using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data.SqlTypes; using System.Dynamic; using System.Linq; using Xunit; using System.Globalization; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Diagnostics; #if ENTITY_FRAMEWORK using System.Data.Entity.Spatial; using Microsoft.SqlServer.Types; #endif namespace Dapper.Tests { public class ParameterTests : TestBase { public class DbParams : SqlMapper.IDynamicParameters, IEnumerable { private readonly List parameters = new List(); public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return parameters.GetEnumerator(); } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return GetEnumerator(); } public void Add(IDbDataParameter value) { parameters.Add(value); } void SqlMapper.IDynamicParameters.AddParameters(IDbCommand command, SqlMapper.Identity identity) { foreach (IDbDataParameter parameter in parameters) command.Parameters.Add(parameter); } } private static List CreateSqlDataRecordList(IEnumerable numbers) { var number_list = new List(); // Create an SqlMetaData object that describes our table type. Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlMetaData[] tvp_definition = { new Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlMetaData("n", SqlDbType.Int) }; foreach (int n in numbers) { // Create a new record, using the metadata array above. var rec = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlDataRecord(tvp_definition); rec.SetInt32(0, n); // Set the value. number_list.Add(rec); // Add it to the list. } return number_list; } private class IntDynamicParam : SqlMapper.IDynamicParameters { private readonly IEnumerable numbers; public IntDynamicParam(IEnumerable numbers) { this.numbers = numbers; } public void AddParameters(IDbCommand command, SqlMapper.Identity identity) { var sqlCommand = (SqlCommand)command; sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; var number_list = CreateSqlDataRecordList(numbers); // Add the table parameter. var p = sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("ints", SqlDbType.Structured); p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; p.TypeName = "int_list_type"; p.Value = number_list; } } private class IntCustomParam : SqlMapper.ICustomQueryParameter { private readonly IEnumerable numbers; public IntCustomParam(IEnumerable numbers) { this.numbers = numbers; } public void AddParameter(IDbCommand command, string name) { var sqlCommand = (SqlCommand)command; sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; var number_list = CreateSqlDataRecordList(numbers); // Add the table parameter. var p = sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(name, SqlDbType.Structured); p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; p.TypeName = "int_list_type"; p.Value = number_list; } } /* TODO: * public void TestMagicParam() { // magic params allow you to pass in single params without using an anon class // this test fails for now, but I would like to support a single param by parsing the sql with regex and remapping. var first = connection.Query("select @a as a", 1).First(); Assert.Equal(first.a, 1); } * */ [Fact] public void TestDoubleParam() { Assert.Equal(0.1d, connection.Query("select @d", new { d = 0.1d }).First()); } [Fact] public void TestBoolParam() { Assert.False(connection.Query("select @b", new { b = false }).First()); } // // [Fact] public void TestTimeSpanParam() { Assert.Equal(connection.Query("select @ts", new { ts = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(42) }).First(), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(42)); } [Fact] public void PassInIntArray() { Assert.Equal( new[] { 1, 2, 3 }, connection.Query("select * from (select 1 as Id union all select 2 union all select 3) as X where Id in @Ids", new { Ids = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }.AsEnumerable() }) ); } [Fact] public void PassInEmptyIntArray() { Assert.Equal( new int[0], connection.Query("select * from (select 1 as Id union all select 2 union all select 3) as X where Id in @Ids", new { Ids = new int[0] }) ); } [Fact] public void TestExecuteCommandWithHybridParameters() { var p = new DynamicParameters(new { a = 1, b = 2 }); p.Add("c", dbType: DbType.Int32, direction: ParameterDirection.Output); connection.Execute("set @c = @a + @b", p); Assert.Equal(3, p.Get("@c")); } [Fact] public void GuidIn_SO_24177902() { // invent and populate Guid a = Guid.NewGuid(), b = Guid.NewGuid(), c = Guid.NewGuid(), d = Guid.NewGuid(); connection.Execute("create table #foo (i int, g uniqueidentifier)"); connection.Execute("insert #foo(i,g) values(@i,@g)", new[] { new { i = 1, g = a }, new { i = 2, g = b }, new { i = 3, g = c },new { i = 4, g = d }}); // check that rows 2&3 yield guids b&c var guids = connection.Query("select g from #foo where i in (2,3)").ToArray(); guids.Length.Equals(2); guids.Contains(a).Equals(false); guids.Contains(b).Equals(true); guids.Contains(c).Equals(true); guids.Contains(d).Equals(false); // in query on the guids var rows = connection.Query("select * from #foo where g in @guids order by i", new { guids }) .Select(row => new { i = (int)row.i, g = (Guid)row.g }).ToArray(); rows.Length.Equals(2); rows[0].i.Equals(2); rows[0].g.Equals(b); rows[1].i.Equals(3); rows[1].g.Equals(c); } [FactUnlessCaseSensitiveDatabase] public void TestParameterInclusionNotSensitiveToCurrentCulture() { // note this might fail if your database server is case-sensitive CultureInfo current = ActiveCulture; try { ActiveCulture = new CultureInfo("tr-TR"); connection.Query("select @pid", new { PId = 1 }).Single(); } finally { ActiveCulture = current; } } [Fact] public void TestMassiveStrings() { var str = new string('X', 20000); Assert.Equal(connection.Query("select @a", new { a = str }).First(), str); } [Fact] public void TestTVPWithAnonymousObject() { try { connection.Execute("CREATE TYPE int_list_type AS TABLE (n int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)"); connection.Execute("CREATE PROC get_ints @integers int_list_type READONLY AS select * from @integers"); var nums = connection.Query("get_ints", new { integers = new IntCustomParam(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }) }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).ToList(); Assert.Equal(1, nums[0]); Assert.Equal(2, nums[1]); Assert.Equal(3, nums[2]); Assert.Equal(3, nums.Count); } finally { try { connection.Execute("DROP PROC get_ints"); } finally { connection.Execute("DROP TYPE int_list_type"); } } } // SQL Server specific test to demonstrate TVP [Fact] public void TestTVP() { try { connection.Execute("CREATE TYPE int_list_type AS TABLE (n int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)"); connection.Execute("CREATE PROC get_ints @ints int_list_type READONLY AS select * from @ints"); var nums = connection.Query("get_ints", new IntDynamicParam(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 })).ToList(); Assert.Equal(1, nums[0]); Assert.Equal(2, nums[1]); Assert.Equal(3, nums[2]); Assert.Equal(3, nums.Count); } finally { try { connection.Execute("DROP PROC get_ints"); } finally { connection.Execute("DROP TYPE int_list_type"); } } } private class DynamicParameterWithIntTVP : DynamicParameters, SqlMapper.IDynamicParameters { private readonly IEnumerable numbers; public DynamicParameterWithIntTVP(IEnumerable numbers) { this.numbers = numbers; } public new void AddParameters(IDbCommand command, SqlMapper.Identity identity) { base.AddParameters(command, identity); var sqlCommand = (SqlCommand)command; sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; var number_list = CreateSqlDataRecordList(numbers); // Add the table parameter. var p = sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("ints", SqlDbType.Structured); p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; p.TypeName = "int_list_type"; p.Value = number_list; } } [Fact] public void TestTVPWithAdditionalParams() { try { connection.Execute("CREATE TYPE int_list_type AS TABLE (n int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)"); connection.Execute("CREATE PROC get_values @ints int_list_type READONLY, @stringParam varchar(20), @dateParam datetime AS select i.*, @stringParam as stringParam, @dateParam as dateParam from @ints i"); var dynamicParameters = new DynamicParameterWithIntTVP(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }); dynamicParameters.AddDynamicParams(new { stringParam = "stringParam", dateParam = new DateTime(2012, 1, 1) }); var results = connection.Query("get_values", dynamicParameters, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).ToList(); Assert.Equal(3, results.Count); for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++) { var result = results[i]; Assert.Equal(i + 1, result.n); Assert.Equal("stringParam", result.stringParam); Assert.Equal(new DateTime(2012, 1, 1), result.dateParam); } } finally { try { connection.Execute("DROP PROC get_values"); } finally { connection.Execute("DROP TYPE int_list_type"); } } } [Fact] public void TestSqlDataRecordListParametersWithAsTableValuedParameter() { try { connection.Execute("CREATE TYPE int_list_type AS TABLE (n int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)"); connection.Execute("CREATE PROC get_ints @integers int_list_type READONLY AS select * from @integers"); var records = CreateSqlDataRecordList(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }); var nums = connection.Query("get_ints", new { integers = records.AsTableValuedParameter() }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).ToList(); Assert.Equal(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, nums); nums = connection.Query("select * from @integers", new { integers = records.AsTableValuedParameter("int_list_type") }).ToList(); Assert.Equal(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, nums); try { connection.Query("select * from @integers", new { integers = records.AsTableValuedParameter() }).First(); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Message.Equals("The table type parameter 'ids' must have a valid type name."); } } finally { try { connection.Execute("DROP PROC get_ints"); } finally { connection.Execute("DROP TYPE int_list_type"); } } } [Fact] public void TestSqlDataRecordListParametersWithTypeHandlers() { try { connection.Execute("CREATE TYPE int_list_type AS TABLE (n int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)"); connection.Execute("CREATE PROC get_ints @integers int_list_type READONLY AS select * from @integers"); // Variable type has to be IEnumerable for TypeHandler to kick in. IEnumerable records = CreateSqlDataRecordList(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }); var nums = connection.Query("get_ints", new { integers = records }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).ToList(); Assert.Equal(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, nums); try { connection.Query("select * from @integers", new { integers = records }).First(); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Message.Equals("The table type parameter 'ids' must have a valid type name."); } } finally { try { connection.Execute("DROP PROC get_ints"); } finally { connection.Execute("DROP TYPE int_list_type"); } } } #if !NETCOREAPP1_0 [Fact] public void DataTableParameters() { try { connection.Execute("drop proc #DataTableParameters"); } catch { /* don't care */ } try { connection.Execute("drop table #DataTableParameters"); } catch { /* don't care */ } try { connection.Execute("drop type MyTVPType"); } catch { /* don't care */ } connection.Execute("create type MyTVPType as table (id int)"); connection.Execute("create proc #DataTableParameters @ids MyTVPType readonly as select count(1) from @ids"); var table = new DataTable { Columns = { { "id", typeof(int) } }, Rows = { { 1 }, { 2 }, { 3 } } }; int count = connection.Query("#DataTableParameters", new { ids = table.AsTableValuedParameter() }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).First(); Assert.Equal(3, count); count = connection.Query("select count(1) from @ids", new { ids = table.AsTableValuedParameter("MyTVPType") }).First(); Assert.Equal(3, count); try { connection.Query("select count(1) from @ids", new { ids = table.AsTableValuedParameter() }).First(); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Message.Equals("The table type parameter 'ids' must have a valid type name."); } } [Fact] public void SO29533765_DataTableParametersViaDynamicParameters() { try { connection.Execute("drop proc #DataTableParameters"); } catch { /* don't care */ } try { connection.Execute("drop table #DataTableParameters"); } catch { /* don't care */ } try { connection.Execute("drop type MyTVPType"); } catch { /* don't care */ } connection.Execute("create type MyTVPType as table (id int)"); connection.Execute("create proc #DataTableParameters @ids MyTVPType readonly as select count(1) from @ids"); var table = new DataTable { TableName="MyTVPType", Columns = { { "id", typeof(int) } }, Rows = { { 1 }, { 2 }, { 3 } } }; table.SetTypeName(table.TableName); // per SO29533765 IDictionary args = new Dictionary { ["ids"] = table }; int count = connection.Query("#DataTableParameters", args, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).First(); Assert.Equal(3, count); count = connection.Query("select count(1) from @ids", args).First(); Assert.Equal(3, count); } [Fact] public void SO26468710_InWithTVPs() { // this is just to make it re-runnable; normally you only do this once try { connection.Execute("drop type MyIdList"); } catch { /* don't care */ } connection.Execute("create type MyIdList as table(id int);"); var ids = new DataTable { Columns = { { "id", typeof(int) } }, Rows = { { 1 }, { 3 }, { 5 } } }; ids.SetTypeName("MyIdList"); int sum = connection.Query(@" declare @tmp table(id int not null); insert @tmp (id) values(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7); select * from @tmp t inner join @ids i on =", new { ids }).Sum(); Assert.Equal(9, sum); } [Fact] public void DataTableParametersWithExtendedProperty() { try { connection.Execute("drop proc #DataTableParameters"); } catch { /* don't care */ } try { connection.Execute("drop table #DataTableParameters"); } catch { /* don't care */ } try { connection.Execute("drop type MyTVPType"); } catch { /* don't care */ } connection.Execute("create type MyTVPType as table (id int)"); connection.Execute("create proc #DataTableParameters @ids MyTVPType readonly as select count(1) from @ids"); var table = new DataTable { Columns = { { "id", typeof(int) } }, Rows = { { 1 }, { 2 }, { 3 } } }; table.SetTypeName("MyTVPType"); // <== extended metadata int count = connection.Query("#DataTableParameters", new { ids = table }, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).First(); Assert.Equal(3, count); count = connection.Query("select count(1) from @ids", new { ids = table }).First(); Assert.Equal(3, count); try { connection.Query("select count(1) from @ids", new { ids = table }).First(); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Message.Equals("The table type parameter 'ids' must have a valid type name."); } } [Fact] public void SupportInit() { var obj = connection.Query("select 'abc' as Value").Single(); obj.Value.Equals("abc"); obj.Flags.Equals(31); } public class WithInit : ISupportInitialize { public string Value { get; set; } public int Flags { get; set; } void ISupportInitialize.BeginInit() => Flags++; void ISupportInitialize.EndInit() => Flags += 30; } [Fact] public void SO29596645_TvpProperty() { try { connection.Execute("CREATE TYPE SO29596645_ReminderRuleType AS TABLE (id int NOT NULL)"); } catch { /* don't care */ } connection.Execute(@"create proc #SO29596645_Proc (@Id int, @Rules SO29596645_ReminderRuleType READONLY) as begin select @Id + ISNULL((select sum(id) from @Rules), 0); end"); var obj = new SO29596645_OrganisationDTO(); int val = connection.Query("#SO29596645_Proc", obj.Rules, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).Single(); // 4 + 9 + 7 = 20 Assert.Equal(20, val); } private class SO29596645_RuleTableValuedParameters : SqlMapper.IDynamicParameters { private readonly string parameterName; public SO29596645_RuleTableValuedParameters(string parameterName) { this.parameterName = parameterName; } public void AddParameters(IDbCommand command, SqlMapper.Identity identity) { Debug.WriteLine("> AddParameters"); var lazy = (SqlCommand)command; lazy.Parameters.AddWithValue("Id", 7); var table = new DataTable { Columns = { { "Id", typeof(int) } }, Rows = { { 4 }, { 9 } } }; lazy.Parameters.AddWithValue("Rules", table); Debug.WriteLine("< AddParameters"); } } private class SO29596645_OrganisationDTO { public SO29596645_RuleTableValuedParameters Rules { get; } public SO29596645_OrganisationDTO() { Rules = new SO29596645_RuleTableValuedParameters("@Rules"); } } #endif #if ENTITY_FRAMEWORK private class HazGeo { public int Id { get; set; } public DbGeography Geo { get; set; } public DbGeometry Geometry { get; set; } } private class HazSqlGeo { public int Id { get; set; } public SqlGeography Geo { get; set; } public SqlGeometry Geometry { get; set; } } [Fact] public void DBGeography_SO24405645_SO24402424() { EntityFramework.Handlers.Register(); connection.Execute("create table #Geo (id int, geo geography, geometry geometry)"); var obj = new HazGeo { Id = 1, Geo = DbGeography.LineFromText("LINESTRING(-122.360 47.656, -122.343 47.656 )", 4326), Geometry = DbGeometry.LineFromText("LINESTRING (100 100, 20 180, 180 180)", 0) }; connection.Execute("insert #Geo(id, geo, geometry) values (@Id, @Geo, @Geometry)", obj); var row = connection.Query("select * from #Geo where id=1").SingleOrDefault(); Assert.NotNull(row); Assert.Equal(1, row.Id); Assert.NotNull(row.Geo); Assert.NotNull(row.Geometry); } [Fact] public void SqlGeography_SO25538154() { SqlMapper.ResetTypeHandlers(); connection.Execute("create table #SqlGeo (id int, geo geography, geometry geometry)"); var obj = new HazSqlGeo { Id = 1, Geo = SqlGeography.STLineFromText(new SqlChars(new SqlString("LINESTRING(-122.360 47.656, -122.343 47.656 )")), 4326), Geometry = SqlGeometry.STLineFromText(new SqlChars(new SqlString("LINESTRING (100 100, 20 180, 180 180)")), 0) }; connection.Execute("insert #SqlGeo(id, geo, geometry) values (@Id, @Geo, @Geometry)", obj); var row = connection.Query("select * from #SqlGeo where id=1").SingleOrDefault(); Assert.NotNull(row); Assert.Equal(1, row.Id); Assert.NotNull(row.Geo); Assert.NotNull(row.Geometry); } [Fact] public void NullableSqlGeometry() { SqlMapper.ResetTypeHandlers(); connection.Execute("create table #SqlNullableGeo (id int, geometry geometry null)"); var obj = new HazSqlGeo { Id = 1, Geometry = null }; connection.Execute("insert #SqlNullableGeo(id, geometry) values (@Id, @Geometry)", obj); var row = connection.Query("select * from #SqlNullableGeo where id=1").SingleOrDefault(); Assert.NotNull(row); Assert.Equal(1, row.Id); Assert.Null(row.Geometry); } [Fact] public void SqlHierarchyId_SO18888911() { SqlMapper.ResetTypeHandlers(); var row = connection.Query("select 3 as [Id], hierarchyid::Parse('/1/2/3/') as [Path]").Single(); row.Id.Equals(3); Assert.NotEqual(default(SqlHierarchyId), row.Path); var val = connection.Query("select @Path", row).Single(); Assert.NotEqual(default(SqlHierarchyId), val); } public class HazSqlHierarchy { public int Id { get; set; } public SqlHierarchyId Path { get; set; } } #endif [Fact] public void TestCustomParameters() { var args = new DbParams { new SqlParameter("foo", 123), new SqlParameter("bar", "abc") }; var result = connection.Query("select Foo=@foo, Bar=@bar", args).Single(); int foo = result.Foo; string bar = result.Bar; Assert.Equal(123, foo); Assert.Equal("abc", bar); } [Fact] public void TestDynamicParamNullSupport() { var p = new DynamicParameters(); p.Add("@b", dbType: DbType.Int32, direction: ParameterDirection.Output); connection.Execute("select @b = null", p); Assert.Null(p.Get("@b")); } [Fact] public void TestAppendingAnonClasses() { var p = new DynamicParameters(); p.AddDynamicParams(new { A = 1, B = 2 }); p.AddDynamicParams(new { C = 3, D = 4 }); var result = connection.Query("select @A a,@B b,@C c,@D d", p).Single(); Assert.Equal(1, (int)result.a); Assert.Equal(2, (int)result.b); Assert.Equal(3, (int)result.c); Assert.Equal(4, (int)result.d); } [Fact] public void TestAppendingADictionary() { var dictionary = new Dictionary { ["A"] = 1, ["B"] = "two" }; var p = new DynamicParameters(); p.AddDynamicParams(dictionary); var result = connection.Query("select @A a, @B b", p).Single(); Assert.Equal(1, (int)result.a); Assert.Equal("two", (string)result.b); } [Fact] public void TestAppendingAnExpandoObject() { dynamic expando = new ExpandoObject(); expando.A = 1; expando.B = "two"; var p = new DynamicParameters(); p.AddDynamicParams(expando); var result = connection.Query("select @A a, @B b", p).Single(); Assert.Equal(1, (int)result.a); Assert.Equal("two", (string)result.b); } [Fact] public void TestAppendingAList() { var p = new DynamicParameters(); var list = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }; p.AddDynamicParams(new { list }); var result = connection.Query("select * from (select 1 A union all select 2 union all select 3) X where A in @list", p).ToList(); Assert.Equal(1, result[0]); Assert.Equal(2, result[1]); Assert.Equal(3, result[2]); } [Fact] public void TestAppendingAListAsDictionary() { var p = new DynamicParameters(); var list = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }; var args = new Dictionary { ["ids"] = list }; p.AddDynamicParams(args); var result = connection.Query("select * from (select 1 A union all select 2 union all select 3) X where A in @ids", p).ToList(); Assert.Equal(1, result[0]); Assert.Equal(2, result[1]); Assert.Equal(3, result[2]); } [Fact] public void TestAppendingAListByName() { DynamicParameters p = new DynamicParameters(); var list = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }; p.Add("ids", list); var result = connection.Query("select * from (select 1 A union all select 2 union all select 3) X where A in @ids", p).ToList(); Assert.Equal(1, result[0]); Assert.Equal(2, result[1]); Assert.Equal(3, result[2]); } [Fact] public void ParameterizedInWithOptimizeHint() { const string sql = @" select count(1) from( select 1 as x union all select 2 union all select 5) y where y.x in @vals option (optimize for (@vals unKnoWn))"; int count = connection.Query(sql, new { vals = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 } }).Single(); Assert.Equal(2, count); count = connection.Query(sql, new { vals = new[] { 1 } }).Single(); Assert.Equal(1, count); count = connection.Query(sql, new { vals = new int[0] }).Single(); Assert.Equal(0, count); } [Fact] public void TestProcedureWithTimeParameter() { var p = new DynamicParameters(); p.Add("a", TimeSpan.FromHours(10), dbType: DbType.Time); connection.Execute(@"CREATE PROCEDURE #TestProcWithTimeParameter @a TIME AS BEGIN SELECT @a END"); Assert.Equal(connection.Query("#TestProcWithTimeParameter", p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).First(), new TimeSpan(10, 0, 0)); } [Fact] public void TestUniqueIdentifier() { var guid = Guid.NewGuid(); var result = connection.Query("declare @foo uniqueidentifier set @foo = @guid select @foo", new { guid }).Single(); Assert.Equal(guid, result); } [Fact] public void TestNullableUniqueIdentifierNonNull() { Guid? guid = Guid.NewGuid(); var result = connection.Query("declare @foo uniqueidentifier set @foo = @guid select @foo", new { guid }).Single(); Assert.Equal(guid, result); } [Fact] public void TestNullableUniqueIdentifierNull() { Guid? guid = null; var result = connection.Query("declare @foo uniqueidentifier set @foo = @guid select @foo", new { guid }).Single(); Assert.Equal(guid, result); } [Fact] public void TestSupportForDynamicParameters() { var p = new DynamicParameters(); p.Add("name", "bob"); p.Add("age", dbType: DbType.Int32, direction: ParameterDirection.Output); Assert.Equal("bob", connection.Query("set @age = 11 select @name", p).First()); Assert.Equal(11, p.Get("age")); } [Fact] public void TestSupportForDynamicParametersOutputExpressions() { var bob = new Person { Name = "bob", PersonId = 1, Address = new Address { PersonId = 2 } }; var p = new DynamicParameters(bob); p.Output(bob, b => b.PersonId); p.Output(bob, b => b.Occupation); p.Output(bob, b => b.NumberOfLegs); p.Output(bob, b => b.Address.Name); p.Output(bob, b => b.Address.PersonId); connection.Execute(@" SET @Occupation = 'grillmaster' SET @PersonId = @PersonId + 1 SET @NumberOfLegs = @NumberOfLegs - 1 SET @AddressName = 'bobs burgers' SET @AddressPersonId = @PersonId", p); Assert.Equal("grillmaster", bob.Occupation); Assert.Equal(2, bob.PersonId); Assert.Equal(1, bob.NumberOfLegs); Assert.Equal("bobs burgers", bob.Address.Name); Assert.Equal(2, bob.Address.PersonId); } [Fact] public void TestSupportForDynamicParametersOutputExpressions_Scalar() { using (var connection = GetOpenConnection()) { var bob = new Person { Name = "bob", PersonId = 1, Address = new Address { PersonId = 2 } }; var p = new DynamicParameters(bob); p.Output(bob, b => b.PersonId); p.Output(bob, b => b.Occupation); p.Output(bob, b => b.NumberOfLegs); p.Output(bob, b => b.Address.Name); p.Output(bob, b => b.Address.PersonId); var result = (int)connection.ExecuteScalar(@" SET @Occupation = 'grillmaster' SET @PersonId = @PersonId + 1 SET @NumberOfLegs = @NumberOfLegs - 1 SET @AddressName = 'bobs burgers' SET @AddressPersonId = @PersonId select 42", p); Assert.Equal("grillmaster", bob.Occupation); Assert.Equal(2, bob.PersonId); Assert.Equal(1, bob.NumberOfLegs); Assert.Equal("bobs burgers", bob.Address.Name); Assert.Equal(2, bob.Address.PersonId); Assert.Equal(42, result); } } [Fact] public void TestSupportForDynamicParametersOutputExpressions_Query_Buffered() { using (var connection = GetOpenConnection()) { var bob = new Person { Name = "bob", PersonId = 1, Address = new Address { PersonId = 2 } }; var p = new DynamicParameters(bob); p.Output(bob, b => b.PersonId); p.Output(bob, b => b.Occupation); p.Output(bob, b => b.NumberOfLegs); p.Output(bob, b => b.Address.Name); p.Output(bob, b => b.Address.PersonId); var result = connection.Query(@" SET @Occupation = 'grillmaster' SET @PersonId = @PersonId + 1 SET @NumberOfLegs = @NumberOfLegs - 1 SET @AddressName = 'bobs burgers' SET @AddressPersonId = @PersonId select 42", p, buffered: true).Single(); Assert.Equal("grillmaster", bob.Occupation); Assert.Equal(2, bob.PersonId); Assert.Equal(1, bob.NumberOfLegs); Assert.Equal("bobs burgers", bob.Address.Name); Assert.Equal(2, bob.Address.PersonId); Assert.Equal(42, result); } } [Fact] public void TestSupportForDynamicParametersOutputExpressions_Query_NonBuffered() { using (var connection = GetOpenConnection()) { var bob = new Person { Name = "bob", PersonId = 1, Address = new Address { PersonId = 2 } }; var p = new DynamicParameters(bob); p.Output(bob, b => b.PersonId); p.Output(bob, b => b.Occupation); p.Output(bob, b => b.NumberOfLegs); p.Output(bob, b => b.Address.Name); p.Output(bob, b => b.Address.PersonId); var result = connection.Query(@" SET @Occupation = 'grillmaster' SET @PersonId = @PersonId + 1 SET @NumberOfLegs = @NumberOfLegs - 1 SET @AddressName = 'bobs burgers' SET @AddressPersonId = @PersonId select 42", p, buffered: false).Single(); Assert.Equal("grillmaster", bob.Occupation); Assert.Equal(2, bob.PersonId); Assert.Equal(1, bob.NumberOfLegs); Assert.Equal("bobs burgers", bob.Address.Name); Assert.Equal(2, bob.Address.PersonId); Assert.Equal(42, result); } } [Fact] public void TestSupportForDynamicParametersOutputExpressions_QueryMultiple() { using (var connection = GetOpenConnection()) { var bob = new Person { Name = "bob", PersonId = 1, Address = new Address { PersonId = 2 } }; var p = new DynamicParameters(bob); p.Output(bob, b => b.PersonId); p.Output(bob, b => b.Occupation); p.Output(bob, b => b.NumberOfLegs); p.Output(bob, b => b.Address.Name); p.Output(bob, b => b.Address.PersonId); int x, y; using (var multi = connection.QueryMultiple(@" SET @Occupation = 'grillmaster' SET @PersonId = @PersonId + 1 SET @NumberOfLegs = @NumberOfLegs - 1 SET @AddressName = 'bobs burgers' select 42 select 17 SET @AddressPersonId = @PersonId", p)) { x = multi.Read().Single(); y = multi.Read().Single(); } Assert.Equal("grillmaster", bob.Occupation); Assert.Equal(2, bob.PersonId); Assert.Equal(1, bob.NumberOfLegs); Assert.Equal("bobs burgers", bob.Address.Name); Assert.Equal(2, bob.Address.PersonId); Assert.Equal(42, x); Assert.Equal(17, y); } } [Fact] public void TestSupportForExpandoObjectParameters() { dynamic p = new ExpandoObject(); = "bob"; object parameters = p; string result = connection.Query("select @name", parameters).First(); Assert.Equal("bob", result); } [Fact] public void SO25069578_DynamicParams_Procs() { var parameters = new DynamicParameters(); parameters.Add("foo", "bar"); // parameters = new DynamicParameters(parameters); try { connection.Execute("drop proc SO25069578"); } catch { /* don't care */ } connection.Execute("create proc SO25069578 @foo nvarchar(max) as select @foo as [X]"); var tran = connection.BeginTransaction(); // gist used transaction; behaves the same either way, though var row = connection.Query("SO25069578", parameters, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure, transaction: tran).Single(); tran.Rollback(); Assert.Equal("bar", row.X); } public class HazX { public string X { get; set; } } [Fact] public void SO25297173_DynamicIn() { const string query = @" declare @table table(value int not null); insert @table values(1); insert @table values(2); insert @table values(3); insert @table values(4); insert @table values(5); insert @table values(6); insert @table values(7); SELECT value FROM @table WHERE value IN @myIds"; var queryParams = new Dictionary { ["myIds"] = new [] { 5, 6 } }; var dynamicParams = new DynamicParameters(queryParams); List result = connection.Query(query, dynamicParams).ToList(); Assert.Equal(2, result.Count); Assert.Contains(5, result); Assert.Contains(6, result); } [Fact] public void Test_AddDynamicParametersRepeatedShouldWork() { var args = new DynamicParameters(); args.AddDynamicParams(new { Foo = 123 }); args.AddDynamicParams(new { Foo = 123 }); int i = connection.Query("select @Foo", args).Single(); Assert.Equal(123, i); } [Fact] public void Test_AddDynamicParametersRepeatedIfParamTypeIsDbStiringShouldWork() { var foo = new DbString() { Value = "123" }; var args = new DynamicParameters(); args.AddDynamicParams(new { Foo = foo }); args.AddDynamicParams(new { Foo = foo }); int i = connection.Query("select @Foo", args).Single(); Assert.Equal(123, i); } [Fact] public void AllowIDictionaryParameters() { var parameters = new Dictionary { ["param1"] = 0 }; connection.Query("SELECT @param1", parameters); } [Fact] public void TestParameterWithIndexer() { connection.Execute(@"create proc #TestProcWithIndexer @A int as begin select @A end"); var item = connection.Query("#TestProcWithIndexer", new ParameterWithIndexer(), commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).Single(); } public class ParameterWithIndexer { public int A { get; set; } public virtual string this[string columnName] { get { return null; } set { } } } [Fact] public void TestMultipleParametersWithIndexer() { var order = connection.Query("select 1 A,2 B").First(); Assert.Equal(1, order.A); Assert.Equal(2, order.B); } public class MultipleParametersWithIndexer : MultipleParametersWithIndexerDeclaringType { public int A { get; set; } } public class MultipleParametersWithIndexerDeclaringType { public object this[object field] { get { return null; } set { } } public object this[object field, int index] { get { return null; } set { } } public int B { get; set; } } [Fact] public void Issue182_BindDynamicObjectParametersAndColumns() { connection.Execute("create table #Dyno ([Id] uniqueidentifier primary key, [Name] nvarchar(50) not null, [Foo] bigint not null);"); var guid = Guid.NewGuid(); var orig = new Dyno { Name = "T Rex", Id = guid, Foo = 123L }; var result = connection.Execute("insert into #Dyno ([Id], [Name], [Foo]) values (@Id, @Name, @Foo);", orig); var fromDb = connection.Query("select * from #Dyno where Id=@Id", orig).Single(); Assert.Equal((Guid)fromDb.Id, guid); Assert.Equal("T Rex", fromDb.Name); Assert.Equal(123L, (long)fromDb.Foo); } public class Dyno { public dynamic Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public object Foo { get; set; } } [Fact] public void Issue151_ExpandoObjectArgsQuery() { dynamic args = new ExpandoObject(); args.Id = 123; args.Name = "abc"; var row = connection.Query("select @Id as [Id], @Name as [Name]", (object)args).Single(); ((int)row.Id).Equals(123); ((string)row.Name).Equals("abc"); } [Fact] public void Issue151_ExpandoObjectArgsExec() { dynamic args = new ExpandoObject(); args.Id = 123; args.Name = "abc"; connection.Execute("create table #issue151 (Id int not null, Name nvarchar(20) not null)"); Assert.Equal(1, connection.Execute("insert #issue151 values(@Id, @Name)", (object)args)); var row = connection.Query("select Id, Name from #issue151").Single(); ((int)row.Id).Equals(123); ((string)row.Name).Equals("abc"); } [Fact] public void Issue192_InParameterWorksWithSimilarNames() { var rows = connection.Query(@" declare @Issue192 table ( Field INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY(1,1), Field_1 INT NOT NULL); insert @Issue192(Field_1) values (1), (2), (3); SELECT * FROM @Issue192 WHERE Field IN @Field AND Field_1 IN @Field_1", new { Field = new[] { 1, 2 }, Field_1 = new[] { 2, 3 } }).Single(); Assert.Equal(2, (int)rows.Field); Assert.Equal(2, (int)rows.Field_1); } [Fact] public void Issue192_InParameterWorksWithSimilarNamesWithUnicode() { var rows = connection.Query(@" declare @Issue192 table ( Field INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY(1,1), Field_1 INT NOT NULL); insert @Issue192(Field_1) values (1), (2), (3); SELECT * FROM @Issue192 WHERE Field IN @µ AND Field_1 IN @µµ", new { µ = new[] { 1, 2 }, µµ = new[] { 2, 3 } }).Single(); Assert.Equal(2, (int)rows.Field); Assert.Equal(2, (int)rows.Field_1); } [FactUnlessCaseSensitiveDatabase] public void Issue220_InParameterCanBeSpecifiedInAnyCase() { // note this might fail if your database server is case-sensitive Assert.Equal( new[] { 1 }, connection.Query("select * from (select 1 as Id) as X where Id in @ids", new { Ids = new[] { 1 } }) ); } [Fact] public void SO30156367_DynamicParamsWithoutExec() { var dbParams = new DynamicParameters(); dbParams.Add("Field1", 1); var value = dbParams.Get("Field1"); Assert.Equal(1, value); } [Fact] public void RunAllStringSplitTestsDisabled() { RunAllStringSplitTests(-1, 1500); } [FactRequiredCompatibilityLevel(FactRequiredCompatibilityLevelAttribute.SqlServer2016)] public void RunAllStringSplitTestsEnabled() { RunAllStringSplitTests(10, 4500); } private void RunAllStringSplitTests(int stringSplit, int max = 150) { int oldVal = SqlMapper.Settings.InListStringSplitCount; try { SqlMapper.Settings.InListStringSplitCount = stringSplit; try { connection.Execute("drop table #splits"); } catch { /* don't care */ } int count = connection.QuerySingle("create table #splits (i int not null);" + string.Concat(Enumerable.Range(-max, max * 3).Select(i => $"insert #splits (i) values ({i});")) + "select count(1) from #splits"); Assert.Equal(count, 3 * max); for (int i = 0; i < max; Incr(ref i)) { try { var vals = Enumerable.Range(1, i); var list = connection.Query("select i from #splits where i in @vals", new { vals }).AsList(); Assert.Equal(list.Count, i); Assert.Equal(list.Sum(), vals.Sum()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Error when i={i}: {ex.Message}", ex); } } } finally { SqlMapper.Settings.InListStringSplitCount = oldVal; } } private static void Incr(ref int i) { if (i <= 15) i++; else if (i <= 80) i += 5; else if (i <= 200) i += 10; else if (i <= 1000) i += 50; else i += 100; } [Fact] public void Issue601_InternationalParameterNamesWork() { // regular parameter var result = connection.QuerySingle("select @æøå٦", new { æøå٦ = 42 }); Assert.Equal(42, result); } [Fact] public void TestListExpansionPadding_Enabled() => TestListExpansionPadding(true); [Fact] public void TestListExpansionPadding_Disabled() => TestListExpansionPadding(false); private void TestListExpansionPadding(bool enabled) { bool oldVal = SqlMapper.Settings.PadListExpansions; try { SqlMapper.Settings.PadListExpansions = enabled; Assert.Equal(4096, connection.ExecuteScalar(@" create table #ListExpansion(id int not null identity(1,1), value int null); insert #ListExpansion (value) values (null); declare @loop int = 0; while (@loop < 12) begin -- double it insert #ListExpansion (value) select value from #ListExpansion; set @loop = @loop + 1; end select count(1) as [Count] from #ListExpansion")); var list = new List(); int nextId = 1, batchCount; var rand = new Random(12345); const int SQL_SERVER_MAX_PARAMS = 2095; TestListForExpansion(list, enabled); // test while empty while (list.Count < SQL_SERVER_MAX_PARAMS) { try { if (list.Count <= 20) batchCount = 1; else if (list.Count <= 200) batchCount = rand.Next(1, 40); else batchCount = rand.Next(1, 100); for (int j = 0; j < batchCount && list.Count < SQL_SERVER_MAX_PARAMS; j++) list.Add(nextId++); TestListForExpansion(list, enabled); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failure with {list.Count} items: {ex.Message}", ex); } } } finally { SqlMapper.Settings.PadListExpansions = oldVal; } } private void TestListForExpansion(List list, bool enabled) { var row = connection.QuerySingle(@" declare @hits int, @misses int, @count int; select @count = count(1) from #ListExpansion; select @hits = count(1) from #ListExpansion where id in @ids ; select @misses = count(1) from #ListExpansion where not id in @ids ; declare @query nvarchar(max) = N' in @ids '; -- ok, I confess to being pleased with this hack ;p select @hits as [Hits], (@count - @misses) as [Misses], @query as [Query]; ", new { ids = list }); int hits = row.Hits, misses = row.Misses; string query = row.Query; int argCount = Regex.Matches(query, "@ids[0-9]").Count; int expectedCount = GetExpectedListExpansionCount(list.Count, enabled); Assert.Equal(hits, list.Count); Assert.Equal(misses, list.Count); Assert.Equal(argCount, expectedCount); } private static int GetExpectedListExpansionCount(int count, bool enabled) { if (!enabled) return count; if (count <= 5 || count > 2070) return count; int padFactor; if (count <= 150) padFactor = 10; else if (count <= 750) padFactor = 50; else if (count <= 2000) padFactor = 100; else if (count <= 2070) padFactor = 10; else padFactor = 200; int blocks = count / padFactor, delta = count % padFactor; if (delta != 0) blocks++; return blocks * padFactor; } } }