# coding:utf-8 import sys import os import random import pygame from pygame.locals import * WIDTH, HEIGHT = 640, 480 BACKGROUND = (255, 255, 255) def button(text, x, y, w, h, color, screen, size): pygame.draw.rect(screen, color, (x, y, w, h)) font = pygame.font.Font('carton.ttf', size) textRender = font.render(text, True, (0, 0, 0)) textRect = textRender.get_rect() textRect.center = ((x+w/2), (y+h/2)) screen.blit(textRender, textRect) def title(text, screen, scale, color=(0, 0, 0)): font = pygame.font.Font('carton.ttf', WIDTH//(len(text)*2)) textRender = font.render(text, True, color) textRect = textRender.get_rect() textRect.midtop = (WIDTH/scale[0], HEIGHT/scale[1]) screen.blit(textRender, textRect) def get_random_pos(): x, y = random.randint(20, 620), random.randint(20, 460) return x, y def show_like_interface(text, screen, color=(255, 0, 0)): screen.fill(BACKGROUND) font = pygame.font.Font('carton.ttf', WIDTH//(len(text))) textRender = font.render(text, True, color) textRect = textRender.get_rect() textRect.midtop = (WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2) screen.blit(textRender, textRect) pygame.display.update() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() def show_like_interface1(screen): screen.fill(BACKGROUND) img3 = pygame.image.load("3.png") imgRect = img3.get_rect() imgRect.midtop = WIDTH // 2, HEIGHT // 4 screen.blit(img3, imgRect) pygame.display.update() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() def show_like_interface2(text, screen, color=(255, 0, 0)): screen.fill(BACKGROUND) font = pygame.font.Font('carton.ttf', WIDTH//(len(text))) textRender = font.render(text, True, color) textRect = textRender.get_rect() textRect.midtop = (WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2) screen.blit(textRender, textRect) pygame.display.update() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() def main(): pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT), 0, 32) pygame.display.set_caption('来自一个喜欢你很久的小哥哥') clock = pygame.time.Clock() unlike_x_pos,unlike_y_pos = 370,380 unlike_pos_width, unlike_pos_height = 100,50 like_x_pos,like_y_pos = 180,370 like_pos_width,like_pos_height = 100,50 running = True button_color = (192, 192, 192) while running: screen.fill(BACKGROUND) img = pygame.image.load("1.png") imgRect = img.get_rect() imgRect.midtop = WIDTH//2, HEIGHT//4 screen.blit(img, imgRect) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if mouse_pos[0] < like_x_pos+like_pos_width+5 and mouse_pos[0] > like_x_pos-5 and\ mouse_pos[1] < like_y_pos+like_pos_height+5 and mouse_pos[1] > like_y_pos-5: button_color = BACKGROUND running = False mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if mouse_pos[0] < unlike_x_pos+unlike_pos_width+5 and mouse_pos[0] > unlike_x_pos-5 and\ mouse_pos[1] < unlike_y_pos+unlike_pos_height+5 and mouse_pos[1] > unlike_y_pos-5: while True: unlike_x_pos, unlike_y_pos = get_random_pos() if mouse_pos[0] < unlike_x_pos+unlike_pos_width+5 and mouse_pos[0] > unlike_x_pos-5 and\ mouse_pos[1] < unlike_y_pos+unlike_pos_height+5 and mouse_pos[1] > unlike_y_pos-5: continue break title('小姐姐,我观察你很久了', screen, scale=[2, 10]) title('做我女朋友好不好呀? *^_^*', screen, scale=[2, 6]) button('好呀', like_x_pos, like_y_pos, like_pos_width, like_pos_height, button_color, screen, 20) button('算了吧', unlike_x_pos, unlike_y_pos, unlike_pos_width/2, unlike_pos_height/2, button_color, screen, 10) pygame.display.flip() pygame.display.update() clock.tick(60) if not os.path.exists("3.png"): show_like_interface2('我就知道小姐姐你也喜欢我 *^_^*', screen, color=(0, 0, 0)) else: show_like_interface1(screen=screen) if __name__ == '__main__': main()