# candock [这原本是一个用于记录毕业设计的日志仓库](),其目的是尝试多种不同的深度神经网络结构(如LSTM,ResNet,DFCNN等)对单通道EEG进行自动化睡眠阶段分期.
一些训练时的输出样例: [heatmap](./image/heatmap_eg.png) [running_err](./image/running_err_eg.png) [log.txt](./docs/log_eg.txt) ## 注意 为了适应新的项目,代码已被大幅更改,不能确保仍然能正常运行如sleep-edfx等睡眠数据集,如果仍然需要运行,请参照下文按照输入格式标准自行加载数据,如果有时间我会修复这个问题。 当然,如果需要加载睡眠数据集也可以直接使用[老的版本](https://github.com/HypoX64/candock/tree/f24cc44933f494d2235b3bf965a04cde5e6a1ae9)
```bash pip install mne==0.18.0 ``` ## Getting Started ### Prerequisites - Linux, Windows,mac - CPU or NVIDIA GPU + CUDA CuDNN - Python 3 - Pytroch 1.0+ ### Dependencies This code depends on torchvision, numpy, scipy , matplotlib,available via pip install.
For example:
```bash pip3 install matplotlib ``` ### Clone this repo: ```bash git clone https://github.com/HypoX64/candock cd candock ``` ### Download dataset and pretrained-model [[Google Drive]](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NTtLmT02jqlc81lhtzQ7GlPK8epuHfU5) [[百度云,y4ks]](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1WKWZL91SekrSlhOoEC1bQA) * This datasets consists of signals.npy(shape:18207, 1, 2000) and labels.npy(shape:18207) which can be loaded by "np.load()". * samples:18207, channel:1, length of each sample:2000, class:50 * Top1 err: 2.09% ### Train ```bash python3 train.py --label 50 --input_nc 1 --dataset_dir ./datasets/simple_test --save_dir ./checkpoints/simple_test --model_name micro_multi_scale_resnet_1d --gpu_id 0 --batchsize 64 --k_fold 5 # if you want to use cpu to train, please input --no_cuda ``` * More [options](./util/options.py). #### Use your own data to train * step1: Generate signals.npy and labels.npy in the following format. ```python #1.type:numpydata signals:np.float64 labels:np.int64 #2.shape signals:[num,ch,length] labels:[num] #num:samples_num, ch :channel_num, num:length of each sample #for example: signals = np.zeros((10,1,10),dtype='np.float64') labels = np.array([0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1]) #0->class0 1->class1 ``` * step2: input ```--dataset_dir your_dataset_dir``` when running code. ### Test ```bash python3 simple_test.py --label 50 --input_nc 1 --model_name micro_multi_scale_resnet_1d --gpu_id 0 # if you want to use cpu to test, please input --no_cuda ```