compstore.New() testAPI := &api{ directMessaging: mockDirectMessaging, tracingSpec: spec, resiliency: resiliency.New(nil), universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ CompStore: compStore, }, } fakeServer.StartServerWithTracing(spec, testAPI.constructDirectMessagingEndpoints()) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging without querystring - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { fakeDirectMessageResponse := getFakeDirectMessageResponse() defer fakeDirectMessageResponse.Close() buffer = "" apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/fakeAppID/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging.On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "fakeAppID" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ).Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil).Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) }) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging with dapr-app-id - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { fakeDirectMessageResponse := getFakeDirectMessageResponse() defer fakeDirectMessageResponse.Close() buffer = "" apiPath := "fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging.On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "fakeAppID" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ).Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil).Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil, "dapr-app-id", "fakeAppID") // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) }) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging with querystring - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { fakeDirectMessageResponse := getFakeDirectMessageResponse() defer fakeDirectMessageResponse.Close() buffer = "" apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/fakeAppID/method/fakeMethod?param1=val1¶m2=val2" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging.On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "fakeAppID" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ).Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil).Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) }) fakeServer.Shutdown() } func TestV1DirectMessagingEndpointsWithResiliency(t *testing.T) { failingDirectMessaging := &daprt.FailingDirectMessaging{ Failure: daprt.NewFailure( map[string]int{ "failingKey": 1, "extraFailingKey": 3, "circuitBreakerKey": 10, }, map[string]time.Duration{ "timeoutKey": time.Second * 10, }, map[string]int{}, ), } fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() compStore := compstore.New() testAPI := &api{ directMessaging: failingDirectMessaging, resiliency: resiliency.FromConfigurations(logger.NewLogger("messaging.test"), testResiliency), universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ CompStore: compStore, }, } fakeServer.StartServer(testAPI.constructDirectMessagingEndpoints()) t.Run("Test invoke direct message does not retry on 200", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/failingApp/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("allgood") // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, 1, failingDirectMessaging.Failure.CallCount("allgood")) }) t.Run("Test invoke direct message does not retry on 2xx", func(t *testing.T) { failingDirectMessaging.SuccessStatusCode = 201 defer func() { failingDirectMessaging.SuccessStatusCode = 0 }() apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/failingApp/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("allgood2") // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) assert.Equal(t, 201, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, 1, failingDirectMessaging.Failure.CallCount("allgood2")) }) t.Run("Test invoke direct message retries with resiliency", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/failingApp/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("failingKey") // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, 2, failingDirectMessaging.Failure.CallCount("failingKey")) }) t.Run("Test invoke direct message fails with timeout", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/failingApp/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("timeoutKey") // act start := time.Now() resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) end := time.Now() assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, 2, failingDirectMessaging.Failure.CallCount("timeoutKey")) assert.Less(t, end.Sub(start), time.Second*10) }) t.Run("Test invoke direct messages fails after exhausting retries", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/failingApp/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("extraFailingKey") // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, 2, failingDirectMessaging.Failure.CallCount("extraFailingKey")) }) t.Run("Test invoke direct messages can trip circuit breaker", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/circuitBreakerApp/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("circuitBreakerKey") // Circuit Breaker trips on the 5th failure, stopping retries. resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, 5, failingDirectMessaging.Failure.CallCount("circuitBreakerKey")) // Request occurs when the circuit breaker is open, which shouldn't even hit the app. resp = fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Contains(t, string(resp.RawBody), "circuit breaker is open", "Should have received a circuit breaker open error.") assert.Equal(t, 5, failingDirectMessaging.Failure.CallCount("circuitBreakerKey")) }) fakeServer.Shutdown() } func TestV1ActorEndpoints(t *testing.T) { fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() rc := resiliency.FromConfigurations(logger.NewLogger("test.api.http.actors"), testResiliency) testAPI := &api{ resiliency: rc, universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ AppID: "fakeAPI", Resiliency: rc, Actors: nil, }, } fakeServer.StartServer(testAPI.constructActorEndpoints()) fakeBodyObject := map[string]interface{}{"data": "fakeData"} fakeData, _ := json.Marshal(fakeBodyObject) t.Run("Actor runtime is not initialized", func(t *testing.T) { apisAndMethods := map[string][]string{ "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/state/key1": {"GET"}, "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/state": {"POST", "PUT"}, "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/reminders/reminder1": {"POST", "PUT", "GET", "DELETE", "PATCH"}, "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/method/method1": {"POST", "PUT", "GET", "DELETE"}, "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/timers/timer1": {"POST", "PUT", "DELETE"}, } testAPI.universal.Actors = nil for apiPath, testMethods := range apisAndMethods { for _, method := range testMethods { // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode, apiPath) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_ACTOR_RUNTIME_NOT_FOUND", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) } } }) t.Run("All PUT/POST APIs - 400 for invalid JSON", func(t *testing.T) { testAPI.universal.Actors = new(actors.MockActors) apiPaths := []string{ "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/reminders/reminder1", "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/state", "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/timers/timer1", } for _, apiPath := range apiPaths { for _, requestMethod := range []string{"PUT", "POST"} { // {{ inputBodyBytes := invalidJSON // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(requestMethod, apiPath, inputBodyBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode, apiPath) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_MALFORMED_REQUEST", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) } } }) t.Run("All PATCH APIs - 400 for invalid JSON", func(t *testing.T) { testAPI.universal.Actors = new(actors.MockActors) apiPaths := []string{ "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/reminders/reminder1", } for _, apiPath := range apiPaths { inputBodyBytes := invalidJSON // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(fasthttp.MethodPatch, apiPath, inputBodyBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode, apiPath) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_MALFORMED_REQUEST", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) } }) t.Run("Get actor state - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/state/key1" mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("GetState", &actors.GetStateRequest{ ActorID: "fakeActorID", ActorType: "fakeActorType", Key: "key1", }).Return(&actors.StateResponse{ Data: fakeData, }, nil) mockActors.On("IsActorHosted", &actors.ActorHostedRequest{ ActorID: "fakeActorID", ActorType: "fakeActorType", }).Return(true) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, fakeData, resp.RawBody) mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "GetState", 1) }) t.Run("Get actor state - 204 No Content", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/state/key1" mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("GetState", &actors.GetStateRequest{ ActorID: "fakeActorID", ActorType: "fakeActorType", Key: "key1", }).Return(nil, nil) mockActors.On("IsActorHosted", &actors.ActorHostedRequest{ ActorID: "fakeActorID", ActorType: "fakeActorType", }).Return(true) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, []byte{}, resp.RawBody) mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "GetState", 1) }) t.Run("Get actor state - 500 on GetState failure", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/state/key1" mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("GetState", &actors.GetStateRequest{ ActorID: "fakeActorID", ActorType: "fakeActorType", Key: "key1", }).Return(nil, errors.New("UPSTREAM_ERROR")) mockActors.On("IsActorHosted", &actors.ActorHostedRequest{ ActorID: "fakeActorID", ActorType: "fakeActorType", }).Return(true) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_ACTOR_STATE_GET", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "GetState", 1) }) t.Run("Get actor state - 400 for missing actor instace", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/state/key1" mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("GetState", &actors.GetStateRequest{ ActorID: "fakeActorID", ActorType: "fakeActorType", Key: "key1", }).Return(&actors.StateResponse{ Data: fakeData, }, nil) mockActors.On("IsActorHosted", &actors.ActorHostedRequest{ ActorID: "fakeActorID", ActorType: "fakeActorType", }).Return(func(*actors.ActorHostedRequest) bool { return false }) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "IsActorHosted", 1) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_ACTOR_INSTANCE_MISSING", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) }) t.Run("Transaction - 204 No Content", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/state" testTransactionalOperations := []actors.TransactionalOperation{ { Operation: actors.Upsert, Request: map[string]interface{}{ "key": "fakeKey1", "value": fakeBodyObject, }, }, { Operation: actors.Delete, Request: map[string]interface{}{ "key": "fakeKey1", }, }, } mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("TransactionalStateOperation", &actors.TransactionalRequest{ ActorID: "fakeActorID", ActorType: "fakeActorType", Operations: testTransactionalOperations, }).Return(nil) mockActors.On("IsActorHosted", &actors.ActorHostedRequest{ ActorID: "fakeActorID", ActorType: "fakeActorType", }).Return(true) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act inputBodyBytes, err := json.Marshal(testTransactionalOperations) assert.NoError(t, err) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, inputBodyBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, []byte{}, resp.RawBody, "Always give empty body with 204") mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "TransactionalStateOperation", 1) mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "IsActorHosted", 1) }) t.Run("Transaction - 400 when actor instance not present", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/state" testTransactionalOperations := []actors.TransactionalOperation{ { Operation: actors.Upsert, Request: map[string]interface{}{ "key": "fakeKey1", "value": fakeBodyObject, }, }, { Operation: actors.Delete, Request: map[string]interface{}{ "key": "fakeKey1", }, }, } mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("IsActorHosted", &actors.ActorHostedRequest{ ActorID: "fakeActorID", ActorType: "fakeActorType", }).Return(func(*actors.ActorHostedRequest) bool { return false }) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act inputBodyBytes, err := json.Marshal(testTransactionalOperations) assert.NoError(t, err) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, inputBodyBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "IsActorHosted", 1) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_ACTOR_INSTANCE_MISSING", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) }) t.Run("Transaction - 500 when transactional state operation fails", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/state" testTransactionalOperations := []actors.TransactionalOperation{ { Operation: actors.Upsert, Request: map[string]interface{}{ "key": "fakeKey1", "value": fakeBodyObject, }, }, { Operation: actors.Delete, Request: map[string]interface{}{ "key": "fakeKey1", }, }, } mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("TransactionalStateOperation", &actors.TransactionalRequest{ ActorID: "fakeActorID", ActorType: "fakeActorType", Operations: testTransactionalOperations, }).Return(errors.New("UPSTREAM_ERROR")) mockActors.On("IsActorHosted", &actors.ActorHostedRequest{ ActorID: "fakeActorID", ActorType: "fakeActorType", }).Return(true) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act inputBodyBytes, err := json.Marshal(testTransactionalOperations) assert.NoError(t, err) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, inputBodyBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "TransactionalStateOperation", 1) mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "IsActorHosted", 1) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_ACTOR_STATE_TRANSACTION_SAVE", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) }) t.Run("Reminder Create - 204 No Content", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/reminders/reminder1" reminderRequest := actors.CreateReminderRequest{ Name: "reminder1", ActorType: "fakeActorType", ActorID: "fakeActorID", Data: json.RawMessage("null"), DueTime: "0h0m3s0ms", Period: "0h0m7s0ms", } mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("CreateReminder", &reminderRequest).Return(nil) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act inputBodyBytes, err := json.Marshal(reminderRequest) assert.NoError(t, err) for _, method := range []string{"POST", "PUT"} { resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, inputBodyBytes, nil) assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode) } // assert mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "CreateReminder", 2) }) t.Run("Reminder Create - 500 when CreateReminderFails", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/reminders/reminder1" reminderRequest := actors.CreateReminderRequest{ Name: "reminder1", ActorType: "fakeActorType", ActorID: "fakeActorID", Data: json.RawMessage("null"), DueTime: "0h0m3s0ms", Period: "0h0m7s0ms", } mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("CreateReminder", &reminderRequest).Return(errors.New("UPSTREAM_ERROR")) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act inputBodyBytes, err := json.Marshal(reminderRequest) assert.NoError(t, err) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, inputBodyBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_ACTOR_REMINDER_CREATE", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "CreateReminder", 1) }) t.Run("Reminder Rename - 204 when RenameReminderFails", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/reminders/reminder1" reminderRequest := actors.RenameReminderRequest{ OldName: "reminder1", ActorType: "fakeActorType", ActorID: "fakeActorID", NewName: "reminder2", } mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("RenameReminder", &reminderRequest).Return(nil) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act inputBodyBytes, err := json.Marshal(reminderRequest) assert.NoError(t, err) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("PATCH", apiPath, inputBodyBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode) mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "RenameReminder", 1) }) t.Run("Reminder Rename - 500 when RenameReminderFails", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/reminders/reminder1" reminderRequest := actors.RenameReminderRequest{ OldName: "reminder1", ActorType: "fakeActorType", ActorID: "fakeActorID", NewName: "reminder2", } mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("RenameReminder", &reminderRequest).Return(errors.New("UPSTREAM_ERROR")) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act inputBodyBytes, err := json.Marshal(reminderRequest) assert.NoError(t, err) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("PATCH", apiPath, inputBodyBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_ACTOR_REMINDER_RENAME", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "RenameReminder", 1) }) t.Run("Reminder Delete - 204 No Content", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/reminders/reminder1" reminderRequest := actors.DeleteReminderRequest{ Name: "reminder1", ActorType: "fakeActorType", ActorID: "fakeActorID", } mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("DeleteReminder", &reminderRequest).Return(nil) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("DELETE", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, []byte{}, resp.RawBody, "Always give empty body with 204") mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "DeleteReminder", 1) }) t.Run("Reminder Delete - 500 on upstream actor error", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/reminders/reminder1" reminderRequest := actors.DeleteReminderRequest{ Name: "reminder1", ActorType: "fakeActorType", ActorID: "fakeActorID", } mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("DeleteReminder", &reminderRequest).Return(errors.New("UPSTREAM_ERROR")) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("DELETE", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_ACTOR_REMINDER_DELETE", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "DeleteReminder", 1) }) t.Run("Reminder Get - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/reminders/reminder1" reminderRequest := actors.GetReminderRequest{ Name: "reminder1", ActorType: "fakeActorType", ActorID: "fakeActorID", } mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("GetReminder", &reminderRequest).Return(nil, nil) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "GetReminder", 1) }) t.Run("Reminder Get - 500 on upstream actor error", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/reminders/reminder1" reminderRequest := actors.GetReminderRequest{ Name: "reminder1", ActorType: "fakeActorType", ActorID: "fakeActorID", } mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("GetReminder", &reminderRequest).Return(nil, errors.New("UPSTREAM_ERROR")) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_ACTOR_REMINDER_GET", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "GetReminder", 1) }) t.Run("Reminder Get - 500 on JSON encode failure from actor", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/reminders/reminder1" reminderRequest := actors.GetReminderRequest{ Name: "reminder1", ActorType: "fakeActorType", ActorID: "fakeActorID", } reminderResponse := reminders.Reminder{ // This is not valid JSON Data: json.RawMessage(`foo`), } mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("GetReminder", &reminderRequest).Return(&reminderResponse, nil) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_ACTOR_REMINDER_GET", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "GetReminder", 1) }) t.Run("Timer Create - 204 No Content", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/timers/timer1" timerRequest := actors.CreateTimerRequest{ Name: "timer1", ActorType: "fakeActorType", ActorID: "fakeActorID", Data: json.RawMessage("null"), DueTime: "0h0m3s0ms", Period: "0h0m7s0ms", Callback: "", } mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("CreateTimer", &timerRequest).Return(nil) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act inputBodyBytes, err := json.Marshal(timerRequest) assert.NoError(t, err) for _, method := range []string{"POST", "PUT"} { resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, inputBodyBytes, nil) assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode) } // assert mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "CreateTimer", 2) }) t.Run("Timer Create - 500 on upstream error", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/timers/timer1" timerRequest := actors.CreateTimerRequest{ Name: "timer1", ActorType: "fakeActorType", ActorID: "fakeActorID", Data: json.RawMessage("null"), DueTime: "0h0m3s0ms", Period: "0h0m7s0ms", } mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("CreateTimer", &timerRequest).Return(errors.New("UPSTREAM_ERROR")) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act inputBodyBytes, err := json.Marshal(timerRequest) assert.NoError(t, err) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, inputBodyBytes, nil) assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_ACTOR_TIMER_CREATE", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) // assert mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "CreateTimer", 1) }) t.Run("Timer Delete - 204 No Conent", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/timers/timer1" timerRequest := actors.DeleteTimerRequest{ Name: "timer1", ActorType: "fakeActorType", ActorID: "fakeActorID", } mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("DeleteTimer", &timerRequest).Return(nil) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("DELETE", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, []byte{}, resp.RawBody, "Always give empty body with 204") mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "DeleteTimer", 1) }) t.Run("Timer Delete - 500 For upstream error", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/timers/timer1" timerRequest := actors.DeleteTimerRequest{ Name: "timer1", ActorType: "fakeActorType", ActorID: "fakeActorID", } mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("DeleteTimer", &timerRequest).Return(errors.New("UPSTREAM_ERROR")) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("DELETE", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_ACTOR_TIMER_DELETE", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "DeleteTimer", 1) }) t.Run("Direct Message - Forwards downstream status", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/method/method1" mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) fakeData := []byte("fakeData") response := invokev1.NewInvokeMethodResponse(206, "OK", nil) defer response.Close() mockActors.On("Call", mock.MatchedBy(func(imr *invokev1.InvokeMethodRequest) bool { m, err := imr.ProtoWithData() if err != nil { return false } if m.Actor == nil || m.Actor.ActorType != "fakeActorType" || m.Actor.ActorId != "fakeActorID" { return false } if m.Message == nil || m.Message.Data == nil || len(m.Message.Data.Value) == 0 || !bytes.Equal(m.Message.Data.Value, fakeData) { return false } return true })).Return(response, nil) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 206, resp.StatusCode) mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Call", 1) }) t.Run("Direct Message - 500 for actor call failure", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/method/method1" mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("Call", mock.MatchedBy(func(imr *invokev1.InvokeMethodRequest) bool { m, err := imr.ProtoWithData() if err != nil { return false } if m.Actor == nil || m.Actor.ActorType != "fakeActorType" || m.Actor.ActorId != "fakeActorID" { return false } if m.Message == nil || m.Message.Data == nil || len(m.Message.Data.Value) == 0 || !bytes.Equal(m.Message.Data.Value, []byte("fakeData")) { return false } return true })).Return(nil, errors.New("UPSTREAM_ERROR")) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, []byte("fakeData"), nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_ACTOR_INVOKE_METHOD", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Call", 1) }) failingActors := &actors.FailingActors{ Failure: daprt.NewFailure( map[string]int{ "failingId": 1, }, map[string]time.Duration{ "timeoutId": time.Second * 10, }, map[string]int{}, ), } t.Run("Direct Message - retries with resiliency", func(t *testing.T) { testAPI.universal.Actors = failingActors msg := []byte("M'illumino d'immenso.") apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/actors/failingActorType/%s/method/method1", "failingId") resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, msg, nil) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, msg, resp.RawBody) assert.Equal(t, 2, failingActors.Failure.CallCount("failingId")) }) fakeServer.Shutdown() } func TestV1MetadataEndpoint(t *testing.T) { fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() compStore := compstore.New() compStore.AddComponent(componentsV1alpha1.Component{ ObjectMeta: metaV1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "MockComponent1Name", }, Spec: componentsV1alpha1.ComponentSpec{ Type: "mock.component1Type", Version: "v1.0", Metadata: []commonapi.NameValuePair{ { Name: "actorMockComponent1", Value: commonapi.DynamicValue{ JSON: apiextensionsV1.JSON{Raw: []byte("true")}, }, }, }, }, }) compStore.AddComponent(componentsV1alpha1.Component{ ObjectMeta: metaV1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "MockComponent2Name", }, Spec: componentsV1alpha1.ComponentSpec{ Type: "mock.component2Type", Version: "v1.0", Metadata: []commonapi.NameValuePair{ { Name: "actorMockComponent2", Value: commonapi.DynamicValue{ JSON: apiextensionsV1.JSON{Raw: []byte("true")}, }, }, }, }, }) compStore.SetSubscriptions([]runtimePubsub.Subscription{ { PubsubName: "test", Topic: "topic", DeadLetterTopic: "dead", Metadata: map[string]string{}, Rules: []*runtimePubsub.Rule{ { Match: &expr.Expr{}, Path: "path", }, }, }, }) compStore.AddHTTPEndpoint(httpEndpointsV1alpha1.HTTPEndpoint{ ObjectMeta: metaV1.ObjectMeta{ Name: "MockHTTPEndpoint", }, Spec: httpEndpointsV1alpha1.HTTPEndpointSpec{ BaseURL: "api.test.com", Headers: []commonapi.NameValuePair{ { Name: "Accept-Language", Value: commonapi.DynamicValue{ JSON: apiextensionsV1.JSON{Raw: []byte("en-US")}, }, }, }, }, }) mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("GetActiveActorsCount") appConnectionConfig := config.AppConnectionConfig{ ChannelAddress: "", MaxConcurrency: 10, Port: 5000, Protocol: "http", HealthCheckHTTPPath: "/healthz", HealthCheck: &config.AppHealthConfig{ ProbeInterval: 10 * time.Second, ProbeTimeout: 5 * time.Second, ProbeOnly: true, Threshold: 3, }, } testAPI := &api{ universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ AppID: "xyz", Actors: mockActors, CompStore: compStore, GetComponentsCapabilitesFn: func() map[string][]string { capsMap := make(map[string][]string) capsMap["MockComponent1Name"] = []string{"mock.feat.MockComponent1Name"} capsMap["MockComponent2Name"] = []string{"mock.feat.MockComponent2Name"} return capsMap }, ExtendedMetadata: map[string]string{ "test": "value", }, AppConnectionConfig: appConnectionConfig, GlobalConfig: &config.Configuration{}, }, } fakeServer.StartServer(testAPI.constructMetadataEndpoints()) t.Run("Set Metadata", func(t *testing.T) { resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("PUT", "v1.0/metadata/foo", []byte("bar"), nil) assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode) }) expectedBody := `{"id":"xyz","runtimeVersion":"edge",` + `"actors":[{"type":"abcd","count":10},{"type":"xyz","count":5}],` + `"components":[{"name":"MockComponent1Name","type":"mock.component1Type","version":"v1.0","capabilities":["mock.feat.MockComponent1Name"]},` + `{"name":"MockComponent2Name","type":"mock.component2Type","version":"v1.0","capabilities":["mock.feat.MockComponent2Name"]}],` + `"extended":{"daprRuntimeVersion":"edge","foo":"bar","test":"value"},` + `"subscriptions":[{"pubsubname":"test","topic":"topic","rules":[{"path":"path"}],"deadLetterTopic":"dead"}],` + `"httpEndpoints":[{"name":"MockHTTPEndpoint"}],` + `"appConnectionProperties":{"port":5000,"protocol":"http","channelAddress":"","maxConcurrency":10,` + `"health":{"healthCheckPath":"/healthz","healthProbeInterval":"10s","healthProbeTimeout":"5s","healthThreshold":3}}}` t.Run("Get Metadata", func(t *testing.T) { resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", "v1.0/metadata", nil, nil) // Compact the response JSON to harmonize it if len(resp.RawBody) > 0 { compact := &bytes.Buffer{} err := json.Compact(compact, resp.RawBody) require.NoError(t, err) resp.RawBody = compact.Bytes() } assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, expectedBody, string(resp.RawBody)) mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "GetActiveActorsCount", 1) }) fakeServer.Shutdown() } func createExporters(buffer *string) { exporter := testtrace.NewStringExporter(buffer, logger.NewLogger("fakeLogger")) exporter.Register("fakeID") } func TestV1ActorEndpointsWithTracer(t *testing.T) { fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() buffer := "" spec := config.TracingSpec{SamplingRate: "1"} createExporters(&buffer) rc := resiliency.New(nil) testAPI := &api{ universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ Actors: nil, }, tracingSpec: spec, resiliency: rc, } fakeServer.StartServerWithTracing(spec, testAPI.constructActorEndpoints()) fakeBodyObject := map[string]interface{}{"data": "fakeData"} fakeData, _ := json.Marshal(fakeBodyObject) t.Run("Actor runtime is not initialized", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/state/key1" testAPI.universal.Actors = nil testMethods := []string{"GET"} for _, method := range testMethods { buffer = "" // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode, apiPath) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_ACTOR_RUNTIME_NOT_FOUND", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"], apiPath) } }) t.Run("Get actor state - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { buffer = "" apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/state/key1" mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("GetState", &actors.GetStateRequest{ ActorID: "fakeActorID", ActorType: "fakeActorType", Key: "key1", }).Return(&actors.StateResponse{ Data: fakeData, }, nil) mockActors.On("IsActorHosted", &actors.ActorHostedRequest{ ActorID: "fakeActorID", ActorType: "fakeActorType", }).Return(true) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, fakeData, resp.RawBody) mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "GetState", 1) }) t.Run("Transaction - 204 No Content", func(t *testing.T) { buffer = "" apiPath := "v1.0/actors/fakeActorType/fakeActorID/state" testTransactionalOperations := []actors.TransactionalOperation{ { Operation: actors.Upsert, Request: map[string]interface{}{ "key": "fakeKey1", "value": fakeBodyObject, }, }, { Operation: actors.Delete, Request: map[string]interface{}{ "key": "fakeKey1", }, }, } mockActors := new(actors.MockActors) mockActors.On("TransactionalStateOperation", &actors.TransactionalRequest{ ActorID: "fakeActorID", ActorType: "fakeActorType", Operations: testTransactionalOperations, }).Return(nil) mockActors.On("IsActorHosted", &actors.ActorHostedRequest{ ActorID: "fakeActorID", ActorType: "fakeActorType", }).Return(true) testAPI.universal.Actors = mockActors // act inputBodyBytes, err := json.Marshal(testTransactionalOperations) assert.NoError(t, err) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, inputBodyBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, []byte{}, resp.RawBody, "Always give empty body with 204") mockActors.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "TransactionalStateOperation", 1) }) fakeServer.Shutdown() } func TestAPIToken(t *testing.T) { token := "1234" t.Setenv("DAPR_API_TOKEN", token) fakeDirectMessageResponse := invokev1.NewInvokeMethodResponse(200, "OK", nil). WithRawDataString("fakeDirectMessageResponse"). WithContentType("application/json") defer fakeDirectMessageResponse.Close() mockDirectMessaging := new(daprt.MockDirectMessaging) fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() compStore := compstore.New() testAPI := &api{ directMessaging: mockDirectMessaging, resiliency: resiliency.New(nil), universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ CompStore: compStore, }, } fakeServer.StartServerWithAPIToken(testAPI.constructDirectMessagingEndpoints()) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging with token - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/fakeDaprID/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging.On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "fakeDaprID" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ).Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil).Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequestWithAPIToken("POST", apiPath, token, fakeData) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) // TODO Check back as how to assert on generated span ID // assert.NotEmpty(t, resp.JSONBody, "failed to generate trace context with invoke") assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) }) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging empty token - 401", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/fakeDaprID/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging.On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "fakeDaprID" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ).Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil).Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequestWithAPIToken("POST", apiPath, "", fakeData) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 0) // TODO Check back as how to assert on generated span ID // assert.NotEmpty(t, resp.JSONBody, "failed to generate trace context with invoke") assert.Equal(t, 401, resp.StatusCode) }) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging token mismatch - 401", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/fakeDaprID/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging.On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "fakeDaprID" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ).Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil).Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequestWithAPIToken("POST", apiPath, "4567", fakeData) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 0) // TODO Check back as how to assert on generated span ID // assert.NotEmpty(t, resp.JSONBody, "failed to generate trace context with invoke") assert.Equal(t, 401, resp.StatusCode) }) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging without token - 401", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/fakeDaprID/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging.On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "fakeAppID" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ).Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil).Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 0) // TODO Check back as how to assert on generated span ID // assert.NotEmpty(t, resp.JSONBody, "failed to generate trace context with invoke") assert.Equal(t, 401, resp.StatusCode) }) } func TestEmptyPipelineWithTracer(t *testing.T) { fakeDirectMessageResponse := invokev1.NewInvokeMethodResponse(200, "OK", nil). WithRawDataString("fakeDirectMessageResponse"). WithContentType("application/json") defer fakeDirectMessageResponse.Close() mockDirectMessaging := new(daprt.MockDirectMessaging) fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() buffer := "" spec := config.TracingSpec{SamplingRate: "1.0"} pipe := httpMiddleware.Pipeline{} createExporters(&buffer) compStore := compstore.New() testAPI := &api{ directMessaging: mockDirectMessaging, tracingSpec: spec, resiliency: resiliency.New(nil), universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ CompStore: compStore, }, } fakeServer.StartServerWithTracingAndPipeline(spec, pipe, testAPI.constructDirectMessagingEndpoints()) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging without querystring - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/fakeDaprID/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging.On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "fakeDaprID" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ).Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil).Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) // TODO Check back as how to assert on generated span ID // assert.NotEmpty(t, resp.JSONBody, "failed to generate trace context with invoke") assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) }) } func TestConfigurationGet(t *testing.T) { fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() var fakeConfigurationStore configuration.Store = &fakeConfigurationStore{} storeName := "store1" badStoreName := "nonExistStore" compStore := compstore.New() compStore.AddConfiguration(storeName, fakeConfigurationStore) testAPI := &api{ resiliency: resiliency.New(nil), universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ CompStore: compStore, }, } fakeServer.StartServer(testAPI.constructConfigurationEndpoints()) t.Run("Get configurations with a good key - alpha1", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0-alpha1/configuration/%s?key=%s", storeName, "good-key1") resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Accessing configuration store with good key should return 204") // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.JSONBody) assert.Equal(t, 1, len(resp.JSONBody.(map[string]interface{}))) rspMap := resp.JSONBody.(map[string]interface{}) assert.NotNil(t, rspMap) assert.Contains(t, rspMap, "good-key1") goodkeyVal := rspMap["good-key1"].(map[string]interface{}) assert.Equal(t, "good-value1", goodkeyVal["value"].(string)) assert.Equal(t, "version1", goodkeyVal["version"].(string)) metadata := goodkeyVal["metadata"].(map[string]interface{}) assert.Equal(t, "metadata-value1", metadata["metadata-key1"]) }) t.Run("Get configurations with a good key", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/configuration/%s?key=%s", storeName, "good-key1") resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Accessing configuration store with good key should return 204") // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.JSONBody) assert.Equal(t, 1, len(resp.JSONBody.(map[string]interface{}))) rspMap := resp.JSONBody.(map[string]interface{}) assert.NotNil(t, rspMap) assert.Contains(t, rspMap, "good-key1") goodkeyVal := rspMap["good-key1"].(map[string]interface{}) assert.Equal(t, "good-value1", goodkeyVal["value"].(string)) assert.Equal(t, "version1", goodkeyVal["version"].(string)) metadata := goodkeyVal["metadata"].(map[string]interface{}) assert.Equal(t, "metadata-value1", metadata["metadata-key1"]) }) t.Run("Get Configurations with good keys-alpha1", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0-alpha1/configuration/%s?key=%s&key=%s", storeName, "good-key1", "good-key2") resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Accessing configuration store with good keys should return 200") assert.NotNil(t, resp.JSONBody) assert.Equal(t, 2, len(resp.JSONBody.(map[string]interface{}))) rspMap1 := resp.JSONBody.(map[string]interface{}) assert.NotNil(t, rspMap1) assert.Contains(t, rspMap1, "good-key1") goodkeyVal1 := rspMap1["good-key1"].(map[string]interface{}) assert.Equal(t, "good-value1", goodkeyVal1["value"].(string)) assert.Equal(t, "version1", goodkeyVal1["version"].(string)) metadata1 := goodkeyVal1["metadata"].(map[string]interface{}) assert.Equal(t, "metadata-value1", metadata1["metadata-key1"]) rspMap2 := resp.JSONBody.(map[string]interface{}) assert.NotNil(t, rspMap2) assert.Contains(t, rspMap2, "good-key2") goodkeyVal2 := rspMap2["good-key2"].(map[string]interface{}) assert.Equal(t, "good-value2", goodkeyVal2["value"].(string)) assert.Equal(t, "version2", goodkeyVal2["version"].(string)) metadata2 := goodkeyVal2["metadata"].(map[string]interface{}) assert.Equal(t, "metadata-value2", metadata2["metadata-key2"]) }) t.Run("Get Configurations with good keys", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/configuration/%s?key=%s&key=%s", storeName, "good-key1", "good-key2") resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Accessing configuration store with good keys should return 200") assert.NotNil(t, resp.JSONBody) assert.Equal(t, 2, len(resp.JSONBody.(map[string]interface{}))) rspMap1 := resp.JSONBody.(map[string]interface{}) assert.NotNil(t, rspMap1) assert.Contains(t, rspMap1, "good-key1") goodkeyVal1 := rspMap1["good-key1"].(map[string]interface{}) assert.Equal(t, "good-value1", goodkeyVal1["value"].(string)) assert.Equal(t, "version1", goodkeyVal1["version"].(string)) metadata1 := goodkeyVal1["metadata"].(map[string]interface{}) assert.Equal(t, "metadata-value1", metadata1["metadata-key1"]) rspMap2 := resp.JSONBody.(map[string]interface{}) assert.NotNil(t, rspMap2) assert.Contains(t, rspMap2, "good-key2") goodkeyVal2 := rspMap2["good-key2"].(map[string]interface{}) assert.Equal(t, "good-value2", goodkeyVal2["value"].(string)) assert.Equal(t, "version2", goodkeyVal2["version"].(string)) metadata2 := goodkeyVal2["metadata"].(map[string]interface{}) assert.Equal(t, "metadata-value2", metadata2["metadata-key2"]) }) t.Run("Get All Configurations with empty key - alpha1", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0-alpha1/configuration/%s", storeName) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Accessing configuration store with empty key should return 200") // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.JSONBody) assert.Equal(t, 2, len(resp.JSONBody.(map[string]interface{}))) rspMap1 := resp.JSONBody.(map[string]interface{}) assert.NotNil(t, rspMap1) assert.Contains(t, rspMap1, "good-key1") goodkeyVal1 := rspMap1["good-key1"].(map[string]interface{}) assert.Equal(t, "good-value1", goodkeyVal1["value"].(string)) assert.Equal(t, "version1", goodkeyVal1["version"].(string)) metadata1 := goodkeyVal1["metadata"].(map[string]interface{}) assert.Equal(t, "metadata-value1", metadata1["metadata-key1"]) rspMap2 := resp.JSONBody.(map[string]interface{}) assert.NotNil(t, rspMap2) assert.Contains(t, rspMap2, "good-key2") goodkeyVal2 := rspMap2["good-key2"].(map[string]interface{}) assert.Equal(t, "good-value2", goodkeyVal2["value"].(string)) assert.Equal(t, "version2", goodkeyVal2["version"].(string)) metadata2 := goodkeyVal2["metadata"].(map[string]interface{}) assert.Equal(t, "metadata-value2", metadata2["metadata-key2"]) }) t.Run("Get All Configurations with empty key", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/configuration/%s", storeName) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Accessing configuration store with empty key should return 200") // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.JSONBody) assert.Equal(t, 2, len(resp.JSONBody.(map[string]interface{}))) rspMap1 := resp.JSONBody.(map[string]interface{}) assert.NotNil(t, rspMap1) assert.Contains(t, rspMap1, "good-key1") goodkeyVal1 := rspMap1["good-key1"].(map[string]interface{}) assert.Equal(t, "good-value1", goodkeyVal1["value"].(string)) assert.Equal(t, "version1", goodkeyVal1["version"].(string)) metadata1 := goodkeyVal1["metadata"].(map[string]interface{}) assert.Equal(t, "metadata-value1", metadata1["metadata-key1"]) rspMap2 := resp.JSONBody.(map[string]interface{}) assert.NotNil(t, rspMap2) assert.Contains(t, rspMap2, "good-key2") goodkeyVal2 := rspMap2["good-key2"].(map[string]interface{}) assert.Equal(t, "good-value2", goodkeyVal2["value"].(string)) assert.Equal(t, "version2", goodkeyVal2["version"].(string)) metadata2 := goodkeyVal2["metadata"].(map[string]interface{}) assert.Equal(t, "metadata-value2", metadata2["metadata-key2"]) }) t.Run("Get Configurations with bad key - alpha1", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0-alpha1/configuration/%s?key=%s", storeName, "bad-key") resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode, "Accessing configuration store with bad key should return 500") assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_CONFIGURATION_GET", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, "failed to get [bad-key] from Configuration store store1: get key error: bad-key", resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Get Configurations with bad key", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/configuration/%s?key=%s", storeName, "bad-key") resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode, "Accessing configuration store with bad key should return 500") assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_CONFIGURATION_GET", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, "failed to get [bad-key] from Configuration store store1: get key error: bad-key", resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Get with none exist configurations store - alpha1", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0-alpha1/configuration/%s?key=%s", badStoreName, "good-key1") resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode, "Accessing configuration store with none exist configurations store should return 400") assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_CONFIGURATION_STORE_NOT_FOUND", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, "configuration store nonExistStore not found", resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Get with none exist configurations store", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/configuration/%s?key=%s", badStoreName, "good-key1") resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode, "Accessing configuration store with none exist configurations store should return 400") assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_CONFIGURATION_STORE_NOT_FOUND", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, "configuration store nonExistStore not found", resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) } func TestV1Alpha1ConfigurationUnsubscribe(t *testing.T) { fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() var fakeConfigurationStore configuration.Store = &fakeConfigurationStore{} storeName := "store1" compStore := compstore.New() compStore.AddConfiguration(storeName, fakeConfigurationStore) testAPI := &api{ resiliency: resiliency.New(nil), universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ CompStore: compStore, }, } fakeServer.StartServer(testAPI.constructConfigurationEndpoints()) t.Run("subscribe and unsubscribe configurations - alpha1", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath1 := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0-alpha1/configuration/%s/subscribe", storeName) resp1 := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath1, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 500, resp1.StatusCode, "subscribe configuration store, should return 500 when app channel is empty") rspMap1 := resp1.JSONBody assert.Nil(t, rspMap1) uuid, err := uuid.NewRandom() assert.Nil(t, err, "unable to generate id") apiPath2 := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0-alpha1/configuration/%s/%s/unsubscribe", storeName, &uuid) resp2 := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath2, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp2.StatusCode, "unsubscribe configuration store,should return 200") assert.NotNil(t, resp2.JSONBody, "Unsubscribe configuration should return a non nil response body") }) t.Run("subscribe and unsubscribe configurations", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath1 := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/configuration/%s/subscribe", storeName) resp1 := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath1, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 500, resp1.StatusCode, "subscribe configuration store, should return 500 when app channel is empty") rspMap1 := resp1.JSONBody assert.Nil(t, rspMap1) uuid, err := uuid.NewRandom() assert.Nil(t, err, "unable to generate id") apiPath2 := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/configuration/%s/%s/unsubscribe", storeName, &uuid) resp2 := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath2, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp2.StatusCode, "unsubscribe configuration store,should return 200") assert.NotNil(t, resp2.JSONBody, "Unsubscribe configuration should return a non nil response body") }) t.Run("error in unsubscribe configurations - alpha1", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath1 := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0-alpha1/configuration/%s/subscribe", storeName) resp1 := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath1, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 500, resp1.StatusCode, "subscribe configuration store, should return 500 when appchannel is not initialized") rspMap1 := resp1.JSONBody assert.Nil(t, rspMap1) uuid, err := uuid.NewRandom() assert.Nil(t, err, "unable to generate id") apiPath2 := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0-alpha1/configuration/%s/%s/unsubscribe", "", &uuid) resp2 := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath2, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp2.StatusCode, "Expected parameter store name can't be nil/empty") }) t.Run("error in unsubscribe configurations", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath1 := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/configuration/%s/subscribe", storeName) resp1 := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath1, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 500, resp1.StatusCode, "subscribe configuration store, should return 500 when appchannel is not initialized") rspMap1 := resp1.JSONBody assert.Nil(t, rspMap1) uuid, err := uuid.NewRandom() assert.Nil(t, err, "unable to generate id") apiPath2 := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/configuration/%s/%s/unsubscribe", "", &uuid) resp2 := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath2, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp2.StatusCode, "Expected parameter store name can't be nil/empty") }) t.Run("error in unsubscribe configurations - alpha1", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath2 := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0-alpha1/configuration/%s/%s/unsubscribe", storeName, "subscribe_id_err") resp2 := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath2, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 500, resp2.StatusCode, "Expected error during unsubscribe api") assert.NotNil(t, resp2.ErrorBody, "Unsubscribe configuration should return a non nil response body") }) t.Run("error in unsubscribe configurations", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath2 := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/configuration/%s/%s/unsubscribe", storeName, "subscribe_id_err") resp2 := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath2, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 500, resp2.StatusCode, "Expected error during unsubscribe api") assert.NotNil(t, resp2.ErrorBody, "Unsubscribe configuration should return a non nil response body") }) } func TestV1Alpha1DistributedLock(t *testing.T) { fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() var fakeLockStore lock.Store = &fakeLockStore{} storeName := "store1" l := logger.NewLogger("fakeLogger") resiliencyConfig := resiliency.FromConfigurations(l, testResiliency) compStore := compstore.New() compStore.AddLock(storeName, fakeLockStore) testAPI := &api{ universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ Logger: l, CompStore: compStore, Resiliency: resiliencyConfig, }, } fakeServer.StartServer(testAPI.constructDistributedLockEndpoints()) t.Run("Lock with valid request", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := apiVersionV1alpha1 + "/lock/store1" req := lock.TryLockRequest{ ResourceID: "1", LockOwner: "palpatine", ExpiryInSeconds: 5, } b, _ := json.Marshal(&req) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.JSONBody) rspMap := resp.JSONBody.(map[string]interface{}) assert.NotNil(t, rspMap) assert.Equal(t, true, rspMap["success"].(bool)) }) t.Run("Lock with invalid resource id", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := apiVersionV1alpha1 + "/lock/store1" req := lock.TryLockRequest{ ResourceID: "", LockOwner: "palpatine", ExpiryInSeconds: 5, } b, _ := json.Marshal(&req) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.Nil(t, resp.JSONBody) }) t.Run("Lock with invalid owner", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := apiVersionV1alpha1 + "/lock/store1" req := lock.TryLockRequest{ ResourceID: "1", LockOwner: "", ExpiryInSeconds: 5, } b, _ := json.Marshal(&req) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.Nil(t, resp.JSONBody) }) t.Run("Lock with invalid expiry", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := apiVersionV1alpha1 + "/lock/store1" req := lock.TryLockRequest{ ResourceID: "1", LockOwner: "palpatine", } b, _ := json.Marshal(&req) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.Nil(t, resp.JSONBody) }) t.Run("Unlock with valid request", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := apiVersionV1alpha1 + "/unlock/store1" req := lock.UnlockRequest{ ResourceID: "1", LockOwner: "palpatine", } b, _ := json.Marshal(&req) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.JSONBody) rspMap := resp.JSONBody.(map[string]any) assert.NotNil(t, rspMap) assert.Equal(t, float64(0), rspMap["status"]) }) t.Run("Unlock with invalid resource id", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := apiVersionV1alpha1 + "/unlock/store1" req := lock.UnlockRequest{ ResourceID: "", LockOwner: "palpatine", } b, _ := json.Marshal(&req) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.Contains(t, string(resp.RawBody), "ERR_MALFORMED_REQUEST") assert.Contains(t, string(resp.RawBody), "ResourceId is empty in lock store store1") }) t.Run("Unlock with invalid resource id that returns 500", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := apiVersionV1alpha1 + "/unlock/store1" req := lock.UnlockRequest{ ResourceID: "error", LockOwner: "palpatine", } b, _ := json.Marshal(&req) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.Nil(t, resp.JSONBody) }) t.Run("Unlock with invalid owner", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := apiVersionV1alpha1 + "/unlock/store1" req := lock.UnlockRequest{ ResourceID: "1", LockOwner: "not-owner", } b, _ := json.Marshal(&req) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.JSONBody) rspMap := resp.JSONBody.(map[string]interface{}) assert.NotNil(t, rspMap) assert.Equal(t, float64(3), rspMap["status"]) }) } func TestV1Alpha1Workflow(t *testing.T) { fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() fakeWorkflowComponent := &daprt.MockWorkflow{} componentName := "dapr" resiliencyConfig := resiliency.FromConfigurations(logger.NewLogger("workflow.test"), testResiliency) compStore := compstore.New() compStore.AddWorkflow(componentName, fakeWorkflowComponent) testAPI := &api{ resiliency: resiliencyConfig, universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ Logger: logger.NewLogger("fakeLogger"), CompStore: compStore, Resiliency: resiliencyConfig, }, } fakeServer.StartServer(testAPI.constructWorkflowEndpoints()) ///////////////////// // START API TESTS // ///////////////////// t.Run("Start with no workflow type", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/dapr//start" req := workflowContrib.StartRequest{ WorkflowName: "Non-existent-workflow", } b, _ := json.Marshal(&req) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_WORKFLOW_NAME_MISSING", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, messages.ErrWorkflowNameMissing.Message(), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Start with no workflow component", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows//workflow-type/start" req := workflowContrib.StartRequest{ WorkflowName: "Non-existent-workflow", } b, _ := json.Marshal(&req) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_WORKFLOW_COMPONENT_MISSING", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, messages.ErrNoOrMissingWorkflowComponent.Message(), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Start with non existent component", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/non-existent-component/workflowName/start" req := workflowContrib.StartRequest{ WorkflowName: "Non-existent-workflow", } b, _ := json.Marshal(&req) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_WORKFLOW_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(messages.ErrWorkflowComponentDoesNotExist.Message(), "non-existent-component"), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Start with no instance ID", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/dapr/workflowName/start" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 202, resp.StatusCode) // assert that we got a response back like: // {"instanceID": "some-random-value"} assert.Nil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.NotNil(t, resp.JSONBody) rspMap := resp.JSONBody.(map[string]interface{}) assert.NotNil(t, rspMap) assert.Contains(t, rspMap, "instanceID") instanceID := rspMap["instanceID"].(string) assert.NotEmpty(t, instanceID) // the instance ID should be a non-empty, random value string (e.g. UUID) }) t.Run("Start with invalid instance ID", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/dapr/workflowName/start?instanceID=invalid$ID" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_INSTANCE_ID_INVALID", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, messages.ErrInvalidInstanceID.WithFormat("invalid$ID").Message(), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Start with too long instance ID", func(t *testing.T) { maxInstanceIDLength := 64 apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/dapr/workflowName/start?instanceID=this_is_a_very_long_instance_id_that_is_longer_than_64_characters_and_therefore_should_not_be_allowed" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_INSTANCE_ID_TOO_LONG", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, messages.ErrInstanceIDTooLong.WithFormat(maxInstanceIDLength).Message(), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Start with explicit instance ID", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/dapr/workflowName/start?instanceID=my-explicit-ID" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, []byte("input payload"), nil) assert.Equal(t, 202, resp.StatusCode) // assert that we got a response back like: // {"instanceID": "my-explicit-ID"} assert.Nil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.NotNil(t, resp.JSONBody) rspMap := resp.JSONBody.(map[string]interface{}) assert.NotNil(t, rspMap) assert.Contains(t, rspMap, "instanceID") instanceID := rspMap["instanceID"].(string) assert.Equal(t, "my-explicit-ID", instanceID) // the ID we provided should be returned }) ///////////////////// // GET API TESTS //// ///////////////////// t.Run("Get with no workflow component", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows//instanceID" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_WORKFLOW_COMPONENT_MISSING", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, messages.ErrNoOrMissingWorkflowComponent.Message(), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Get with non existent workflow component", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/non-existent-component/instanceID" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_WORKFLOW_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(messages.ErrWorkflowComponentDoesNotExist.Message(), "non-existent-component"), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Get with valid api call", func(t *testing.T) { // Note that this test passes even though there is no workflow implemented. // This is due to the fact that the 'fakecomponent' has the 'get' method implemented to return a dummy response. apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/dapr/myInstanceID" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) // assert that we get a response back like: // {"workflow": {"instanceID": "instanceID", "runtimeStatus": "RUNNING", "createdAt": "2023-04-08T15:30:00.123Z", "lastUpdatedAt": "2023-04-08T15:30:00.123Z"}} assert.Nil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.NotNil(t, resp.JSONBody) rspMap := resp.JSONBody.(map[string]interface{}) assert.NotNil(t, rspMap) assert.Len(t, rspMap, 5) // check this in case we add more fields to the response assert.Contains(t, rspMap, "instanceID") assert.Equal(t, "myInstanceID", rspMap["instanceID"]) assert.Contains(t, rspMap, "workflowName") assert.Equal(t, "mockWorkflowName", rspMap["workflowName"]) // The mock is designed to always return "mockWorkflowName" for workflow name assert.Contains(t, rspMap, "runtimeStatus") assert.Equal(t, "TESTING", rspMap["runtimeStatus"]) // the mock is designed to always return "TESTING" for runtime status assert.Contains(t, rspMap, "createdAt") createdAtStr := rspMap["createdAt"].(string) _, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, createdAtStr) // we expect timestamps to be in RFC3339 format assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Contains(t, rspMap, "lastUpdatedAt") lastUpdatedAtStr := rspMap["lastUpdatedAt"].(string) _, err = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, lastUpdatedAtStr) // we expect timestamps to be in RFC3339 format assert.NoError(t, err) }) ///////////////////////// // TERMINATE API TESTS // ///////////////////////// t.Run("Terminate with no instance ID", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/dapr//terminate" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_INSTANCE_ID_PROVIDED_MISSING", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, messages.ErrMissingOrEmptyInstance.Message(), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Terminate with no workflow component", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows//instanceID/terminate" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_WORKFLOW_COMPONENT_MISSING", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, messages.ErrNoOrMissingWorkflowComponent.Message(), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Terminate with non existent component", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/non-existent-component/instanceID/terminate" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_WORKFLOW_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(messages.ErrWorkflowComponentDoesNotExist.Message(), "non-existent-component"), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Terminate with valid API path", func(t *testing.T) { // Note that this test passes even though there is no workflow implemented. // This is due to the fact that the 'fakecomponent' has the 'terminate' method implemented to simply return nil apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/dapr/instanceID/terminate" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 202, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.Nil(t, resp.ErrorBody) }) /////////////////////////// // RAISE EVENT API TESTS // /////////////////////////// t.Run("Raise Event with no instance ID", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/dapr//raiseEvent/eventName" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_INSTANCE_ID_PROVIDED_MISSING", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, messages.ErrMissingOrEmptyInstance.Message(), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Raise Event with no workflow component", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows//instanceID/raiseEvent/fakeEvent" req := workflowContrib.RaiseEventRequest{ InstanceID: "", EventName: "", EventData: nil, } b, _ := json.Marshal(&req) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_WORKFLOW_COMPONENT_MISSING", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, messages.ErrNoOrMissingWorkflowComponent.Message(), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Raise Event with non existent component", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/non-existent-component/instanceID/raiseEvent/fakeEvent" req := workflowContrib.RaiseEventRequest{ InstanceID: "", EventName: "", EventData: nil, } b, _ := json.Marshal(&req) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_WORKFLOW_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(messages.ErrWorkflowComponentDoesNotExist.Message(), "non-existent-component"), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Raise Event with valid API path", func(t *testing.T) { // Note that this test passes even though there is no workflow implemented. // This is due to the fact that the 'fakecomponent' has the 'RaiseEvent' method implemented to simply return nil apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/dapr/instanceID/raiseEvent/fakeEvent" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, []byte("event payload"), nil) assert.Equal(t, 202, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.Nil(t, resp.ErrorBody) }) ///////////////////////// // PAUSE API TESTS // ///////////////////////// t.Run("Pause with no instance ID", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/dapr//pause" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_INSTANCE_ID_PROVIDED_MISSING", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, messages.ErrMissingOrEmptyInstance.Message(), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Pause with no workflow component", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows//instanceID/pause" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_WORKFLOW_COMPONENT_MISSING", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, messages.ErrNoOrMissingWorkflowComponent.Message(), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Pause with non existent component", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/non-existent-component/instanceID/pause" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_WORKFLOW_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(messages.ErrWorkflowComponentDoesNotExist.Message(), "non-existent-component"), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Pause with valid API path", func(t *testing.T) { // Note that this test passes even though there is no workflow implemented. // This is due to the fact that the 'fakecomponent' has the 'pause' method implemented to simply return nil apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/dapr/instanceID/pause" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 202, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.Nil(t, resp.ErrorBody) }) ///////////////////////// // RESUME API TESTS // ///////////////////////// t.Run("Resume with no instance ID", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/dapr//resume" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_INSTANCE_ID_PROVIDED_MISSING", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, messages.ErrMissingOrEmptyInstance.Message(), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Resume with no workflow component", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows//instanceID/resume" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_WORKFLOW_COMPONENT_MISSING", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, messages.ErrNoOrMissingWorkflowComponent.Message(), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Resume with non existent component", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/non-existent-component/instanceID/resume" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_WORKFLOW_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(messages.ErrWorkflowComponentDoesNotExist.Message(), "non-existent-component"), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Resume with valid API path", func(t *testing.T) { // Note that this test passes even though there is no workflow implemented. // This is due to the fact that the 'fakecomponent' has the 'resume' method implemented to simply return nil apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/dapr/instanceID/resume" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 202, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.Nil(t, resp.ErrorBody) }) ///////////////////// // PURGE API TESTS // ///////////////////// t.Run("Purge with no workflow component", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows//instanceID/purge" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_WORKFLOW_COMPONENT_MISSING", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, messages.ErrNoOrMissingWorkflowComponent.Message(), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Purge with non existent component", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/non-existent-component/instanceID/purge" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_WORKFLOW_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, fmt.Sprintf(messages.ErrWorkflowComponentDoesNotExist.Message(), "non-existent-component"), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Purge with no instance ID", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/dapr//purge" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.NotNil(t, resp.ErrorBody) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_INSTANCE_ID_PROVIDED_MISSING", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) assert.Equal(t, messages.ErrMissingOrEmptyInstance.Message(), resp.ErrorBody["message"]) }) t.Run("Purge with valid API path", func(t *testing.T) { // Note that this test passes even though there is no workflow implemented. // This is due to the fact that the 'fakecomponent' has the 'purge' method implemented to simply return nil apiPath := "v1.0-alpha1/workflows/dapr/instanceID/purge" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 202, resp.StatusCode) // assert assert.Nil(t, resp.ErrorBody) }) } func buildHTTPPineline(spec config.PipelineSpec) httpMiddleware.Pipeline { registry := httpMiddlewareLoader.NewRegistry() registry.RegisterComponent(func(l logger.Logger) httpMiddlewareLoader.FactoryMethod { return func(metadata middleware.Metadata) (httpMiddleware.Middleware, error) { return utils.UppercaseRequestMiddleware, nil } }, "uppercase") var handlers []httpMiddleware.Middleware for i := 0; i < len(spec.Handlers); i++ { handler, err := registry.Create(spec.Handlers[i].Type, spec.Handlers[i].Version, middleware.Metadata{}, "") if err != nil { return httpMiddleware.Pipeline{} } handlers = append(handlers, handler) } return httpMiddleware.Pipeline{Handlers: handlers} } func TestSinglePipelineWithTracer(t *testing.T) { fakeDirectMessageResponse := invokev1.NewInvokeMethodResponse(200, "OK", nil). WithRawDataString("fakeDirectMessageResponse"). WithContentType("application/json") defer fakeDirectMessageResponse.Close() mockDirectMessaging := new(daprt.MockDirectMessaging) fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() buffer := "" spec := config.TracingSpec{SamplingRate: "1.0"} pipeline := buildHTTPPineline(config.PipelineSpec{ Handlers: []config.HandlerSpec{ { Type: "middleware.http.uppercase", Name: "middleware.http.uppercase", }, }, }) createExporters(&buffer) compStore := compstore.New() testAPI := &api{ directMessaging: mockDirectMessaging, tracingSpec: spec, resiliency: resiliency.New(nil), universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ CompStore: compStore, }, } fakeServer.StartServerWithTracingAndPipeline(spec, pipeline, testAPI.constructDirectMessagingEndpoints()) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging without querystring - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { buffer = "" apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/fakeAppID/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging.On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "fakeAppID" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ).Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil).Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) }) } func TestSinglePipelineWithNoTracing(t *testing.T) { fakeDirectMessageResponse := invokev1.NewInvokeMethodResponse(200, "OK", nil). WithRawDataString("fakeDirectMessageResponse"). WithContentType("application/json") defer fakeDirectMessageResponse.Close() mockDirectMessaging := new(daprt.MockDirectMessaging) fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() buffer := "" spec := config.TracingSpec{SamplingRate: "0"} pipeline := buildHTTPPineline(config.PipelineSpec{ Handlers: []config.HandlerSpec{ { Type: "middleware.http.uppercase", Name: "middleware.http.uppercase", }, }, }) createExporters(&buffer) compStore := compstore.New() testAPI := &api{ directMessaging: mockDirectMessaging, tracingSpec: spec, resiliency: resiliency.New(nil), universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ CompStore: compStore, }, } fakeServer.StartServerWithTracingAndPipeline(spec, pipeline, testAPI.constructDirectMessagingEndpoints()) t.Run("Invoke direct messaging without querystring - 200 OK", func(t *testing.T) { buffer = "" apiPath := "v1.0/invoke/fakeAppID/method/fakeMethod" fakeData := []byte("fakeData") mockDirectMessaging.Calls = nil // reset call count mockDirectMessaging.On( "Invoke", mock.MatchedBy(matchContextInterface), mock.MatchedBy(func(b string) bool { return b == "fakeAppID" }), mock.AnythingOfType("*v1.InvokeMethodRequest"), ).Return(fakeDirectMessageResponse, nil).Once() // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, fakeData, nil) // assert mockDirectMessaging.AssertNumberOfCalls(t, "Invoke", 1) assert.Equal(t, "", buffer, "failed to generate proper traces with invoke") assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) }) } // Fake http server and client helpers to simplify endpoints test. func newFakeHTTPServer() *fakeHTTPServer { return &fakeHTTPServer{} } type fakeHTTPServer struct { ln *fasthttputil.InmemoryListener client gohttp.Client } type fakeHTTPResponse struct { StatusCode int ContentType string RawHeader gohttp.Header RawBody []byte JSONBody interface{} ErrorBody map[string]string } func (f *fakeHTTPServer) StartServer(endpoints []Endpoint) { router := f.getRouter(endpoints) f.ln = fasthttputil.NewInmemoryListener() go func() { if err := fasthttp.Serve(f.ln, router.Handler); err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to serve: %v", err)) } }() f.client = gohttp.Client{ Transport: &gohttp.Transport{ DialContext: func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) { return f.ln.Dial() }, }, } } func (f *fakeHTTPServer) StartServerWithTracing(spec config.TracingSpec, endpoints []Endpoint) { router := nethttpadaptor.NewNetHTTPHandlerFunc(f.getRouter(endpoints).Handler) f.ln = fasthttputil.NewInmemoryListener() go func() { h := fasthttpadaptor.NewFastHTTPHandler(diag.HTTPTraceMiddleware(router, "fakeAppID", spec)) err := fasthttp.Serve(f.ln, h) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to set tracing span context: %v", err)) } }() f.client = gohttp.Client{ Transport: &gohttp.Transport{ DialContext: func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) { return f.ln.Dial() }, }, } } func (f *fakeHTTPServer) StartServerWithAPIToken(endpoints []Endpoint) { router := f.getRouter(endpoints) f.ln = fasthttputil.NewInmemoryListener() h := nethttpadaptor.NewNetHTTPHandlerFunc(router.Handler) go func() { err := gohttp.Serve(f.ln, useAPIAuthentication(h)) //nolint:gosec if err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to serve: %v", err)) } }() f.client = gohttp.Client{ Transport: &gohttp.Transport{ DialContext: func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) { return f.ln.Dial() }, }, } } func (f *fakeHTTPServer) StartServerWithTracingAndPipeline(spec config.TracingSpec, pipeline httpMiddleware.Pipeline, endpoints []Endpoint) { router := f.getRouter(endpoints) f.ln = fasthttputil.NewInmemoryListener() go func() { handler := fasthttpadaptor.NewFastHTTPHandler( diag.HTTPTraceMiddleware(pipeline.Apply( nethttpadaptor.NewNetHTTPHandlerFunc(router.Handler), ), "fakeAppID", spec), ) err := fasthttp.Serve(f.ln, handler) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to serve tracing span context: %v", err)) } }() f.client = gohttp.Client{ Transport: &gohttp.Transport{ DialContext: func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error) { return f.ln.Dial() }, }, } } func (f *fakeHTTPServer) getRouter(endpoints []Endpoint) *routing.Router { router := routing.New() for _, e := range endpoints { path := fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", e.Version, e.Route) for _, m := range e.Methods { router.Handle(m, path, e.Handler) } if e.Alias != "" { path = fmt.Sprintf("/%s", e.Alias) for _, m := range e.Methods { router.Handle(m, path, e.Handler) } } } return router } func (f *fakeHTTPServer) Shutdown() { f.ln.Close() } func (f *fakeHTTPServer) DoRequestWithAPIToken(method, path, token string, body []byte) fakeHTTPResponse { url := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost/%s", path) r, _ := gohttp.NewRequest(method, url, bytes.NewBuffer(body)) r.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json") r.Header.Set("dapr-api-token", token) res, err := f.client.Do(r) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to request: %v", err)) } res.Body.Close() response := fakeHTTPResponse{ StatusCode: res.StatusCode, ContentType: res.Header.Get("Content-Type"), RawHeader: res.Header, } return response } func (f *fakeHTTPServer) doRequest(basicAuth, method, path string, body []byte, params map[string]string, headers ...string) fakeHTTPResponse { url := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost/%s", path) if basicAuth != "" { url = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s@localhost/%s", basicAuth, path) } if params != nil { url += "?" for k, v := range params { url += k + "=" + v + "&" } url = url[:len(url)-1] } ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) defer cancel() r, _ := gohttp.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, method, url, bytes.NewReader(body)) r.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json") for i := 0; i < len(headers); i += 2 { r.Header.Set(headers[i], headers[i+1]) } res, err := f.client.Do(r) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to request: %v", err)) } bodyBytes, _ := io.ReadAll(res.Body) defer res.Body.Close() response := fakeHTTPResponse{ StatusCode: res.StatusCode, ContentType: res.Header.Get("Content-Type"), RawHeader: res.Header, RawBody: bodyBytes, } if response.ContentType == "application/json" { if response.StatusCode >= 200 && response.StatusCode < 300 { json.Unmarshal(bodyBytes, &response.JSONBody) } else { json.Unmarshal(bodyBytes, &response.ErrorBody) } } return response } func (f *fakeHTTPServer) DoRequest(method, path string, body []byte, params map[string]string, headers ...string) fakeHTTPResponse { return f.doRequest("", method, path, body, params, headers...) } func TestV1StateEndpoints(t *testing.T) { etag := "`~!@#$%^&*()_+-={}[]|\\:\";'<>?,./'" fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() var fakeStore state.Store = newFakeStateStoreQuerier() failingStore := &daprt.FailingStatestore{ Failure: daprt.NewFailure( map[string]int{ "failingGetKey": 1, "failingSetKey": 1, "failingDeleteKey": 1, "failingBulkGetKey": 1, "failingBulkSetKey": 1, "failingBulkDeleteKey": 1, "failingMultiKey": 1, "failingQueryKey": 1, }, map[string]time.Duration{ "timeoutGetKey": time.Second * 10, "timeoutSetKey": time.Second * 10, "timeoutDeleteKey": time.Second * 10, "timeoutBulkGetKey": time.Second * 10, "timeoutBulkGetKeyBulk": time.Second * 10, "timeoutBulkSetKey": time.Second * 10, "timeoutBulkDeleteKey": time.Second * 10, "timeoutMultiKey": time.Second * 10, "timeoutQueryKey": time.Second * 10, }, map[string]int{}, ), } const storeName = "store1" compStore := compstore.New() compStore.AddStateStore(storeName, fakeStore) compStore.AddStateStore("failStore", failingStore) rc := resiliency.FromConfigurations(logger.NewLogger("state.test"), testResiliency) testAPI := &api{ resiliency: rc, universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ Logger: logger.NewLogger("fakeLogger"), CompStore: compStore, Resiliency: rc, }, } fakeServer.StartServer(testAPI.constructStateEndpoints()) t.Run("Get state - 400 ERR_STATE_STORE_NOT_FOUND or NOT_CONFIGURED", func(t *testing.T) { apisAndMethods := map[string][]string{ "v1.0/state/nonexistantStore/bad-key": {"GET", "DELETE"}, "v1.0/state/nonexistantStore/": {"POST", "PUT"}, "v1.0/state/nonexistantStore/bulk": {"POST", "PUT"}, "v1.0/state/nonexistantStore/transaction": {"POST", "PUT"}, "v1.0-alpha1/state/nonexistantStore/query": {"POST", "PUT"}, } for apiPath, testMethods := range apisAndMethods { for _, method := range testMethods { for name := range testAPI.universal.CompStore.ListStateStores() { testAPI.universal.CompStore.DeleteStateStore(name) } resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode, apiPath) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_STATE_STORE_NOT_CONFIGURED", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) testAPI.universal.CompStore.AddStateStore("store1", fakeStore) testAPI.universal.CompStore.AddStateStore("failStore", failingStore) // act resp = fakeServer.DoRequest(method, apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode, apiPath) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_STATE_STORE_NOT_FOUND", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"], apiPath) } } }) t.Run("State PUT/POST APIs - 400 invalid JSON request", func(t *testing.T) { apiPaths := []string{ "v1.0/state/store1/", "v1.0/state/store1/bulk", "v1.0/state/store1/transaction", } for _, apiPath := range apiPaths { for _, requestMethod := range []string{"PUT", "POST"} { // {{ inputBodyBytes := invalidJSON // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest(requestMethod, apiPath, inputBodyBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode, apiPath) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_MALFORMED_REQUEST", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"], apiPath) } } }) t.Run("Get state - 204 No Content Found", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/bad-key", storeName) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode, "reading non-existing key should return 204") assert.Equal(t, []byte{}, resp.RawBody, "Always give empty body with 204") }) t.Run("Get state - Good Key", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/good-key", storeName) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "reading existing key should succeed") assert.Equal(t, etag, resp.RawHeader.Get("ETag"), "failed to read etag") }) t.Run("Get state - Upstream error", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/error-key", storeName) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode, "reading existing key should succeed") assert.Equal(t, "ERR_STATE_GET", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) }) t.Run("Update state - PUT verb supported", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s", storeName) request := []state.SetRequest{{ Key: "good-key", }} b, _ := json.Marshal(request) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("PUT", apiPath, b, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode, "updating the state store with the PUT verb should succeed") assert.Equal(t, []byte{}, resp.RawBody, "Always give empty body with 204") }) t.Run("Update state - No ETag", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s", storeName) request := []state.SetRequest{{ Key: "good-key", }} b, _ := json.Marshal(request) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode, "updating existing key without etag should succeed") assert.Equal(t, []byte{}, resp.RawBody, "Always give empty body with 204") }) t.Run("Update state - State Error", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s", storeName) request := []state.SetRequest{{ Key: "error-key", ETag: ptr.Of(""), }} b, _ := json.Marshal(request) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode, "state error should return 500 status") assert.Equal(t, "ERR_STATE_SAVE", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) }) t.Run("Update state - Matching ETag", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s", storeName) request := []state.SetRequest{{ Key: "good-key", ETag: &etag, }} b, _ := json.Marshal(request) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode, "updating existing key with matching etag should succeed") assert.Equal(t, []byte{}, resp.RawBody, "Always give empty body with 204") }) t.Run("Update state - Wrong ETag", func(t *testing.T) { invalidEtag := "BAD ETAG" apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s", storeName) request := []state.SetRequest{{ Key: "good-key", ETag: &invalidEtag, }} b, _ := json.Marshal(request) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 409, resp.StatusCode, "updating existing key with wrong etag should fail") }) t.Run("Update bulk state - No ETag", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s", storeName) request := []state.SetRequest{ {Key: "good-key"}, {Key: "good-key2"}, } b, _ := json.Marshal(request) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, "", string(resp.RawBody)) }) t.Run("Update bulk state - State Error", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s", storeName) request := []state.SetRequest{ {Key: "good-key"}, {Key: "error-key"}, } b, _ := json.Marshal(request) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_STATE_SAVE", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) }) t.Run("Update bulk state - Matching ETag", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s", storeName) request := []state.SetRequest{ {Key: "good-key", ETag: &etag}, {Key: "good-key2", ETag: &etag}, } b, _ := json.Marshal(request) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, "", string(resp.RawBody)) }) t.Run("Update bulk state - One has invalid ETag", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s", storeName) request := []state.SetRequest{ {Key: "good-key", ETag: &etag}, {Key: "good-key2", ETag: ptr.Of("BAD ETAG")}, } b, _ := json.Marshal(request) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 409, resp.StatusCode) }) t.Run("Delete state - No ETag", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/good-key", storeName) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("DELETE", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode, "updating existing key without etag should succeed") assert.Equal(t, []byte{}, resp.RawBody, "Always give empty body with 204") }) t.Run("Delete state - Matching ETag", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/good-key", storeName) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("DELETE", apiPath, nil, nil, "If-Match", etag) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode, "updating existing key with matching etag should succeed") assert.Equal(t, []byte{}, resp.RawBody, "Always give empty body with 204") }) t.Run("Delete state - Bad ETag", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/good-key", storeName) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("DELETE", apiPath, nil, nil, "If-Match", "BAD ETAG") // assert assert.Equal(t, 409, resp.StatusCode, "updating existing key with wrong etag should fail") }) t.Run("Bulk state get - Empty request", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/bulk", storeName) request := BulkGetRequest{} body, _ := json.Marshal(request) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, body, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Bulk API should succeed on an empty body") }) t.Run("Bulk state get - PUT request", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/bulk", storeName) request := BulkGetRequest{} body, _ := json.Marshal(request) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("PUT", apiPath, body, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Bulk API should succeed on an empty body") }) t.Run("Bulk state get - normal request", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/bulk", storeName) request := BulkGetRequest{ Keys: []string{"good-key", "foo"}, } body, _ := json.Marshal(request) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, body, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Bulk API should succeed on a normal request") var responses []BulkGetResponse assert.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(resp.RawBody, &responses), "Response should be valid JSON") expectedResponses := []BulkGetResponse{ { Key: "good-key", Data: json.RawMessage("\"bGlmZSBpcyBnb29k\""), ETag: ptr.Of("`~!@#$%^&*()_+-={}[]|\\:\";'<>?,./'"), Error: "", }, { Key: "foo", Data: nil, ETag: nil, Error: "", }, } assert.Equal(t, expectedResponses, responses, "Responses do not match") }) t.Run("Bulk state get - one key returns error", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/bulk", storeName) request := BulkGetRequest{ Keys: []string{"good-key", "error-key"}, } body, _ := json.Marshal(request) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, body, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "Bulk API should succeed even if key not found") var responses []BulkGetResponse assert.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(resp.RawBody, &responses), "Response should be valid JSON") expectedResponses := []BulkGetResponse{ { Key: "good-key", Data: json.RawMessage("\"bGlmZSBpcyBnb29k\""), ETag: ptr.Of("`~!@#$%^&*()_+-={}[]|\\:\";'<>?,./'"), Error: "", }, { Key: "error-key", Data: nil, ETag: nil, Error: "UPSTREAM STATE ERROR", }, } assert.Equal(t, expectedResponses, responses, "Responses do not match") }) t.Run("Query state request", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0-alpha1/state/%s/query", storeName) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("PUT", apiPath, []byte(queryTestRequestOK), nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) // act resp = fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, []byte(queryTestRequestOK), nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) // act resp = fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, []byte(queryTestRequestNoRes), nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode) // act resp = fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, []byte(queryTestRequestErr), nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) // act resp = fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, []byte(queryTestRequestSyntaxErr), nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) }) t.Run("get state request retries with resiliency", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/failingGetKey", "failStore") resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode) // No body in the response. assert.Equal(t, 2, failingStore.Failure.CallCount("failingGetKey")) }) t.Run("get state request times out with resiliency", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/timeoutGetKey", "failStore") start := time.Now() resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) end := time.Now() assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) // No body in the response. assert.Equal(t, 2, failingStore.Failure.CallCount("timeoutGetKey")) assert.Less(t, end.Sub(start), time.Second*10) }) t.Run("set state request retries with resiliency", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s", "failStore") request := []state.SetRequest{{ Key: "failingSetKey", }} b, _ := json.Marshal(request) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode) // No body in the response. assert.Equal(t, 2, failingStore.Failure.CallCount("failingSetKey")) }) t.Run("set state request times out with resiliency", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s", "failStore") request := []state.SetRequest{{ Key: "timeoutSetKey", }} b, _ := json.Marshal(request) start := time.Now() resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) end := time.Now() assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) // No body in the response. assert.Equal(t, 2, failingStore.Failure.CallCount("timeoutSetKey")) assert.Less(t, end.Sub(start), time.Second*10) }) t.Run("delete state request retries with resiliency", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/failingDeleteKey", "failStore") resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("DELETE", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode) // No body in the response. assert.Equal(t, 2, failingStore.Failure.CallCount("failingDeleteKey")) }) t.Run("delete state request times out with resiliency", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/timeoutDeleteKey", "failStore") start := time.Now() resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("DELETE", apiPath, nil, nil) end := time.Now() assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) // No body in the response. assert.Equal(t, 2, failingStore.Failure.CallCount("timeoutDeleteKey")) assert.Less(t, end.Sub(start), time.Second*10) }) t.Run("bulk state get fails with bulk support", func(t *testing.T) { // Adding this will make the bulk operation fail failingStore.BulkFailKey = "timeoutBulkGetKeyBulk" t.Cleanup(func() { failingStore.BulkFailKey = "" }) apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/bulk", "failStore") request := BulkGetRequest{ Keys: []string{"failingBulkGetKey", "goodBulkGetKey"}, } body, _ := json.Marshal(request) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, body, nil) assert.Equal(t, gohttp.StatusInternalServerError, resp.StatusCode) }) t.Run("bulk state set recovers from single key failure with resiliency", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s", "failStore") reqs := []state.SetRequest{ { Key: "failingBulkSetKey", }, { Key: "goodBulkSetKey", }, } b, _ := json.Marshal(reqs) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, 2, failingStore.Failure.CallCount("failingBulkSetKey")) assert.Equal(t, 1, failingStore.Failure.CallCount("goodBulkSetKey")) }) t.Run("bulk state set times out with resiliency", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s", "failStore") reqs := []state.SetRequest{ { Key: "timeoutBulkSetKey", }, { Key: "goodTimeoutBulkSetKey", }, } b, _ := json.Marshal(reqs) start := time.Now() resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) end := time.Now() assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, 2, failingStore.Failure.CallCount("timeoutBulkSetKey")) assert.Equal(t, 0, failingStore.Failure.CallCount("goodTimeoutBulkSetKey")) assert.Less(t, end.Sub(start), time.Second*10) }) t.Run("state transaction passes after retries with resiliency", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/transaction", "failStore") req := &stateTransactionRequestBody{ Operations: []stateTransactionRequestBodyOperation{ { Operation: string(state.OperationDelete), Request: map[string]string{ "key": "failingMultiKey", }, }, }, } b, _ := json.Marshal(req) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, 2, failingStore.Failure.CallCount("failingMultiKey")) }) t.Run("state transaction times out with resiliency", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/transaction", "failStore") req := &stateTransactionRequestBody{ Operations: []stateTransactionRequestBodyOperation{ { Operation: string(state.OperationDelete), Request: map[string]string{ "key": "timeoutMultiKey", }, }, }, } b, _ := json.Marshal(req) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, 2, failingStore.Failure.CallCount("timeoutMultiKey")) }) t.Run("state query retries with resiliency", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0-alpha1/state/%s/query?metadata.key=failingQueryKey", "failStore") req := &state.QueryRequest{} b, _ := json.Marshal(req) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, 2, failingStore.Failure.CallCount("failingQueryKey")) }) t.Run("state query times out with resiliency", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0-alpha1/state/%s/query?metadata.key=timeoutQueryKey", "failStore") req := &state.QueryRequest{} b, _ := json.Marshal(req) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, b, nil) assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, 2, failingStore.Failure.CallCount("timeoutQueryKey")) }) } func TestStateStoreQuerierNotImplemented(t *testing.T) { fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() compStore := compstore.New() compStore.AddStateStore("store1", newFakeStateStore()) testAPI := &api{ universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ Logger: logger.NewLogger("fakeLogger"), CompStore: compStore, Resiliency: resiliency.New(nil), }, } fakeServer.StartServer(testAPI.constructStateEndpoints()) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", "v1.0-alpha1/state/store1/query", nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_STATE_STORE_NOT_SUPPORTED", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"]) } func TestStateStoreQuerierNotEnabled(t *testing.T) { fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() compStore := compstore.New() compStore.AddStateStore("store1", newFakeStateStore()) testAPI := &api{ universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ Logger: logger.NewLogger("fakeLogger"), CompStore: compStore, Resiliency: resiliency.New(nil), }, } fakeServer.StartServer(testAPI.constructStateEndpoints()) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", "v1.0/state/store1/query", nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 405, resp.StatusCode) } func TestStateStoreQuerierEncrypted(t *testing.T) { storeName := "encrypted-store1" fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() compStore := compstore.New() compStore.AddStateStore(storeName, newFakeStateStoreQuerier()) testAPI := &api{ universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ Logger: logger.NewLogger("fakeLogger"), CompStore: compStore, Resiliency: resiliency.New(nil), }, } encryption.AddEncryptedStateStore(storeName, encryption.ComponentEncryptionKeys{}) fakeServer.StartServer(testAPI.constructStateEndpoints()) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", "v1.0-alpha1/state/"+storeName+"/query", nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Contains(t, string(resp.RawBody), "cannot query encrypted store") } const ( queryTestRequestOK = `{ "filter": { "EQ": { "a": "b" } }, "sort": [ { "key": "a" } ], "page": { "limit": 2 } }` queryTestRequestNoRes = `{ "filter": { "EQ": { "a": "b" } }, "page": { "limit": 2 } }` queryTestRequestErr = `{ "filter": { "EQ": { "a": "b" } }, "sort": [ { "key": "a" } ] }` queryTestRequestSyntaxErr = `syntax error` ) type fakeStateStore struct { state.BulkStore } func newFakeStateStore() fakeStateStore { s := fakeStateStore{} s.BulkStore = state.NewDefaultBulkStore(s) return s } func (c fakeStateStore) GetComponentMetadata() map[string]string { return map[string]string{} } func (c fakeStateStore) Ping() error { return nil } func (c fakeStateStore) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *state.DeleteRequest) error { if req.Key == "good-key" { if req.ETag != nil && *req.ETag != "`~!@#$%^&*()_+-={}[]|\\:\";'<>?,./'" { return state.NewETagError(state.ETagMismatch, errors.New("ETag mismatch")) } return nil } return errors.New("NOT FOUND") } func (c fakeStateStore) Get(ctx context.Context, req *state.GetRequest) (*state.GetResponse, error) { if req.Key == "good-key" { return &state.GetResponse{ Data: []byte("\"bGlmZSBpcyBnb29k\""), ETag: ptr.Of("`~!@#$%^&*()_+-={}[]|\\:\";'<>?,./'"), }, nil } if req.Key == "error-key" { return nil, errors.New("UPSTREAM STATE ERROR") } return nil, nil } func (c fakeStateStore) Init(ctx context.Context, metadata state.Metadata) error { return nil } func (c fakeStateStore) Features() []state.Feature { return []state.Feature{ state.FeatureETag, state.FeatureTransactional, } } func (c fakeStateStore) Set(ctx context.Context, req *state.SetRequest) error { if req.Key == "good-key" || req.Key == "good-key2" { if req.ETag != nil && *req.ETag != "`~!@#$%^&*()_+-={}[]|\\:\";'<>?,./'" { return state.NewETagError(state.ETagMismatch, errors.New("ETag mismatch")) } return nil } return errors.New("NOT FOUND") } func (c fakeStateStore) Multi(ctx context.Context, request *state.TransactionalStateRequest) error { if request.Metadata != nil && request.Metadata["error"] == "true" { return errors.New("Transaction error") } return nil } type fakeStateStoreQuerier struct { state.Store state.TransactionalStore } func newFakeStateStoreQuerier() fakeStateStoreQuerier { s := newFakeStateStore() return fakeStateStoreQuerier{ Store: s, TransactionalStore: s, } } func (c fakeStateStoreQuerier) Query(ctx context.Context, req *state.QueryRequest) (*state.QueryResponse, error) { // simulate empty data if req.Query.Sort == nil { return &state.QueryResponse{}, nil } // simulate error if req.Query.Page.Limit == 0 { return nil, errors.New("Query error") } // simulate full result return &state.QueryResponse{ Results: []state.QueryItem{ { Key: "1", Data: []byte(`{"a":"b"}`), }, }, }, nil } func TestV1SecretEndpoints(t *testing.T) { fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() fakeStore := daprt.FakeSecretStore{} failingStore := daprt.FailingSecretStore{ Failure: daprt.NewFailure( map[string]int{"key": 1, "bulk": 1}, map[string]time.Duration{"timeout": time.Second * 10, "bulkTimeout": time.Second * 10}, map[string]int{}, ), } fakeStores := map[string]secretstores.SecretStore{ "store1": fakeStore, "store2": fakeStore, "store3": fakeStore, "store4": fakeStore, "failSecret": failingStore, } secretsConfiguration := map[string]config.SecretsScope{ "store1": { DefaultAccess: config.AllowAccess, DeniedSecrets: []string{"not-allowed"}, }, "store2": { DefaultAccess: config.DenyAccess, AllowedSecrets: []string{"good-key"}, }, "store3": { DefaultAccess: config.AllowAccess, AllowedSecrets: []string{"good-key"}, }, } l := logger.NewLogger("fakeLogger") res := resiliency.FromConfigurations(l, testResiliency) compStore := compstore.New() for name, conf := range secretsConfiguration { compStore.AddSecretsConfiguration(name, conf) } for name, store := range fakeStores { compStore.AddSecretStore(name, store) } testAPI := &api{ resiliency: res, universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ Logger: l, CompStore: compStore, Resiliency: res, }, } fakeServer.StartServer(testAPI.constructSecretEndpoints()) storeName := "store1" deniedStoreName := "store2" restrictedStore := "store3" unrestrictedStore := "store4" // No configuration defined for the store t.Run("Get secret - 401 ERR_SECRET_STORE_NOT_FOUND", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/secrets/%s/bad-key", "notexistStore") // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 401, resp.StatusCode, "reading non-existing store should return 401") }) t.Run("Get secret - 204 No Content Found", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/secrets/%s/bad-key", storeName) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode, "reading non-existing key should return 204") assert.Equal(t, []byte{}, resp.RawBody, "Always give empty body with 204") }) t.Run("Get secret - 403 Permission denied ", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/secrets/%s/not-allowed", storeName) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 403, resp.StatusCode, "reading not allowed key should return 403") }) t.Run("Get secret - 403 Permission denied ", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/secrets/%s/random", deniedStoreName) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 403, resp.StatusCode, "reading random key from store with default deny access should return 403") }) t.Run("Get secret - 403 Permission denied ", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/secrets/%s/random", restrictedStore) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 403, resp.StatusCode, "reading random key from store with restricted allow access should return 403") }) t.Run("Get secret - 200 Good Ket restricted store ", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/secrets/%s/good-key", restrictedStore) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "reading good-key key from store with restricted allow access should return 200") }) t.Run("Get secret - 200 Good Key allowed access ", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/secrets/%s/good-key", deniedStoreName) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "reading allowed good-key key from store with default deny access should return 200") }) t.Run("Get secret - Good Key default allow", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/secrets/%s/good-key", storeName) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "reading existing key should succeed") }) t.Run("Get secret - Good Key from unrestricted store", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/secrets/%s/good-key", unrestrictedStore) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "reading existing key should succeed") }) t.Run("Get secret - 500 for upstream error", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/secrets/%s/error-key", unrestrictedStore) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode, "reading existing key should succeed") assert.Equal(t, "ERR_SECRET_GET", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"], apiPath) }) t.Run("Get secret - 500 for secret store not congfigured", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/secrets/%s/good-key", unrestrictedStore) // act for name := range testAPI.universal.CompStore.ListSecretStores() { testAPI.universal.CompStore.DeleteSecretStore(name) } defer func() { for name, store := range fakeStores { testAPI.universal.CompStore.AddSecretStore(name, store) } }() resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode, "reading from not-configured secret store should fail with 500") assert.Equal(t, "ERR_SECRET_STORES_NOT_CONFIGURED", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"], apiPath) }) t.Run("Get Bulk secret - Good Key default allow", func(t *testing.T) { // The interface{} use here is due to JSONBody usage expectedOutput := map[string]interface{}{ "good-key": map[string]interface{}{"good-key": "life is good"}, } apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/secrets/%s/bulk", storeName) // act resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode, "reading secrets should succeed") body := resp.JSONBody assert.Equal(t, expectedOutput, body, "bulk secret response should be same as expected") }) t.Run("Get secret - retries on initial failure with resiliency", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/secrets/%s/key", "failSecret") resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, 2, failingStore.Failure.CallCount("key")) }) t.Run("Get secret - timeout before request ends", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/secrets/%s/timeout", "failSecret") // Store sleeps for 10 seconds, let's make sure our timeout takes less time than that. start := time.Now() resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) end := time.Now() assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, 2, failingStore.Failure.CallCount("timeout")) assert.Less(t, end.Sub(start), time.Second*10) }) t.Run("Get bulk secret - retries on initial failure with resiliency", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/secrets/%s/bulk", "failSecret") resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, map[string]string{"metadata.key": "bulk"}) assert.Equal(t, 200, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, 2, failingStore.Failure.CallCount("bulk")) }) t.Run("Get bulk secret - timeout before request ends", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/secrets/%s/bulk", "failSecret") start := time.Now() resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, map[string]string{"metadata.key": "bulkTimeout"}) end := time.Now() assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode) assert.Equal(t, 2, failingStore.Failure.CallCount("bulkTimeout")) assert.Less(t, end.Sub(start), time.Second*10) }) } type fakeConfigurationStore struct { counter int } func (c fakeConfigurationStore) Ping() error { return nil } func (c fakeConfigurationStore) Get(ctx context.Context, req *configuration.GetRequest) (*configuration.GetResponse, error) { if len(req.Keys) == 0 { return &configuration.GetResponse{ Items: map[string]*configuration.Item{ "good-key1": { Value: "good-value1", Version: "version1", Metadata: map[string]string{ "metadata-key1": "metadata-value1", }, }, "good-key2": { Value: "good-value2", Version: "version2", Metadata: map[string]string{ "metadata-key2": "metadata-value2", }, }, }, }, nil } if len(req.Keys) == 1 && req.Keys[0] == "good-key1" { return &configuration.GetResponse{ Items: map[string]*configuration.Item{ "good-key1": { Value: "good-value1", Version: "version1", Metadata: map[string]string{ "metadata-key1": "metadata-value1", }, }, }, }, nil } if len(req.Keys) == 2 && req.Keys[0] == "good-key1" && req.Keys[1] == "good-key2" { return &configuration.GetResponse{ Items: map[string]*configuration.Item{ "good-key1": { Value: "good-value1", Version: "version1", Metadata: map[string]string{ "metadata-key1": "metadata-value1", }, }, "good-key2": { Value: "good-value2", Version: "version2", Metadata: map[string]string{ "metadata-key2": "metadata-value2", }, }, }, }, nil } if req.Keys[0] == "bad-key" { return nil, errors.New("get key error: bad-key") } return nil, errors.New("get key error: value not found") } func (c fakeConfigurationStore) Init(ctx context.Context, metadata configuration.Metadata) error { c.counter = 0 //nolint:staticcheck return nil } func (c *fakeConfigurationStore) Subscribe(ctx context.Context, req *configuration.SubscribeRequest, handler configuration.UpdateHandler) (string, error) { return "", nil } func (c *fakeConfigurationStore) Unsubscribe(ctx context.Context, req *configuration.UnsubscribeRequest) error { if req.ID == "subscribe_id_err" { return errors.New("Error occurred during unsubscribe op") } return nil } func (c *fakeConfigurationStore) GetComponentMetadata() map[string]string { return map[string]string{} } type fakeLockStore struct{} func (l fakeLockStore) Ping() error { return nil } func (l *fakeLockStore) InitLockStore(ctx context.Context, metadata lock.Metadata) error { return nil } func (l *fakeLockStore) TryLock(ctx context.Context, req *lock.TryLockRequest) (*lock.TryLockResponse, error) { if req == nil { return &lock.TryLockResponse{ Success: false, }, errors.New("empty request") } if req.ExpiryInSeconds == 0 { return &lock.TryLockResponse{ Success: false, }, errors.New("invalid expiry") } if req.LockOwner == "" { return &lock.TryLockResponse{ Success: false, }, errors.New("invalid lockOwner") } if req.ResourceID == "lock||" { return &lock.TryLockResponse{ Success: false, }, errors.New("invalid resourceId") } return &lock.TryLockResponse{ Success: true, }, nil } func (l *fakeLockStore) Unlock(ctx context.Context, req *lock.UnlockRequest) (*lock.UnlockResponse, error) { if req == nil { return &lock.UnlockResponse{}, errors.New("empty request") } if req.LockOwner == "not-owner" { return &lock.UnlockResponse{ Status: 3, }, nil } if req.ResourceID == "lock||" { return &lock.UnlockResponse{ Status: 3, }, nil } if req.ResourceID == "lock||error" { return &lock.UnlockResponse{}, errors.New("error") } return &lock.UnlockResponse{ Status: 0, }, nil } func (l *fakeLockStore) GetComponentMetadata() map[string]string { return map[string]string{} } func TestV1HealthzEndpoint(t *testing.T) { fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() testAPI := &api{ universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ AppID: "fakeAPI", }, } fakeServer.StartServer(testAPI.constructHealthzEndpoints()) t.Run("Healthz - 500 ERR_HEALTH_NOT_READY", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/healthz" resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode, "dapr not ready should return 500") }) t.Run("Healthz - 204 No Content", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := "v1.0/healthz" testAPI.MarkStatusAsReady() resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("GET", apiPath, nil, nil) assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode) }) fakeServer.Shutdown() } func TestV1TransactionEndpoints(t *testing.T) { fakeServer := newFakeHTTPServer() var fakeStore state.Store = newFakeStateStoreQuerier() fakeStoreNonTransactional := new(daprt.MockStateStore) compStore := compstore.New() compStore.AddStateStore("store1", fakeStore) compStore.AddStateStore("storeNonTransactional", fakeStoreNonTransactional) testAPI := &api{ universal: &universalapi.UniversalAPI{ CompStore: compStore, }, resiliency: resiliency.New(nil), } fakeServer.StartServer(testAPI.constructStateEndpoints()) fakeBodyObject := map[string]interface{}{"data": "fakeData"} storeName := "store1" nonTransactionalStoreName := "storeNonTransactional" t.Run("Direct Transaction - 204 No Content", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/transaction", storeName) testTransactionalOperations := []stateTransactionRequestBodyOperation{ { Operation: string(state.OperationUpsert), Request: map[string]interface{}{ "key": "fakeKey1", "value": fakeBodyObject, }, }, { Operation: string(state.OperationDelete), Request: map[string]interface{}{ "key": "fakeKey1", }, }, } // act inputBodyBytes, err := json.Marshal(stateTransactionRequestBody{ Operations: testTransactionalOperations, }) assert.NoError(t, err) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, inputBodyBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 204, resp.StatusCode, "Dapr should return 204") assert.Equal(t, []byte{}, resp.RawBody, "Always give empty body with 204") }) t.Run("Post non-existent state store - 400 No State Store Found", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/transaction", "non-existent-store") testTransactionalOperations := []stateTransactionRequestBodyOperation{ { Operation: string(state.OperationUpsert), Request: map[string]interface{}{ "key": "fakeKey1", "value": fakeBodyObject, }, }, { Operation: string(state.OperationDelete), Request: map[string]interface{}{ "key": "fakeKey1", }, }, } // act inputBodyBytes, err := json.Marshal(stateTransactionRequestBody{ Operations: testTransactionalOperations, }) assert.NoError(t, err) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, inputBodyBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode, "Accessing non-existent state store should return 400") }) t.Run("Invalid opperation - 400 ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_STATE_OPERATION", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/transaction", storeName) testTransactionalOperations := []stateTransactionRequestBodyOperation{ { Operation: "foo", Request: map[string]interface{}{ "key": "fakeKey1", "value": fakeBodyObject, }, }, } // act inputBodyBytes, err := json.Marshal(stateTransactionRequestBody{ Operations: testTransactionalOperations, }) assert.NoError(t, err) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, inputBodyBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode, "Dapr should return 400") assert.Equal(t, "ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_STATE_OPERATION", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"], apiPath) }) t.Run("Invalid request obj - 400 ERR_MALFORMED_REQUEST", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/transaction", storeName) for _, operation := range []state.OperationType{state.OperationUpsert, state.OperationDelete} { testTransactionalOperations := []stateTransactionRequestBodyOperation{ { Operation: string(operation), Request: map[string]interface{}{ // Should cause the decorder to fail "key": []string{"fakeKey1"}, "value": fakeBodyObject, }, }, } // act inputBodyBytes, err := json.Marshal(stateTransactionRequestBody{ Operations: testTransactionalOperations, }) assert.NoError(t, err) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, inputBodyBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 400, resp.StatusCode, "Dapr should return 400") assert.Equal(t, "ERR_MALFORMED_REQUEST", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"], apiPath) } }) t.Run("Non Transactional State Store - 500 ERR_STATE_STORE_NOT_SUPPORTED", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/transaction", nonTransactionalStoreName) testTransactionalOperations := []stateTransactionRequestBodyOperation{ { Operation: string(state.OperationUpsert), Request: map[string]interface{}{ "key": "fakeKey1", "value": fakeBodyObject, }, }, } // act inputBodyBytes, err := json.Marshal(stateTransactionRequestBody{ Operations: testTransactionalOperations, }) assert.NoError(t, err) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, inputBodyBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode, "Dapr should return 500") assert.Equal(t, "ERR_STATE_STORE_NOT_SUPPORTED", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"], apiPath) }) t.Run("Direct Transaction upstream failure - 500 ERR_STATE_TRANSACTION", func(t *testing.T) { apiPath := fmt.Sprintf("v1.0/state/%s/transaction", storeName) testTransactionalOperations := []stateTransactionRequestBodyOperation{ { Operation: string(state.OperationUpsert), Request: map[string]interface{}{ "key": "fakeKey1", "value": fakeBodyObject, }, }, { Operation: string(state.OperationDelete), Request: map[string]interface{}{ "key": "fakeKey1", }, }, } // act inputBodyBytes, err := json.Marshal(stateTransactionRequestBody{ Operations: testTransactionalOperations, Metadata: map[string]string{ "error": "true", }, }) assert.NoError(t, err) resp := fakeServer.DoRequest("POST", apiPath, inputBodyBytes, nil) // assert assert.Equal(t, 500, resp.StatusCode, "Dapr should return 500") assert.Equal(t, "ERR_STATE_TRANSACTION", resp.ErrorBody["errorCode"], apiPath) }) fakeServer.Shutdown() } func TestStateStoreErrors(t *testing.T) { t.Run("non etag error", func(t *testing.T) { a := &api{} err := errors.New("error") c, m, r := a.stateErrorResponse(err, "ERR_STATE_SAVE") assert.Equal(t, 500, c) assert.Equal(t, "error", m) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_STATE_SAVE", r.ErrorCode) }) t.Run("etag mismatch error", func(t *testing.T) { a := &api{} err := state.NewETagError(state.ETagMismatch, errors.New("error")) c, m, r := a.stateErrorResponse(err, "ERR_STATE_SAVE") assert.Equal(t, 409, c) assert.Equal(t, "possible etag mismatch. error from state store: error", m) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_STATE_SAVE", r.ErrorCode) }) t.Run("etag invalid error", func(t *testing.T) { a := &api{} err := state.NewETagError(state.ETagInvalid, errors.New("error")) c, m, r := a.stateErrorResponse(err, "ERR_STATE_SAVE") assert.Equal(t, 400, c) assert.Equal(t, "invalid etag value: error", m) assert.Equal(t, "ERR_STATE_SAVE", r.ErrorCode) }) t.Run("etag error mismatch", func(t *testing.T) { a := &api{} err := state.NewETagError(state.ETagMismatch, errors.New("error")) e, c, m := a.etagError(err) assert.Equal(t, true, e) assert.Equal(t, 409, c) assert.Equal(t, "possible etag mismatch. error from state store: error", m) }) t.Run("etag error invalid", func(t *testing.T) { a := &api{} err := state.NewETagError(state.ETagInvalid, errors.New("error")) e, c, m := a.etagError(err) assert.Equal(t, true, e) assert.Equal(t, 400, c) assert.Equal(t, "invalid etag value: error", m) }) } func TestExtractEtag(t *testing.T) { t.Run("no etag present", func(t *testing.T) { r := fasthttp.RequestCtx{ Request: fasthttp.Request{}, } ok, etag := extractEtag(&r) assert.False(t, ok) assert.Empty(t, etag) }) t.Run("empty etag exists", func(t *testing.T) { r := fasthttp.RequestCtx{ Request: fasthttp.Request{}, } r.Request.Header.Add("If-Match", "") ok, etag := extractEtag(&r) assert.True(t, ok) assert.Empty(t, etag) }) t.Run("non-empty etag exists", func(t *testing.T) { r := fasthttp.RequestCtx{ Request: fasthttp.Request{}, } r.Request.Header.Add("If-Match", "a") ok, etag := extractEtag(&r) assert.True(t, ok) assert.Equal(t, "a", etag) }) } func matchContextInterface(v any) bool { _, ok := v.(context.Context) return ok }