import face_recognition import os import shutil import datetime import concurrent.futures import cv2 import numpy as np import random import string all_img_cnt = 0 def random_str(length=12): """ Generate secret key from alpha and digit. :param length: length of secret key. :return: [length] long secret key. """ key = '' while length: key += random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) length -= 1 return key def get_bar(percent,num = 25): # graphs = ' ▏▎▍▋▊▉' percent = round(percent) bar = '[' for i in range(num): if i < round(percent/int((100/num))): bar += '#' else: bar += '-' bar += ']' return bar def lapulase(resImg): img2gray = cv2.cvtColor(resImg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # 将图片压缩为单通道的灰度图 res = cv2.Laplacian(img2gray, cv2.CV_64F) score = res.var() return score def resize(img,size): h, w = img.shape[:2] if min(h, w) ==size: return img if w >= h: res = cv2.resize(img,(int(size*w/h), size),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4) else: res = cv2.resize(img,(size, int(size*h/w)),interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4) return res def Traversal(filedir): file_list=[] for root,dirs,files in os.walk(filedir): for file in files: file_list.append(os.path.join(root,file)) for dir in dirs: Traversal(dir) return file_list def is_img(ext): ext = ext.lower() if ext in ['.jpg','.png','.jpeg','.bmp']: return True else: return False def picture_select(file_list): imgpath_list=[] for pic in file_list: if is_img(os.path.splitext(pic)[1]): imgpath_list.append(pic) return imgpath_list def find_save_resize_face(input_path): try: filename,extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(input_path)[1]) # image = face_recognition.load_image_file(input_path) image = cv2.imread(input_path) h,w = image.shape[:2] #print(image.dtype) # Find all the faces in the image and print face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(image) # print("found {} face(s) in this photograph.".format(len(face_locations))) origin_image = cv2.imread(input_path) mask = np.zeros(origin_image.shape[:2],dtype = "uint8") count=0 for face_location in face_locations: # Print the location of each face in this image top, right, bottom, left = face_location #print("A face is located at pixel location Top: {}, Left: {}, Bottom: {}, Right: {}".format(top, left, bottom, right)) # You can access the actual face itself like this: if IS_random_EXTEND: ex=int(((EXTEND-1+0.2*random.random())*(bottom-top))/2) else: ex=int(((EXTEND-1)*(bottom-top))/2) # ex_face=int((1*(bottom-top))/2) if ((bottom-top)>MINSIZE) and 0.950 and (bottom+ex)0 and (right+ex)Del_Blur_Score: #print(os.path.join(outdir_face,random_str()+'.jpg')) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(outdir_face,random_str()+'.jpg'),face) count = count+1 #mask = cv2.rectangle(mask,(left-ex,top-ex),(right+ex,bottom+ex),255,-1) #mask # if count > 0: # mask = resize(mask,256) # origin_image = resize(origin_image,1024) # cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(outdir_ori,outname+filename+'.jpg'),origin_image) # cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(outdir_mask,outname+filename+'.png'),mask) # print(output_path) return count except Exception as e: #print(input_path,e) return 0 filedir = (input("filedir:").strip()).replace("'","") outname = (input("outname:").strip()).replace("'","") #outname = 'star' MINSIZE = int((input("min_face_size(defult=256):").strip()).replace("'","")) WORKERS = int((input("cpu_workers(defult=4):").strip()).replace("'","")) # EXTEND=1.4 EXTEND = 1.6 Del_Blur_Score = 50 IS_random_EXTEND = False # WORKERS = 4 # MINSIZE = 256 outdir='./output/'+outname outdir_ori = os.path.join(outdir,'origin_image') outdir_face = os.path.join(outdir,'face') outdir_mask = os.path.join(outdir,'mask') if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) os.makedirs(outdir_ori) os.makedirs(outdir_face) os.makedirs(outdir_mask) file_list = Traversal(filedir) imgpath_list = picture_select(file_list) random.shuffle(imgpath_list) all_length = len(imgpath_list) print("Find picture:"+" "+str(all_length)) print('Begining......') starttime = face_cnt=0 with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=WORKERS) as executor: for i,imgpath,count in zip(range(1,len(imgpath_list)+1), imgpath_list,,imgpath_list)): # print(imgpath) face_cnt+=count if i%100==0: endtime = used_time = (endtime-starttime).seconds percent = round(100*i/all_length,2) print('\r','','Ok:'+str(i),'Face:'+str(face_cnt)+' ', str(percent)+'%'+get_bar(percent,30), ' Used/All:'+str(int(used_time))+'s/'+str(int(used_time/i*all_length))+'s',end= " ") #starttime_show = print('\nFinished!','Finall find face:',face_cnt,' Cost time:',(,'s')